EPIC SCORE for Big Money! eBay Reselling Haul Video

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hi allergies welcome to the uh welcome to the alabama pickers channel today is [Music] friday april the 16th yes and it's 12 30 and i am on my way to pick up i printed this to our printer and what in the only help it's like 18 pages i sent it wirelessly to our we got a wireless printer that's tristan's printer because it's laserjet i don't really believe in laserjet because i think it's like but it was a gift for my mother and it's very sweet um and it's a multi-function copier does everything and she said well tristan needs her own printer because she asked her one day she's like don't you have any way to print anything off she's like well yeah i have to go get on dusty's computer or i email it to him and he prints it because he's got a laser printer in his office it's not wireless or whatever so my mother sent us this brother all-in-one i mean it's super nice and came with a two-year supply of ink but um which will probably last 10 years but okay so anyhow um wow scattered all over the place um i just we just got back from birmingham so here's how the last couple days have gone um tristan doesn't drink anymore tristan in the last video i kind of said i was out doing something i was running tristan halfway to birmingham she was going down with my sister for a few days for a day or so and then she was um at her big appointment at children's hospital that was yesterday so gabe and i went down we dropped her off on to monday or tuesday gabe and i went down wednesday night we had some storms come through so we were waiting on those to pass through and we got into birmingham on wednesday night around i don't know probably four or four o'clock or something like that and stayed at my father-in-law's moved moved over to my father-in-law's house so we could see he and his wife and tristan and i had to be at children's hospital in downtown birmingham early 9 9 30 on friday morning uh wednesday morning for her long-term follow-up study for it has been 29 years roughly since her release from from her cancer treatments and last chemo and all that kind of stuff um 28 okay don't quote me 28 years since died 27 28 since diagnosis like 29 since last chemo but we feel really good about it i wish she could actually tell you about this we'll probably address it later in the video um we just you know it's almost like they give you a caseworker they're like we have psychologists we have people on how to deal with stuff we have people that you know like for people that need financial assistance i mean it is basically they realize that hey we care for people when they when they you know these kids when they're going through chemo but you know there's no support system really out there for people of like what do you do afterwards what kind of health problems are you going to deal with later in life et cetera et cetera and they created this program a few years ago and we got in it so that's awesome she had to have a bone density scan a dex that's called a dex dx scan bone density scan an ekg a bunch of blood work and it was basically like go to the clinic and meet i came around that curve in the postal person sitting there holy crap that was scary um but that wasn't our mail lady um wow that's see those people shouldn't be able to have mailboxes in this room um but yeah we went in and met the lady then we met there like a couple of nurses that she knew from 30 years ago came by and said hey and immediately they're like oh my god then give her a big hug i mean it's been about 15 years since we've been there because she used to do follow-up you know stuff just to um you know follow up on different things stuff like that but but this is huge this is like okay well here's the deal since you tristan since you fired your rheumatologist and you haven't found a doctor to help you with this and you haven't found a doctor to help you with this the lady that's kind of running it she was a nurse you know she was an np um nurse practitioner and she's like i actually have a background in rheumatology and she said let me see some things and she starts looking she's like yeah and she looked at just different aspects of tristan stuff and she said you definitely have an autoimmune disorder of some of some type and she said she wouldn't rule out ehlers-danlos either even though we went and got a genetic there's no blood test for it but we went and they said she's borderline so i don't know so this is going to get her some answers she's like listen i want to get you in to kirkland clinic which is part of the uab health system there in birmingham do you all mind driving i said no whatever we got to do to get this done but with the different specialists let's see if we can kind of plant them and she goes yes we'll try to you know we'll try to definitely plan that where you're not you know coming to town then two days later having to come to town again i could do them all in like one trip or one day or one swipe so that's huge in the meantime on tuesday night i bid on a bunch of stuff on an online auction that the pickup is today which is friday over in athens alabama for those of you that don't live around here if you want to go look up athens alabama we live on the far east side of huntsville and it's west of huntsville by several several miles it's going to take me about an hour to get there i probably could have gone by if i had a planned a little better and i thought about this if i had gotten some boxes out of my parents garage or you know my father-in-law's base and everybody's got empty boxes laying around most of them actually save them for us a lot of times if they're nice boxes if i had gotten some empty boxes i could have um probably swung through athens on our way home just kept on going up interstate 65 like i was continuing on toward nashville and gotten off the road i think it's probably 10 miles off the interstate it looks like pulled up on the map a while ago and i probably could have done that but we had all the luggage we had all the stuff i had a folding table in here that i had to get back from my sister so i've got two of my folding tables back now which i'm really stoked about because i am actually going to put up a second folding table in my office um which will give me the ability to sort the state postcards a little bit better i need a little more space um but i want some lots of stuff um so it's going to be a little bit a little bit uh yeah i kind of would need some there's going to be some small tchotchkes so apparently this estate this person was there were about 500 lots when i noticed the kitchen first thing i noticed was the furniture and then you get to the kitchen stuff you're like okay everything's cuisinart and then you start looking at the surroundings you're like okay these people had money you know everything in their kitchen was cuisinart or calfallon or like something they they they had enough money that they liked the finer things in life that's probably the best way to put that and you know that this wasn't one of those it wasn't a little old lady that was a pack rat it was somebody that was probably in their 60s or 70s um and had bought a lot of stuff over the years also looked like they were probably a world traveler there was a lot of marine corps stuff in there so i think somebody was definitely military there's a good chance being in huntsville that they went on to potentially you know work as as an engineer that's what you see a lot in this town is people that serve their country and then they they stay in the engineering field or even go in the direction of the space and rocket with nasa i didn't really see any nasa stuff in the estate but quite a bit of of marine stuff uh marine corps stuff i did bid on a little bit of that i had done my research like there was a shadow box that had two one ounce silver coins it was like the hundred and they're from 2005. um the 150th anniversary of the marine corps or i forget what it was um and i was like you know and then it had a it had a buoy knife in there a fighting knife that said usmc on it and then had a couple medals that weren't really anything special um marksmanship medals that could or may or may not have been sterling but even then they're not worth a ton and then i bid on it and then the price got to where i'm like okay the two silver coins are worth about 50 maybe 60 on a good day a piece the knife i mean it i think it got up to 125 or something it was just was there 250 dollars worth of stuff there probably probably could have got you know if you waited around probably 250 i but if you're going to have to pay and this this auction charges a 10 percent buyer's premium on top of that if you're gonna i would had outbid that guy where let's say i have 160 am i going to am i going to pay 160 to get stuff that's worth 250 and then you got about 35 roughly an ebay fee so you're only going to get 215. no no if i'm not going to triple my money on something with the exception being of when it's stuff that's in bulk you know i'm okay if i buy 5 000 of an item that sells really quickly and i'm only double yeah i would probably buy something like that so there are exceptions but to do the work to have to list all those little marine individual marine corps items and then really maybe not even come out making much it's not worth it i got a dining room full of stuff that i could list did i really need to buy this lot or this auction no but there is one item in this auction that is a total home run and that's the reason that i did it i was fortunate because it was an online auction that it was at the very very very beginning and whether or not basically whether or not i bought anything else in the rest of the the entire rest of the auction was kind of determined by whether or not i won this one item and once i mean like it was lot number 21 i think i'm looking down machine it was lot number 21 at a 500 so once i got that i'm like okay i already have to go that way and that's the i don't enjoy online auctions unfortunately with covet that's kind of the way a lot of people are are headed um i don't really enjoy them i would rather be there at an auction you're already there so you're you know it's like oh i'm already here you know but with the online auctions it creates a little bit different dynamic where then you're like okay because a lot of ours are a good hour away is it worth my time i'm gonna have to take a part of the day to go over there and get it drive you know gas wear and tear on vehicle i mean just at the time really i don't really care about gas or wear and tear that's just part of the business but do i really want to you know we got one auction company that's right across the tennessee state line and you watched our videos for any amount of time you'll know that we used to buy stuff from fairly regularly and then one day i just got kind of looking at what i bought and everything else and i'm like i've got enough stuff to list i really don't need i really don't need you know do i need to take a half a day or four hours by the time you lollygag a little bit and maybe hit it you know see if you see a yard sale along the way interesting i would we'd make a little day trip out of them we'd get lunch or whatever but you know then you're spending five or six hours looking at everything ahead of time looking everything up or or or at least looking at the auction and putting stuff on your watch list you're interested in and then with the staggered clothes because if you've been in the last three minutes they extended another three minutes this one company does 2 000 items you'd start at seven o'clock at night and you might be done at 10 30 11. so you take all the factor all that in your man you got 15 20 hours tied up and tied up in that it better be good that and i got to go drive to go get it this auction was a little bit different only had 500 items in there and it was said and done it started ending at like 7 30 and i want to say it was all said and done by maybe 8 30 or 9. it's a little bit different thing going on there so um anyhow that's a little intro to the to that uh that's where we're at i've gabe was going to come with me his stomach's not doing real well i said don't worry about it i'll go get it tristan's had a heck of a day yesterday was a very emotional day for her you know the clinics and things the smells um of having dog do chemo and stuff and it's it's always tough for her to go back there um but she came away very she said i'm excited i mean she's grateful and she's happy she did she did give a little blood a little bit of blood they asked her they said we're going to have a research intern come in and talk about something real quick feel like okay she's like listen there is she said this will benefit people basically we need to take while we're already taken off they're already taking blood we're gonna get two little tiny vials we're gonna test your blood this is for research for after effects of chemo there's really is no benefit to you but our research can and will benefit other people in the future interests it's like well heck yeah i mean yes please uh but you know they have to get your permission before they do that so uh a little research intern followed her in the lab and she had her own files and she you know gotten her two vials and then went and put a brush into the fridge or she's like i gotta get these in the fridge okay i don't know why they have to go so fast but she's kind of young i think she's a bad student um so that's cool there are there are benefits to this as well outside of just tristan's you know interesting to figure out her own health but it was it they gave us a big binder yesterday with all the stuff from this program it literally they gave her an awesome printout of the day she was first diagnosed i mean literally lists like dates like you were first diagnosed at medical center east in birmingham by dr so-and-so sent for a referral and then it shows our first date at children's it shows every chemo drug she was ever ever on which was under adrienne myerson but i can't remember i can't remember all the other ones and they're finding some after effects of some of that stuff now so that's where all this is huge there's our ballpark and they're still having the fair that stuff got to go so um it's been kind of a whirlwind wednesday night i sat over to my parents and tristan spent some time with her dad and stepmother and stayed there at his house i went over to my parents i didn't tell him i was in town i just knocked on the door my dad looked through the little blinds and he just started grinning and it was like eight o'clock at night he has pajamas in his bathrobe on i said ah been in those all day what do you think my dad loves my dad gets up every morning he goes retired now and puts on his jeans and his socks and his little leather loafers and a nice button-down shirt all tucked in and you can go over there eight o'clock in the morning and whatever he's doing if he's in the kitchen or whatever he's he's ready for the day i love my parents but i sat there and talked to them to almost midnight when i looked over at the clock i said oh my gosh i am so sorry my mom goes don't be she said we we always love talking to you and i wish kristen could come you know kristen would have been able to come over too so after the next day on wednesday or on thursday when we got done with children's hospital she was emotionally drained i said listen i've already figured out where we're going for lunch she's like where i said new years but if you don't have a mooyahs near you they are awesome burgers um it's m-o-o-y-a-h apostrophe s uh it's a things franchise thales have a gluten-free bun because she said i'm getting about trying she said i can't keep cheating on stuff i'm trying to do i don't even stay gluten-free um but she and i just went she said i need to decompress for a little bit i just had a burger and some fries and and and talked and then we stopped by my parents because she hadn't seen him yet we talked for a couple hours gabe walked from her dad's house over to my parents house because it's about a quarter of a mile and i and uh he walked over so he got to see his other grandparents and uh then we all went back to my father-in-law's house and they had fixed smoked uh i got i had given him my old electric smoker the one that i bought the upright one i gave it to him when i scored that really nice pellet one and so he's learning to smoke he'd have been here since he'd really smoked and he smoked he smoked pork chops uh then we had some greens i don't know if the return of greens i guess they were they were they're amazing they're really good i can't tell the difference from one marine to the next and then she had roasted some just cut up potatoes a little bit of olive oil and sea salt and um they broke out a bottle of red wine that was left over from klein winery klein with a c when tristan and her dad went to the bama championship game in california they flew out there a couple years ago they went had some distant relatives so they went and drove on up in the north of northern california and hit some of the wineries and visited friends and stuff and they each brought back i think kristen brought back two bottles of wine i can't remember but they fell in love with the wine from this winery so i just sat around and all enjoyed a bottle of red wine after dinner and it was it was nice my goal was to get out of birmingham at nine o'clock this morning that didn't happen so i was a little bit stressy one o'clock now this company is fairly strict like nine to three that's it not to mention i'm going to be graceful here this is not my favorite auction company um for multiple reasons um just the way they do some things they got a lot of room for improve they're super nice don't get me wrong but they also don't really guard your stuff you know they don't really have somebody going oh you let lot number 13. let me walk you over there and let's get lot number 13 and making sure you don't take something out of lot number 14. and there's a couple of like a couple of these lots that i bought were like shelf of chocolate shelf of chocolates but not really these people travel all over the world there are some really good signed native american pieces in there there's one piece in there that i am super super super excited about if it turns out to be what i'm hoping that it is and it turns out it's a sign piece it's worth some big bucks and i wanted to kind of get there early because paranoid call it paranoia call it good business smart i don't really want somebody stealing that out of my lot because if it's not there and it was there in the pictures i'm going to be pushed and i'm probably going to get really ugly you know well maybe if you did your auctions another way and protected people's stuff you wouldn't have this problem i've had a few little issues with them before um just not don't be gracious i'm gonna be kind because a lot of times people watch stuff you know watch your videos and i don't have anything like i said i don't have anything against my sports total home runs from the auctions i just think that there's a better way to do things i mean there's other auction companies that'll put all your stuff together in one pile i like that the people that run the company are putting it all in one place and putting caution tape around it or taping it off or section it off and i don't know i guess they go to the grocery store and get old boxes but a lot of times they can box it up for you i like that you know with my stuff sitting off in the corner they're going to notice if somebody's over there do my stuff and they should um just pet beef in all honesty the more i have experiences where i realize that our companies here can be doing better the closer and closer i get to just signing up with high bid and starting my own auction company because i'm just about to that point i've talked about a lot lately with friends i've told you all a year or so ago that it's you know if i ever win anything else what would i do the problem is the commitment the time commitment if you're gonna have a decent auction company you're gonna have an auction that ends every tuesday night and you're gonna pick up on every friday and drop off's going to be every thursday or whatever so you've committed to two to three days a week not to mention listing all the stuff on iben i think there's some really good money to be made i know that a couple companies in here town are charging 25 buyers premium and the versus sellers premium and then they're charging 10 to 15 buyers premium they're essentially getting 40 well if you could just say hey junk auction bring your stuff if you can sell ten thousand dollars with stuff and you can sell five thousand dollars worth of stuff in a week that's two grand 40 yeah you got some credit card processing fees you got some high bid fees and things associated with i think it's i don't know it's just i really don't want to own a company if that makes sense i like owning my own ebay company nobody tells me when to work what to do chasing more money isn't necessarily always where it's at in my opinion it's great that some people do it i've watched a lot of resellers go from this business model to this one over here but then you look at them and you're like are they even happy are they you know if that whether or not it lasts long term a lot of times you're like that's not going to last you know is that really what you want to do like for me this business and our business whatever it be isn't always about making as much it's not about stacking cold you know what i mean it's not necessarily it's still the thrill of the hunt it's still something that fascinates me and interests me it's still building years and even a lifetime full of knowledge about antiques and collectibles and it's being able to go when and where and whatever we want to do and i i think you end up trading some of that off when you you know there's an old thing you know they're always teaching businesses and stuff you know you need to create a business plan when you first start a business but you need to go review it once a year and make sure you're still in line with what's your original and it's okay to tweak your business model but i see so many people that just you and yes you do have to be flexible in this business but you know i don't know i just wonder all right i got to get off here because i got to punch this in the gps i don't know where the hell i'm going i know i got to go toward nashville um but i gotta take an exit and i don't know which one it is all right we'll see when we get there 6.8 miles turn left on the state route 1 27 or something all right i made it to my pickup it wasn't bad and i started thinking about on the way there i'm like oh crap they sold curio cabinets separately so i definitely should have been there early i mean i just couldn't with the hospital thing yesterday i mean we could have left last night my father-in-law already had started fixing dinner i mean i guess you just assumed we were staying around and there's one way to get out of the house at seven o'clock this morning and i mean i could have fed tristan and gabriel and all the stuff all the toads and stuff in here but um yeah so they had taken the tchotchkes and put them down on the floor but it was like like i had lot number 194 204 205 and they just jumbled them all together but then there was somebody else's lot jumbled next to me and i'm like okay i had won a lot of books which i don't think they're going to be as good as i thought i was hoping they were going to be but um it was kind of a crap shoot on them and i didn't pay much for them and honestly there was a bunch of books in there i didn't want i left them on doesn't say you have to take everything so i got everything i ended up with you know just the right amount of totes i kind of knew in my head what i had bought and roughly how many totes it was going to take but lots of little small breakables god loved the lady running it but they need to find somebody else to count the money the lady in front of me her total was nineteen hundred dollars and she paid with quite a few twenties um i mean there's a lot of hundreds in there too eight minutes eight minutes and she had stopped and lotion her hand i finally just said you know that makes stuff for that at the office when i've tried that lotion works the best because they renew her bills like it doesn't take that long to kill me she was showing the little girl that was with the other woman you know here's now how do you do you know how to count i'm like you obviously see me standing here and i've got my cash out in hand that's kind of like a hey like a little signal of you know like i am kind of waiting on you you know um this is what but the lady ended up being a little bit short because i guess she'd been my sales tax or something i don't know she was a little bit short so she had to run to her car i will say this she then said are you ready to pay and went ahead and took me and i'm like i am and it's 500 last name's graham 564 dollars here's 580 but then it's like she goes you give me 560 i said no ma'am there's um i counted three times while i was in line there's four twenties in here and it was like oh yeah it's been a long day and i get that and i understand but it's just i don't know i'm just in one of those kind of in one of those moods today why do i feel like i'm going the wrong way i'm not in a bad mood i just was a little antsy on getting up there on time god loved gabe and his stomach hurt and it wasn't his fault so you know we kind of had to wait on him and and man there are some falling down houses out here that i'd like to dig through like people living some of them um thank goodness i didn't bid on the sectional couch they had it looked great in our living room it was upstairs hell no thank goodness the only item i had one item up there and it was it was one of my health it was my home run we all see it here in a little bit and it was um easily carryable down the stairs the books were downstairs they were in the room at the foot of the stairs so that wasn't a big deal um yeah so i will go through everything tell y'all what i got but right now for those of you following along on the map i'm lost i got it on my gps but i've got to go to uh i got to go to ardmore alabama and i'm not that far away from and i'm just on the other side side of the interstate and apparently i punched it in it's about another 20 miles and then when i get to ardmore because i bought something else at auction a totally different auction and his pickup today is three though it's 2 15. so i'm gonna take my sweet time maybe get lost a little more but his pickup today is from 3 30 to 5. so maybe i'll see a yard sale or a junk store or something um yeah i just i really am a strong believer in find some beer flats you know auction companies use those all the time the coke flats the cardboard trays that they put i'm assuming they still some companies i still use them and put coke cans i mean figure out where somewhere to get those put an employee in charge of getting them and put stuff people's stuff in price i mean especially when you have a whole bunch of smalls that are all on different shelves and you know the buyers are going to come in and take the curio cabinet away what are you going to do with all the smalls well novel idea because i got a sticker on everything novel idea put all of that lot in a tray and put a sticker on that's why i don't do i have i have helped with an estate sale before i bought the contents of the leftovers of an estate sale on several occasions and it's why i've got respect for people that do it but i have no interest in doing it um and it's a lot of reason i'm hesitant on on even having you know an auction company where stuff brought people in because i would be so paranoid about people getting the right i mean i'm gonna tell you i'd be meticulous nobody would walk out the door as a matter of fact we would probably have some sort of system you know where like the one company does here in town where we put all of one buyer stuff together kind of thing you know i know there's one company here in town their auction ends on like tuesday and pickups on wednesday and i think they get in there late at night and start moving stuff around after the auction ends and putting people's stuff together and i got mad respect for that so just a little gripen um every company does it different i'm not forced to buy from them matter of fact i don't buy from this company very often very often for you know several reasons number one i don't really like the way they do stuff and the main reason being they usually don't get a whole lot of good stuff they don't get a lot of good estates they're the kind of stuff that i like but this one was actually pretty good so i got my pen i triple checked my list made sure i had everything so we should be in good shape i have no idea where the hell i'm at um 17594 road something trailer home trailer home burner upper i think that was abandoned that one's got all the crap out in the yard really nice brick house it's weird when you get out in the country and it's that way everywhere but it's weird when you're like in alabama super nice brick house super nice brick house with a double with two car garage and you'll have like nice pieces of land and then you just have burner uppers as anyhow i probably should get off here because i think i've gone my six point something miles i haven't seen it pop up on my phone yet but um yeah so we get home i'll show you what i got all right kids before i completely run out of energy today we spent 532 dollars total with i'm looking here total with buyers premium 31 dollars in sales tax there's a ten percent buyer's premium i'm gonna tell you what we paid for each item and you can add on uh sales tax and whatever total is 564 dollars um i'm just going to tell you the hammer price and then you add a 10 buyer's premium onto that you add some sales tax on there all right assortment of books i only pay 16 so i told you they weren't as great as what i thought they were gonna be um which is still true but also i've only paid 16 bucks so i don't feel too bad about that actually i thought i paid more than that so that's a good thing that i didn't pay any more than that got a modern gun values ninth edition um sometimes these do pretty good this looks like it's 1991 maybe so this actually may be halfway decent mcmcmhl 93. x mcmxc i i i think that's 93. um there's still good reference books for people that might be happily decent who knows we shall see i'm gonna actually be kind of moving stuff over into a different box because i had to temporarily use a postal tote don't know how these are going to do this is a scottish rite member directory from 2019 um from the northern masonic jurisdiction so that actually might be halfway decent um northern yeah you never know with stuff like that masonic stuff i'll always take at least take a chance on it um i'm sure they charged grand lodge of ohio member album 2015. i'm sure they charged their members something for that they also got it on disk this person must be you ain't from around here are you they must have not been from around here they've got a page marked there um i mean lord if i can't get ten dollars a piece that was kind of my thing i grabbed this like i said i left some bucks behind old middletown i mean that's ohio maybe um there are years bicentennial so bicentennial 1795 to 1895 to [Music] 1995. bicentennial will be 200 years just kind of a little interesting history book for wherever middletown was probably was in ohio i'm sure by the time you watch this i will have figured it out so yeah whatever history collector somewhere needs that they just don't know it yet i grabbed this they can be totally hit or miss but i went ahead and grabbed it's the webster's home university home university dictionary large type edition dictionaries can be okay sometimes oh look this one's got spaceships um sometimes they suck wow this got all kinds of space stuff in the beginning of it look at that space man this was probably actually put out before the before the space program because space shoots don't look like that it is a 1962 so it was put out um it says copyright 1958 there but it says 1962 there so always go with the later copyright so that is a 1962. we'll see if it's not worth anything it shall go in the garbage i grabbed these um official price guide to antique clocks that was kind of cool even though it's old and it's outdated it's like yeah whatever i still think they're fun for reference um yeah bird watchers book of lists eastern region um tory p peterson field guide to north america i don't know why that piece of paper is in the back of it um oh so you would put where when and where you spotted something it's never been written in so 2010 coin book yeah 1968 blue book silver anniversary edition for coins eh like i said it's one of those like okay it's very outdated this was inside of it coin collecting did you know so i don't know those books um what else another box full of books oh i mean i really don't think i did too awful bad considering this is all still part of the sixteen dollar lot as well assortment of books yeah lot number eighty two machinist handbook sometimes those can be decent 21st edition that is probably 1950s wow 1980 i was way off on that one they didn't change really the look of them might be where something might not be worth anything this one's pretty roached but i could see it in there i was like oh hemingway and i knew that some mice had already gotten a hold of of the ends of it sun also rises uh copyright renewal 1954. so that's a reader copy probably we'll get kept just because we're hemingway fans although it's really not worth anything book on king tut i grabbed that because why not he's my favorite honking gift um janet daly treasury edition was she right did she write romance novels yeah let's put that one over here for whom the bell tolls ernest hemingway still got the auction sticker on that one that is actually i've had these additions i think we actually have the whole set of of the hemingway stuff these can still be halfway decent i think we've already got this copyright 1940 renewal copyright 1968 so that's the same as that other hemingway same edition 1997 lockwood post travelers directory of the pulp paper and allied trades it's come completely undone undone from its binding i don't know if it had any value to begin with so we shall say drum by dial i need a drink that's what i need i need a scotchy scotchy scotchy scotch the dial press 1962 drum was the name of the book this probably had a dust cover at some point in time drum by kyle onstaut and i thought okay not familiar with that one right off hand but not gonna leave that one behind the books i left behind were literally junk britain's old clocks and watches and their makers b-r-i-t-t-e and apostrophe s seventh edition pretty big pretty big book about eight and a half by eleven nine by twelve copyright containing a list of nearly 14 000 makers wow latest copyright here is 1956. so this was originally first edition was in 1899 this edition seventh edition was from 1956. um it is pretty cool though it shows a bunch of you know it's got some pretty cool plates book plates and stuff in it and some illustrations in it so that's a winner in my book i really don't know why i grabbed these but these are same lot miniature pinchers for anybody that has dogs be the pack leader oh my god is this cassette by caesar milan cds is what it says four compact discs you know when they spell out compact discs it's going to be a real winner it was not even the generation where they called them cds yet actually it's probably not that old all four cds are in there um 19 2007. this same lot still there were five of these book one book two book three and then two for speed writing shorthand dictation course a dictionary books one two and three on speed writing shorthand so these are course books um from probably i'm gonna say they're probably the 40s or 50s teach you how to do shorthand i don't know if anybody ever does that 1954. so those were a little bit um i don't think they're worth a whole lot but they were kind of cool so i was like yeah i'm definitely not leaving that behind that's those were one of the reasons i had bid on it because i was like okay the dictation course is kind of cool you got the hemingway stuff you got clock books you got the mason stuff couldn't tell what this was and the auction listing was laying on its side turns out it's just a notepad and who doesn't need more notepads laying around their house it's kind of cool though it looks like it might actually be handmade or recycled paper a lot of specs going on in the paper so these were in there i could tell they were newer but this is um venice it's an english map some tennessee maps i don't know what all is in here tennessee the southwest newer maps not real exciting probably not going to do anything with them oh there's an amtrak scheduling map in here that's kind of cool but it's new enough that it has a website trip info.com so yeah those may all be a dud but we shall see um couldn't tell what these were they were laying on their side i could see king tut there and then they were kind of laying like that as it turns out and there's two of them they are looks like exactly the same they turned out to actually be halfway decent they are a set of congress playing cards um probably since there's two decks probably for bridge this is talking about the exhibit in 1979 still sealed still sealed those are kind of cool those actually will probably have decent value and i guess this one was probably exactly the same thing it just didn't have the slip case and those are still sealed as well so king cut toot tootin common if you want to get technical um what is this okay next lot was some car stuff and i bid twenty dollars paid twenty two dollars with buyers premium i could see this little guy and i was like yeah he's cool but whatever probably not worth anything is a 56 or 58 i can't read that bel air made by arco products made in china arko so that was probably that's kind of cool um literally probably no value not sure oh that was the hood ornament that fell off there's this hood ornament so that needs to just be stuck back in there i'm getting the shakes there you go that little dab of glue can't fix but that's not why i bit on that one this was in there and i was like oh it's a whatever 2008 lancer evolution hot wheels so what do you do this one i figured out it was a fast it was a super fast matchbox super fast number four pontiac firebird 1975 lesney that thing is actually in pretty freaking incredible shape um i don't see any scratches that's about a 20 to 25 car if i remember correctly because i identified it and looked it up but the real reason i got it was because of this oh and i don't know how the hell you ship it but look at that it's a garage with a 57 50 something corvette in there um it's made by danbury mint i managed to find it and find a comp and the cool thing is it's worth and all those little guys will drop it even the fluorescent light in there kind of uh moves and hanging from an actual chain let me put that back up before i drop it it does not have oh on the back it's called the garage oh it's franklin mint franklin meant precision models corvette is a copyright of blah blah blah but here's the cool thing i got the paperwork i also got franklin mint oh 1958 corvette i got the little card that came with it thank you for acquiring this premier work i got the owner's manual and then apparently you had to assemble some stuff because you get a franklin mint little thingy with it there's the original hang tag and there's a little pair of tweezers so wow that'll be a fun one to ship that one actually would definitely get some bubble wrap treatment um slide that down in there that's worth 150 to 200 250 depending on the day of the week depending on um how recent the sold were so that was a pretty awesome little lot for a whopping 20 bucks and they didn't advertise it as franklin meant um they didn't advertise this prank i don't know why i said danbury uh they didn't advertise it as franklin meant i just looked up garage shadowbox corvette and boom found a couple in the comps paid 25 for these two vintage lighters play the stripper music all right let's see put that guy up there kristen left her tervis her yeti please take a number i'll piss you off shortly um the lighters i paid 25 there were two lighters they did have them spread out pretty nicely there is a ronson in the original box with the original paperwork and the cool thing about it is number one it's really cool and number two it's meant to be monogram monogrammed but guess what say ransom ronson bronson standard guess what it's not monogrammed cha-ching so that is a really cool piece but that was the one i was really stoked about that is an original zippo with a fishing scene on it i couldn't tell from the pictures if it's three hands or five hinge which kind of helps there's a five hinge um i think there was something they made a couple of these and they were part of the something series and i don't remember if this is or not but there's a way to date a zippo you can count the amount of holes in the chimney you can look at the bottom it says bradford it has four hash marks to the left of brash uh bradford and three marks to the to the right of bradford um if you search zippo um identification for age identification just google it um you will find and you can narrow that down to whatever year i'm gonna say probably how it says number 200 that's what's on the box but i'm gonna say man i'm getting the sweats i'm gonna say that is probably 1950s all right we'll be back um i need to slide some of this stuff up onto the porch and i need to get another box and i'll be right back all right get some water get some more water and get a chocolate covered banana chocolate covered frozen banana paid 35 dollars for this pear there's a roaster and a dutch oven made by magna light they're in really good condition this one's a number 5265. i kind of bought it because i kind of want to keep it but we use the instant pot in the crock pot so much i'm like yeah but i really use it there's the insert for that one i got this one with the insert a little bit smaller and it's round it's a number of 5248 solid aluminum aluminium i bought this for tristan because she's got a project that she is working on and she said do you have a sander a palm sander and i said no and she said okay but i got a bunch of sanding sheets i'm selling i paid 25 bucks and guess what it's for the mega mouse and guess what guess what uh the sandy sheets that i'm selling guess what they fit the mega mouse so it's awesome um i've got like 220 grit and like 60 grit i had a bunch in between i already sold all those but the good news is looks like there's some in-betweens in here um so that's awesome so after she's done with that dresser she's working on um it also comes with some other things i'm not really sure how you use those but it comes with direct directions so after she's done with it we can either say hey we now own a sander or we can um or we can sell it and get all our money back because i'm sure that i can probably very easily oops sorry guys very easily get 25 bucks back out of a black and decker mega mouse probably i'm sure all right i bought contents of silverware drawer out of the kitchen and i and i just broke something oh these are just little these are little japanese chinese or japanese soup spoons oh well not anymore um i paid flatware knives corkscrews and more i paid 25 bucks and i spy something that looks to be possibly sterling silver which means this might be my lucky day and i don't know if that's for tea oh oopsie maybe for tea but i'm gonna tell you that that is either sterling or it's plated and i don't see sterling anywhere on it but i'm assume that's for tea that's kind of cool look that's pretty freaking awesome gabe gabe does a lot of tea if that's that's what i would use it for well i didn't know i literally reached in there and these two um flatware trays were side by side and i just grabbed them i just grabbed them and stacked one on top of the other one and i carried them out to the car i've got a set of these with the faux stag handle tv caution extremely sharp tv knife um this one says english english town blade sheffield england that's decent it's pretty cool knife we had a set of these i always thought they were really cool and you got your sharpening steel you got so it's a carving set and you got your uh your big fork and what we're going to do with all these we're going to put all these over into here as we go through them got a couple corkscrews you can never have too many of those eb italy i mean they're not anything fancy um whatever literally just whatever got some more stag handled stuff and i'm not gonna throw anything away i mean i've got some stuff in there that's like yeah but tristan might be oh i need that for my thing i have up there that i keep my stuff in i've got a sire oh here you go english town fifth avenue stainless steel i've got another set of six of those oh here's a pack of drink mix from the true lemon look at there probably still in date this was a very nice house very clean house um so anyhow i got then i got all these stainless steel japan i've sold these yeah these are parker and sun i got a set going on there with those three handles match that one doesn't match i mean sometimes they do okay i'll probably put them all together maybe or something to see what happens okay so i got a ninja scooper for a ninja blender somebody probably has a ninja blender in once this one is for two to three and three to four and this one's for two to three and four to six for coffee maker maybe cuisinart scoop or whatever okay so a bunch of crap um a couple pieces here that look like they don't match anything uh luster where simeon l and georg oh george h rogers if i can quickly figure out the pattern on those i might do them just because they're soup label ladles tristan might actually are gravy ladles tristan might actually want to keep those because i don't know that we have any i've got a little set right here of stuff that matches these are funky they're almost like i see spice teaspoons um really cool kind of 70s pattern on those these are mark cason's golden rhapsody well that makes it really easy k-a-y-s-o-n-s golden rhapsody well that makes it really easy because the pattern name is right on it assuming that that's the name of golden rhapsody but i bought it because i thought i looked around i thought everything in the house couple little baby whisks i thought everything in the house is really really really super nice which tells me they probably had decent flatware and we're about to find out if they did or if they didn't um [Music] looks like the one i have the most of a few little mismatched pieces these look like pewter kolfa or korff korfa rogers ko rfa maybe korea oh how about korea korea right a couple of forks maybe appetizer forks um most everything in here appears to be this pattern and it is wallace 1810 so 1810 would be kind of the coating so to speak on the on the stainless um 1810 is gonna be thicker and gonna be nicer um shouldn't be too terribly hard there's quite a few wallace patterns but if you go to replacements.com and just start looking through and looking for that pattern or even go to ebay sometimes you can really quickly figure out the pattern and i've got essentially got a um pretty close to probably a full set of twelve place settings going on here at least ten let's count these one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah so probably 12 play settings of wallace 1810 flatware i do really good with flatware but it's amount it's what it amounts to is being willing to do the work to figure out the pattern um i think my blood sugar that's my cup i think my blood sugar was just getting low i ate a cheapo chicken sandwich from mcdonald's i didn't have anything for breakfast and a cheapo little double cheeseburger not the healthiest lunch but we had to figure out something on the way home because i knew i had to rush to go do this normally i get the grilled chicken snack wrap and have them leave off the cheese leave off the ranch or leave off the sauce and i literally it's just a tortilla piece of grilled chicken and lettuce and that's like the healthiest the only healthy semi-healthy thing for mcdonald's all right this was another lot there was a picture of it on the oh bingo exactly what i was hoping it would be um this was hanging on the wall and they were both hanging on the wall they didn't show pictures of the back of them let's see egyptian female musicians and male bird hunter i paid 11 that was the first piece that looked like just a cheapo tray that's actually inlaid and that is actually oh it has boobies on it um and it's really pretty and came from probably from egypt somebody paid 50 whatever the currency was 50 somethings for it over there but i recognize this piece because if you've watched our videos you remember i had a piece of papyrus and i even said to a friend of mine that was looking at the auction with me big shout out to john johnson from nevermore antiques he's like oh you don't mind screen share like i'll live vicariously through you since i can't come to your you know participate in your auction um the cool thing about it was let me take that sticker off the cool thing about it was it was um i've sold one of these and he agreed he goes yeah that looks like you know papyrus because you can see the waviness too they had a pretty good close-up um you could see there was a little stamp there we'll check this out i just noticed i literally grabbed these off the wall and put them this is the first time i've seen it burg geist gallery gallery of fine art custom framing in middletown ohio well there's your answer to middletown egyptian vacation 1984. upper egypt papyrus and then it's got giza egypt um i think the other one i have is still for sale so it hasn't i can't if i sold it or not so it's probably not a total home run it's probably i would guess are probably fairly common over there in egypt as a touristy item but who knows it's still pretty cool and it's got some provenance to it so okay here's where another fork here's where it gets fun because i need to kind of separate this and that's one of the reasons i enjoy doing these videos as i go i'm kind of backtracking a little bit this lady had a ton of dolls let me show you these real quick this lady had a ton of dolls and i didn't bid on any of them but these two kind of caught my ipad 19 as and they had to put any name they literally just put two porcelain two porcelain fairy dolls but look how well done they are and as it turns out they were the same brand as all the other dolls that i skipped because i just don't like messing with dolls um and they weren't the greatest like okay so it turns out if you look on the back of them they're show stoppers two are show stoppers um this one is numbered number 2696 out of 5 000. um the lady that did this design was florence something and it starts with a an m i believe was her last name um there's comps on these from 50 75 to 250 the other showstopper dolls that were in there went crazy prices they didn't put show stoppers in the title on that one so that's why they didn't go crazy um but i got her oh i guess i should show you the other one and i got her and she doesn't have a little baby on her on her thing but they're worth some money um now in the doll business i mean honestly even if i didn't know they were show stoppers i would have easily would i say paid 19 i would have paid that just because they were the fairies so if you look at the showstoppers dolls the unusual ones are the ones that bring money okay the stop i made on the way home i paid 165 i did not pay any buyers premium at this particular place but i got and they knew what they were it says 14 carat cases they were two watches with limited warranty paperwork and they are both marked 14 karat gold on the back of them um and they're ladies watches unfortunately i didn't know that from the auction i couldn't tell how big they were it was really hard to tell but i just took a crap shoot i'm like okay there's 165 worth of gold there um easily especially with gold prices where they're at so on those i'll probably price them at 500 each i'll probably leave one with the box and one without i might do them together as a pair um i don't really know but i jumped on those somebody brought him to a friend of mine brought him to my attention and i jumped on that auction he goes you got 15 text message me and he said i don't know if this is up your alley but go check this out that was the same night i just got done bidding on the other stuff from the other auction and he goes you got 15 minutes and they were at 90 bucks well i went up to 165 so i'd have no regrets on that one i think i did good all right so everything else that is left isn't a lot and i don't really know porcelain dolls oh that's coming up so native american woman figurine invasives paid ten dollars goldfish figurines blah blah blah mariachi boy stuffed sequin things you're about to see frosted dolphins 85 culture another lot of tchotchkes thirteen dollars another a lot of tchotchkes fifteen fifteen dollars so fifteen twenty eight hundred and thirteen hundred and twenty three about 125 bucks if i'm doing that right for what i'm about to show you i didn't really keep them separated unfortunately but these people definitely love to travel the world i took some paper with me um they definitely love to pick up look it's carmen miranda um these are not artists signed that i can see those two pieces oh i'm not gonna do this um but they're definitely terra cotta handmade don't put auction stickers on stuff oh there's something inside there this one is marked ny 301 390b probably by whatever native american artist did it um it's a nicely done piece ish not really not as nice as some of the other one this one says ketope candelupe matagone pto something here's the awesome thing whatever that is it's going to end up being the artist's name and it's going to give provenance to it and it's going to be able to say native american those are sequins those are gorgeous and there's a little bitty copper cup inside of it um if you look up native american sequin animals they bring anywhere from 50 to 125 i didn't see a jug like that with those on the side of it here's two more pieces this one's based on a block of wood says 200. i don't know what currency that actually was but it says 200 and it's 0-0 um look at that i mean there's some work that went into that that one he's got a few little beads missing to his face but i'm not doing a ton of wrapping because i'm really not going very far here's another native american piece wow that was heavy that one's egyptian probably god that thing weighs at least a pound that is probably made out of some kind of car of stone actually that one's terra cotta fish stoneware actually more um doesn't have any markings on it so to be determined like i didn't want everything in each one of these lots but there were enough like ooh the rainbow sequin you know pieces hell yeah i want that let's talk amongst yourselves this is three little seals made out of fur probably had candle there maybe on a piece of driftwood i've sold these little seals before so i have to look that one up and see if i can find anything on it white sands new mexico gypsum valley of fire new mexico lava rock is what that says you go and a piece of lava rock don't know has any value to somebody somewhere i'm sure it does so it says mexico 1996. like a rain stick kind of interesting piece touristy item whatever these are marked z max t-max not really sure either pretty though i don't get as excited over the mexican stuff as i do maybe native american stuff there's a burger squirrel or something oh wow jamon i've actually had that before um i've had that marking before on stuff mexico that's an ornament look at the deer on it a lot of painting and work that went into that this one costs 2 000 some currency she's made out of paper mache she's got a little bamboo breast map in case she gets tired she's gonna wait and try to cross the border seeing the way that i'm taking that um okay let's put that oh that was gonna happen but this one's got something in it please don't be somebody's remains oh wow he kind of turns colors from black to gold he's a little translucent look at that i don't know what kind of stone that is this one says egypt 199 1984 on the back of it so that's terra cotta handmade that's really neat i need some more paper this one hand carved wood it doesn't say anything it's full of seashells it's got a whole bunch of seashells in it and a piece of fool's gold little piece of coral that one don't get me real excited what is this and what is this you gotta carve a wooden dolphin he's pretty he got native american indian these are actual rocks but they um kind of got a stone or a wood look too i got all these little card fish yeah they were just part of the deal i didn't look at what this said but oh there's the other one these were all laying in the picture and you could see those two pieces of which one is apparently broken this little piece of paper said quartz india crystalline quartz which is a very small each crystal reflects a spark of light it comes in various shades of green but i don't know what these are oh they say mexico they're a little mexican hanging around your necker thing made out of stone and that one actually broke well that sucks break a break and break it i don't think that broke i might have broke when that thing just fell on there to go i might have done that um these guys were in there and they were they were in but just with like the mexican stuff or whatever there's another piece that's that's cool on terra cotta i mean look how well done that is be careful with that guy there's a lighthouse don't have any markings i don't know i got these two guys revolutionary war dudes and i got a cannon cannon has no markings these say perth pewdery perth pewter p-e-r-t-h american rifleman sculpted by lionel forest and this one says continental continental infantry american rifleman so don't know what the pewter statues are worth but i'm thinking that one was in with the lot of pewter pewter perth american removal i paid 15 for that lot it had the sea otter in it the dolphin figuring the tray of seashells wooden urn perth pewter birth pewter marble maybe sculpture of mountain lion oh you haven't seen that yet uh bottled lava rock from new mexico okay that was the rock and the sand and lighthouse figurine 15 bucks winter winter this was a lot of dolls and here's what's interesting about these this lot of dolls was i paid 55 bucks and i'm gonna tell you why i did because there was one doll in here and they had them set up they were set up on set up on the person's dresser or actually they were on like an entertainment center thing in the living room and you could see this little girl and her tag was turned and i said it was turned just like that and i said that she's a madame alexander my mom collected madame i grew up with madame alexander doll not me personally but my mother and grew up around him my sister had him blah blah and i could see halloween treats and then this guy was back by like this and her two little trick-or-treat bags and i went oh oh oh oh oh and then i realized i got the look and i'm like okay everything on that shelf then this girl no she wasn't part of that i didn't accidentally grab somebody else's crap did um i don't see anything on the back of her neck she's not the one i'm thinking of i don't know where the hell she came from she might have been in that watch but she's not the one i'm thinking of hold on i could see this was the one i could see in the background i could see this little girl i could see that little girl so i looked her up i was like she has that madame alexander look sure enough she's madame alexander and she's probably worth about 150 bucks if not more winner so i knew between that and halloween the halloween was like maybe 75 50 75. um she's got that madame alexander look i can't remember where madame alexander marked their crap on these dolls um so i got her little red riding hood i suppose see there should be a tag or something now she says made in china on her foot okay so she may not be anything oh that bird was up on the porch scare the crap out of me but then there were these these dolls and i haven't even looked at them yet um yep halloween leopard costume i couldn't see the tags 100th anniversary teddy bear doll so those are madame alexander probably i mean even the small ones like that got to be 15 20 bucks i don't know what this stuff is i guess this was part of my other stuff but it almost looks like it's made out of bone no it's plastic little guy i don't this little guy and this little guy i don't know what's going on with them just a shelf full of chocolates these were actually in with these were actually in with some of the other foreign travel stuff so it's a little mariachi and his mariachi yet they're kind of neat i don't know if they're any oh look at there spain madame alexander bam right there on the tag so and look at the little guitar and his little guitar in the little case it actually has real strings on it so apparently there was a spain madame alexander set because i'm assuming they go together oh yeah their faces look very yeah they probably go together feo schwartz is where she bought the the doll stand so not sure what they're worth but hopefully they like i said they weren't even in with the madame alexander dolls they were over with the like the mexico stuff oh and his hat and some little stone dolphins there's his hat his mariachi hat and i think this may go this may be attached to the fairy dolls i'm not really sure i'll have to look find them and look at some pictures of them there's a yeah this was in my crap i don't even remember what it went with but okay so i did not realize till after i built a bid on the lot they call this a maybe marble maybe sculpture of mountain lion this is in the 15 lot here's the deal hey it's not a mountain lion it's a bear and he's attached there and he swivels well here's the deal there's an artist named sopal s-o-p-e-l and wait a minute man and i'm hoping that somewhere engraved on there i can't tell if that says something right there or not but what he would do is he would mark he would engrave his name in there if it would be more more readable than that um i don't if it's sobel it has a potential to be worth two or three thousand dollars i didn't even know that was it if not even as a carved piece of jade it's potentially maybe worth a hundred so winner winner chicken dinner either way you go and i just rhymed and i just remember there's a food truck down the street today we got a little store down the street from us and last but not least and the whole reason i went to this auction the whole reason i'm gonna need that because i think i'm gonna show you something and i'm hoping it's in there vintage ornate mantel clock 130 sorry you got earbuds on i am so sorry here's the cool thing and some of you know i collect clocks tristan even looked at when i showed her the picture she goes oh my god can we keep it and just enjoy it for a while and i was like yeah [Music] i had it all wrapped up back here in my jacket but i needed my jacket [Music] so here's the cool thing number one either somebody's had it restored or it's just been pristinely kept over the years so i paid 130 plus 13 buyer premium plus some sales tax so 150 bucks they had it on the back they put stickers on everything they had it on the back of it where you could barely barely see let me see if i can show you where you could barely see and i saw sonia and i went sonia sonia sonia and sonia i know enough about clocks to be dangerous i just love them and i went and looked it up and it is called the model is called an antique ansonia antique cabinet mantle clock but antique cabinet is the model um i did take the dinger donger off the back of it because i didn't want that banging around inside there and throwing the everything off it did have the key with it it has a sticker in here that says lloyd bracken middletown ohio and then when i got there to pick it up i found this piece of oh wow it says something inside the back of it t straw hog so it looks like like they do what like people do with watches watch makers a lot of times we'll put if you look there there's something stamped over on the back of that door um and you can't really i can't even see it but watchmakers will put and there's a couple of different marks like every time they work on something they'll put their mark in a little code for when they worked on it this was in the back of it this clock one of the finest made in america was made by the ansonia brass and clockworks of ensonio connecticut established in 1844 by several estimates this clock is said to be at least 150 years old 1968 so 1868 1818 i think they're off on that because what i found on online said it was 1894. but here is where it gets really cool because we're going to look up in sonia but i found on i'm collectors weekly if you just search antonia and sonia a-n-s-o-n-i-a antique cabinet clock there's an article you'll find from collectors weekly that gives a link to an auction from several years ago where one of these went for eighteen hundred dollars but nobody and i meant to go over and preview this auction i never made it but nobody realized number 70 to page 77 nobody realized what it was which makes me very excited page 70 oh there oh there it is cabinet antique cha-ching cabinet b or cabinet c um cathedral gongs french sash and metal dial so how could you own this book and have that piece of paper that said it's 150 years old when this flat out tells you it was made in 1896 i think i said 1894. 1896. the value in here was 237 to 255 dollars and this book is from 1981 so um 1985 sorry so i am absolutely stoked and then the bonus was seeing the jet when i was going back and look at the pictures going what all did i buy and i saw the jade piece i was like please be by soap i think it's sopo was the artist's name s-o-p-e-l um i don't see him definitive engraving on it like one that really stands out which i think is how he probably would have marked his stuff so i'm not incredibly hopeful but i am a little excited because if nothing else is worth a hundred bucks so i spent you know i spent five six hundred dollars and i've got a piece that i probably will price at three thousand or best offer um and then just let it sit um i definitely will clean it up a little bit it's got a little dust on the top of it i'm not gonna use any furniture polish or any of that crap on it but oh my gosh it's gorgeous i also need to see if it works um that's not running but then again it's probably not wound i mean guys this thing is just i opened the front of it it's just absolutely gorgeous i don't see a single flaw on it um i mean to be a hundred and i'll be 130 you're about 130 years old now 125 years old just absolutely gorgeous please don't be overwhelmed now that sounded a little overwhelmed [Music] oh crap i just put it at 12 o'clock the single dong was the 30 minute mark six seven see the hammer [Music] 12 did 12. it's kind of acting like it wants to go sometimes there was oh that was the keyhole for the gong hold on there's two keyholes that's right i think it's overwhelmed damn it so that was probably the key that was probably that was probably the winding one was probably the ones the winding usually for the clock mechanism one's usually the winding for the gong um i don't know it's gorgeous it's a it's at least a temporary keeper in my book so um and then we'll go from there if and when it does get i'm sold i will have my mailbox store pack and ship it and i will actually take out their insurance um so they know exactly how much it's worth and if i had to pay a hundred dollars to have it boxed up double boxed and wrapped in styrofoam i really don't care i'll do whatever i have to do um to make sure it gets there and survive so i'm pretty stoked about that all right that's it i'm gonna go check and see what the hours were for the uh food truck because i'm kind of mildly excited about that i wonder hopefully they have something that tristan can eat um it's the hippia i think it's their hippies h-i-p-p-e-a food truck i think it was gonna be here tonight and i might run up there and get some food because i don't feel like cooking so all right and i know she doesn't she said i just need to rest um and i understand so all right guys that's all i got seal maybe not we don't have mine in the back we don't have wine in the back hold on all right we're gonna wrap up this video because i didn't get it uploaded last night because after i did my little haul video i ain't gonna lie i might or might have not fallen asleep while we were watching tv oh you you totally did you were scared because i'd like i'd wake myself up and i'd look over at you and see if you're looking at me because then you'd be like you're asleep go to bed and i'll be like no i'm not i'm not this one's totally my dad so how was your children's hospital thing i don't want to talk about it but it was good like you feel good about it i feel incredible about it i'm just absolutely this is awesome like i'm tired like all my friends keep texting me when are you gonna when can we talk what are you doing you know i'm like i don't want to talk about it anymore i don't mean that ugly i'm just i'm you can see our groceries it was um if when we make a turn you'll hear our wine um thank you for all these paintings [Music] this is what i have to start using cerave your dermatologist recommended that so tristan got on the cvs app but buy one get one fifty percent off yes i mean walgreens buy one get one fifty percent off and then you had ten dollars in walgreens rewards or whatever on top of that and it's so nice man sunscreen what does it smell like sunscreen doesn't have that like no this is more like a medicinal okay so y'all heard me talk about no it doesn't smell good at all um y'all heard me talk about my skin and how it burns and everything and i talked to my dermatologist about it and she said that sounds more like a um autoimmune disorder or autoimmune issue than it does a dermatological issue um so when we went to did you tell them all about children's yet yeah for the most part okay so several hours of testing and bone scans so when we went back or when i went to children's and was talking to my nurse practitioner um i was telling her which is really cool she now works in the long term follow-up care department um for pediatric cancer survivors but she used to be a rheumatologist um person person like she was the uh [Music] nurse practitioner for a room the rheumatolog for a rheumatologist and um who is in the musculoskeletal uav section and so she was looking me over through those eyes she said i can't diagnose you but because i told her about the issues i've had with my rheumatologist here and tried to get the labs i needed and blah blah blah and like i showed her the last thing of lab works that the rheumatologist had done and she's like he didn't even do this panel this panel this panel this panel she was pretty like not too thrilled either but so she does you know looks me over through the eyes of a rheumatologist and um as we were leaving i said do you think i have an autoimmune disorder and she said yes i do we just have to figure out what it is so as crappy as that is it still just further proof that it's not all in my head like not that it's like she said it's not that we can there's no magic pill for it or whatever but it gives you some closure and helps you learn how to deal with things you know diagnosis always helps even if there's not a cure so because i have all these symptoms of all these different autoimmune disorders because they all you know kind of get fuzzy and they share a bunch of symptoms apparently i have a touch of rosacea i didn't realize that i just always thought it was acne you know and that's a lupus symptom um the thyroid you know there's just all this different stuff so um she is sending me to where she used to work to the um it's in the musculoskeletal department and we're going to try to get to the bottom of the ehlers-danlos we're going to try to get to the bottom of what is going on with my body and why it's acting crazy all the weight gain all the everything and i'm for the first time in a very long time oh and um men this may be too much for you but the women that watch all understand had a radical hysterectomy with a partial boopherectomy when i was 28. so i don't have to go to a gynecologist anymore because there's no there's nothing the gynecologist yes there's a you women will get there's nothing to smear so um right and i don't have a family history of any kind on either side of any kind of um female cancers no breast cancers no uterine ovary cervical anything like that which i don't have most of that so um i've been to a couple gynecologists here and there just for endometrial i still have a touch of endometriosis and i have one ovary left bobby blah and they're like you really don't need to come back unless you know you have a specific something so there's really no one overlooking my mammograms which i've had two i've had to have some lumps removed so anyway um so she is putting me on with the breast health clinic as well so they will take over that section of my house so basically she is just sending me to all the all the right they're all going to be in the same health career they're all in the same health courses junior system talks to each other which is i'd already let her this that's like a giant pet peeve but it's getting better but not all the doctors systems are tied up together it's just stupid so i'm really really really really happy about that so hopefully we'll be able to get to you know i'll be back on top of my health care um she was awesome she's like you'll see us once a year but if you need anything in between now and then you know you do not hesitate to call and i'm i'm just um you gave some blood that'll help other people i talked about that a little bit but i'm researching oh uh he just ran that way which means there's probably he just took off right through there in the middle three o'clock in the afternoon um i'm tired i it was more than it was way more emotional than i thought it was going to be um it brought back a lot of memories i wasn't prepared to deal with um i cried a few times but i got to see my oncologist who saved my life and i got to see my nurse i like imagine a doctor that works with kids or an oncologist when works with kids that's all he does pediatric oncology with the most awesome sense of humor because he deals with kids like why can't all doctors be like to be jovial and be like y'all after 30 years which granted i had special circumstances that kind of make me stick out but there were he remembered so much yeah yeah and it was just you know it was like going home so i finally i'm i feel look how beautiful yeah those are the bushes with big pink blues i can't remember what those i need to go cut a few of those off and bring those into the house and all the bugs with them so we just went so yeah so that was really i'm excited we just left aldi because we were like didn't have milk i almost called you and said do i need to stop for at the store on my way home from ardmore but it was like okay publix up there or that walmart neighborhood market that's not i don't really like that neighborhood because it's excuse me well it's a little it's one of those where when you're loading your groceries you're gonna have to be doing this all i mean that's the cod's almost true oh where you tell me to watch your sticks um but we just went to aldi there was a guy that we both forgot the quarter for the shopping carts we both forgot the quarter for the shopping cart we get all the way up to the shopping carts i said where's the because you always remember always grab the quarter so i head back to the car this older guy sees me he's got a mask on me you can tell he's grinning apparently he's not he said so i'm waiting at the buggy thing and he turns to me he giggles he goes who forgot the porter so he's already on inside by the time i get back from the car and i went in and found him because he was on that first aisle i said just for the record he turns around and i said she's the one that always has the corner so i don't have to worry about it he started laughing well he and i get to talk and i notice he's got an army hat on he's probably his 70s right yeah not 80s but and i noticed he had an army hat on and we got done and i said he saw my shirt that said don't be a richer he goes are you a richard and i said you didn't know what that's doing because i know very well i wonder what that stands for i said no but everybody else in this world right right now is and he said something we got done talking i said hey thank you for your service and he goes he said he said my pleasure you were worth it and i went wow i've never heard that response and i just went i almost started to hear up i told you something like that dude he said something about coming he goes well she won't eat asparagus let me know and i'll be there i said well the only problem is the only problem is we usually eat around nine o'clock at night he goes yeah that's when we eat too so i'm assuming he's married that's nice although the guy like that you can tell i mean he was just laughing and joking he was so you know he's not married to somebody that's a stick in the middle we chatted all well look at your dad what my mom has great sense of humor what she wants we chatted all the way down the first aisle and halfway up the second absolutely he was awesome i got the gold watches listed today and that's as far as i've made it because i woke up this morning i realized i had 40 something to ship from okay but i shipped all the way up to the time we left huntsville on wednesday so that was half of wednesday thursday friday and part of saturday morning and yeah so anyway i thought y'all might want to see tristan so that we could confirm that i haven't buried her somewhere because she hasn't been in the last couple of videos and it might be like these people are happy all right love y'all
Channel: Alabama Pickers
Views: 885
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, eBay Algorithm, Increase Sales, Amazon, Amazon FBA, How to Resell, Reseller, Reselling, How to, Resale, Selling on Amazon FBA, Selling on eBay, Picker, Picking, Yard Sale, Garage Sale, Haul Video, Thrift Store, Goodwill, Goodwill Haul Video, Reselling Business, Work at Home, Day in the Life of a Reseller, How to make Money at Reselling, How to Sell on eBay, How to sell on Amazon, Reselling Items on eBay, Storage Auction, Auction, Storage Unit, Retail Arbitrage
Id: SxuKyx6GPrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 58sec (6478 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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