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hi guys welcome back to another video we are in we are the coast in Kenya so we are in watamu which is just a beautiful Beach area thank you to blo mean for sponsoring today's video we have a gorgeous Villa three homes on one compound they're all kind of gated off so that they could each be rented out separately uh but we keep the gates open so there's three TOS for us we're here with Solo's entire family the last three trips we've taken including this one I guess we have been able to gather everyone together almost everyone um for a week together it makes such a difference to just live together for a week you spend so much more time and all the cousins are together it's so memorable so we're thankful we were able to do it again this time we have a full week here well not quite we have six we have six days here that going fast anyway we're a couple days in we've settled everyone has now arrived and we are having a great time the kids are in the pool constantly I'm going to show you around introduce you to everyone we'll see what today brings we just finished breakfast and the kids are already back in the [Music] pool we do have three non swimmers here the three youngest girls they're all from different families uh pie is ours and so we're all like watching really vigilantly the pool areas but the good thing is we have a lot of eyes to watch so that helps we are 33 people in total here and the place did have a chef that you can hire for a very very reasonable price we're not doing it every day but we did it the first day and now today the second day and I think we're going to do it again the last day we're here so we'll have some days where we do our own but he cooks and cleans it's made us all feel like we're on very good bye mommy want something mommy want to do something Mom that's our place mom [Music] wow our scenery is just beautiful everywhere [Music] again it's a little humbling to film down at the coast my hair is wild I don't wear makeup and I'm sweating all the time which is a big reason I would not wear makeup but I did bring my blue Meine skin care does not have to stop blue mean uses microcurrent to tone your face I really like what it does especially around my chin jawline I use it on my forehead it helps with fine lines and wrinkles and puffiness a lot it has three different lights and using it just three minutes three times a week makes a big difference it's not only great for your own skin but you can also use it as a gift I don't know if you can tell but it makes a big difference in my jawline right here compared to the other side and that's just for a minute of using it so far I love it I use it it actually does show results and every time I share about it it sells out for my viewers blooming is offering $70 off the for the first 100 people and it's normally $150 so that's a really good deal oh almost half off and also if you're one of the first 100 it comes with a book an ebook that is that is face tightening Secrets they always sell out when they offer this link and if you don't have results there's no need to pay I will put a link for blo mean in the description box below it's very easy to charge the charge holds for a long time too which I really like be sure to check that out if you're interested and try to be one of those first 100 people my hair is giving Monica from a friend's episode I saw once I think she was at a beach there some are very humid I think she came home with braids cuz her hair was that's me last time I was here I got burned to a crisp crisp crisp I am not a very big sunblock fan and I was out in this equator sun too long at one time for a tour we did this time I am like last time I could hardly move this time I am making sure I'm not in the Sun for more than half an hour at a time than evaluating my skin I am a little red here um after one day but my skin if I keep seeing the sun it uh it doesn't burn and I just haven't seen the sun much this year yet so I'm having to grow its tolerance so all that to say lots of shade time for [Music] me you that yeah [Music] wow it took Seth about A Day to Remember half a day to remember how to swim he swam last summer all the time uh and he was forgetting how to go underw once he remembered that how to swim underwater he was good [Applause] okay it was a long winter where we come from woo okay okay this is like a big hangout SP I'm going to introduce you to everybody but um there's a fan here which helps why is that fan on low oh my goodness and we just we eat here a lot when you hear crying sometimes there's a little school next door but we also have I was going to say I'm not sure if that one's ours or so we had a nice sahil breakfast this morning we had mandazi which are they weren't they were different no they it's a it's mandazi it's a different kind of Mand but they're called hry yeah it's because of what they put in it oh some spices and yeast so it's basically like a beignet I think without powdered sugar that's what we figure yeah it's very much like B yeah they're wonderful the kids love them I'm surprised there are some left over and then we had a cow pea thing I forget what's it called I don't know if there's even an English name for it because I know it's uh it's native to the land you've eaten them this probably probably oh is that what it's called yeah Jim Jim what do you call this kind of bean what do you call this kind of bean The Cow Pei beans pigeon peas oh I don't know that one either so there it's not sweet or anything it's not made sweet but it's very good I had two helping and then we had hard boiled eggs which is a Kenyon breakfast staple I think we've had that a lot what else do we have the avocado milkshake avocado milkshake yes that's right which was not very sweet and not very cold and tea chai always chai all right I'm going to introduce you in order I look so sweaty uh so that you can understand cuz it could be confusing firstborn you don't want me to tell you tell them you're the first what's my name you look like the baby am I looking like the baby you want to introduce yourself I the fast Josephine Josephine yes we call her ni so that could be confusing yeah yes and this is her husband Jim Jim they've been married about three years Jim brings a lot of spice to the family we like him spice some good humor the kids like him too he brings lollipops and then this is Josephine's son Scott hey Scott he's been on here before you probably know him okay this is Mo mudoni Veronica oh my gosh we call her Mo her name is Veronica yeah she is the second born and her first born her firstborn is not here he's in Canada yeah he's missing out so that's Brian um and he's working in Canada right now but he got married since we last saw him here on this Vlog so I'll I'll show you his wife okay she's a little shy but she agreed to be on camera I agree we missed Brian because he used to be like this erand person can fix everything yeah I know that feeling when you're older kids go it's hard it's not easy but we are cooking well yeah okay and this is her daughter um Mariah do you miss Brian she misses her budy yeah am Mariah you are 11 yeah she's 11 going on 17 yeah she looks 17 okay we've sat here too long they're now bringing out snacks this is fried potatoes they brought some ketchup he and Yan's going to eat it all he put it in front of her he fries it butter on the top why are they orange a little I think it's t the pictures keep happening lots of we will have a lot of photo [Laughter] [Music] evidence have you done in the pool yet have you got in the pool yet okay I came to another section that's another Pool to I'm looking for Malo but I can't find her someone said she's on the phone with with Brian but I'll introduce you to her later we'll move [Music] ahead is I'll have a gate to come through and outdoor showers which is nice this bird is hanging around us all the time and he's very loud one he took your sandwich yesterday didn't he mm no all right Third born so quiet introduce yourself your voice speaks for itself my voice speaks for itself um Peter the third one of six yeah I'm more like Peter the third yes I'm here with my how many kids do you have the four kids this is his wife Tess hi and uh Peter's an actor yeah he's been in a lot of stuff a lot of Kenyon stuff but what would be known more worldwide that you've been in you the want to talk about on the spot yeah just Ting tinger tals a couple of movies yes Ting used to watch that all the time like oh my gosh you're soet yeah you were the Ant and the Elephant right the ant I was in the elephant and I did some of the songs I'm the ant but I did the aunt we and yeah some of the songs constant Gardner he was the the cop in about the middle of the movie it's not a movie for kids but we do love watching that role it's fun yeah so Conant now what else did we do come over I forgot oh no as an actor I should say my fails me yeah so and Tess they've been married for quite a while okay this is their oldest girl Elsie Elsie you're tor's age right yeah two months younger two months younger with the two times ago I think we have video of them just walking around the house remember that in mamb Bassa holding hands they're so cute you guys remember that they would walk everywhere holding hands they were like three years old yeah she was waiting for you to come yesterday all day youm yeah that yeah and this is Anna the Third born how old are you 10 10 so about Eli and am Mariah's age yeah what grade are you in fifth and there next to piece is Pearl hey Pearl hi Pearl is three mom yes this is mala Brian's gorgeous wife you were probably talking to him on the phone when I was looking for you yes how did I guess Dad [Music] Duty solo also put pieces suit on which we were teasing him it's not quite right something's wrong should I fix it okay that's [Applause] better okay we are headed to the beach it's just down this road like a 2-minute walk [Music] oh guys there's the beach it's beautiful isn't it [Music] [Music] how the kids are way out there [Music] mom did that I'm wearing a t-shirt today got to protect my shoulder [Music] okay I finally found Jonathan this is Peter and Tessa's first born your mic is age you and Mike are the same age yeah they're like two months apart or something yeah she December 11 yeah he and I share a birthday and um he's as tall as Luca are you taller than Luca yeah what so like 6'4 maybe Luka's 63 I think Luka might be 64 oh okay waterproof shirt no no it's not waterproof but I have a bad sunburn I got sunburn on my shoulders so I have to wear a shirt yeah it's not that bad I'm just I'm being careful that it doesn't get worse guys this is the Indian Ocean it's amazing I love the Indian Ocean the waves though are huge because they've had a lot of rains okay Luka and I will show you the island over there I'm going all right y get my shirt oh there's a big snake here not that big but not Africa big oh my gosh is it dead it's not moving you don't see it you missed it you walked right by it no might beatt M what is this hey don't get near that snake they move really fast oh would they hurt you luuka poisonous snakes here it's not like home I think it's dead though right who's coming Judah you want to deal with the snake there's a snake snake that snake makes me nervous but it hasn't moved in inch so I think it's dead okay guys let's go this way snakes move really fast I think it's dead though where Eli don't get close to it where that white thing good yeah it's a rocky road now I'm just going to tell her that one [Music] [Music] [Music] hey he yeah [Music] that snake was dead right yeah okay woo she did it did it yay that's awesome it's going to be worth it yeah my god Becky is this your first time seeing it yeah yeah I want to make it to naobi he's giving antio a heart attack down there wow too bad there's no camera from that side yeah he's giving uncle Peter a heart attack too how do I do this I want to hold in a second I'm just going to do this for you just Ure that the wind will not blow it up look at that [Music] [Music] [Music] coconut oh a small brown one that's perfect these are sweeter than the brown thank you [Music] he's been filmed [Music] before [Music] Santi guys those guys are selling that big old fish you see the fish I brought the little ones home to clean up in the shower outdoor shower just a casual centipede crawling on the wall I think these ones are harmless but there are poisonous ones yeah we'll find food let's go find food is that the beans or rice [Music] rice to continue the introductions number four is solo so obviously I'm here with him our 11 all 11 kids which makes me very happy and then our oldest has his girlfriend here Katie the number five is Sam he is back in Lincoln Nebraska where we are him and his wife and kids were not able to come so he's married to Abigail they have faith in Kora we show them in their videos a lot cuz they live in our town uh it would have been so awesome if he was here we're only missing his family and Brian otherwise everybody else is here okay so number six come we've come to number six let me find them it's only fitting that I found him in the kitchen because he's a chef so this is Gotti Godfrey yeah and he's a chef and he's married to Becky hi and I just met Becky for the first time how many time years have you been married now four four yeah yeah Becky and I are good friends already [Music] uh so his name is Godfrey but he goes by Gotti cuz usually when I say Gotti people are like what what he and he are so similar the children can't even tell them apart all the time okay so this is Gotti's oldest daughter amanii we told her she looks like a model today we all look like we were washed up on a pirate ship after 3 months at sea but somehow she's stunning and beautiful Amani your 17 right so she's between in age between Luca and Belle who do you like better Luca or Belle okay I'm just being mean Chris can you wave hi okay that's Chris he just came to live with Gotti and Becky just recently like this year sometime very nice kid he's so sweet he's 15 and this is Dwayne Dwayne you want to say hi Dwayne hi Wayne is like 11 him and Eli have been getting along really well here's Pand hi hi can you say what your name is p pendo pendo means love such a cute name you have a cute name and you're very cute it's a camera look you can see yourself that's what Noel likes how come you're so cute why are you so cute pendo it's because of your mom you're so [Laughter] cute hi hi oh she gave you a kiss even oh that's so nice so the three littlest girls if you've kept track are Pearl pendo and peace in that age order and they all start with P which is funny we got to take a picture of the three p's it would be fun if cor was here too Sam's little girl cuz they all are around the same age same size and they look a lot alike these girls have learned how to put their faces in in the water and they keep doing it over and over oh wow oh my God oh right I'm I like how subtle Scott's moves are okay we're switching Verandas we're going to a bigger one yeah oh we're going to another Pool someone would see me some would yeah let's go talking about that one oh okay we keep saying we'll go over to the other Veranda cuz it's much bigger but this this one here is by the big kitchen so we end up staying by the food okay here's the third pool [Music] and here's the veranda we got several fans instead of one oh yeah it's nice big couches she's found her spot so I think every house has a TV we haven't seen if they all work yet and oh it does and this one has a grill all of them have a grill actually an outdoor space to grill there's another SW bed you like don't want here's the kitchen over here it would work it's just not quite as much space no wants to show me something on the side of this that she discovered whoa you made a good Discovery here I showed Eli last night wow that's a cool house so cool this reminds me of India everybody had you knew it everybody had decks on their top of their houses oh that's nice hi guys hi Seth hi Desi hey guys that way there's stairs that way over there there stairs look how deep don't talk about how red I am I don't want to hear about it very red I am not I am dark white okay this is the most important introduction of all M otherwise known as NAA otherwise known as Rosita yes otherwise known as Rosa otherwise known as Mama Roy mama mama solo I what else do you go by everything you come what else is your name what other name kuki k oh my goodness they keep going and going yes that's so you want to say something to the people I just want to greet them and thank you for everything she means thank you for watching for watching yes so you got to meet uh peace and Seth this trip yes I'm so happy to see them yeah since it's long time since I saw everybody yeah but now I'm so happy yeah you got all most of your kids together that's must feel good when you're the mother only some and yeah y our kids have not left the pool the whole day Eli has been in a different pool I don't like to push kids what are you talking about what truly they have not left the entire day they love a good pool they love any pool they are water babies and I am usually right there with them me okay for dinner we have ugali wrapped up this is their cornmeal Mash mush stuff that takes on the flavor of what you're eating it with chapatis which she's making a lot more of those they keep going and going fried cabbage fish stew and there's fish on the grill coming too I think oh it's fish soup we've been feeding the kids first every night last night we were like around the table or around The Veranda with guitars just singing and singing and singing all the songs dancing so much fun tonight we're all tired way I look is how everybody feels are you tired yes you don't look it thank you very much I was about to say this where were you it almost looked like one of the zoom like green screen backgrounds oh yeah it does I thought you were going to tell me how red I was I am not that red I've been we my hat you didn't have to mention that now I will Point down I am okay D you're a little bit I love you so much you are cherry tomato Bob the Tomato who's winning you haven't started did you get Jonathan in stand up [Music] what I rested for a few minutes I feel better now I'm down here playing with the master uhoh I love this game I I learned it in Japan I love it do you guys like it yes yes I'm just watching it's so fun do they know what game talking about Dutch Blitz Dutch Blitz that's where it's at people it's so fun and you can play with a big group you always have a big okay this is this is the Star Treatment right here she's getting a foot massage oh look at the kitten too oh Tori was able to hold one today they they're kind of skittish around people but Tori Tori held one yeah for a while a it's cute off it goes each night we've been going out solo and I and some other somebody always I think Judah and Katie are coming Gotti we go out to the beach the stars are so good out there and it's cool because of the breeze at night really the STS the Stars we become country people we like to go outside of the city lights immediately feels so good this feels so doesn't it feel good it just dropped like immediately who turned on the air conditioning that's what it felt like yesterday that property SAA especially in there where we were playing the game oh my God cooking in the kitchen all only the fan cannot do it it's not like yeah [Music] we got back from the beach it was so fun my camera does nothing but the boys got some good pictures actually I got a really good one of the boys too um of the star Scott was teaching us how to take better photos with our phones in the dark I'm going to bed I'm tired um the kids have been passed out for a long time don't forget to check out blue mean if you want to take advantage of their offer I always appreciate it when they have that for my viewers um I'll leave the link in the description down below and our next video is going to be really exciting that's all I'm going to say I'll talk to you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Our Tribe of Many
Views: 111,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: large family, large family vlogs, large family homeschool, homeschoolers, lincoln vloggers, nebraska vloggers, family vloggers, interracial couple, interracial family, interracial kids, international family, international couple, international kids, feeding a large family, prolife
Id: BHpuwk_IQIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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