Epic PANTRY TOUR! | How We Store YEARS Worth of FOOD For Our Family!

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hey y'all welcome to the max today we are going on a tour of our pantry so let's get started the first place I'm gonna hit right here is one of my mini canning fracks now the reason why I love Canon is because there is so much you can put in here from vegetables to fats this is lard also have some jars of butter some caramel so some sweets jams and jellies there is so much that you can do with caning it is absolutely amazing so here is one of my racks here that is ready-made Foods it doesn't matter if we're on the run or whatever these are foods that are all already cooked we call them the homesteaders fast food so here's one of my racks and I'm going to show you some of my other canning racks right now you are going to see some not great Lighting on these clips because I tend to store my food in these areas where it's a little bit cooler and darker from some of the things that we don't eat from regularly Pantry that you just seen we eat on constantly these other canning racks will be rotated in there but while they're sitting in storage they're in a cool dark place okay y'all I just had to pull some off of that shelf because you just can't see over there that was where I have all of my canned chicken all of my canned chicken broth and lard more lard what you saw on that canning rack right there over in the shadows canned milk on top beef on the and sausage on the next two shelves [Music] my next Cannon rack is right in our laundry room where we do a lot of our processing of meal and you see everything from corn to pickles to carrots pineapples and pears you see all of that in here on this cannon rack one of the many cool things that I love about Canon this is something that you can do that you can't do in the freeze dryer you can't do in the dehydrator there's really no other way to put up butter like Cannon so Canon is a huge hit here that's why I have a pantry full of canned things from fruits and vegetables to things like fats as well as my Meats so here is one of my absolute favorite spots of the whole house this room was my old laundry room that we transformed into my major walk-in Pantry which is where a house my Harvest Right freeze dryer I actually have corn in there right now and I ground up to make some cornmeal and it is absolutely beautiful cornmeal from organic corn we go right off of our farm it is absolutely beautiful I'm actually making cornbread to eat with our fresh peas tonight and I'm talking over my freeze dryer so y'all just have to bear with me because it does have corn in it right now but some other things that I have in my pantry that I wanted to show y'all first will start on the floor is a container of apple cider vinegar this come from Azure it's a five gallon container I also have I actually have two of those this is a five gallon bucket of coconut oil that also comes from Azure a basket of noodles now I do have a pasta maker but when I can't make my pasta if we're busy or in a hurry I'm a basket full of noodles of course these don't go bad this is one bucket of sweet potatoes right here that I can just walk right in the pantry and grab potatoes to cook I also have regular vinegar to clean with other things that I have in my pantry is sugar now I don't honestly like to use sugar a lot but there are times that we have to use sugar whether it's different recipes I'm making or whatever so I have regular cane sugar and brown sugar in both of these boxes here these are both organic sugars some of my bread making has consisted of cream dried milk in my recipe so this is freeze-dried meal that I have stored in my pantry this is some of the other cornmeal y'all saw the cornmeal that I had ground up that is when I'm currently using this one is sealed off however this will be used next and the corn that's in the freezer now will be going up some of that will be put into our emergency supply kit which I'm also going to show y'all as well I have other things in here like green onions now this some of this stuff if I see towards the end of the Fall that I have enough stuff up there which I'm going to show y'all also in a minute some of this stuff can also go into our emergency supply kits cider vinegar I make laundry detergent here is garlic that we harvested here's garlic that we harvested potatoes that we harvested all of those things are in my pantry I also store many of my books that I use very regularly right here in the pantry you see a lot of my herbal remedy books herbal recipe books foreign medicine The herbal medicine makers handbook healthy babies and children Herbal Healing for children herbal encyclopedias stick Health flute favorites the Lost book of herbal remedies so those will stay in my pantry because I have a set I have a couple of different sections in my pantry here is one this consists of all things that can double also as medicine I have a couple of tinctures down here I have a couple of tinctures in another spot calendula flowers fever fee chamomile those are some of y'all might be familiar with this is parsley this is my usna tincture that y'all saw me make that if you didn't see that video y'all be sure to check it out this is chicken livers this is raspberry leaves underneath is all of my spices so I have a whole section here that is mostly for seasons and spices I have a sun Store mall all of these are ones that I have grown there's kale basil Bay Leafs kumquat powder cilantro Peppers more kale more Peppers Rosemary Thai Ginger so a lot of these can also be doubled as these are are more along the lines of spices these can also be doubled as healing medicines as well the rest of the pantry really consists of things like peanut butters ketchups a lot of the things that I cope with that I just can't make cocoa powder things like that the very top part of my pantry I have some baking sodas up there jams and jellies up here some extra almond flours some extra salt some extra dried beans spices and herbs these are ones also that I have bought from Azure a lot of them I just can't grow enough a lot of this is paprika and chili powder this is extra garlics I've run out of room a lot of those I have put up in jars these are our extra Peppers that have put up in jars this section over here is our bell peppers our garlic from this year all of those quart jars down there also garlic and onion we keep extra things and over here again these are just Azure pies this is five pounds of beef gelatin that is five pounds of organic cocoa powder we pick up some organic chips for the kids so these little baskets just house a couple of our organic snacks non-GMO snacks there's more garlics down here this section down here is herbs that I just can't to grow all of them I am growing marshmallow but I just started growing those so this whole container is full of herbs that I have picked up over the years I actually separated these out because these are root beer herbs I have a ginger book and I'm going to show y'all in an upcoming video how to make root beer and I think you're going to really like it so stay tuned for that coming up in the next couple of weeks I needed to get some practice in before I show y'all what I do to make root beer more spices organic tomato sauce because we do cook a lot freeze-dried snacks bolt snacks when we do buy snacks look for non-GMO organic if you can no artificial flavors and preservatives this was the rest of our potatoes that we dug up these are walking onions so all of these are onions that I have dried out and I put in here because it's easy access when I'm wanting to cook so as you can see we have a lot going on in this Pantry y'all have seen the ways that I canned foods and put them up but I also have ways to dry foods and put them up and also be available for me to use when I'm ready to cook or treat an issue and of course I can't let the video go without talking about eating fresh some of the stuff that we just bring in right from the farm I wouldn't consider this a pantry but it kind of is a pantry it's an area where I store a lot of my fresh fruits and vegetables that we eat on you saw apples and bananas here they're both organic we just aren't hot enough for bananas and we aren't cold enough really for apples so those things we just can't grow well here strawberries and blueberries are two of the kids other favorite items that they really really like and they do well here we do eat on those fresh during the season and the other things go to the freezer which is where we're heading now right in in the kitchen freezer is where I stash my frozen butter till I get enough to pressure can so in here is some of our frozen vegetables like okra because okra comes in like crazy I don't want it all canned so some of that goes in the freezer again the frozen strawberries there's one bag there is another bag in the back these are our strawberries that we drew our strawberries we grew butter extra okra butter butter more strawberries carrots that we picked up okra I have a couple more freezers which is where we're headed now right in the other side of our laundry room and I have things like here's some more okra I have a couple of things of milk put up in here more strawberries again these are strawberries from our farm squash patties that have already been pattied out and put in the freezer cons that I got from a local friend around here who has a pecan tree so those are put away as well this freezer contains more milk more strawberries more okra chicken broth beef broth more strawberries and more beef broth so chicken and beef broth is another one of those things that I like to to freeze until I have enough where I can put up in jars I don't like to do small batches I feel like it wastes my time and energy not only energy in the house my energy too but mostly energy in the house because it takes a lot of stove to pressure can so I want at least all the quart jars seven quart jars full so I have to make sure that I have enough before I get that going and it just makes it a lot easier to do it all at the same time here is things like sausage sausage these are all peas that we just added to the freezer this is all sausage this is all sausage and bacon right off the farm this is these are all pork chops pork chops sausage this freezer is more corn for the freeze jar this is all ground beef this is all ground beef actually this is ground pork because I do like to mix them these are hams ribs round steaks and more ground beef more ground beef hams this is all steaks this is all hams this is all roast right here these are all around steaks here this is a combination of roast and a couple of steaks put up along with some fruit Peel juice this entire freezer right here is the freezer that you saw Aiden I restock up a couple of weeks ago this is from one of our steers that we took off to get butchered so this whole entire freezer here is ground beef this is kind of a combination of several different things we eat a lot so I have to have a lot some shredded cheeses that we've picked up some vegetables spinach and cheese raviolis we picked off these are soybeans these are green beans we just got in the freezer broccoli there's broccoli and asparagus down there as well beans here beef livers here chicken and pork over here finally one of the last areas of our pantry tour that I'm going to show you where we keep extra supplies and extra food it's kind of out of sight out of mine most of this is put up for emergency not all of it but some of it is it's not emergency but it is up here so that it can finish drying out this is all of some of the rest of my garlic that I harvested this year now most of this will be replanted for next year because I do have enough garlic already to sustain us for next year I put a portion of it back in this room so that I will have garlic that I can replant for next year [Music] thank you foreign [Music] some of the very last things that you just seen was our emergency supply kits some of that stuff was purchased from places like Legacy Foods some of those things I have freeze-dried myself with my harvestory freeze jar and put those things up for emergency use we tend to shoot for about seven years supply for our family for food which obviously means that's a lot of food to put up in emergency situation some of the things that you've seen we showed you some of the things that we have you will not see for safety of our family and we do that intentionally but we wanted to show you guys a video to possibly help you start up a food pantry of some items that you could walk right in cook right now some items that you could put on your pantry that will last for a really long time and we wanted to show all of you this in hopes to inspire others and encourage others and hope that you guys feel work on building your pantries uh for the safety of your family and for the security of your family knowing that no matter whatever happens that God is in control he ultimately knows all of the plans for not only us but for for others and for this the whole entire Earth but we need not fear because we know that he is Sovereign and he is in control all that being said happy homesteading y'all [Music]
Channel: The Mac's Life
Views: 26,611
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Id: qrvsokiWj8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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