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[Music] so in this video we're gonna try and make this rc car stop bouncing [Music] so last time we took it out we did the warm up for the long jump competition and on really big high heavy landings as it lands it bounces and then it can sort of jump up and flip over which is annoying so i've just put this m2c racing bloodless shock conversion on here and that should stop the bounce so in this video we're going to try it out also i've fitted the m2c hinge pin braces basically what they are it pins the front and the rear block together which should give it double the strength by the way guys if you want to see me fit that there's a link down below to my live stream channel where i fitted all that live and if you want to know the full specs of the whole entire car because i've got a lot of upgrades on here i'll try to make this to world's strongest rc cars so i'm going to put a link down below to the full specifications and where you can get all the parts from also we're going to be taking out the traxxas mini max do you want to get rich quick then buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best if you want to get rich for sure you have to provide either a product or service of value i've spent the past 10 years of my life tried many different ways of making money online and by far the quickest and easiest way that i have found is by selling on ebay and i've helped hundreds of people make thousands of dollars every single month so if you want more money so you can buy more toys buy a nice house or quit that dreaded nine till five then click the link down below and i'll show you how so that's enough waffle let's go out and have some fun we're running late but it's not my fault we have traffic and he's getting thirsty hopefully we're gonna make it and it looks like it might rain which is actually a good thing because it'll keep the zombies away zombies the sun's come out the zombies are gone we got a skate park to ourselves oh pat's got to take no this creighton's going to go to the moon boys you broken it yep why are you broke opinion off oh that's not broken guys this is one of the strongest rc cars i've got to the moon oh oh yeah we left oh oh we stopped did we speak too soon has it broken or has it come unplugged oh oh no the switch came off good you're good all right guys this is a suicide jump we have to we've got a short run up from there to there and we have to clear this and clear that if you miss you hit the railing it's going to be oh my everywhere oh oh cut out again yes and that m2c chassis has just taken a couple of nasty hits and look at that we're still straight we're still good man this rc takes a kick in did he bust it again yeah oh hbo tough baby we got the 360 cam on there we're gonna trace the mini max [Music] oh [Music] [Music] dislocated [Applause] [Music] oh recovery [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] oh [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] so oh hey minimax has stopped working mini max are you alive ah we're all good just come unplugged oh tumblewumbo uh-oh oh tree landing oh the fans got noisy again footage [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh my god i missed oh oh i did it on purpose i'll show you why i did it on purpose the reason we did it on purpose is because my gopro's underneath oh it is coming away anyway that was a nasty landing oh we don't need the body you look in here look we put all this shoe in here and drywall tape it saved it so this body has had one hell of a hiding and look at it apart from a couple of little dents but still for the most part perfect oh that's gonna go to the moon oh yes look at that oh gopro's off there we go how did that gopro stay on oh yes oh hey landed it oh uh oh that wheel is proper hooked closely flat out and break yeah that's what's going to need look at that clear getting the old footage there hey he's got it hey it's in the house and he's brought his zombies what toys has he bought granny hyper amp and rs2 they specifically for armor yeah what make gpm nice well yeah apart from you you have to make them fit with a hammer hammer they're both blind but it's quite tight they're going to come off and harry where's tiny [Music] oh there he is [Music] oh straight on the nose [Music] man this thing is a tank you guys saying should i get xlb guys there's no need this thing is a tank i'll probably get the diffs and the turnbuckles all right see if we can break it all right here we go flat out oh he loves it my god i've never had an rc car clear that this way oh no what happened what was he doing in there come on what happened oh it just popped off popped off yeah i did stephen could you go pro over there so i can just air this out flat out hey cameraman easy that was a tree cutter that was [Music] that's not the right way up what are you doing down there don't take it have a go yeah oh you broke it yeah you did broke it where hold on it popped off i'll just take it off i suppose before it gets ripped off and lost i could just take it off i reckon yeah okay there we go fixed all right go ahead and stephen flat out over that jump out yeah fast out yeah flat out oh what from there coming this way any way you like you can hit any jump you like flat out oh you want me to kill it uh i don't think he will kill it so jose estes turn on the crate and see if he can kill it aim for that biggest lump because it'll go higher here comes isd oh my god i didn't actually try oh oh i bet you haven't done that before uh no i haven't oh let's mess everywhere look at that i exploded he exploded what happened stephen crasher broke all right finish it running down air it out to the moon ah steven can't drive oh i nearly got himself oh oh that was the worst landing possible [Music] nice tumble one ball that's it minnie max you're going to the moon oh battery's flat ah game over mini max really took a good beating today alright 360 mac shots [Music] me time oh no i think i've slaughtered the lens [Music] oh give him a kiss on top of the head [Music] man i use it to try and get a cool shot and now it's not cool anymore oh yeah that was paddle as well bye bye oh guys i lost my gopro so it's one of these gopros here that i use for sticking on the car for the onboard footage and we left it let's see if it's still there hopefully it is but on the plus side we get to go out and have another little play well let's go no zombies kind of vaguely remember leaving it on here and it's not there and also we can't see it but we're gonna have a little look around here i remember sticking it on the craton wing and go flat out over that it could be somewhere like oh it could be actually anywhere oh man this could be absolutely everywhere anywhere when i first came up here we jumped it off of there and it nose dive down there somewhere oh there it is guys we have the footage so now i can stick it back on here and make even more work for myself editing oh got me man those bad downs are vicious oopsie oh oh oh tumblewumbo [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] so okay your eyes win every time ready go go go [Laughter] i'll win next outcast 4s is going to go out for a [Applause] [Music] block oh oh front driveshaft's gone where's that gone ah there it is it's not broken we can bolt it back on but i think it's time you probably upgrade it to some metal ones
Channel: Kevin Talbot
Views: 352,314
Rating: 4.8992944 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay song, kevin talbot ebay, kevin talbot ebay reviews, kevin talbot monster truck, make money, make money online, make money fast, selling on ebay, selling online, work from home, what to sell online, what to sell on ebay, make money app, review, business, kevin talbot, rc cars, rc car, rc monster truck, radio controlled, radio control car, rc cars racing, r/c cars, remote control car, rc, arrma kraton, m2c, kevin talbot m2c, 6s, exb, arrma kraton exb
Id: qN7U1wwqccA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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