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Oh buddy what's going on everyone should Romi or along with Alex Ben and aja and welcome welcome to modded battle dome everybody coming at you we out Supan it now I'm gonna punch you in the teeth so in this body battle we're gonna be playing with all sorts of cool modded different types of guns so there's all these different ones in the end so the way it's gonna work is simple you have to go ahead you have 30 minutes left as many resources as possible you could do that by just simply mining or using the mining drill right here which has sold on the trader from there you want to buy a ton of not you okay they're Bendel Oh from there you want to buy a tome of knowledge and then use that with the transmutation tablet right there and if you want to yeah Oh Ben there is one problem you don't have a way to buy red matter to get the table yeah d he's drunk dad said that's the top that's the table oh okay K yeah yeah we don't need okay never mind never mind alright well then everybody after that we will do a normal battle dome except then why drop the guns been Jesus for free what so they will do a modded battle dome everyone the way bottom don't works if you don't know is simple after the time is up we each team those two teams sets up a base with an obsidian in it the other people then try to raid the other person's base kill them and are sorry well killed the obsidian and then that way every time that team dies they no longer respond so you get infinite response as long as your obsidian alive once it's gone then your lives account alright that's it let's see I think we're all good to start them all right yeah so we'll do that and which of the team's big that's up to you boyfriend first boyfriend and girlfriend versus boyfriend/girlfriend okay so me in bed force you guys here we go I got my phone my girlfriend's awesome girlfriend is it rumors about so my phone is ready to go with the timer so three two one go 30 minutes on the clock the timer has started better they're super order something that yes there are how many 21 they're mean that's what they're not leaving they're still here during the day app okay do you run this way do you see a mine placement nope let's just go I don't know where we're going but we're gone did you like how many about a pilot Roger oh yeah what is that about mod no it's completely normal I wouldn't worry about Oh God and thank you stream by the way for the eighteen other people that are here watching I really appreciate it Wow [Music] weird okay all right I'm on my on my way we just need to go down down okay and I don't they mind shift okay I'm on my way that's alright but bet man calm is the point Rossi table Alex which way did you run over here just uh you can't get everything I'll distract these zombies don't worry and now we'll put the iron in there and then we go we got our pickaxes okay why does it still pick not break the iron okay it was beer I got a sword okay yeah I would probably cut break that with that okay how do you know any smile I got oh wow thank you that guy games for the $100 stream tip said how's your day and make sure to keep up the good work I will keep up the good work thanks pal and my day is going great what about you pal nights where you take on what where did you take the life take one yeah there's Amber's I this way oh I I did that then so that I can yeah now I have enough iron for vocalist clap it no I don't have food hold on killing these peoples okay here we go okay let's try using an iron pick on now you know legendary bad oh wow that gave me 39 oh wait how did it a dense or give you was there a lot of them there no I don't know I need food Alex I realized to get ourselves a steak arena yes okay can I get up please slash up Alex if this is the case we don't need a farm you know well where are you okay there we go I've got some of that six why look I'm lying in bed oh okay you already went straight down area okay I'm just getting some I am see for us okie dokie okey-dokey there we go don't know what that is but that's my nature okay yeah come on Diamandis to them you've got this did I haven't found any I'm so sane I found lots of superoes so I haven't found that either you don't find any super yep there we go sighs okay yeah and that is this tree over there you're welcome okay what's wrong I have a good idea what's that let me just put it this away Alex where are you gonna start mining it over there over here open it okay let me do that yeah oh nice wait that's not on here keep each of them all rights right yes can we go up a few balls need to go up seven seven blocks to 14 yep okay okay I just put some items from the shop did you buy I'll show you I don't want to say that just once well okay what have we am 12 right back up back up all right Jerome yeah I want you to click right click down and click Deb Nate and then run oh my gosh let a c4 charge oh my god Ben that's so cool no I just said just sit there we go dude there we go surprise oh my gosh it actually worked that's awesome I think we're in a bad area for super [ __ ] though I don't know about huge room I just got a ton of stuff yeah but then I think this is not the right place for super ores it's not working I've already fat drunk I've already found like 10 she froze like this trust me Wow okay join if you want to teleport to me you'll be fine yeah yeah just keep doing it all right here you go you can yeah I have to set it up real quick oh okay and then like that okay yay this is working thanks okay tada all right well I mean they work yes okay not the worst let me see what happens if I do I just put my eardrum drunk go go right there yeah Oh actually and straight up above me drunk goat that's getting yeah I got a bunch of it so far okay we should probably start getting yes if we see we've go well we've got some diamonds already too so if you want to we can use that on more c4 but yeah no I got ten left a few furnaces well yeah come back to me I'm at the seer I met the spawn area okay do we have slash back though no no but we can we can get back down to a level right let's take this but no right yeah okay there we go we may have to lower the prices if the oils don't show up like they're supposed to but more so you shouldn't have to know exactly where the very level for diamonds oh yeah I'm gonna go get more pickaxe so beer thing alright I got 50 mm beam okay nice how did you get the c4 anyway listen sharp oh my gosh I see it additional $5 trick tip Terry Nelson whoa what happened 9 Dooku the c4 so she yeah but you have to remember you have to is difficult to make a profit on that advanced mining charge is that what it is okay Taron I think how many how many embassies do you have well I've tried as follows- charges 13,000 okay 37 37 thousand okay did you get anything okay I go first 6o we go t everywhere 64 going now then yeah that's so terrifying wow that's a super gold wanna get it all right Alex alright let's do it again okay get CP jump jump three two one jump I did and this is why we've been why oculus huh nice so all right well we should divide and conquer yeah I just wanted to get down there and I was gonna go and leave you all right off level for a diamond uh we should be four at 6:15 is it at 15 for diamonds oh okay I found a hole I would oh yes or no oh no Alex bouncer diamonds Ben oh yeah most certainly not that much though like I think we're gonna be struggling for this bin alright we can we can look at a price using a bet god another okay nope I can pick up this redstone okay there we go okay I go some more goats oh that's gonna that's gonna carry us a little bit in the direction of mining like this way can you do pours onto or do they only go straight down I'm like peacocks Alex I have this one just know where this works let's try it what is it okay thank you one thing she just said oh my goodness joy yes it does what drawing okay keep your eye drunk like that and then one two there we go and then just going on it does work switch that guy ready Troy yeah ready I found some blocks I don't have textures like this okay there you go smart Simon diamonds yeah okay yeah this works very well yeah uh-huh oh I made a minute accident okay yeah you made an accident just one yes I have 13 diamonds Simon strut above me nice come on okay that was good that was good amount of diamonds all right there you go I beautiful come on our way up Alex okay bottom out of I'm out I'm using this strategy to the maximum damage blowing up all the walls yeah me too okay I got I got far bag how many did you say you got you 25 22 5 yet ok drunk can you check them on me real quick and any other items that have an EMC value I have an idea that could make you some profit in the short term and thank you should we just pass 3,000 people watching I appreciate it any more mining mines I'm all out yet these last two of my last nice nice I'm on my way in a second ow first off I'm having to fight a zombie drum I'll be with you in just a second trust me I won't find any super diamonds yeah it makes me say it okay there we go and if I get damaged oh yes oh okay there we go oh shut up all right I'll be right back would you drum I'm currently trying to not die no no nothing amen oh I'm this time to lead these diamonds of time as uh things away from me this should work if this works then celebration time triumph all right move we'll see we'll see come on turn it away oh my goodness don't tell me to look up there's diamonds let me see I think those are dives like I have to like yeah see there to like oh yes I don't think those are bands either so if you come in drunk okay all right put this in your hopper and then shift right click to turn it on oh yeah that's the thing it's gonna just pick up all this random garbage so can it learn not iron Oh - diamond sir will automatically stop going up here you go to him and there's a half is half of what like Malaysia sure because the iron it gave me I'm at like 12,000 hours is enough for a diamond then I'm not a hundred percent show but you find to be just go okay oh my gosh yeah then okay this is a very smart idea to get this thing thank you so much time is left on the clock everybody so my phone is saying there's 14 minutes left and we have to readjust the prices the only 14 minutes left okay and we're not doing much better nation yes that's like almost broke that's right where'd you drop it I'm not doing terrible I mean compared the prices needed like 64 solid diamond blocks I'm new in town no yeah I'm not doing great what we could do to Rome is do it like it was a super all's good that's up to you we'll figure it out we'll see how much they have and what we have and we'll just come up there yeah we have not found a single diamond okay well that's which that's not it there we go yeah more pickaxes while you're up there Alex yes I got my diamonds here thank you do we have to go like a certain way from spawn or something like they've literally strut on the date wrong they're just not very frequent I think you use the different type of super ores Ben than this one I don't think does it as frequently please it's the same type there's only one type for 112 Hey well the one 12-month sling our way weaker than like the one seven ten ones or eight nine whenever wants community I'm finding a lot of diamonds now I am nut but good but I've also gone through all of my mines now yes oh yeah even more diamonds beautiful like I'm at 33 diamonds how many yeah MCS if you got drunk I have 24 diamonds on me and not much EMC I gave you my diamonds earlier so no no no I with the trader rocky thing oh it's got me like two stacks of iron oh wow that's not bad I'm gonna top side here clicking button more c4 c4 is a cool way to mind it really is Nieves and thank you so much sure we have 3500 people watching you guys are wonderful beautiful people hope you're all having a fun sign like we are can you come back Alex I could go so shut it can you pick me up some to way this way this way okay I forgot to tell you Jerome yes I said we're supposed to have a meeting today with somebody and I think you'd appreciate finally fun time it's in the hole did you get it yeah I'm trying to not die can you take over from the Sun because I have one hop all right got it thank you dead there we go beautiful all right Alex I'm gonna build some furnaces so we I can search smelt a lot of this stuff okay I need a set for pot they said I might be better for you on a save time you say yeah yeah so you can maximize your time I wanna do this okay let's see what's over here ooh okay not bad all right I just got a stack of diamonds already been this last looting was good for some reason my night visions gone but that's okay that's cuz you died okay I'm just picking up everything and then transforming it in seven what that glitch this because I put so many oh my god I just glitched it some out I have a visual glitch what I gotta reload yeah it's a it's showing the blocks is there but I'm walking in them that's weird i reloaded and i said look if everything's fine now and i just just do multiple of them in different directions okay just one each yeah no my i'm trying to launch something and it keeps making my damn fries oh and i was a lot of diamonds there you go taxes all bunch of gold over here my goodness have so many diamonds I came back okay okay here we go oh these seven diamonds there we go all right here we go see hey Jerome you could be probably worth teleporting to me okay there is so much on your back oh sure that you can wing it yeah some diamonds the whole line of furnaces up here guys is mine alright don't steal from it - these are all my furnaces from don't you dare no I covered a minute lead alright that's right I do yeah where you can walk through a wall isn't that weird yeah that's pretty cool yep George you're gonna get so much that you can see from that I'm just roll it around here for diamonds Ben miners are here I don't have any weapons well they're here to say hello to you hello from the other side I told you they were coming for you okay cold over here never anybody thank you thanks everyone mama bear up to thirty eight hundred people now we're closing down the big 4,000 thank you for coming out friends well I don't know what I did but I Wow didn't you eat dumbass it was nothing I'm sorry sounds really good pizza does sound really good all the time look I can't think of a single tower Pizza doesn't sound amazing so from now on out there now sometimes you get a pizza skeleton just did a 360 no-scope on me like he was shooting at me he spinned around in those three six and then shot me just under five minutes left nice okay my uh let me get this absolutely nothing oh yeah just what I need sure are are you ready oh no I'm ready you just special code what use it I'm up here with you oh yes I have nine hundred and thirty seven thousand I also have a bunch of orders I can spell town so I'm like just over a million yeah I I've got mine I I got I got my gun I already got wait you got one or how'd you make yeah i I didn't you have to buy it from the EMC table so if you give me your EMC now I'll be able to buy him did you but yeah but how'd you get a time I got the time I got that much Dimond I literally got them a team see oh that's easy hmm oh god oh god all right well I'm gonna spend whatever time I have less than just getting a little bit more and then I'll give you whatever I have so we can get more of these things sounds good I'm coming yeah we can probably use a little bit more these guys are expensive yeah yeah we converted by a few but I mean you could if we set the option for all of them so yeah I'm heading down stairs teleport there and then yeah that's gonna go the wrong way [Music] yeah let's go then slash heel doesn't work no it doesn't why would it well usually does all our clothes they were 3940 three people so close to four thousand thanks everyone free there we go okay okay John yeah I just need to work I have to do this dance [Music] let's go drum oh we don't even need the mining charges anymore nope not really Kevin Morningstar Alex I know no date sure because your arm just said you guys don't need to know my name oh that means in the EMC table with the tome of knowledge okay I cuz you got that fin trim you're gonna trade up whatever we find I mean ya know I mean you have to know it is it's going just not too fast then you miss diamonds well well that's what I mean I can go quickly like this but I can't catch everything kind missing there your diamonds I ended the dance I know you miss your own handle yeah I got these break when the MC tables Alex and just bring it down here the noise you just should have picked up some diamonds we're at 41 there are the ones in the line that's it Oh Ben Ben Delilah yeah what no point it wasn't me Ben let's see how much time is left here all right and actually quit sadly that is time right there so let's all meet up topside finish up and yes okay all right so Ben I'm gonna give you what I have uncooked and let me know if I need to cook anything but I mean I should have enough that like we don't think we're don't really need to cook anything to be honest yes I don't think we were thrown here you go back yeah Jerome went in that's pretty good right yeah right somebody's quite good so what gun she wants wrong I got the scar blaster rifle keep mine that needs energy cells as well to uses yeah yep that's fine blaster can I get a hey can I get the sniper rifle which was the exact name of it AAS 50 and I'll be good me I think those three and hey we passed 4000 viewers thank you all you Bacchus out there okay Jerome yeah you need to tell me what I might arrest abuse need I can find the sniper one but only everyone's was this so just tell me ammo types you need the rest of your guns sure so the ammo type my guns the scar needs where is this on the side assault rifle magazine all right ads how much EMC do you have one second you're so like collecting my stuff it I hate to serve similar that's a bit expensive okay yeah assault rifle magazines dad yep yep oops a few tears the assault rifle magazine a blast rifle needs an energy cell the Allium hooked alien cells are energy cells for the both the blasters and second a penny to do this is faster heyyyyy so that's the energy so yep got it ready and thanks lot spots for the $20 drip tip I was wondering where lot spots was he kind of like vanished for a few days that's right sir so yeah okay I'm gonna get another at a lot of us soap don't worry we don't even have enough for her Tony knowledge to get the guns oh my god that was horribly graphic I pulled on the sniper I aim down the sights and I sniped the chicken and let me just say he exploded into many a pieces of chicken that was quite disturbing okay just completely Wow all right how do i relooked hmm I want it to be a fair battle show them to the MC table and we don't even have enough I mean hold on no that will give you enough yeah if not we can just get you guys to to marry you ever save myself some time save myself some time okay I need to get some things what's the a sniper light drum awesome what is an automatical I hope that sums it up for you it is the as50 okay wait how do you get the guns again just from the EMC tape not for the Chum of knowledge still only have 40 20 blocks and fine diamonds wait how did you expect us to get 64 Datsun yeah just give it well because I Institute supers but I yeah just yep we got it yeah bye cheese I don't know how to equip the incendiary Emma I think you just put it next to it whatever's next to the gun is what it loads okay so Sal doesn't work like that I don't think it just partisan right what are the guns call really Oh at Tech and then I can see which guns yeah I'm gonna set up our basement I have no idea if any of these are any good by the way gun wise I don't know what's good was well we haven't made any homage run I just realize that uh do we need armor let's have a just little weapons oh how much damage that to seven hearts but sounds about right man there's a sniper rifle so that just is pretty fair to me Missy you sort this toast rooms let me know what this is yeah yeah four hearts after all those hit how do I check what ammo any I mean yeah that I just press shift over it and we say hand-tight Amer damage okay yeah no bet if we need armor that's pretty balanced to me like a sniper only doing seven hearts that's some bad and lots plus six to 20 hours drink tip he said oh he said he was gone getting a pump that's awesome well I hope you enjoy your new puppy all right can I have a stock of that face fine cute what about for energy guns what what is the energy cells from sorry yeah I made it out of grasp in what do you think I love it I was loud and whenever you guys are ready we have our base all set up yes oh oh yeah me too can you grab me one I can't even afford to make one sir I gave you all my EMC Oh buddy okay he goes wrong let me get some diamond to pick out as I guess I'll have you suck your red morning star and that's even better I don't I told you that okay no where's there we go how do you reload all right oh my gosh okay Alex uh-huh cool that's kind of major oh so what kind of I'm rarely using a Star Wars blaster thank you lot spots for the $50 stream tip and the $10 stream tip Wow all right there we go hey if you want to keep beating me it's pumping here dues it we Alex oh my god all right he's ready yes all right three two one big go time don't forget your obsidian all right stream lettuce oh you're in for is it Ben and I or is it deixa and Alice I hope root for the baka slurping army whoa what was that [Laughter] what's it called God's rifle no cows like GA ma oh my gosh Alex that's literally like sharing a magnetic that's a magnetic gun you want to go tonight what the heck is that catalan gunmen oh my god they shawol I fish I'm moving in just give yourself some more ammo don't ya that's fine hey guys Oh where's that coming from I cut we actually can't see where that's coming towards your um Oh God take that Nisshin wait do summer can't wear a diamond helmet the Rockets so strong it's so good I actually hear like the rocket it's so much fun and you can make it okay sure I don't want I accidently one shot of Leonardo Oh they should at the same time how do you mistake a bit on the vodka come on let's go no I like how they're up City and there's just floating there destroy with the missiles yeah it's I'm trying to place yourself there I see you sneaking around no you know ha ha addition we're making our move oh do you you don't see anything and then don't light your pistol there's like the longest battle we've had a long time I know right oh my gosh notice that the thing you've been doing we don't have a way up there now Thanks lot lot spots for the to $5 drip tips ah no scope a glut bar so they can't get to run join room yeah I'm gonna be a your support okay oh my god you booty is still missing but alright getting used to the bullet drop been and he's done you can't pull up your ladder I assure you it's not my fault it blew my ladder in the process my god oh god I don't have any Drive look at yours look at yours what happened to ours yeah I said I wanted a drunk yeah from push on left yeah I'll make a move on a been alright this is so hard okay Alex how'd you get more ammo I mean I matter guns okay I'm sorry the funds all over like that I used to phone my rockets okay okay they should that's a sword and it's a gun sword come on dude I didn't see any bullets shooting out of that sword make a move No oh alright then let me get a moves run I know we got to make a move - nope you do go away they [ __ ] so close bad what what's wrong see I'm doing my bare fist how do you get up there ah my Star Wars blaster Alex I need you I need you to markets now station leave me alone okay we're just gonna go and Neverending losing this gun load is like I think it's better than the Flan's mod the guns are like mega responsive in the act the way they should yeah really good 360 noscope okay 40 i think the heavy guns are gonna start coming out all right then all right there we go they want to play like this we play like this no uh-huh Stacia minigun only whipping out the minigun to um once too much to take you out we've all died like a trillion times come on Alex what are you doing Wow okay I just got absolutely a drawing [Music] what you do the Obsidian statement [Music] that's both of z-g we did it everybody and that my friends was probably the most awesome modded battles we've done in a very long time we don't want to fun if you enjoyed it do his favourite smash like button subscribe and guess what if you don't want the streaming fun to end it doesn't have to Ben's going live right now I'm gonna be joining him for that live stream so you guys wanna live spending the live then please cloud over his channel I'll be there too well catch you there by everybody thanks again see on that channel but
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 196,111
Rating: 4.9264617 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4
Id: j_uQPiq8_Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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