Epic Gardening is Changing.

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what's up guys Kevin asiru here from epic gardening coming to you with an announcement I'm sure you've seen a bunch of YouTubers in the beginning of this year are calling it quits or taking a break or changing the channel and I have an announcement like that for you guys as well so this part of the video I'm just going to edit it out in a couple weeks but I wanted to come to you guys talk Ono one directly much like I did in the early days of my YouTube Journey which is crazy to think it was like 10 years ago maybe 11 when I put up my first video I would have been 24 25 I would have been playing around in my basement stuck playing Starcraft and League of Legends and DOTA and all those sort of games just absolutely addicted to it and then got hooked on guarding with my brother and just did it as fun a fun hobby right like that's what everyone did back in the day on YouTube you put a video up and you just want to have fun with it no one was trying to make it a thing it was just YouTube what am I doing I'm G to put it on the internet and share it with you guys and of course it's blossomed past anything I could ever imagine now so before I share with you some of the updates I kind of want to give you an inside look at what's been going on personally with me which I almost never do on this channel because I've always wanted this channel to be a place where you can connect you can learn you can feel okay to make mistakes in the garden but not make it all about what I'm doing who I am Etc so I I've hesitated always to share these kind of things with you guys but I figured now is a good a time as any so let's take it back to 2019 when epic was my full-time job my career I was doing it for a living but it was very manageable I could handle it the things that I was doing were fun they were exciting they were fresh they were new and it's when I first started doing what really would take epic to the next level which is offering our birdies RIS beds directly to you guys here in America and then with the pandemic that kind of took off like a rocket and just transformed the company and the channel and allowed me to hire people like jacqu who's become not only a great Gardener and Creator in himself but also one of my very good friends but as fun as all of that time was 2019 2020 2021 it was so insane like what would happen is I would wake up I would immediately get to work whether that's filming answering customer service emails driving down to our warehouse to pack and ship orders or unload containers answering more customer service emails filming more doing some editing working with the small small team that we had right then so it was like every hour of every day almost exclusively all of the time no vacations weekends were just more days that I could work and that pays off obviously in certain ways but it takes a chunk from you in many other ways and the ways in which it took a chunk for me was maybe it added a couple chunks on honestly I don't know if you guys have seen over the last couple years but my health and weight has sort of ballooned and fortunately now is kind of on the Comedown as I've been able to find a healthier balance to my days but man I was up to a crazy weight a weight I never thought I would get to and it was very personal to me because I have a very deep loss in my family with the death of my father when I was young and you know it was an accident it was a surprise it was a shock to our whole family but it was exacerbated by some of his health problems and I told myself I'd never let myself get to that point and I was creeping towards it and I'm also creeping towards the age he was at when he passed away um so with the physical struggles also the mental struggles came as the team grew the pressure grew the scale of everything here at Epic grew it was just a lot right I mean you're looking at a guy who likes to hang out in his backyard and make videos about how to grow water millons and how to grow pears and peaches and things like that and to go from that to a 20 person team customer service team Logistics operations all these different things the real behind the scenes of building a true company not just a YouTube channel uh started to take its toll and with the addition of the incredible Botanical interests team as we acquired the seed company it just really started to affect me because there's just I I Can't Describe there's so much pressure mentally on you to make it work not only for yourself I mean I'm fine I'm good Life's good for me but for the team what happens if this thing goes down what happens if I can't deliver what happens if I get hit by a bus all these different things run through your mind 24/7 it really starts to impact you and so that brings me to what we're changing here at Epic gardening and I'm not quitting I'm not quitting but I am evolving in the early days when I had the blog and that was all it was and almost probably none of you even remember those early days because it wasn't even called epic gardening back then I called it exonics cuz I was just doing hydroponic gardening it was probably one of the worst brand name decisions in time thank goodness I changed it to Epic gardening but back then I had a very simple Mission and it was teach a thousand people hydroponic gardening and as the platforms expanded and the growth expanded and I really saw how powerful learning to grow was for people's mental health physical health nutrition just Joy Of Life kept expanding that mission 10,000 people how to grow 100,000 people how to grow a million people how to grow and now epic's mission is Teach the World to grow and the world cannot be taught by one man the world needs to be taught by a team a team of passionate people who know all different aspects of this world that you and I love this world of gardening growing your own food preparing it growing your own fruit trees keeping chickens baking woodworking all these different crafts that make up a life that is self-sufficient that is a production focused life not a consumption focused life and straight up I'm not the guy to tell you everything about every different aspect of what we want to share here at Epic in fact I've never said I'm an expert at anything I do although I'm pretty good at gardening these days but I think the charm of what I've Loved about building this YouTube channel and this this company is that we're just actual human beings who like to do this and we're not coming to you from on high saying oh well according to the research we need to do it this way and sort of gatekeeping the hobby which I just don't like so you're going to see some new faces here on the channel some new topics diving deeper into things like Orchard care or medicinal herbal gardening or house plants or Bonsai all these different topics I think are so fun and so fascinating but there are so many talented fun people to teach you about it that i' I'd love to share with you and I'm still going to be here on the channel very much so but I'm going to be here in a way that truly feels good to me I've probably filmed almost a thousand YouTube videos at this point maybe multiple thousand short form videos on Tik Tok and Instagram and Facebook and then 2,000 podcast episodes 500 plus blog articles I have put out some content for you guys and as the and as the business has expanded I've been pulled into different Realms into the business side into the logistics side into making and developing incredible products that we hope you guys really love and that stuff is very interesting and I want to spend some time there but I also want to spend some time back here in my garden messing around just like I did in the early days doing whatever the hell I want to do and making those classic epic videos like I did back in the day that spark an internal Joy Within Me and hopefully bring that to you guys so all that to say the Epic gardening channel is changing I'm not quitting but I am evolving and I want to introduce to you the Epic gardening ecosystem so thank you for indulging me on this little weird jaunt into a more personal video I don't really do this I'm not that kind of YouTuber but it's been a incredible ride I could never have imagined where all of this would take me and and hopefully take you as you've watched this channel over the years I have a little folder on my computer where I screenshot and save all the notes that impact me and when I'm feeling bad I just go look at those notes um and it really lifts me up so thank you guys and I want to introduce to you the Epic gardening ecosystem which is what I'm calling this next phase of the channel and of the Epic gardening Empire so without further Ado enjoy the channel trailer for 2024 if you want to learn how to successfully grow plants but you think to yourself I don't have a green thumb well you've come to the right place Kevin to here the founder of Epic gardening but I wasn't always in fact in my early 20s I knew nothing about gardening and I was addicted deeply to playing video games basically in a basement by myself for 8 to 10 hours a day after college I was wasting away I had no clue what to do with my life and in an act of basically desperation I reached out to my brother and started gardening as a way to reconnect to Nature the first plan I ever grew was from a little pack of marketmore cucumber seeds this one right here from a company called Botanical interests and I was so proud of it I gave it to my brother once it was ready to harvest he took one bite almost threw up and then spit it out so that was a total failure but I was hooked on gardening I started a little Blog then a YouTube channel the one you're watching right now then a podcast social media a Shop books fast forward 10 years later and now epic gardening is bigger than I could have ever imagined all stemming from one simple Mission Teach the World to grow so whether you've killed everything you've ever touched or you're an experienced Gardener this channel is for you whether you live in a small apartment like I did or a townhouse or a Suburban home or even a sprawling rural acreage this channel is for you you'll learn how to grow plants in great detail like our complete guide on growing ginger in containers you'll learn quick Garden tips like growing basil into these huge bushes with a few simple pruning tactics and you learn what not to do in the garden like how not to grow cucumbers so your brother doesn't want to throw up when he eats them well I've learned a ton in my 10 years of gardening and I'm pretty good these days no one on earth knows everything which is why we have dedicated experts you'll see on this channel teaching you everything about Bonsai house plants pruning Orchard care anything under the sun that relates to plants but epic gardening is not just this YouTube channel the ecosystem is much wider my friends we have multiple channels you can go check out what I'm doing on the homestead baking chicken keeping Etc over on Epic homesteading jacqu who is my initial garden assistant has a whole Channel where he shows you in-depth guides and how to use what you grow in the kitchen if you want something in your ears while you're out in the garden check out the beat podcast that's our daily show Monday through Friday where we have world-renowned experts on gardening of course but farming animals biodiversity ecosystems design anything your heart desires and if you want to catch up on what we're doing day-to-day in the garden you can always check us out on social media but that's still not all you see we are in the garden every single day working trying things and the truth is a lot of the products in the gardening Market just aren't that good so we took it into our own hands we design and develop some of the best gardening products in the market our rais beds our seed starting trays and then we curate from some of our favorite brands that we've known and loved for many many years and we'll ship that from our store at shop. epic gardening.com directly to your garden and remember that Seed Company where I bought my very first cucumber seed over 10 years ago Botanical interests is now a part of the Epic gardening ecosystem where we stock and hand curate 650 plus varieties of vegetables herbs and flowers and we'll shift them directly to your door from our store or at 4,500 stores around the country as I sit here today it's crazy to think that a guy addicted to video games in his early 20s was completely trans formed by the simple Act of growing something and that is something that can happen for you as well so cultivate that subscribe button good luck in the garden and keep on growing
Channel: Epic Gardening
Views: 419,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic gardening
Id: XRsYr29IbiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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