EPIC Toy or Hot GARBAGE? - Vintage Collection Book of Boba Fett Slave I Retrospective

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[Music] I am Boba [Music] Fett so it's no secret That Boba Fett is one of the most badass and Best Loved characters in the entire Star Wars saga or at least he was until a certain Mouse neutered the poor bastard oh no but we're just going to pretend that didn't happen for a moment for the sake of exposition with any Bounty Hunter comes a need for transportation and for someone as awesome as Boba Fett no mere Ford Explorer will do enter the slave One In 1980 this was the ship that ultimately helped Fort our favorite group of Heroes in 2002 we found out it was a family heirloom once used by boba's father the equally is feared D Jango Fett and in 2021 the ship made its return now Hasbro has released this ship a few times over the years they first did the large one in the Legacy Collection around 2008 or so as we saw it in the Clone Wars then in the vintage collection did the slave one from The Empire Strikes Back and finally for its latest version which we will take a look at now from its new show to answer the question is it really worth buying the new one [Music] this release of the ship was for the book of Boba Fett that fantastic show that everyone loved from 2021 no I can't even say that with a straight face I hated this show it's so bad it's more like the book of Bubba fat because they made him a weenie I am not a weenie relax you're among friends my friends don't hang out at Weenie Hut Junior's you tell them SpongeBob there was one scene in the entire show that I thought was good when Boba Fett blows away that speeder bik gang now that that was Star Wars and was the kind of thing that Boba Fett would do but it's only like 50 seconds long or something and then we go back to B the tanks and a guy who's not even from this show anyway my personal thoughts aside I missed out on The Empire Strikes Back version of this toy so when it was re-released for the book of Boba Fett I decided to try my luck now I was impressed by This ship's size which scales much better with the figures than the allnew tooling version from the early 2000s in order not to offend anyone they called it Boba Fett's Starship this time it's slave one not Boba Fett's sea Sprite or whatever they call it now F spray oo consider me Timber shivered the slave one here comes with this pretty nifty Plastic stand with the Mandalorian logo on it the accessories the ship comes with are two missiles two seismic charges one carrying case thing and this Galactic space potato figure the Empire version came with the real Boba Fett figure F and a Haun and Carbonite instead of his carrying case thing the galactic Spud here is actually a pretty good figure he has really nice articulation a decent sculpt with good likeness a soft goods robe and he can carry both blasters and his gaffy stick on his person however for the rest of this retrospective whenever I need a figure for this ship I will mostly be using a Trilogy collection voba Fett from Return to the Jedi Ah that's better that's the real Boba Fett sorry weenie Fett you're not invited like some of the other larger Star Wars vehicles of this scale this could almost be considered a mini playet as well as a ship the ramp here can be pulled out and the space behind it can be used to store weapons or small accessories the big r space suit case or whatever this is supposed to be can be stored away in the cargo hold you can also put stuff in this thing which is admittedly pretty cool he can use it to take captives to store weapons or even take an assassin Droid for backup on missions the right side of the ship has this big panel door that can be opened up to put figures in the interior you know it's not a new tool because there are foot pegs in here remember when Hasbro figures came with stands that was nice I missed those in here Boba Fett can make deals he can take Bounty jobs team up with his allies and capture enemies really the sky's the limit on the other side of the coin Disney's space Tater can enjoy afternoon tea after a long day of filing his taxes and sorting paper clips you see the hats I am mrss nesbet the other place in the ship with ample figure storage is the cockpit the canopy itself is uh it's nice but it doesn't stay out by itself which is annoying but it's what's inside that counts the cockpit seats are on a gyro mechanism so when the ship is in its landing position they lock in place you can fit up to three figures in here which is very cool though 90% of the time it's most likely just going to be Boba Fett at the wheel to get him in the pilot seat I find it best to First remove his jetpack he'll fit in so much easier plus he did take it off while flying in the movie anyway I like the story's jetpack and Blaster rifle under the ramp so they stay with the figure when I need them for something else figures are held in the seats with a waist clip you can sometimes take some pissing around to get him in there but once he's in it's a pretty secure fit to get the slave one in flight mode you just rotate the wings until they click the cockpit seats will release and rotate up but here's the problem when you have Boba Fett in the front seat ready to fly the gyro leans forward because of the figure's weight it's not terrible but it doesn't look quite right either to counter this just add some weight at the back to keep it up straight I usually put two of these containers behind the back seats and then you're golden the slave one here has two action features number one is on the front the main guns have rocket firing action and they pack a punch too you could use them to take out your very own Speeder bike gang [Music] action feature number two is on the back where you can release two seismic charges these just plummet out of the back of the ship when you push the button but with some imagination I could see them being pretty fun oh no when all is said and done there are two things I don't like about this toy number one is if you're a kid there's no way to quote fly it the older small slave one toys had a handle on the back so you could fly around the yard pretty easily but the big version there's no such thing I would have liked to have seen a removable clipon one that could easily be added or removed as one wished I think that would have been a nice compromise for collectors who want to display it on a shelf and kids who actually want to play with a toy my other nitpick is the main cannons on the new slave one they are independent of one another and have this goofy octagonal Peg so they click into eight positions that are dramatically far apart whereas the older little one they were connected together with a ratchet sort of joint so they could be adjusted in much smaller movements which I think is far better if they combined the old mechanism with the new rocket firing feature it would have made this toy epic besides that I would say overall it's a really good ship if you have the older versions though I don't think it's worth buying the new version to have as well but if it's your first and you want a good slave one then this is a good option I am glad I waited for it to go on sale and I know that more recently at least at the time of me recording this the Bubba fat SE Sprite version has come down in price even more though the Empire one can still be a bit pricey but that's to be expected because that's the version most people will prefer so tell me in the comments below what do you think is it worth it to buy another one if you already have the older ones and what's your favorite version of the big slave one is it weenie Fett skunk spray here or is it one of the older releases why didn't you subscribe the Channel's worth a lot to me you get nothing you lose good day sir n
Channel: Collectors Critical
Views: 2,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 89i-vwU8c_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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