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it's nuke tonight here we go baby jail this is where you beat five Silvers on you can beat five Spirit players every team that W the pistol first one won the map in map three yeah a career all about never giving up no bullets a career about fighting back gets the entry into the sight out in the corner though a little bit disjointed here the rest of the pack comes out to clear him player swings from in a clutch wins this I give away just like with pistol yes they start they start with a pistol that's obviously key will win this one and there is no so important no place to run here for ztics hang on now seeing his EMA so low you'd think that AK is destined for the hands of spirit he's also got a little bit of support here in the background is trying to keep chopper from wide swinging out of main no R nice do you know what I like still alive here cover from the teammate everyone na'vi already has a kill is nobody will go 07 right now couldn't hunt him down when he's at his best he is the best player right now at this going for the smoke spams but this time he doesn't even put a bullet through no pressure whatsoever it's okay if they think maybe that's Max one cross they are for surprised the rotation is a little slow they're going to hear all these players downstairs but no timing is called cuz no noise is made no pressure was put on ztics is up to the plate this is going to be so desperate such a tough job but he dies it he doesn't even cross he he wasn't ready for that zatic straight up wants the fight and another oh have at it then bomb then even at his feet team spirit I mean come on it looked like this B site was under wraps and if it's not for ztics maybe they flood in but instead total 180 ztics throws himself into the fire time but still you know he could be the star of a smaller team at at times you the ability from him so Don will get the final kill but this one's about ztics and very in tune with I don't know he missed that one wonderful possibility of the Cross has to get called Shiro's moving over shirou oh my almost caught out Don allows the second player to cross but this time confirm spot lik he's going to try to bur him out and do happy to deliver at least they get the spots right the molotov Works JL comes out from squeaky could cost them needs to skill bomb has everybody stoic holding their angle they crept into a sight they find it at least for the flank sure shirou eyes set outside just earlier but they crept down underneath his nose to plant that bomb in is the save called not yet keep getting closer choer shoulder spot and he could serve as the Jack Knight and it's not Sher to overom eyes up to the heavens hands busy bomb on the half on Chopper huge reroute from Chopper into heaven it's a double up in heaven they eat the flash they they W is worried about me oh my God their if they went for This I Swear they would have had a chance they had one chance where one big mistake got made then they could have got something out of it na' this is so uncomfortable come to them I appreciate that heavy hold it Miss shot first keeps his head down they're coming at him as his teammates rotate into no avail do inside okay okay two for two two for two commitment is key he's sitting on the bomb Shiro's sitting on the bomb look at this work up from lower em arrives little slow ins quick scope into Alexi wonderful not working with the cannon and not working with much time and no teammates to support have to be mats over to Shir hits when it matters line is drawn it's a second one from Spirit get the kill on from under and that was a moment where you think the lur gets the oh wait a moment did I say only more oh okay speaking of Chopper good for it and a nice forward a setup here right this will be small thing for Z he's going to hear this got those steel toe boots so into the bomb site he drops ontic on high alert both doors swung open and because he cuts one endast very little here for Alexi to offer no bomb plant no followup kill just beautiful shot to deal with Donan listen if you can mut this time little slight a hand and a miss shot out of shirou leaves the door open open Don it's just pistols unarmored but we'll see what he can chew through they come at him as a that's the first time we don't see Don spraying them all down only those Chopper routs to worry about that up in case the timing is here and ztics will be this time no way Magic's ready to swing oh he's a second left y 20 seconds now for Alexi he could desperately try to plant this he's going to go for the cover two bullets in that RVP one for each player where they're at oh oh and he's going to get cut down by Z that's scary yeah he knows jro loses an opportunity but at least gets confirmation on one person and there is wonderful exposed trying to gear up for the fight was attempting to get a piece of shirro well he got it and Don's yet to have his chance to shine oh threw it wow that op Changing Hands Alexi going to give him a warning but that also pulls him out into Shiro who is now starting to have a moment shot it's not all three this they back but if this door is if Alex out he could very well to mag tries to go w't just pistol 20 seconds now we can't pick it up on his own D and Chopper he's been so timid and as he continues to seven bullets in the from na'vi they will forfeit the bomb site and they're doing it with no utility but the CTS don't have one flashbang they don't know T's don't know the numbers so they group back up and that JL AK sat in the backline counter ter has start to work out looking to flood into the site they do slide down but the the side bits got it for him in he swings out with the pistol [ __ ] neither one on the commit and so Spirits as could have play looking like they're well prepared for all the lurks here's another one that's a lot of damage overwhelmed by JL who doesn't get a slow dog slides out from M right and he double so solid stuff from The Defenders slows them down he throws himself to the middle of the pack the fact magic gets two is insane starts to move to shuffle over their separate fights Iman oh doesn't get the head shot oh you see what that means to Chopper this is for dominance in this half this was for na'vi just to inch their way back in it's there the crowd they don't understand the cilities who fights first Chopper great distraction but ztics he just doesn't get it Alexi overtake it and they can just start to flood down into B JL going to buy time listening for the Rumblings of a rotate Magic's already down from vent we saw him critically stop bomb he swings he gets the kill two back in return for and now it is only do dunk n in front of him on the approach him but not in this situation let's go wonderful smashes them as it is a slow crawl from na'vi into a sudden be hit comes to Spirit but all the wild na' getting more comfortable taking more control oh but zoman not missing that one a chance he creep down CS but he can also disengage he tries to get back on damage shirro thinking that e would dive into the cover but he ultimately just leads himself to his own death D looking for the response he gets flushed out and he's done yeah that amol's big but couldn't trust it that much this slip out from JL check it out he's behind the vent yeah yes yes yes oh my God the skewer that's what you need will they fake they again Z he comes out he slips there's a timing through J keeps that is what no myth all legends hold with you think this is impossible they're putting so much pressure onit coming out from vent as well the back players nicely done Don comes out with two he got the gush he cleaned him up he kills the first rotate and there's nothing else really here for na'vi f a very critical second pistol round win for Spirit if they save off the retake in with a feeling he just trickles in with a single kill JL trying his damnedest but there's nothing he can do they're coming for him this is Spirit calling for the blood of na'vi to try and pave their way wow to yet another map win merely five rounds away in the first half but is he back Su check that's thought he got to get play for Chopper to just chew through ooh caught on the jump up but ztics makes quick work of another and so as you'd expect USPS cut down to size what we saw from C with Don on nuke was only thing I've ever seen that Rivals that and that is the ability to have such so in tune with the timings he knew where all the spam should go oh JL running got the weapons for I swear you got this unlucky tce that's a table puncher that's a table puncher wonderful tries to take to Heaven also keeps his head down desperate in the vent oh back turn to it have G better here for Spirit the save is so critical we talked about how few these guns may be but good on bit to keep the rifle jel just missed the timing he that flash fully there was Alexi but he's able to get behind little box sharing a Wall's Not Afraid missing Alexi sees all and if he pushes out try to take more by force but it is this unbeknown scrudge control to na'vi he doesn't really believe it he actually makes noise outside oh my godun find and pinned against the wall sure enough they're going to spray him down but luckily for Navy things have gone well elsewhere got the double and with that Chopper left stranded so na'vi keeping those guns last round feels key healthy buy strong fights individual fronts everybody starts to let here from Nai from bit to Alexi to wonderful for certain fire spreads a little right now Al is going to ignore it we've got a player Up in Smoke things are getting weird he's so lucky I swear on God but this is not fair he's so lucky just like that Donan ontic he's got to make a massive play there is no other chance for him it is now or never die on your swords Alexi does connect with one but he doesn't get away so luy they can only kill through smoke wasn't it coming in through mini with those two frags up front Don with a one to compliment it that one's again about ztics but the runway starting to come to an end it seems It's aggression I like the aggression they try to take the fights again and they try it again to get in deep but EMA pinched into Hut does he set up his second these are Sharp Shooters they're going to be aware of the potential he still get some action TR nice wonderful the wonderful wonderful deliv when it matters we go 2v2 magic will scoop it up Spirit Camp Bank on shirou the back site Magic on the bomb bomb hased and wonderful has to somehow creep through somehow crawl in wait wait wait oh as they come swinging for him and just like that it's 12 tournament [Applause] Point chopper from shouts to calmness and Z up I can't believe it this guy's so incredibly lucky over and over on the edge of this smoke why am I just plays with his food I don't even know Choppers found another [ __ ] man sure enough guys SP deserves it uned na took him at Alex broke his curse of losing 16 maps in a row in best of f they took a map they went to the Grand final of the spear he fall down into the two Spirits nothing to be ashamed of this Spirit was in top form everyone delivering to five they beat their GG he is speed running right here and the major winners will go down K beat SAS and the blast spring finals as they make magic but ladies and gentlemen May showers bring June flowers a blossoming promise for the rest of the year your bless London Grand champions and the whole team holds the trophy that's beautiful cuz they did it as a team sh sh making emotion actually he was so depressed on Cloud9 bro some of the pictures with him on Cloud9 where everything just not not nothing worked
Channel: goldgoldpixel
Views: 888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CdG6EYr8HA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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