EPIC HOME STUDIO Setup 2022 | Andy Harper (studio tour)

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[Music] foreign [Music] studio with my friend Andy Harper he has a really cool and very efficient home studio setup to basically be able to be a one-man band and streaming he actually put together a course for musicians to learn how to use streaming as like an extra gig so the building that the studio is in he built it's detached is on his residence it's on a beautiful piece of land kind of like tucked away and I'll let him get into it because it has a cool story and a really cool design but I'll put links to Andy down in the description if you guys want to give him a follow and check out his stuff if you haven't checked him out yet I put out a drum sample one shot and Loops pack called the studio kit it's 35 bucks and it's got hundreds of drum samples and over 600 drum Loops in it it's very near and dear to my heart I work super hard on it here in my studio with my wfl 3 kit put a link to it at the top of the description also if you guys haven't subscribed to the channel go hit that subscribe button down below get notified whenever new home studio tours like this or any Gear reviews stuff like that gets uploaded goes right into the feed easy peasy drop a like on this video and the video is sponsored by Sweetwater so for this video I was thinking about like what's a piece of gear that I use literally every single day and uh it's actually a compressor which you can hear right now my voice it's the universal audio 1176 Ln compressor and this thing is amazing I keep it on what I call my everything chain which is essentially this mic or sometimes that mic going into the same pre into that compressor into Pro Tools or logic lately I've been using logic but this compressor sounds absolutely fantastic I use it on vocals I use it on acoustic guitar bass drums I mean if I could have 10 of them I would but if you want to check it out I got a link to it down in the description as well as all of the other gear that I use here in my studio thank you to Sweetwater for sponsoring this video drop a comment down below let me know what you think of handy setup and let's go check out his home studio oh yeah yeah beautiful tell me about this building so uh we built the building it's really just a normal kind of metal building garage but we had them frame it out in a way that you could do drywall like a normal house and stuff on the inside so we had that built and then we got a father and son uh Mennonite team of Carpenters to come out and they did know they put that whole thing up and they helped us with the framing and stuff like that and then we had a nice awesome Squad from uh I believe South America that did all the drywall and all the really good finish work which they just did an amazing job and then I came in and did all the rest of it tell me about the layout here floor plan so the floor plan this was designed by an acoustic engineer from Berlin uh Tobias he designed this for us and we basically have we're in the main room here we have the one one big open room where the the drums and stuff will go like that over here we can set some drums out if you're coming in with a band and you've got you know a couple of people get all your people laid out in here we've got uh an isolation Booth really on each side of the studio we have small isolations Booth if you need to get away and then in the center of everything is the control room and that's you know that's my office that's where I spend most of my time and so that's decoupled from the rest of the building it's a floating room in the center of the studio there so most of my stuff happens in there that's where I do my live streams from and you know any production work mixing stuff like that nice simple layout you know some room to do stuff as you can see it's cleared out right now I don't generally leave all this stuff set up my wife also uses this room to do ballet she comes in and we roll the rug up and put the ballet floor down and she does some dancing so it's kind of a multi-purpose room and this worked out really well it's really been just what we wanted it to be what's the what's the um square footage on the building that's a good question I think it might be like 700 something square feet it's uh what'd you say 20 24 by 24.24 nice let's do math 576 is 24 by 24. really is that the math 24 times 24 I guess I guess that would I guess that makes sense tiny we are that's 576 feet of space yeah it seems very small but like that's why it feels bigger that's why I consulted with a professional yeah acoustician that could actually do the right thing with the space because this is a detached building from our house that we live in so it needed to have Plumbing you know it needed to have a bathroom yeah um it was I was going to put like a little kitchenette kind of back there initially which is what like that room back behind you is plumbed to have a little kitchen thing in there I wanted to get you know and make sure that all of the walls were were not parallel to each other and things like that all of the little inset stuff you know everything I wanted it to be the best that it could be for the Acoustics you know of the space that if I'm gonna put microphones up in here and record things I wanted at least for the walls and things to be working in my favor I figure I'm gonna have things working against me at some point computers or who knows what or dogs sure so we'll try and get that stuff done right now and it did it's great I really like the design it was a little bit difficult I'm not going to lie to you getting it built yeah the construction like of these walls this is pretty complicated framing yeah for this part now the other thing you don't see in a lot of Studios what is the hammock so I I did I did have a hammock company a few years ago oh my yeah I'm very much a hammock person oh God and this is uh put a laptop right here and this is my this is most of my office if I got to do laptop work this is where I'm doing my uh my laptop work so you know this is amazing you can come out if you're feeling really lazy you can spin around you can pull up some Netflix yes you know check that out we got hammocks inside we got hammocks outside that is very efficient relaxing is very important I see all these panels here these look interesting and very custom yeah instead of when it came time to wire up the rooms and get audio from one place to the next I I was looking at you know some pretty large panels of XLR connectors but I also wanted you know other connectors USB I wanted a lot of stuff I wanted all the options sure yeah and I also I really really hate soldering I really hate the busy work of all the connections so I chose to and it really it turned out to be rather cost effective I chose to do audio over IP and I use a Dante audio over IP network and so um it turned out like I said to be pretty cost effective too those those panels which I would have needed several and get pretty expensive yeah um the flip side of that cost is you have a unit like like this so out in the main room here we have this PreSonus rml 32 AI this is a stage box which is basically for live music but what's great about this is it wasn't expensive and for not much more I could get a network card that I could just pop into it so we've that's what I did and it plugs into the network it'll roll around and it can plug in anywhere around here so anywhere you take this you've got 32 Burr Brown pres ready to go you've got the whole PreSonus fat Channel system for you know latency free monitoring for uh like you know drummers and stuff that don't want any latency at all they just want a direct monitor but they can still have it sound kind of good so that's why I went with that so you do have lots of network cabling yeah running all around this place every single wire is redundant so the whole thing is twice everything is redundant inside the control room I have a focusrite red 4 pre which is one of focus rides probably top top line top of their line interfaces it is Network enabled from the factory which is why I chose that particular interface between those two you put them both on the network you get your little router and you've got a Dante Network like a switcher it's just a normal Cisco router oh okay yeah you didn't even see it it's just like sitting on the shelf down there it's a tiny little it's just a network router and it was so easy to set up like there's just really nothing there was nothing to it and kind of like one of the things that I think is cool about it and I'll show you in there you've got like this grid it just when you pull up and you open up what's called the Dante controller and a Dante controller is this giant grid that shows you like this way is all your transmitter and down the sides all your receivers and it's all your gear basically this device that device and the computer and it lets you just basically via a little grid grid patch Bay yeah patch any outputs to any inputs to any outputs to multiples whatever you want I dig it you got some playback speakers out here yeah these are actually just JBL whatever 300s 305s or whatever they were but when they're out here and in these Corners I mean it's almost ridiculous you walk in here and it's like what are you doing here yeah why do you have these little speakers in here well you've been here now it feels they feel um yeah and there's a stub that's just kind of barely on um but it's it's uh I like the bass response from here yeah I like when it comes to mixing I like to hear mixes in as many environments through as many things as I can before I'm like really comfortable that it's going to sound good in like your car that's one of the places you know that I check a mix is standing in the various you know places in this room that'll give you different responses and you know you do it like long enough with enough with enough song Enough music you can tell like what's what's good what's bad what's hidden what's not this year I've picked up the Slate vsx system so I do a lot less of walking to different places and I just do it all right there so back here we wanted to have at least one space where you could kind of get away from everything if you needed to and do a quiet vocal you can of course go in the control room and do a quiet a quiet vocal but there's a machine there's computers in there running and stuff this is your dedicated quiet room so a little bit of a you know a little gooseneck thing and a line of sight back to me in the control room there all right I believe that's an Audio Technica 2030. that's like my oldest mic around here that was my standard um I use a I use a VMS a virtual mic system oh yeah is my main mic this is a Sennheiser it's called Uh mkh 404 nice and this was like originally a broadcast mic like from way back in the day and they would use them like yeah like TV guys broadcast guys is what this was it has this cool little cool little this thing that it sits in whoa yeah it's even got like that cool old school Sennheiser logo yeah it's awesome this thing actually sounds kind of cool um when I got it I got it from I was given to me as a gift from my friend Bill Evans one of my own teachers it comes with uh it's on the wall over there on the cord wall this crazy big cable system that's got like this nine volt thing to juice it when I look this up there weren't many people like maybe literally like one two or three people that I found like on gear that like knew what it was and had used them or somebody like had it in use because nobody could figure out how to power it like they've got them but they can't power them because it's this goofy phantom power thing that Santa Sennheiser did for like this mic uh during like that year maybe but I have the power thing so I can actually use this mic and I mean it's an interesting mic it's got It's got an interesting sound if I use it I use it on like acoustic guitars yeah yeah uh up more like the neck mic yeah so I'm a full-time uh creative person I guess you would say really anything that someone will pay me to do I think is what it comes down to but um no over the years I make uh most of my income comes from design and like internet type stuff web stuff um and video work doing a lot of video work which comes with a lot of scoring so over the years I have scored a lot of stuff just for like client projects and stuff I of course um make my own music and and write music like it's a problem pretty much since the day I was born so this facilitates that um in a big way having it away from the house and being able to you know do it and not bother my wife and not interrupt the flow of things over there it's been really really nice you know you take a thing like vocals um yeah I can't do vocals you know like when there's people around yeah I just prefer to get into that I'm okay I'm now going to be a singer yes I'm going to get into that character and do my vocal I do better now that I've been streaming and playing a lot more live you know like it's not such an issue but there's still I do music at night time a lot and it gets really late and if it's midnight and your people in your house are asleep you shouldn't be belting out vocals yeah so that's been really nice I've dude I've done uh let's see commercially you've got like the cake in space guys so I did with Matt some solos for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes first we did some cool stuff heck yeah way back with those where like the turtles would be animated already and so like we'd have to write music and I'd have to write a solo that would basically fit with what the what the animation was already doing so it was a little challenging and super fun there's been a couple of shows like where I do little guitar bits little solos dogs in Space the theme song for that show cool that's me all like I said all of my clients the streaming stuff right now yeah lately this year streaming I do I'm a Music Streamer on Twitch so I do music streaming on Twitch and then I of course have a course a streaming course so you can go to alwayshandy.co promo and check out the course so are these some of the ones that you keep out for guests or are these for like more purpose uh projects instruments from the leftover that little mandolin that belonged to my cousin Michael and when I got into I have a bit of a musical family like especially on my dad's side and uh when Michael found out I was interested in in mandolin and like blue blue grassy type stuff I can't talk in today he was like hey here's this mandolin next to that we get into a gift uh this is one of my gift guitars from my wife that's a Martin custom shop she got me a few years back I'm like I do love and adore this guitar oh I love it it's got an LR LR bags pickup in it and so like oh my gosh this like the most amazing pickups ever next to that these are like all gift instruments holy cow that's what this is the wall of gifts next to that that Fender P bass there is that was a gift from my friend Matt sharetta who got me uh he got me that base because I got him a job like a long time ago and then she just showed up one day he's like here dude got your base yeah thanks so much you don't you don't know it but you changed my life so here's the base and I was like oh wow awesome dude that's super fantastic next that's a lore have you ever heard of velor the mound the lore comes from and I don't think the guy has anything to do with the company but there was a man with a name I think his last name was lore maybe that worked in like either the old Gibson or Fender factories or shops or something like I think it's Gibson history but he's a historical figure in the making of these types of instruments yeah that's where this brand took the name from but that's the name of the brand is the lore yeah I'd never heard of it and the local shop Forest York guitars in Murfreesboro he's got some instruments from the lore and uh my wife got me that mandolin as a gift one year super cool looking it's a really it's a great handle it dude it plays really well this is my Strat oh it's beautiful I love love this strap this was the guitar I wanted for like my whole entire life Strat Maple neck I never gave much thought to the color but when I showed up to the store and they had it in white I thought that's fine but the maple neck was yeah I had to have had to have that but American Strat standard nothing special that's got DiMarzio Paul injector uh Paul Gilbert injectors and it is whether I'm just a little bit hot they still have a strat sound but their uh noise canceled and oh cool a little bit hotter than the average strap hiccup then we've got the fender banjo I do love to play the banjo my banjo chops are terrible I'm sure now but I had a little banjo phase some of my cousins play banjo and that was a gift from my wife my wife she likes to give me instruments these come out for company yes these were in their cases in their house oh okay gotcha the special ones in in the perfect humidity controlled environment and stuff like that these guys do I let them stay out um don't get used you know anything that gets used stays out so we have a bathroom of course like I said we still we don't want to have to go all the way to the house to use the bathroom this isolation room over here ended up being more of just a closet since we live out here in the country I have to have things like chainsaws you know and I have to have toys there's a Kramer Pacer it used to be red it doesn't really play much anymore it needs to probably be rewired that's just an old Craigslist Epiphone this is another gift for my wife Schecter C1 Elite yeah it's got one of those uh pull this out it does single coil split yeah so um I went to the store that day to buy she said hey it's your birthday we're gonna get your guitar we went to Guitar Center and I was like okay I don't know if I want to Strat or a Les Paul that's what I wanted yeah I was I wanted either a strat or a Les Paul this one was like 700 something dollars yeah versus the Thousand you know sure whatever that the others would be and this one it sounds like a Les Paul and a strut nice kinda almost a little bit you know what I mean like it was enough and it's just really nice you know it's like dude those guitars sculpted through and honest to God um still to this day I mean it's a little gaudy it's orange I wouldn't take it out and play in Nashville probably um but um it sounds great yeah everything you ever do with this guitar it sounds fantastic it's one of my favorite guitars and you only own sculpted top and all that stuff but so let's go on into the control room here we've got to go through two doors because like we said we've got a floating fully decoupled control room in here that's great and this is set up really for me this is my world I get to live right here and you know people ask me sometimes hey what do you play music right what do what do you play and what I play is this you know I play all of this yeah um whether it's an instrument like you know at a given time we've got guitars of course we've got this little push controller over here and pianos and things um and all of the instruments that I play kind of come from right here drums happen here you know piano of course happens there too but you've got various controllers all around my feet and such because when I'm streaming and when I play like my songs when I play cover songs when I'm playing the songs as it were I usually have an instrument in my hand that's why you got these stuff on the floor so that I can use these various things to move around in my software and start off different sections of songs because like when I play songs back as covers I play it back like a whole band I go into the software I use Ableton okay and I go in here and I record all the guitar parts I record the bass part I record the drum part and really a lot of times this happens on stream twitch.com always Andy underscore we're self promoing today right totally cut that out it's a good way to make yourself feel awkward say your own URL out loud on Twitch one of the things that people like to do is just like watch you make things they like to see like the behind the scenes so I don't have any trouble at all doing that that's what's fun for me I like to turn a stream on and do just that so we do a lot a lot of that on the stream just the production of stuff and people will come in and ask you like what are you doing what's what's that what's that EQ what's you know what's your vocal chain you know we get all kinds of different stuff that people will want to know and I'll tell them all about it we do have some guitars this is the newest one around here the Nashville people probably don't like this as much because this is a headless guitar yeah which freaks people out I know there's a lot this is a Kiesel Osiris and as you can see is utterly beautiful this is a one-piece uh antique ash body it's just one piece you see there's no seam they did a such a good job too of like choosing the wood and stuff that they oh it's just so awesome in any event this is my this is my main streaming guitar I love this of course it sounds great um that's that's fine but it's it's small yeah if I sit here this is this is where I sit when I'm you know jamming in a stream you can see this controller is right here this is not a problem yeah this headstock will not hit every other guitar that is a problem yep because if I just randomly that's what happens there yeah so we're just in the middle of a chorus or something of a song which is no good so I really this guitar has been amazing I mean it has so many things that are amazing about it I mean gosh look at the bevels and all this thing it's ridiculous but its size is uh was an unexpected feature what's this thing called a push so that is an Ableton push this is the push controller okay and so it does a couple of things and really it does one thing that you cannot do in anything else and and that's in Loop recording to start something uh start a loop recording and then have that Loop stop all by itself and then start repeating all by itself um you can't really do that in Ableton just Nate like you got to have a push and do it like kind of with the button this is a very very full featured controller so like you're looking at this grid right here all these blinking lights these correspond to all these things up here are called cells and each one of those cells has audio in it right so yeah the ones that are lit up green are about to play if I double click that you can see that's just an audio clip right this next to it this is just an audio clip so if you kind of imagine it on a timeline those would all be together and they'd be that one little bit in the timeline right yeah but instead over here they're all out like this so what we end up having is parts of a song that we can play back [Music] here's sedated's chorus yeah you know so we can go down through the project and step into each section of the song that we want to get into so the controllers just help you know keep everything running you know because you're doing like if I'm streaming that's a live show I'm doing a live performance there's people watching um you don't need things to to be difficult like as with any live performance like the number one thing at least in my opinion the number one thing that you can do as a live performer is take things off of your plate you know the less things that you have to think about the less things you have to do the better because it's about your performance remember you're trying to give a good performance I can't give a good performance if I know something's wrong and I'm unable to fix it I have lots of ways to do that like this push thing gives me tactile controls over all the volumes for all these channels I mean yeah do you think I could grab a mouse and adjust the volume of that while I'm playing the song yeah no I couldn't do that but I can very easily reach over here real quick and just adjust that volume okay this controller over here this is in a Kai lpd8 and this is like kind of integral to the whole stream thing this controller I use like this these pads to turn on the microphone to turn on the guitar turn off more poignantly things like Reverb uh on and off like I can dial in my Reverb right here because a song finishes up I need Reverb to sing the song yeah but it sounds pretty silly if I'm still in a cabin sure yeah I'm talking to people in between songs right so you want to be able to quickly turn your Reverb down various other things so that's awesome that's cool how to have the controllers you know what's that unit called this Akai lpd8 lpd8 okay Ableton is one of the I mean I'm sure they're all really good now I used digital performer kind of as my general Daw for scoring and tracking prior to getting into streaming once I got into streaming kind of became all Ableton and I've been kind of happy with like my I've done just a bunch of songs let's see eight songs this year where I did the whole thing in Ableton yeah and what I found interesting was that I would do the writing in this in session view which is what they call this versus a timeline you know yeah I've spent my whole right my whole life writing music to a timeline yep and now I'm writing music in Grid style yeah right and so like you might appreciate this like as a video editor guy right so yeah I'm now doing my video scoring stuff like here in this style because like that way um each one of these sections you know like uh is going to be the same length so like say like I was doing one the other week where the video part was already cut um and and I added the cut to the tempo of of that project right and so then we went back and we started doing there was a 15 second a 30 second a 45 second a 60 against all these different links but they're all the same tempo they're just longer or shorter yeah so typically that would involve going back to the timeline going in here getting this part make copying this pasting it over here hoping all your envelopes and all this stuff Pace with it and doing all the things and then you hope is that you print it off you go whereas this like you don't have to do that at all you just decide oh I need that let's play one more section or let's play this section or oh that one's twice as long I'll just cut that section in half put it here we'll play that section and then you just go like this time for the thing press record and you go okay done amazing I mean like and it makes doing the audio side and the video production so much faster it's been like uh such a Time Saver I love that this is a raven speaking of Time Savers a slate Raven I like tactile control you know like I've I've been through probably every single MIDI controller thing that's come along like the rocky control type things from back in the day because I came from a world where where I learned to make music like on console yep and so I really think that like when you're mixing music it's a even mixing like is a physical activity yeah like you should use your whole body you should you should sit up and be engaged like this is what happens when you're stuck with your mouse and you're clicking you're clicking and you're clean this isn't making music this is making music this is using both my hands to do things I want to tweak this little EQ there you know go over here and check out what are we doing with that mot plugin on this base you know oh it's a little too long there cool get rid of it you know like music is a physical thing and that's why the Raven I think is one of my most favoritest things that I have wow and I've ever had around here just because I can do a whole session without touching this stupid Mouse yeah like which is that's amazing yeah I agree I hate the mouse I love that so these are event asp8s I've had them for years years and years it's one of the first like big nice purchases that I made around here um they they sound great I love them um I'm of course used to them I've been using them for years sure the other good monitors um like I said the most of it around here right now they're more like a Chuck most most of the coolness for me is is the vsx if they get it done and I'm going to leave them out so that we don't forget to let you put those on before you go because they will blow your mind say here's like all the room I was gonna say like you've got several Studios to choose from um and then you've got vehicles that you can hop in and so for me what's useful in this you know it's just kind of a tool like anything else it saves me time from having to go check stuff so what's useful to me has been these car models those have been useful I like the ns10s uh here uh and this one also uh this one's got good S10s too the ns10 mixes in here because I mean it's just like mixing on ns10s like if you can get them to sound good like it's probably going to be good I would say in general all of my projects that come through here um and I think I've got it dialed in pretty well I like top down kind of stuff generally um so from the top down we're using I'm into the Neve console model so I use the Slate package with the Slate stuff pretty much all of my stuff is the Slate plugins and it just came to because first I had the Raven The Raven comes with software and the software for the Raven was so good and I'm kind of a software person I do that a little bit more at that time too but it was so good I was like hmm I think I'll give these plugins a try right now I'm into their Neve model for the console um this 550 clone thing generally it sits there and if it gets anything it'll be just plus two 10 up on the high it's off it's usually off sometimes it's just like it's a nice little like sheen on the top yeah but it's kind of been replaced mostly right now with uh this guy everyone's favorite overstayer came to my attention through Matt Mahaffey he had one of the first like Hardware units you know that that dude put out and uh oh man I found out they had a plug-in like earlier this year or something I was like where have I been I think he came out he they put it out like during covid Maybe it's so good it's so good it's just one of those things that it has to go in every mix it's going on every mix it's going on group channels it's going on solo vocal channels it's like it's going on a lot of stuff it's just one of those plugins that makes everything sound better um now for guitars and stuff again you're going to see the same plugins as the other stuff slate so this is uh THU by overloud which comes in the Slate package so it's like yeah gotta try it out it's free and so I hop in I try it I was like it's pretty good I'm gonna end up using it for a while neural DSP has just been killing it in ham Sims like in recent years and they sound so good one of my favorite amps that I've ever used is this anything muscle gun I used to have physical amps I just love them they're so good so neural released a uh you know an SLO 100 model which was so so good so I had it and I was like I really want to buy this plug-in but before I do that I'm going to shoot it out kind of against my stuff and I even made a little video and I ended up like not buying it I really wanted to buy it but like I couldn't really justify the 100 whatever it was because you know the THU stuff is just really good so I'm not talking about the models that overloud builds into their stuff like this you know like it's an actual amp you know or these these amps that are these models that are designed to be you know that's obviously a Mesa like that's an ant model what I'm using in the THU stuff whoops primarily is this thing called the rig player so these rig players lets these companies do rig captures well they'll just get some famous great amp and do this capture whatever that is there you go so you have the model of the capture and these apps sounds so good um I'm I'm a I'm a total amp junkie I love amps I have been since I was born I'm all about the amp I want preamps power amps I want all of it I would I would never have thought that I would have just like switched over entirely to just doing everything in the box and not even using amps like it's shocking to me but I rarely rarely get like an actual guitar amp out I have that amp back there that's that's to go play that's for when people call me to go like play out somewhere and no matter how great a tone it seems like nowadays that I get from like real amps I can I can get as good a tone like from one of the models and it's just like wow for the most part that's what's going on with the guitar amps and stuff drums I'm using get good drums these drums are the greatest drums uh for me lately so I hear somebody I know has got like a sample pack I might have to be replacing some samples with some cool stuff I generally take the path of least resistance when it comes to drums and always have like I write music that's not always just like you know four bars to this and four bars of that there's weird stuff I don't know you know I write I write music like that so the loop libraries aren't always just what's for me so what's for me is to have you know to be able to play the drums that's loud isn't it but to be able to play [Music] that's how that's how I play drums you know and so the fastest easiest way for me to do any kind of drums is to have a good plug-in and just go and just play them I much prefer keys to pads any kind of a pad situation yeah pads don't ever on anything that I've ever tried and I've tried them all um they don't ever seem to be as responsive enough you know I can't do foreign hi-hat stuff like on pads they're not they're not there it's you want it to be but it's not uh I do love vocals you know like even even this little thing [Music] this is a tiny little punk song you know like there shouldn't be all those vocals in this song but like that's how I do pretty much like everything I do I like to just stack up the vocals um and that's really that's one of those things that I've learned from other people people like my happy man he does gray vocals his vocal stuff is Boo um and when he told me once he's like oh yeah like 10 12 I'm like really why would you do that and it's it's it's you know it's tasteful so one thing I will say um I always like to whether it's guitars it's really just guitars and vocals but I will use as you can see uh different guitars behind you is the Les Paul out there is the Strat those two come into rotations the Kiesel seven string eight string and then we have a bass all those guitars are different and I use different guitars because each guitar has a different sound everything's all the sounds are different so not only that but if we go up here we'll see I won't go into that different amps you know so we've got one two three four five different guitar channels for this song we've got Center we've got hard pan left and right and we've got another set of mildly pinned and those five together are making up the guitar tone that's in this particular production right every one of those amps is different I really think that that contributes to like a big huge awesome sound is when you're not just like stacking up the same exact sounds that doesn't work good when you get into the vocals I'll use different mic models so that's one of the reasons that I have the Slate mic here I can just pull this up and choose you know from different ones they kind of name them so that you know what they are what they are kinda but we've got a 269 here that's kind of my main go-to there's a nice variety of mics like in this Locker I also got the Blackbird locker and those mics are really really good too I I definitely make use of of doing of using the different mics you know like on Harmony vocals you know like maybe use uh like a different mic that's got more of a mid-rangey thing you know like a 67 or run it through the Neve you know the Mev EQ thing just to get more of a different mid boost and make that vocal be different because yeah I think if you the more you mix up the different sounds like it seems like they just come together like so much better the email my thing with tuning I mean you can you can only tune a vocal so much I I feel like the tuning plugins have got us to a point where we can be lazy like with our vocal takes to an extent like or that's not the right word maybe we can be in a little we don't have to take yeah we don't have to take like so long but like I used to do like 20 30 40 cakes of one vocal line um to get it like because I just wanted to be strong right there whereas I won't do that now I'll just you know you can turn on the tuning plug-in like just a little so it doesn't do robot things and then you don't have to spend half your life getting the perfect cake anybody that looks at my Instagram will tell you I constantly in my YouTube too I constantly post things that are imperfect on purpose yeah because there's so much perfection in the world like yeah I mean I'll do perfect stuff and send it to people who are paying for stuff and for the rest of us uh oh look at this mistake I just made like that was funny um you can look me up on Instagram always Andy underscore uh same thing on Twitch twitch.tv slash always Andy underscore I have a website alwaysandy.co where you can find all my stuff too as well as my streamer course which is called Pro streaming for musicians and that will help anybody that's looking to you know get a fast start into the world of streaming that's your go-to right there
Channel: Andrew Masters
Views: 56,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home studio, studio tour, home recording, mixing, how to, aea, ribbon mic, gear review, recording tech, technology, affordable, producing music, investment, recording studio, recording, audio engineering, productions, music, millennial, mixer, home, diy, universal audio, luna, uad, plugins, soundtoys, studio, drums, big drums, drum sounds, sounds, sweetwater, senheiser, coffee, session, consulting, andrew, masters, vintage king, dangerfox, studio desk, Epic studio gear
Id: Lzqh0fnU9DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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