Epic Road Trip to Alaska: Vulcan, Calgary and the Canadian Rockies

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well as the sign behind me indicates we've made it to Alberta Canada this is the Canadian portion of our Alaska Adventure from the border crossing to Dawson Creek the beginning of the Alaska Highway Vulcan Calgary and the breathtaking Canadian Rockies will be some of the highlights I'm riding riding riding riding in IV wherever I want to be guys I'm free good morning destination Canada we're going to cross the border at the chief Mountain Port of Entry which is actually inside Glacier Waterton Lakes National Parks and this is one that was closed for 3 years during the pandemic in fact as of this filming it just opened wind back up it should be a cynic one we're about to turn left onto State Route 17 the chief Mountain Highway there's the sign Port of Chief Mountain 14 miles oh there it is Chief Mountain very impressive I was really expecting this stretch of road to be a little more I and it is don't get me wrong but perhaps we've been spoiled by everything we've seen so far or perhaps we're just nervous about the border crossing which why would we be right my only apprehension is that I'm towing an RV that is not registered under my name it's got a dealer plate so it still belongs to Wago and I'm concerned they might give me a hard time because of that but no here's the summary all they cared about basically was Firearms alcohol alol and pot and apparently alcohol was okay because as you can see they let us through they did ask us some trick questions like what's inside the RV how we met and whether it was our first time going to Alaska now greetings from Alberta everyone this should be our third Canadian province if you count our 2013 Ontario and Quebec road trip from 10 years ago it's a pivotal moment here in our epic road trip and look at this scenery all around us this is amazing this is the the chief Mountain Crossing border crossing P of entry and uh that's uh Waterton National Park you know which is part of it's contigous to Glacier National Park well we continue North the sun has come out it is now time to switch Starship to the metric system and I kind of wish we could just change certain things like just the speed perhaps but GM didn't give us that [Music] option [Music] he and we're living Waterton Lakes National Park and all of a sudden it is starting to look like Kansas and when I say Kansas it could be Nebraska North Dakota pick your Great Plains State still there is something uncanny Perhaps it is because I know or the spit limit signs but you can tell you are no longer in the United States even though the land and the infrastructure are almost identical but not quite maybe it is painted differently different color palette different font on the signs I don't know yeah I think the grain elevators are a little [Music] different [Applause] Moment of Truth it is time for our first interaction of any kind in Canada besides the border crossing let's do our first fill up well here we are Petro Canada our first fill up in the in in Canada uh I'm still trying to figure out liters and kilometers we're in Vulcan Canada by the way there's something very cool we're going to see next uh right across the street but first we're hungry and we've heard A&W is totally a thing here we've been Keen to try it their burgers are named after family members like Grandpa Mama Burger so we got some poutin and the uncle burger well that was good that was I think that was my first root beer which H it's not acquired taste I'm sure now let's go across the street well of course we're invol Alberta Canada and this town has really embraced the Star Trek reference as being the home planet of the most beloved character Mr Spock what a great publicity stunt the town of Vulcan has made I'm sure originally it didn't have anything to do with Mr Spar but let's see let's see what they have there's the HC which is more like a museum and this reception area and of course there's a gift shop very interesting place we decided not to go into the Hol what they have is the new memorabilia pictures they have like a picture of of loner nemoy when he came here Mr Spock himself and this is what looks like a crude representation of a shuttle craft let's go see the Enterprise there's the Starship there and the flower looking contraption maybe solar panels and the mural with cutouts so you can take a picture okay let me guess Mr Spock toal Jane way would that be Scotty that's aora and of course that's got a be Kirk and that's of course Mr WF and that's the Enterprise the original oh not really it has a different uh um license plate whatever you call that um tail number it's not the NCC 1701 what can I say live long and prosper let's let's go there's a mural there's a statue of Mr Spock and there's a transporter let's see if we can see all of them of course all the street lights are like little Enterprises and here on the right there's a mural depicting all the doctors from the the original series until Enterprise that is let's see if we can park and see them up close here we are one block away from the mural and the bust of Mr Spar well yeah it's one of those downtowns with old diagonal parking as you can see so I parked back there one block away Mr Spar should be nearby well there is Mr spark himself no wrong hand no no right hand live long and prosper here we are now there's supposed to be a transporter somewhere around here but I can't find it well look what we found a transporter beat me up Scotty which is a phrase that was never said in the series I don't think and there's Gyan card let's check out the mural across the street and yeah let's just check out the mural real quick and then we're going to [Music] Calgary okay track stop doctor's mural and of course that will be all the doctors up to this point in the Star Trek series right that would be Dr flux from Enterprise mcoy from the original series of course a Dr Crusher from TNG the doctor from Voyager and Dr Bashir from DS9 all right very cool how the town and the county of Vulcan have embraced the Star Trek Motif I mean even even the lamps even the street lights are like tiny little Starships kind of reminds me of Roswell New Mexico a little bit in that sense get out you have the star treking signal on the sidewalks and on the crosswalks too yeah there are Star Trek references everywhere this town definitely worth a quick stop if you are a Star Trek fan now let's continue towards Calgary there's a harvest host near downtown we're going to meet up with some viewers and then we'll try to explore the city a little bit and if we like what we see we might come come back on the return trip from Alaska here we get a glimpse of the Canadian Rockies to the West although I'm sad to say it is a little Smokey from all the wild [Music] fires and there it is Calgary in the distance very good looking [Music] Skyline the plan is to stay at a harvest host very close to downtown so we can potentially unhitch or at the very least take an Uber to where we want to go and uh here it is skunk quirks Distillery but there is only one hiccup in otherwise well-conceived to plan The Distillery doesn't open until later this afternoon and there is no clear RV parking area and they are not answering the phone so after much deliberation and risking a noshow penalty we are improvising a plan B there's a shopping mall south of town that allows overnight parking so that's where we're going this is it the South Center Mall ooh that's one tight turn I'm glad were [Music] short all right this seems to be the RV [Music] section well we ended up at South Center Mall here they have free uh RV parking you just have to register with the client services it seems pretty nice we we are kind of under the shade of these trees so it's not going to It's it's hot today it's unusually hot but I think we're going to be fine we we but the point here is Harvest hosts when it works it's great but it doesn't always work and I think that that's something that needs to be pointed out and in this Cas well you saw that place it was just a street in a semi industrial area and um and there was no communication you know like and what we have to arrive after 6 in the in the in this case I don't know not what I was expecting I was I was really looking forward to patronizing the business and getting some moonshine but sometimes it doesn't work and if they give me a strike for not showing up I showed up it's uh it's all right now let's see if we can explore a little bit of Calgary here because tomorrow we're going to the Canadian Rockies after an early afternoon meet up with Kiara and her family we've decided to take an Uber downtown that way we don't have to deal with traffic parking all that in a new city we really don't know what to expect ooh nice architecture the idea was to go to Calgary Tower first but I think we're going to see if we can get something to eat instead well we decided to come by downtown and yeah but we that's the Calgary Tower we're going to walk around a little bit we don't have a whole lot of time we have like 2 hours 2 hours of daylight left but we're going to make the best of it and maybe get something to eat oh we have some street art here the tall building is called the bow and is one of the most iconic here in the city and here's the light rail transit system called SE train this is the heart of downtown here by the bow we encounter this peculiar wireframe sculpture of the young girl's head called Wonderland made by none other than Spanish sculpter H plena it is meant to represent the dreams of the young people of Alberta we saw a similar style sculpture also made by plansa at Papa Jon's Park in De Mo very very cool let's get inside the [Music] head very impressive sculpture very impressive building I really wish we had time to to explore more but we'll probably pass through here on the way back from Alaska so we might allocate a day or two you know I didn't think Calgary was going to be this nice Steven Avenue here seems to be happening very Lively very Lively I'm trying to think there's a BB we have to figure out somewhere to [Music] eat coming out here we have an old fire engine and as you can see there are just too many choices now apparently this patio season everybody is out and about enjoying the great weather let's be Arts we ended up at this place called social good barbecue brisket well that was pretty good barbecue we order way too much food but great Ambience great great great people watching here on this street uh on Steven Avenue here in Calgary now we're going to get an U Back the here's our ride well this was certainly just a taste of what Calgary has to offer The Taste an appetizer that left us with a desire to try the entree what a great vibrant and diverse City at least what we saw [Music] our first day in Canada is coming to a close it's been a it's been a good day but I'm tired we're we're tired I mean it's a first uh even though the the border crossing was virtually uneventful and very easy it's still stressful you know you still get a little nervous you know you don't know what they're going to ask you for and whatnot or if they're going to take your wine um then we went to visit a a a a very special uh viewer here in Calgary and then we went you know downtown which was a I I I'm so pleasantly surprised by by Calgary H yeah vibrant vibrant super diverse City now this is going to be home home for the night and tomorrow tomorrow the journey continues towards bam Lake Louise Jasper Grand Prairie Dawson Creek and the rest is Alaska Highway history let's get a good night's sleep and tomorrow the journey continues going north the journey to Alaska reheating leftovers well this ended up being very convenient so thank you South Center Mall here for for letting rvers spend the night now we're going to go to Safeway which is right there next door to get some groceries because as we go north it's going to start getting more and more remote and and I'm sure the Calgary Safeway here has everything so let's do that today we're going to Bam National Park but first let's drive by downtown with a trailer in toe because that's how we do it trust me there's a method to our Madness we do have a [Music] [Applause] [Music] plan here we are descending onto downtown Calgary once again we're just crossing through though our next point of interest is actually on the other side of the B River so many parts of downtown and the city in general that we didn't get to explore let me tell you we must return for [Music] sure [Music] now passing by Olympic Plaza according to what I read in Winter they converted into an ice skating rink it is not often that we get to drive in in a big city and we've been in nature for a couple of weeks now so it is a welcome change if only for a little bit in fact I'm already itching to get to the mountains but first we're going to that spot I mentioned where supposedly you get a great panoramic view of the Calgary Skyline here on the left we have an Old Clock Tower dwarfed by old the skyscrapers surrounding it behind it Harmony Park and this must be [Music] Chinatown oh yeah this is going to be [Music] great well I was able to park right here for a few minutes because man the things that I do to get the shot this is a Crescent Heights Heights I believe and this is one of the spots where you get some of the best views of downtown Calgary behind us here it's a lovely city we shall return [Music] [Music] soon [Music] I kind of like the look of all this rather modest [Music] residences well timing is everything right and turns out today is very smoky we have some some fires we should be seeing mountains in front of us they're not there we start seeing some Foothills through the haze but not the Towering pigs I was [Music] expecting as we get closer visibility starts getting a little better so there's hope besides we're not really going to do anything until tomorrow in this area you'll notice the road is fenced off to prevent Wildlife from running into traffic and they have this cool looking over passes for wildlife to cross here we're approaching one of those under construction now we're approaching the Lac the arc's Viewpoint so let's take a quick break [Music] n so Smokey so Smokey we are entering bam National Park and Parks Canada charges by the day and by the person so 1050 per day per person is going to be 42 for us or we could get a Discovery Pass which is 7225 5 for the whole year but since this is probably the only Park we're going to visit we'll stick with the daily [Music] fee here's the exit to the town of bam which we'll visit [Music] tomorrow here we have one of those Wildlife overpasses [Music] here we are arriving at Lake Louise in Alberta it is a little smoky but hopefully it'll be better tomorrow one can only hope right we're staying at the parks Canada Campground here which has two sections one for tents popups and other softsided vehicles surrounded by electric fence and another one for hardside RVs like us and the reason for that is we are in bare country here and they make sure you're aware of that it is a pretty large Campground only electric at the site but there's a portable water and dump station all sides are double and I think this is ours but I think think it would be better if we come in from the other side so our door faces our picnic table Yep this is [Music] it we are so excited to be here we've been hearing about bam national park for such a long time this by the way the bo River the same one we saw in Calgary it's very Swift Current it's beautiful out here well good morning check it out it looks like the smoke has cleared out a little bit and today we're taking the shuttle to Lake Louise and lake merine lake but first we have to take another shuttle to the park and ride so that's where we're going first woo good morning it's it's cloudy but at least it looks like the smoke is it's better all right every 30 minutes and this is where we're going executive shuttle there we [Music] go okay here we are let's check in here we are at the park and ride and there's a ski lift [Music] cool I believe this is our ride we're going to do Lake Louise first and hopefully the sun will come out at some [Music] point this is so nice luxury accommodations for sure one day [Music] perhaps must be that [Music] way and this is our first look at Lake Louise here the weather not perfect but could be far worse the history is you know not raining or the smoke has cleared out a little bit and the sun even wants to come out so I'm not complaining let's we're going to do a just like a trail an easy path that goes around the lake and that's what we're going to do [Music] first what can I tell you that's that iconic View and uh as I was mentioning the weather could be better but it could also be worse so I mean the sun is actually even trying to come out out there so we're going to you know do there's a trail that goes kind of around the lake this way and then we're going to go to Marine Lake and back here I don't I don't think we can go in but that's the the CH chatau Lake Louise actually it says restaurants and shops so maybe we can there it is the Majestic fermont Chateau Lake Louise originally developed by the Canadian Pacific Railway at the turn of the 20th century it excludes luxury and opulence with this magnificent views of the lake the mountain almost looks like a painting the effect in part due to the remaining smoke in the air the water has that milky turquoise tint typical of glacial lakes which I hear looks much better on a sunny day more than a hike it feels like a pleasant stroll along the lak [Music] shore beautiful hike so [Music] far I love the contrast of the red canoes against the Milky [Music] water looking back we can already see the Chateau on the other side the sun starting to peek out from behind the clouds that's I thought that might be a waterfall but no it is just snow can't help but think of all the Bears and other Wildlife hiding behind all that vegetation luckily it is a very well-trafficked [Music] Trail [Music] okay let's see if we can make it all the way to that beach imagine it would be through here cuz that that other Trail those somewhere else oh yeah oh what a view what a view we've made it to the other side of the lake it's like this uh Beach here and uh a creek maybe we can across the creek somewhere but over there let's see if we can get a view of those of the big mountain on the other side of the lake we'll [Music] see [Music] now that looks like a difficult climb right up [Music] there all right let's begin the return trip same way we came all the way back to the [Music] Shau well that was a fairly easy stroll now we have to go all the way back and uh it is a little over a kilometer I think the only thing is we forgot to bring water so we're kind of thirsty at this point I'm sure we can find something I'm glad we came early it is getting a lot more crowded [Music] now [Music] well I guess it was closer than like two month I guess it was closer to like 2 miles one way but anyway very cool hike I just you know the this the Sunshine State Florida guy and me wishes that we had a little more Sunshine but I was kind of hoping that those clouds would lift and we would be able to see the the top of the mountains but I mean it's perfect hiking weather is probably like in the high 60s you know and we been breaking a little bit of a sweat here as we we walk briskly now we're going to look for a bathroom and and we'll continue yeah what a place we're taking the shuttle that goes from Lake Louise to merraine Lake and while you can technically drive to Lake Louise morraine lake is only accessible by shuttle bus and here we are merine Lake let's see if we can get some water at the lodge cool oh we got some water at the gift shop because we forgot to bring and now let's let's see the lake let's take that iconic picture actually this view doesn't really do the lake Justice in order to truly experience it you have to either do the trail or climb on top of that pile of rocks as we're about to find out out actually I can already tell the color here is going to be a lot more striking let's go for a strw on this Trail which by the way doesn't show up on Google Maps well they have this short Trail around the lake maybe not around the lake I have no idea how far it goes but now we can get you know views from different angles yeah that color does not look natural it is like someone dyed the water with some turquoise pigment not only the unique color on the water but all these magnificent towering mountains all around us it is just [Music] spectacular [Music] and the sun has come out look at the color on that water that's incredible yeah that's amazing [Music] everywhere you look you know everywhere you st top it's another beautiful [Music] site that's a pretty big chunk of ice up [Music] there I don't know if the camera can capture the the the the saturation of that blue but that's incredible that doesn't look real we've been so lucky that that the sun came out and the the smoke the smoke cleared you know it's uh it's turning out to be a a great day here at now at morine Lake yeah look at [Music] that [Music] I think this is as far as we can [Music] go and this where the boardwalk ends that's the end of the trail beautiful Cascade there as far as views go perhaps a little anticlimactic because the view back there isn't as great as the view to this side especially since there's still a little bit of smoke on that side but just seeing this this you know towering mountains here with the glacier it's uh it was it was worth the walk for sure let's come down here and get one more view look at [Music] that yeah this place is totally amazing I mean everywhere you look you have to stop and and you know the different you know Hues of TCO on the water it's and we're back by the lodge they have canoe rentals all that good stuff this rooms actually must have a great view rock pile I guess in French is called limont let's check it out Trail to consolation Lakes it's got to be that way right [Music] right let's see rock pile view points 100 and 300 M and that would be consolation [Music] Lakes those stairs it's a little bit of a climb but I said 100 m which should be like halfway there right at least look at that mountain back there that's [Music] amazing this is amazing you know what's amazing the color of the water on merine Lake especially from this vantage point that water does not look real now we have nowhere to go but down [Music] all right no more home parking not any parking anymore actually yeah you're not allowed to drive your own vehicle up here anymore and it turns out that there's more people than shuttle buses some of these folks are going to have to wait for the next [Music] bus well this may well have been the highlight of our time in bam National Park so far now we're going to get something to eat and then visit the town of bam which we drove past yesterday what a magnificent place this [Music] is and we're back at the park and ride and the shuttle into town so we are in the village and there's a restaurant over there so that's where we're [Music] going there's our shuttle it is appropriately named Mountain restaurant and javalang Cafe very clever it's going to be Lun with the view nice cold IPA to begin after all that walking I think we deserve it and a good riby for good measure actually that was pretty good better than I expected the chimy churi sauce that's what what does the trick now we either going to take the shuttle or walk back to the campground I don't know yet whichever comes first according to this the campground is that way I think we're just going to walk it is about 2 km a few meters here and there give or [Music] take it is a good 45-minute drive to the town of bam but we can't leave the area without seeing it and since the main purpose purp of this trip is getting to Alaska tomorrow we are going to continue the journey [Music] North [Music] [Music] a let's take a break to admire these beautiful [Music] mountains there's the sign welcoming us to [Music] B let's drive around a little bit and find parking one thing is for sure this town is [Music] happening I think we're going to have to find parking on one of these side streets this looks good and we're just a block away from the main [Music] drag yeah this is that iconic picture I've seen online B Avenue with a massive Cascade Mountain in the background everybody got the same idea let's walk around a little bit so we came into bam seems to be a very happening town here lots of people it's a ski resort of course and and I had seen pictures you know of this mountain in front of me you know many many times this is that uh Main Street here it's a it's a shame that we are neither hungry nor thirsty because you know there's like Ro Street side cafes everywhere so it would have been a good place to to have at least a a good India Pale L but I paid for 1 hour parking we'll see we we might you know just stop somewhere maybe we might extend the parking I don't know it's really cool to be here in person actually let's uh continue walking on this pedestrian street and see something might Pik or [Music] interest wait therey wait there [Music] [Music] [Applause] must be really good ice [Music] cream [Music] [Music] all right let's sample the local craft beer here at B Avenue Brewing [Music] Company the balcony would have been nicer but there was no room and when in Canada we watch hockey of course FL the Panthers play yeah coincidentally it is our own Florida Panthers playing and losing it is time to [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a long line to take a picture with the [Music] sign [Music] [Music] [Music] well what can I say today was a long day was a productive day but overall it was a great day tomorrow we're going to Jasper so I bought this at Safeway let's see how they are yep that's almost ready grilling under the rain it is time to visit the dump station well good morning here we are at the dump station and um yeah everything is wet for the first time in a in a long time we actually ran out of fresh water last night this morning actually and I think that that this the tank is burping the water out as we drive along so more research shall go into this you see the tank is completely empty pretty much and it's burping water out that's not supposed to [Music] happen well one of the stink here dump stations we've been to in a while but it's to be expected with the volume you know of people dumping here in the morning now we're going to Jasper this is supposed to be like the most beautiful drive the ice field uh Parkway I believe it is called the weather hopefully it'll improve you never know enjoy the ride supposed to be one of the most cynic drives in Canada [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I guess we have to re-enter the national park here but we paid for 48 hours so we should be good and we [Music] are what have we got here check it out a black bear our first Canadian [Music] bear well that was super [Music] [Music] cool [Music] I think we're getting to the good part let's check out Crowfoot Glacier there's a pull out here on the [Music] left [Music] yet another big chunk of ice as we get closer we can distinguish all the layers on the ice it is fascinating a incredible the amount of ice the thickness of it that remains on the mountain I feel like it's going to fall off any time but I guess it does well so far the ice Fields uh Parkway it's uh it's living up to its [Music] reputation here's another view of B Lake but parking is very limited yeah this is when a camper van would come in [Music] handy [Music] [Music] this is so beautiful I'm really glad we added this to our Alaska [Music] itinerary let's stop here to get a view of waterfall [Music] Lakes [Music] [Music] after crossing the Saskatchewan River we encounter our first services along the way so we're going to stop and we're going to have a quick breakfast breakfast time and let's get a taste of our first Canadian bacon well it's regular bacon but made in Canada we got some Canadian eggs too [Music] salt black pepper km [Music] pepper [Applause] [Music] and we've got ourselves a French omelette with [Music] [Music] cheese [Music] [Music] what an exceptional landscape here with all these [Music] mountains let's stop real quick to admire the [Music] views I believe these are called Panther Fox our next up the Columbia ice [Music] field [Music] let's park and admire the glacier for a few minutes this Glazer like many other you can walk on it and they even have tours but that was never in the scope of this trip at this point we're really anxious to get to Dawson Creek to do the Alaska highway but there will definitely have to be another more indepth trip to the Canadian Rockies and Jasper which is coming up [Music] next that's very nice that they have ample RV [Music] parking here's another attraction this one is called Glacier Skywalk soaring 280 M or 918 ft above s weapa [Music] Valley [Music] [Applause] [Music] our next up a tabasa Falls it is supposed to be one of the most breathtaking and Powerful falls in the Canadian Rockies it seems to be very popular oh yeah there's always one and then cases are at tabasa Falls is they're supposed to be the most powerful and breathtaking impressive Falls one of the most in the whole Canadian Rockies so should should be a short walk let's see what [Music] [Music] this well yes it is quite impressive let's see if there's another Viewpoint that way [Music] it is certainly [Music] impressive [Music] [Music] at The pasas Falls disappear now we continue going [Music] north we continue straddling the Athabasca River on our way to Jas [Music] [Music] here we are Jasper the northern Terminus of the ice Fields Parkway which in the original plan the idea was to spend a lot more time here apparently there are lots of things to do including an aerial tram but we want to be in Fairbanks for the summer solstice so we must go on it is certainly a good looking [Music] town here we have this steam [Music] [Music] locomotive I love the fact that they have all this parking here on the right hand side and pretty RV friendly too if you can find enough room and that was Jasper in a nutshell now going north on the Yello Head Highway and these mountains they look kind of different it is true what they said I think this is even more beautiful than b [Music] [Music] [Music] just when you thought it couldn't get any more beautiful it is the gift that keeps on giving this has got to be one of the most beautiful drives we've ever experienced and that's it for the pretty Drive eventually we arrive in Hinton we resupply and take take the cynic route to Alaska Alberta provincial Highway 40 it is once again getting a little Smokey I think we got really lucky in bam and Jasper with the clear [Music] skies it is looking like the Smoky Mountains out here [Music] we arriving at the Hamlet of grand cash and there's a campground here but I think I found a boom ducking spot just a couple of kilometers down the road so I think that's what we're going to call it [Music] it is a very pretty area different from where we were earlier for sure this feels like a much older mountain [Music] range [Music] I see a huge fifth wheel going in that must be one of the camping areas this one is too wooded though we're looking for a place where we can use Starling to work in the morning here we go I mean this one is pretty wooded too but I think we can find the spot with a clear view of the northern [Music] sky [Music] yeah this will work wow look at that it is beautiful out here by the shores of the Smoky [Music] River there's that other camping area by the river but I think we like it where we are it is very quiet and we're almost all by ourselves there's only one other camper and we try to park as far away as [Music] possible [Music] it is time for another RV cooking show today we're making chicken alab butter the recipe I copied and modified from Cuban YouTuber Cina k fita it is now one of our favorite low carb recipes We Begin by Browning some chicken thighs skin down and some boness breast as well yeah it almost doesn't fit in our travel Skillet here we do have a larger one at home we're going to season it with some Camp mix black pepper and a little km pepper as well might as well turn on the light right I'm going to turn the breasts but let the thighs Brown a little more oh that's beautiful a little salt on the skin side and paprika why not voso dry cooking wine and we'll let it boil although RV ranges don't quite heat up as much as domestic ones garlic powder and the original recipe calls for whole small onions but we're going to use frozen ones because that's all we have anyway this is a great departure from fujita's recipe but we like changing things around like adding mushrooms for example and extra [Music] spices we're going to cover it and let it boil for a good 40 to 45 minutes and that's all there is to it well this looks really good cheers so so much Poland and anyway I found this place on free campsites.net and um there was like a camping symbol on Google as well it's uh it's just a couple of miles north of grand cash I believe is the name of the town and uh I flew the Drone earlier and I saw that there's like a like a small River on that side so those campsites on the other side of the road might have been better but I mean this is not bad this is going to going to be quiet the only problem it's it's uh besides the bugs it is a little warm but it's going to cool down to like the 40s this evening so it's going to be fine we just have to endure um a couple hours you know as as soon as the sun sets it's going to start cooling down I don't know if you can see all the pollen but in any case let's walk all the way to the to the main road here and they have a sign here and let me show you this is uh boondocking and it says user maintained area um maximum stay 14 days so I suppose this would be equivalent to our BLM land in the USA you know pack it in pack it out it's it's completely completely natural and uh yeah this is a Highway 40 here which goes tomorrow we're going to go all the way to Dawson Creek which is the beginning of the Alaska Highway but I mean it's actually it's cooler out here than inside the trailer right now and the sun is coming down and but the way that that buttery chicken that came out so great oh man we were really hungry too so but yeah this is the main road here and um and as you can I don't know if you can see him but there's some other campers down there that's that other side that is close to the river and we have the river right here let me tell you it is so great to be here finally on our way to Alaska I'm losing my voice in any case we're going to get some work done W we'll continue the journey [Music] [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Music] yes this is where I filmed the current intro I'm [Music] writing riding in my RV my RV wherever I want to be guys I'm free in my [Music] RV [Music] riding riding in my RV wherever I want to be guys I'm free in my RV yeah I'm writing writing writing I'm writing in my RV my RV where wherever I want to be because I'm free in my [Music] RV [Music] e [Music] let's take a break and have lunch at the Canadian Brew [Music] House Puttin and the steak that was good I thought it was going to be like a steak sandwich but it was just like an open face steak sandwich but still now we're going to have some some coffee and it's about another hour and a half or so to Thome Creek the the beginning of the Alaska [Music] Highway cheers [Music] I'm writing writing in my [Music] RV whatever I want to be and guys I'm free you can really smell the smoke out here very Smokey we have three out of control fires next to us but the reason I came here because they have a giant beaver it's one of those things in my [Music] RV ringing ring in my [Music] R wherever I want to be because I'm free my RV writing ringing riding in my RV my RV wherever I want to be cuz I'm free my arm ringing duson Creek is the beginning of the alen so tomorrow we're going to explore a little bit and then get underway but that will be a whole other movie as always thank you so much for watching and see you on the [Music] road I'm riding riding in my RV
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 27,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 17sec (5117 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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