EPIC Mountain Top Landing

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welcome back to the Vlog welcome here to my dang Papua New Guinea my name is Ryan we are heading out on our flight out to Mala Munda I have not been out there in quite a few months with you guys so I'm excited to show you guys again because it's just such a beautiful place but let's go ahead and get started it's quite humid this morning at uh 8 30 in the morning there's a fuel pump on make sure our fuel is turned on up here in low start both the ITT drop below 200 before introducing my fuel [Music] I hope I should come up watch my NG come out of past 35 then I look at the ITT and it's going to peek out at all right generator on Prop Ford or V2 track on alternator on and our auxiliary bus systems and tires we're gonna be going out at 12 000 feet our weight right now is basically 5600 so we'll rotate it 56 knots 65 if we had to come back in let's listen to 80s real quick um five knots visibility one zero kilometers or more Cloud view two thousand feet excuse three thousand feet q and H one zero one zero temperature and viewpoints not available information Bravo November Tango kilo Roger a taxi foreign taxi to Runway two five will be outbound track two seven two on climb one two thousand first reporting Point yambai talk for four minutes then two one minutes following for malamunda and confirm clear to backtrack s put it backtrack and line up two five November 10. robon Landing light on a little question uh bet strike has it make a right entry for takeoff Cliff take up right turn to five now's ridiculum ignition condition flaps 20 Fuel and harnesses 29 degrees so 1540 there we go torque is set airspeed's alive and there's rotate already picture on over so we can climb out closer to 85 knots in case we were to have an engine of failure I'm going to want to be at 85 knots otherwise if I'm at my best my best radar correction my best angle of climb at 73 knots basically just going to fall out of the sky like a rock and then hit smack the ground because I'm not going to have enough time to get my air speed up enough to be able to basically re-flare when I get down to the ground let's go 10 degrees of flaps now that we're over 500 feet but zero over 90. we're making our right hand turn towards Mall of Munda looks like a really nice beautiful Smoky morning today or autopilot on heading mode for the time being until we can reconnect into our track yeah it's really Smoky out today this time of year is dry season and a lot of the monkeys which are just like teenagers and kids and basically somebody who's like under 20 years old usually just kind of has not allowed to do they go out and burn a lot of the grass around here which actually is kind of helpful because it makes everything nice and new and some of the grass I mean it grows up to like 10 to 12 feet tall so a lot of their walking paths have those tall tall grass around it so it does make it a little bit easier for them for sure but it also just creates a lot of smoke so much so that last year this exact same area was coming through down from wewack it got so thick that it was IMC conditions I actually had a divert over here because it was down I needed to get down into medang but I had to get through these mountains right here so I actually went around over here a few miles just to get around the smoke claw that was so thick you couldn't you couldn't see anything foreign tracking two seven two on climb one two thousand estimating overhead Young by talk one-niner kilo two five miles contact most view on one two zero this one HF 8819-1201-881 Niner November Tango kilo moresby1201 November Tango kilo transfer go ahead November Tango kilo two five miles to the West my dang passing one one thousand six hundred on climb one two thousand estimating overhead Young by talk one-niner November Tango kilo no report a traffic secondary frequency six five nine eight three q and H one zero one two six five nine eight and the circuit of a blinker Lima what's the altitude are you using now uh maintaining one two thousand November on heading two seven zero have a good one we've got our torque up top which is still on climb we've got our ittu at 7 20 and then our prop is at 2 000 or as close as I get it so let's bring our torque on back to 12.50 and you'll see all those other numbers starting to drop down too oh we're just gonna let it sit here and kind of settle in as long as RIT is below 700 we're good to go one two zero one November Tango kill the request November tengo kilometers [Applause] left one two thousand on defense [Applause] call on primary one to six three small seven second three six five three one two six seven six five three eight now from negative but because we're flying directly over top of yum by talk I thought I'd swing by and just do a flyover just to say hi to my friends let them know I'm thinking of them out there and uh yeah if you guys want to ever see a video going in the upper deck I had lots of them because I I go there quite often anyways we'll swing by there real quick because we're already going there anyways right over top of it basically all the way down to nearly sea level they're just 500 feet MSL so once we get there then we'll just stay low all the way over tomorrow Monday just because it's not that much further on like another 20 minutes on so and malamunda is like a 2 000 feet what I'll probably do is I'll just fly over top of them first just so they can so they know I'm there just so I'm not buzzing their houses and then they're like whoa what was that so at least know that I'm there more z1267 November Tango kilo position Ed this time estimating malamunda 3-0 on descent passing 5 000 over MC kilo November thing five three eight six five nine eight six five three eight or nine eight malamanda never make kilo all right here's yum by talk looks like they've done some clearing on the side of the Hill really cool Runway though I really like this place just like right on top of the ridge then just drops off at the end we'll go around fly over and then fly up that Valley up there all right prop is good we'll go 20 degrees of flaps 85 knots fly over top of this Ridge here sink rate pull up yes yes pull up all right there we go sink rate that's always fun all right on the malamunda we'll just climb back up to like 3 000 feet let's see get on my big map exactly where I want to go kinda need to go over those mountains right there let's see I think that'll be a lot quicker than going around the other mountains so let's get up to 720 on the Itt and start pitching up for 99 knots so we can get over top of this range right here as quickly as we can there we go now we'll clear over top of it just fine lower the nose get our speed up pull our power back out just we're not wasting fuel all right the elevation is 21.50 I've already got um let's see 3100 in here for that 300 feet per minute which is basically just right over the ridge not this rich but a couple more ridges up to go that's a left hand pattern lengths 530 it's kind of similar to yumbai talk a little bit in the sense that it it just is like right on the top of a ridge I think they said they had rain last night so more than likely it's probably gonna be slippery because it always is it's like a like a shell rock and so it doesn't really absorb the water very quickly we typically will have three to four knots of tail when coming in here so I'm empty today so I can handle that with no problem which would be great for takeoff but uh yeah it's a really cool place four percent slope pretty much overall the whole thing and if you see this little strip chart right here I actually have a t-shirt with the exact same airstrip diagram strip chart stuff I have a couple of them I have one from all Monday I've got one for Young by talk and a couple other places as well that I think they're pretty cool go ahead I don't think I've ever flown this little route right here like maybe once ever but it is really a really pretty area though a lot of really high mountains these ones all go up into like 12 13 000 feet out that way a little bit I always like going new routes see something new see new waterfalls different things like that 500 you have to wonder has anybody ever set foot in any of this Forest out here or jungle [Music] to the east passing 4 500 under Circa time Mall of Munda 3-7 we're Landing our Runway zero eight my OBS button turned into Runway zero eight the line right there gonna be coming through this little Gap descending down to my pattern altitude of 3100 feet so turn this right here all the way down to 3 100 feet collectors brakes tosses off or v-rev or 5200 pounds so 62 knots it's an inlet got those done if we have to go around it's gonna be a late final power up 20 degrees left-hand turn reset right to do 7 40. all right there we go 500. see in the edge of it'll fly over top of it so I can let them know up here make sure there's no one on the runway if we get all the little dogs and pigs and whatever else it might be on the runway off open harness is done where's the six five three eight November Tango kilo in the Circa model Monday cancels our thank you oh stank there's someone else well hopefully he can get out of the way pretty soon I wasn't even informed that there was somebody here or that there was even somebody else yeah November dingo kilo morning ball hi yeah I just started up here I'll be gone in about three or four minutes all right sounds good rain overnight a little bit wet no wind many things and then they may have right there we'll just circle around until he'd get out of there he's getting out of there just a couple seconds so no dramas there he goes all right have a good day all right we'll go ahead and enter into a left downwind now he's just gonna continue on that Valley so it'd be no issue for me heading now all right I'm on a left downwind right this minute so we'll be turning base in about 30 seconds [Music] looks like you're already above me all right we want 62 we want 82 right now we'll slow down to uh 72 on our base tell me when you're turning base turning now I'm turning opposite you all right full flaps checklist is complete 172 then 62 turning final right over top of those trees earning final slow into 62 knots you know it's a headwind oh wait it's hard to slow down all right coming up on a continuing all right we're committed before done thanks have a good one a little slippery up here all right well this is malamunda all right just picking up a couple people here heading on to we whack get turned back around right here so I'm heading up the hill all right if you guys thought that was fun give it a thumbs up consider subscribing if you're not already and uh you guys next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 25,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missionary bush pilot, kodiak airplane, bush pilot, bush plane, kodiak, flying, pilot, cockpit view, pilot eyes
Id: HXViq1eoYIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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