EP44 Riffin With Tony Hinchcliffe

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[Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fun I get silly when I'm around you okay one last one [Music] okay here we are and the singing microphone is here if you need to grab it um so anyways ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the podcast the riffin with Griffin and one of my favorite people in the whole wide world couldn't make it so no real brick wall couldn't make it either here we go comedians to your place no I gotta check something real quick we're gonna keep this going to see keep talking what are you checking you know you're the only guy whose podcast I've done who doesn't wear socks or shoes during the little first of all the nonsense did Joe Rogan does on his podcast like I wouldn't be surprised if he if he was just pantsless shit - everybody's just like okay I guess that's it okay so you're gonna smoke weed okay I guess I have to smoke weed - you know that's I was on his podcast but I'm glad you here man welcome again I didn't say his name welcome mr. Tony hitch cliff Thank You cliff its hinge clip-in okay on it I know the trick is all black people do that by the way I'm not kidding really it's not a racial it's a racial I noticed this it's a racial subject but it's not racist but there's something about black people they're always like yo what up bitch cliff yeah even even this weekend I was doing gigs at the Pittsburgh improv and they you know and their green room they do this always happen I mean you know they always write on the chalkboard welcome to the improv you know Tony hinge goes right in the green room and it was a it said welcome Tony hitch cliff HIPC H and I'm like I'll bet you anything I got a black waitress it's a and underneath that it said tonight your waitress is a like Malaysia or something like that um oh yeah and it now when that happens and you have a sort of like stereotype thought mm-hmm do you feel like well I knew it or is it like it doesn't even bother me it's it's cooler to even notice it and I only noticed that because I hang out with so many black people and I'm always around them you know what I mean it's always like you know for a guy that doesn't hang out with black people they wouldn't even notice that there wouldn't be like black people it's just a weird name though ya know it you know it's like it sucks especially for like in the social media error yeah I mean people were just like they can't find you no you're right in fact a fun fact about my podcast kill tony is that the first episode it wasn't even called kill Tony it was called hinge CliffsNotes like a play on like CliffsNotes kill Tony so that's dope had to simplify it yeah I know are you a bunch of people in the hood we're looking up hitch CliffsNotes [Laughter] some assholes gonna get it right now and it's just all my jokes that work with black people it's like Sarah Tiana I always call her T on E yes Tiana whatever yeah she says it to be all the time eonni yeah it looks like that so you fuckin say it like well everyone every black person has a cousin named T on E yeah it just sounds like that's what it should be you know I mean I don't know yeah but look I'm in the game you know I went on you actually you were the first podcast that I went on that I announced I was having a podcast you know and and you started with the kilt oh no no I always a Tony bump yes that first 35 people that this is a tough thing you know you've been doing it for how many years now over six years you don't have to wait you don't want what you don't know what are these it's okay no I'm fine okay you're comfortable something just blew on me from like the ceiling oh that's just the air conditioning and your hair so much yeah my hair fall yeah yeah so I did it and so here I am and it's just like I would have wrote look I'm doing this all by myself you know I gotta go put the camera I gotta check the camera during the podcast my phone is going on wet and bullets no sweat I have the a/c on maybe I'm nervous center one of the hottest rising young comics in the business right one of them one of the top young rising stars is he a little mechanics towel I know I feel like G thing you know that's a sweaty motherfucker right there you know but I never yeah I don't know why I'm so hot right now um I know now I have one of the hot rising young podcasts in the game yeah I don't know podcasting is just such a weird thing but you know what I really want to talk to you about is how do you let's say your friend right has a superhot wife okay and her Instagram profile is just fire you know pictures such as like and I'll probably put them up here you know obviously I'm making reference to like cuz you're married good for you you had a whirlwind romance and got married but your wife is just like beautiful you know she's such a sweetheart - yeah but I forget that this person that I see at the convent when she comes and she's like you know just normal just a little too bubbly nice they're probably nice girl with Australian accent and then I catch myself being a creep on Twitter not to Instagram and I'm like oh damn oh shit that's Tony's wife yeah so like what would you do you know I look I look I uncle instead of friends hot wife's Instagram but I can't like yeah what do you do I'm just saying cuz you're me this is this is new because like you're now a young millennial married in this social media era and this is how it is how is that being married when everybody has so much access to information about you no really it's just like the one of this one of the silly things that I don't really like I don't really care about it well you know what I mean I just which is why it works there rarely is it even a is it even a thing that's good like it's like on you know there's been a couple jokes made about it on TV like on like roast battle and stuff like you know tony has a model wife or whatever you know so like trolls here and they're like are you guys new and really married like where's your wife I don't post pictures like with her like my troll sound like that yeah all my page is just you know promoting shit I never see you on her profile right right we both use our profiles yeah strictly for work and so yeah you know what I mean we're not like no you know we are public like where we like to hang or chill or anything I don't like myself I don't want anybody yeah and I've done that before and I got once posted a story that I was at one of my favorite pizza places in Columbus like so glad to be here at Adriana cos I'm like all these fucking frat boys came in in Los Angeles I mean you feel like in it you don't want to feel like an asshole like you don't want to feel like like I love fans I really do and like you know coming from like workaholics and being Montez you know it's like I'm talking about just you know it's like 1 out of 20 so I'm not like super famous or anything but like the ones that know workaholics and love it they are on top of that shit they just come up to you anywhere and everywhere like you know they just know all the lines and yeah you know it's it's like you have a moment though where you want to be like yeah but you gotta go hey it's good to see you then what's your proud and what you're gonna end up noticing is that the podcast fans are there they're a little bit more chill but they're also a little bit more like not scary like it's not the right word but you just ER instead of how Montez gets like a WoW Montez like when you do a lot of podcasts and people listen to you for an hour hour and a half every single week whatever sometimes two three times a week then all of a sudden you get like this stare from people that's just like it's not like it's more like yeah I don't you probably get this all the time I want to bother but I'm you know what I mean it's more like that so sometimes I wish that it was reversed where I'd have like that like what but instead I just have people like staring at me like wanting to say then they end up usually usually they do cuz I'm a nice guy yeah I'd like to be nice to people people think I'm a people thing you assume that I'm like an asshole cuz I am on the show you have a you have a chip on your shoulder it feels like sometimes it feels like you have a chip on your shoulder and my question is is that a real chip or is it manufactured to push yourself no it's it's it's the real deal it's always been there really like where's it come from what's it about everything man I'm a bastard you know what I mean rough childhood tough tough tough neighborhood I grew up in you know where'd you grow young Stan Ohio Oh crime capitals of the country when I was growing up there sure it still is but when I was growing up there was like the murder capital of America per capita which basically means the most dangerous neighborhood you could live in my house was right in the middle of it all like you know just broken into house all the time at least once a year is this a predominantly white area they lived on the poor white area or was it just like Jaipur and it was there all the poor it was the poor black area oh wow it was a very black neighborhood which is fun you know it got me good at football and basketball at a young age as ridiculous as that sounds we were you like white chocolate when you were playing or they they call you like did you have like a nickname yeah a little bitch little bitch I'm open hey Glen oh man so well that's okay so I get it so you you know so how I started stand-up like it's like you know I found something that I loved and I just went completely all-in didn't have money didn't save money beforehand you know slept in my car that whole thing working my way out the store took the hardest possible approach wanted to get really good instead of just really famous you know what I mean like I wasn't on I didn't want like like fast-track like type of like crapola you know what I mean I took that real crazy Comedy Store path was an employee forever learned the ins and outs I remember those days you're doing that yeah when we're taking you am at to that weird gig up north mm-hmm yeah and yeah I don't think you lose that chip even like the nice guys that work at the Comedy Store three four years in you start to see them like Anakin Skywalker like they sort of like turn a paler color their eyes get a little bit icy blue like the night King from Game of Thrones they just sort of like freeze over I know what you're saying yeah man well I think tonight I personally believe that the nice guys gotta consider myself a nice guy you know you go through you I think you had that chip especially at the store because if you don't ask for what you want or fight for what you want or you know you're gonna you're gonna get passed over people are not gonna oh yeah you know that's one I had to deal with Tommy you know after being passed by midsi I had to deal with Tommy and he was just a nightmare to deal with but like I don't regret those times because it helped me I really appreciate that like that struggle you know he was my enemy but it was manufactured for me but but it was real you know how I thought about my gloves tough cookie man and I'm telling you he gets a bad rep and you know there's definitely some things he did that were that were completely wrong but for the people that he sort of built up I wouldn't change a thing I don't I don't necessarily want a talent coordinator that fucking adores me you know what I mean so just like make it a little who wants that head coach you know what I mean it's certainly not what fucking Belichick is like before going to every goddamn Super Bowl it's fucking tough love he wants you to get better at absolutely everything he wants to be able to throw catch run ladder roll fucking running back take a toss so you have to be able to do everything just want to be a New England Patriot not doing it right you want him to be like your mama should have never had you with that jokes right you know you wanted to be pushed like one of the things for example and I was just talking about this the other day cuz someone was telling me oh yeah someone was telling me one of the door guys was telling me the other night that he had this dream that uh [Music] that they were putting names on the wall right it was the same day that they put names on the wall so he saw an Instagram by the comic store he goes to sleep that night next day he's telling me it's like I had this dream last night that uh that Adam who's the talent coordinator now of course real listeners that Adam asked me is there anything from your past that I need to know about you and he's like no nothing no nothing and he's like all right well you're not you're not you're still not past and like this dream like messed with him and he's telling me about this and he goes I think I need to I think it's I think I need to get out of LA man I think I need to go to New York or something I'm like that's so funny because that is not how I would interpret that dream at all yeah if I had that dream where the talent coordinators saying is there anything from your past I need to know about you I would be dwelling on that for at least two hours to start my day of what is something from my past that I don't have a joke about that I need to make a joke about then Adam will see you know what I mean the talent coordinator will see to me that's him that's his you know whatever the unconscious mind saying there's a joke that you haven't made from your past that's on the surface let me give you another example full circle because Tommy who was the talent coordinator that broke us that I'm talking about when I was still an employee there and I lived with other employees and whatnot we all had this apartment that was with like five door guys me Matador sandy danto Toma Dona raisi and I was in a living room date a lot of those guys had their own bedroom and you'd have to walk through the bedroom to use the bathroom it was a debacle again that's early on in my story this is 12 years ago see we talked about a chip on his shoulder it's like if you think I'm letting any of this a little bit of success that I have go you got to be a crazy so when I walk you're right when I walk into this store that's what you're feeling is the guy that slept on a couch in his car on a beanbag on a futon an air mattress one time I slept on an air mattress that had a hole in it I on the floor I was yes you stepped on a layer of plaster and the sad thing is people don't realize this is that if you have a hole in your ear air mattress you you can blow it up right with the vacuum thing that pushes the air out and then you lay on it and it doesn't like fall down evenly you fall down in the middle and the rest closes up like a Venus flytrap around you so you just symbolic of your situation but anyway one time Tommy this is how like you know wild he was with his like ways he told all my buddies because he's their talent coordinator too but he would he would send messages other ways hoping that it would get back to you you know what I mean and Tommy had this theory 100% convinced that I was gay no I get you know I've gotten in my whole life I sounded about a lot of people right I sound sort of feminine I look sort of feminine to go get it right I was raised by a single mom I have two older sisters I get it right anyway so he told my buddies that Tony's gay and he's convinced of it and he's never gonna pass me until I admit to being gay and talk about it on stage and do jokes about it about being gay right and and the guys all told me within like 48 hours separately like hey Tony I mean I don't know how to break this see what Tommy told me something really crazy said that he thinks you're gay and he's not gonna pass you until you would you know talk about being gay he says you need to acknowledge it to finally break through to the other side so I'm like oh shit you know the first couple days I'm like fuck this guy right am I supposed to do I have to fuck a dude and the fucking get past the comedies because I will know and and I end up writing a joke about how I look gay and it ended and it was it was all just broken down and - you know what I mean that was my gay face joke from way back okay my opener which I just rode that momentum throughout sets and it was a big joke for me for a couple few years and when I wrote that joke and started crushing with it right from the top acknowledging what people were seeing and noticing Tommy passed me so it's sort of like one of those roundabouts right maybe that's what he wanted but I don't I just think that like I think he stumbled into that madness I don't always think that that was his intention what was going on but just like being in that environment and like probably being around midsi for as long as he was he sort of picked up on some things but didn't understand why they worked and but sometimes he got it you know what I mean so I I agree I mean it was like I had a chip on my show and I for me the chip was like when I said to myself fuck this place I was like I'm done with dealing with this bullshit you know like those mondays like you know like Frasier would be hosting and he you're next you're next you know and then all of a sudden uh hey we gotta put this I told this guy there was one day did that happen I was like I'm out by I say just take me off the list and I fucking left yeah and it was after that that us that soon after that is when I like it just started to click where it was like this doesn't mean anything it's not as important as I'm making it out to be yeah you know and just like but I had that chip I always noticed that chip on your shoulder too though it keeps me hungry that's what keeps me right where I am but how do you see me I don't have big TV credits I'm not in movies I don't have any of that so that chip is that's the fucking fire starter right there that is that what you want though do you want that do I want what main access yes do you want mainstream success I mean of course sure I mean I guess so in a way it's been a fun ride being sort of underground filling up venues if that makes sense yeah selling out big places people that actually know me and my style in my show and my stand-up and all this is it enough no it's never enough are you kidding me there's some gonna do arenas I'm gonna fly a private jet one day I want to fly my own goddamn jet aircraft and you know the funny thing about it is like you were talking about this I had Russell Peters on the podcast and I kind of felt like he felt the same way about like wanting to get that acceptance from Hollywood and stuff but talk about selling out arenas and stuff and being filthy rich you know I mean it's like it's funny how the grass is always greener ABB's lutely no doubt about it and I'm sure there's some people out there that are famous right that wish they had fans that they didn't that they didn't hate right there's some people out there that you know got big breaks or whatever and probably got weird shows and whatever in this cent like look at like old TV sitcom stars right like old school ones yeah like some living single or something yeah or even like Kramer right before he did all of his crazy stuff like imagine you're going you know Kramer from Seinfeld and now you're going to see Michael Richards and it's not Kramer you know probably he probably does something like something to get the crowd going crazy like it probably comes in all weird I think he was doing something like that he's got to be I mean he was like I can't do this yeah let me sit on my millions in but it's like imagine the the dummies that go out and see a sitcom star that they don't know they're stand-up if that makes sense so it goes both ways but they still do it the new the newsstand at that night now is like you know social media people you know youtubers and people like that that people love what they do it's like you know I come from this old school and it's so hard to deal with sometimes you know there was that guy that had a he just had a trouble at jfl he's like that long here why do country something-or-other he doesn't care country mama is that like a year ago yes yeah I was at the Huntsville I was at the Huntsville funny bone not funny bone um The Stand Up Stand Up y-yeah Huntsville and link for some reason they had him doing the Early Show and I was doing the Late Show you know and it was just like all these people you know and they're just like yell I'm trying to do two bits and he's just up there doing his thing and he's doing a meet and greet on the stage just cutting into my time you know it's cutting Monta there's people in the greenroom that I don't even know who the fuck these people are his cousin and like you know special needs dude is in there I'm like what's happening right now some huntsville alabama he just did but he just had no i didn't care about this brotherhood like to process you know he didn't care about it it didn't it felt to me like you know I forgot his name though but anyway don't matter and you'll never need to remember it people like that you'll never so he but he like ran delight in like you know that the things going on by my whatever fans are outside waiting to come in there giving them drinks outside because they're like this is you know oh my you know and then and then they ask him about it he go hey can you not do that and he slips out the next day doesn't even longer you know what I mean and I'm just thinking to myself dude you don't know me bro right like you know it's like what are you doing and then the owner calls me and he's like Eric I'm so sorry but in my mind I was like you booked us dude right like you are you sorry right you know it's all you care about is this shit yeah there's no love for the game anymore there's no love for the art or the craft or cultivate we're not in we're not in business together anymore it's just you selling drinks and food and you don't care about anything else not saying that's not you know what you're supposed to do that if some of that has to be part of it right but damn can we can we like can we be in unison with certain things it was just like but anyway those type of guys are the new they're just out there doing it man yeah I've been around somebody's social media guides and you know a few years ago and they all were like oh can you be in one of my sketches and that guy stuff as if like what I'm doing like that's gonna add some legitimacy to them but cut to now they know that they are the actual stars yeah yeah like all that shit is done they don't care anymore hey they don't care about getting on TV they don't care about doing movies they're just like you're fine with their podcast and they're twenty five million followers yeah they're making money off the YouTube ads good to make it money off that like shows suck though that's the catch is that people go see them do shows live and then they think that's what a live professional show is like and that's the part that bothers me is like some of these Millennials that got hooked on some janky YouTube show now think that that is what it's like to see a live show whereas you go see someone that's fucking grind it out a real career and knows how to work everything if it goes bad or good or whatever how to do everything do they even want to sit in there for an hour that's the thing - yeah it's just an hour it's like a hour and a half show like most of the time yeah that's one of those fool me once things when you go see a YouTube star live yeah that was like Last Comic Standing I think was the same kind of thing yeah you know cuz he would go to clubs and you were here by dad he's an onerous I feel like yeah we did the Last Comic Standing we paid all these people then the next time around it was like okay we're not selling any tickets and stuff like that what's going on here yeah so it's like a weird like you know whatever I don't know man I just because the people who what people are watching that Last Comic Standing that's like what quality of person is watching what channels that one of the big three yeah when by big three I mean unwatchable right garbage networks that you still want to be on really see that's not really what I want to do it's like I don't know I'm thinking about things yeah but I could totally see in a showrunner on some nope MBC show possible I could see if the offer came in today there'd be no chance you wouldn't do it wouldn't do it there's no amount of money that you would do it nope okay freer on his show no way yeah well yeah absolutely not no even if it was your vision no no I would never have a vision on those networks though okaying is like nothing that goes to commercials for fucking you know straight to goddamn Clorox bleach wipes or whatever like what to you reading an ad on your pocket I like reading hats on my podcast I've like I'm super critical no it's not no it's not because that's different when I because to me reading your own ads to me reminds me of one of my original favorite things ever which was the original Howard Stern Show on FM radio and he would read those ads and they were so it made no sense it felt it felt can contrary to who he was like you know Vermont Teddy Bear I got one I got one for my my daughter my wife my girlfriend I got one for everybody and like why is he finally buying teddy bears and why is he buying a dozen roses from this rose company like what is this she was paying bills damn right so now when I go straight into it I love it it reminds me of that where as like yeah but when the NBC show goes to the Clorox commercial that's the same thing but on a grander scale now if I was doing the Clorox commercial myself I'd be down so you'd want to like smell your show remember Alfred Hitchcock used to sort of do his own ads like that I'd be down for well this would be your show this how you would do it and you would say you would say we never go to commercial break we stay in the show but within the show we do commercial hey I've pitched this it goes nowhere it goes nowhere I pitched the whole show just commercials it's just a commercial show every once in a while we take a break go to a comedy show some sketches play we'll be right back with more commercials that's what it feels like anyway yeah I remember did you ever in for Last Comic Standing nope not my thing yeah went once and I regretted it so much yeah I really regretted it just because how they were acting and stuff and I was like what am I doing here well the whole thing was rigged you know what am i doing you know the whole thing was rigged I don't know if we're allowed to talk about this on podcast can we now is it right now on your podcast you might take the heat heard it here first standing was you know run by one of the biggest managers in town at the time and he would have his own clients when it wasn't voted on it so that's a bunch of baloney and even if it was voted on the way that they show clips and everything and I'm sure everybody knows this they decide they they they know what you're going to pick they know what you're going to vote on it's even like the current presidential shit I know what they're doing they know they got to keep Bernie sort of like off to the side like I mention him last you know they want their you know they decide media decides everything media chose Trump well well they did and and for good reason for them that their numbers are crazy right now people can't stop following the hysteria I know me but all these buffoons everywhere thinking that the world is ending well the economy's booming people love to hate the guy I mean they see his name all the time you know it's like it shows like SNL and all the late-night shows they should send them a gift basket every day you know because their ratings are so high he doesn't like just talking about him all the time oh they're the only reason they never mentioned one of the you know 185 candidates yeah that are running for the demo company every day they find a way to like you know it's like Trump talk oh yeah you know whoever that doesn't mean they're gonna get smashed there's simply no way he's an old man like Joe Biden he's just barely holding on looks like he should be holding like a candlestick in the middle of the night with something hat or something yeah oh he's like Ebenezer yeah yeah I don't know yeah Bernie's like ghost of Christmas past Elizabeth Warren is just a mrs. Claus the whole thing's beat up takes by Tony hinge clip my boy Tim Ryan's running though congressman out of a Youngstown Ohio oh that's your boy yeah did you know I yeah very well are you guys welcome would you go up in the same shitty neighborhood no he's a little bit older than me but I used to do a bartend for him when I right before I moved out here I worked the lunches at a little Italian restaurant and and he just came to kill Tony a few weeks ago he was in LA bill maher show and a bunch of cool stuff and he came sat in a booth that kill Tony it was so cool him his campaign manager his brother it was awesome so if anyone's listening from Iowa or any of the picker states Tim Ryan he's a centrist Democrat who's like a Democrat that hunson shit he would win if people knew anything about candidates like he speaks well he's cool he has unbelievably great ideas he's all about like changing the way people eat to help the country like he's like enough with this fucking yeah but if you don't it doesn't matter that kind of stuff doesn't matter you think that no no but I'm saying like Michelle Obama was all about being right but because Michelle Obama yeah that's what they look like in the back of a magazine somewhere like oh by the way Michelle Obama cares about what you eat but if the president literally was like making you know charging fast-food places out of the wazoo for taxes that should be the syntax right there I mean I'm telling you absolutely how do you feel after eating if you ate a Big Mac at 11 crazy I you know I write on the same page with this dude if it's like first of all I always say like you know if you want health care if you want the government to pay for health care I need some restrictions okay restriction one if you smoke go fuck yourself okay you smoke fuck you yeah you don't care about yourself you don't care about the people around you why should we pay for your health care I completely you should get a high deductible right number two is like if your body fat is that a certain percentage fuck you too yeah you know that's not all we say I just I have jokes about this it's not Ebola you know you didn't get on a bus and effect girl sneeze and all of a sudden you were like oh no you were eating like a fucking asshole your whole life yeah and this is why you're fat yeah and so now you wanna you want to get all the benefits of health care no you have to have a high deductible right going to the gym should be free yeah that should be on library yes yeah like going to going to the gym you should be able to go and that should because this call it's preventative medicine yeah like preventive medicine should be part of the health care system and then okay then we could talk about paying for but people just want like I want to do whatever I want let me give you a great example I always pick up the tab every time me and the crew are out on the road as usual eating breakfast lunch or dinner right and the only time that I ever eat McDonald's is if it's very early in the morning like I'm talking like it's got to be between I'm about to get always only at the airport I have to be getting ready to get on a plane between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. I won't eat it after 7:00 a.m. I have to know I'm going right to sleep because I sleep like a baby on airplanes and I've learned that I have to eat something oh now the only thing that I'll ever eat from McDonald's for the rest of my life is for some reason and they're disgusting I don't know why I do it still gross Egg McMuffin no it's the little breakfast burritos a little fajita burrito thanks for summary I know it's so weird they have this gross fajita sauce and by gross I mean a maze like there's so wrong it's so wrong and I always get all gassy and disgusting after you go to the bathroom before getting on the anyway so I'm like hey guys it'll go to another now Micro that I work with they're all just Pig monsters they anything I mean Jeremiah and red ban and Joel are human garbage disposals without it I don't know how Jeremiah does it like where does he put it it's just all in his nose Jeremiah is one of the freakiest eaters of all time well we'll eat a lot alike so are you guys like it's thinking about like going to dinner or something like that like literally you know okay are you you're not kidding I mean if you're hungry we might have to you know if we're probably not gonna eat again tonight so we might as well eat a lot now I'm like we just ate you just had anyway so I get McDonald's and I get it for you know the crew and the totals like 18 dollars right literally and I'm like what is wrong with our society yeah - we're only when you're eating the shittiest shit is it that affordable like it's like oh you get to feel like shit for the rest of the day aren't we the only country where the poor people are fast right it's crazy that's that's the whole point is it's like are the the food stuff and they didn't teach me this in Ohio I always thought California was like weird and hippie and like oh there's no right exactly and then you get here and you're like no I felt good after drinking that beet juice yeah oh that ginger shot really made you know made me feel good I just recently started changing my shit up and you know I mean she man and you know and another thing was Rogan really helped me with that is it's like food isn't food isn't just meant to be this like mouth helper thing it's not like supposed to be like this great sensation all the time yes it should taste good but you should find you know we should be able to find stuff that we like that tastes good that gives us energy it's about energy it's not about some reward like it's like a you know yeah that's exactly how we make you feel like well I mean I went I went to this place called next health you know because cuz I I was I was getting a little nervous just because of like what's going on my mom my mom you know it's dealing with dementia and it's hard it's a lot and then you read about it and you find out it's like when you have high cholesterol when you have high blood pressure low testosterone and and all these kind of things you look at it you go oh man maybe you can't totally prevent this from happening but maybe you could obviously you know you could be a lot healthier so I that's what I did I went I got a blood test and I found out shit my vitamin D level was super low yeah you know and I was like oh man you don't people don't even know these things this is like preventive medicine so like now I'm starting to take these supplements I'm taking vitamin D and man more energy my hair is luscious up here it was like you know all these kinds of things and then now I got a Food Program coming you know instead of like you know ordering GrubHub every day you know like it's a single guy you know if you know spending $40 on a meal and eating all of it right now I'm getting these little portion meals and I just I feel better and I'm starting and I'm trying to I'm slimming down a little bit the whole point is feeling better yes I mean and it's like even slimming down and losing weight like yeah that'll happen that'll come but really it's about mental health I think that there is a huge connection between eating shitty and feeling shitty yeah and I remember when I was in Ohio I didn't know any difference so you're just going to Chipotle every day and you know a and I like actually I love Chipotle that's what you say you know one of the things on the rotation like you know pizza for example like it's like only now if I I could by the way you know we live this crazy comedian life and I like to have fun at night I smoked a lot of pot I have a few drinks I only feel hungover now I could go last night I went crazy at the Comedy Store woke up today 9:00 a.m. running right ready but I eat food before bed and fuck these over a whole next day is fucked and it's like no one teaches you that in Ohio hungry that's what people say it's like that no go to bed hungry what yeah or don't just eat when you're full you'll eat to your full you know but about my problem is if it's in front of me I'll eat it right so then I have to have portion control yeah that's the thing so that's why I realize I shouldn't control control is that that song from Prince no pussy control no I I do agree with you that imagine how much the country would change you have people would be able to work harder work more better life better family mental health all of these things if the entire country was aware instead you have McDonald's logos everywhere Burger King sponsoring the college football then they want to catch themselves like you know putting a salad on the menu right the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl why why is that the Fiesta Bowl these things should all have to pay government tax if you're not healthy you pay heavy taxes if you're not on the contrary end if you're making healthy stuff you should get brakes you like a Tesla yep you know you know you know I mean like if I even for us like when you go to the supermarket you know like if you buy a Tesla you get a tax break right so like if you if you buy all healthy food it should be like okay so this is lower taxed food you know so you could your but then but the problem is that's the most expensive food I mean the problem really is to eat healthy it is expensive to take care of yourself as expensive look I'm going to this place it's called next health is pricey yeah it's a certain amount of money a month so like I go do cryo and I'm you know I give massages and I think it because it's good for I didn't realize what it did for blood pressure I mean I realize if I didn't like have the amines to do some of these things I just if I just lived a regular life man I probably have diabetes right now and and high blood pressure high cholesterol and all these kinds of things and you know just because but I'll I've been blessed with a you know a decent life so that's just suck that's the push bag is that we don't make it easy to be healthy you know understand that's one of my point is that's one of the big things that Tim Ryan who's just buried behind like 13 candidates the day this guy can barely get his mic turned on in the debates and everything but he smashes everyone he gets a chance I would I appreciate what you're doing right now saying you know this is it I don't know all the candidates I don't know who I'm gonna vote for who I want to vote for but to learn about one guy that's great yeah so if you're out here right now you're and you're not sure who you want to vote for if you're independent you know or even if you're a Democrat but you're not really involved and all you want to do is hate on the president here's an exchange to be like you know what let me find out about this guy right let me go look into this guy and then take that opportunity to start looking into some other people so we can really make a difference that's how we're really gonna make a change right Ana centrist Democrat means that he's towards the middle in this far end I mean I don't want to get too deep into politics but let's just say like stuff's a little wacky over on the far left right now I think it's well that there are these diesels far dairy they're the same you could just flip them they're like a circle and it turns around and it feels like they're the exact same people don't like though yeah it felt like the right was crazier back in the George W Bush days right like it was sort of like oh they're extreme and like Fox News was extreme right but now it's sort of like well what we're realizing that they're all the same right I always say Rachel Maddow and like yep Sean Hannity yep they're the same right they even have the same haircut yep I mean yeah they're exactly the same yeah so it's like you you know you just that you make just say I always loved watching like they both get the same amount of pussy - I don't know I just I just feel like you know we have to like find a way to like get that message out for people to take care of themselves but you know it's just it's hard you know people don't want to yeah easy for some others like I'm older now so it's like I it is hard but here's the thing when I went and got that blood test and so the guys talking to me I love them too because it was a super gay guy and he was like you know really in a you know healthy and he was just like we gotta get these numbers down you know I mean it was just like he was so invested in and I was like what do I got to do tell me what I gotta do you know and so like he was telling me about my insulin levels and why I had he was like I bet you have cravings and and I was like I do have these cravings so once I started to like cut out certain things but and then you know fit I don't I used to drive won't be like I gotta get a doughnut what I was just gonna say like Jeremiah don't shop at you know yeah Jeremiah a couple days ago had an apple fritter like it's like a sandwich and I'm just sitting there I'm driving us he's just sitting shotgun doing nothing just be eating food an apple fritter like you couldn't hold is Jeremiah is he still in his 20s or is he like I think he's in his early third house anyway it's about to change yeah he's gonna wake up one day be like what you know we put on 30 pounds in one month are so fucking insane with your shit man this is that podcast Brotherhood of nonsense I just I'm just not in that I'm actually not in the crew you know I'm really like a common that's not true well I'm not in the crew I figure you were in there you're in there with them I'm in the outskirts I'm I'm in like if it was an onion I'm not in the inner layer I'm not you know Segura you know it even Andrew Santino's in there now you know Andrew and you know these people they're right there you know Rogen's in the center he's the center of the podcast universe for this comp the West Coast comedy theater I mean he's there and I'm just not there you're good you're fine what episode is this this will be like 42 exactly a month or like 370 right what you guys do like do you have that kind of stuff you guys are game and wait together come on you're doing the same thing over here on your own all by dammit I walked right into nothing what is that noise you on the toilet I got that good boy you grew up with a black night we're gonna Nationals whoa right oh my god I actually had when I was one of my neighbors we will Jenkins a real black neighborhood I want to see the whoo life story he's got his old life story oh man what are you thinking - let's talk about this now like what do you feel about the what do you feel about the state a comedy you know you know what's going on do I wait how far do I want to go today we want to thank hand hang over candles hang I think I said it right hand something candles the guy's great but anyway he made the candles go ahead so let me see what I want to say here today um you trying to have a measured approach right now yeah very measured because there's something interesting happening right now now it's interesting that you say those words because I think that's what's happening in comedy is that we have to take a measured approach that's my take on like what we've had to do like you can't you know you know it's like these people that say like you know comedy should be offensive economy should be this and that I said not necessarily right you know comedy should be sought out and yeah and I'm smart it should be small and it should be balanced you guys like you you know what I mean being a little bit more light silly mixed with people like me when mixed with people like Holtzman mixed with you know what I mean right every everybody should be doing what they specialize in but what is interesting to me right now when it comes to comedy is we have now fallen into an interesting time right all the movies are remakes there's no original ideas I saw a billboard on my way here from a new men in black I don't even know who the two people are on it I'm like Tessa Thompson and what's-his-face who's that who's Tessa wrong she's a lot she's done a lot of stuff I got a really great actress that's like the beating they beat down all these movies anyway let me skip the movies analogy right let's go straight to the comedy no I like to move because I think what's missing in movies is like with there's no more raunchy rated our comedies because they're too afraid right they're too afraid like you can't hit cuz you cuz because how can you have a raunchy way to do our comedy and not have if it's if there's males in it yeah if there's good if it's males there's gotta be titties yeah gotta be that you're talking about sex you're talking about gross stuff you talk about you know so they like oh they're afraid we can't do that we can't talk about that you know so it's also this let me tell you something interesting and this is the first place I'm talking about this here we go here we go breaking news is gonna be a good conversation because no one else is having this conversation because every white person in the world is afraid to bring this up but I'll bring this up with you I think this is perfect okay let's do it let's do it there's a thing happening right now where the diversity of things has flipped right it has flipped upside down now normally historically there's usually what what do they call it what a token black eye on a normal show unlike it not a normal show but a mostly white show because you know I guess what it probably used to be mostly white people in America or whatever I don't know but now an interesting thing is happening where the tables have completely flipped right so let me just give you this example so I went to see once upon a time in Hollywood this past week and now of course once upon a time in Hollywood's a Tarantino film so there's Leo DiCaprio Brad Pitt there's white actors bla bla bla bla of course Tarantino can get away with it it's his ninth film he's one of the great filmmakers of all time he can get away with it whatever but I'm watching the trailers before the movie okay now this is where shit's interesting is the first movie was the Harriet Tubman movie now through the trailer there's only one white guy and guess who he is the bad guy right the slave master yeah guy I'm gonna get you lady and you'll never have another chance again during the Harriet Tubman time no I get that I get that but these are the movies that are being made these are the movies that are being made right now that are being promoted but every year though there is it you know during a Tarantino movie I would see the yeah you're gonna promote you know hear me out so that's the first trailer okay the next trailer is Charlie's Angels so you got four women the trailer is unwatchable yeah it's a garbage pile now let's so we got all women on that one though a white guy that they show is the villain mm-hmm that's the white guy on the trailer is a villain so the white guy in the Harriet Tubman's a villain the white guy in the Charlie I swear to God next come our next trailer is for it's a it's a it's a movie about a black couple it's the guy from get out right and they get pulled over by a white cop and somehow he shoots the cop and then they're on the run is it what the trailer is about now guess what the cop was he was a bad guy he was harassing them for no reason and they heat and then the guy and they got in a scuffle the guy from get out shoots them so now they're on the run who's that the white guy is the bad guy uh-huh that's three trailers in a row I swear to god Eric okay this is what's happening right now this is it most people probably don't even notice these things but I'm watching it like this is a movie were up the white guy's not the villain uh I mean diehard villain like a die-hard - villain white guy three hear me out terminate otherwise in full in that our white guys now we're just a bad guy the hero was a white guy in the movies that you just named right now we're not in it unless we're the bad guy we can only play the bad guy well I think that that's like some sort of like you know what I you know this is what I love cuz what you're talking about right now is like when I see a commercial for an alarm system okay it's a commercial for an alarm system for your house right and it's like do you need to get like you know stay at home safe you know and then they have a burglar in the house it's gonna be a white guy yeah yeah but it's gonna be a white guy because but that's exactly those of the roles were getting the bad guy it's a very interesting time and another thing I've noticed is that like I look for I looked at the trailer for Gabriel Iglesias to show mm-hmm the one white guy is a chubby redheaded kid I'm not buying that I don't even count that as a white guy that's a redhead there's redheads and then there's white guys they're separate sorry Andrew Santino but you know that even helps him right you know I'm just spitballing here but a big part of Andrews charisma and the cool shit about I mean like a cool thing that grabs you right away is I mean it's even in his show name he's a ginger whiskey ginger it's not whiskey brunette you know I mean anyway and the Wayans show right somehow they got another show on Netflix and I watched that trailer you know that little leave it on trailer thing oh I haven't seen that not a white guy so now here's my point is that things of flipped not only are we the bad guy and only the bad guy but there's not even there doesn't have there's no requirement to have a token white guy on your show mm-hmm okay here's what I'm saying to you okay my pushback on that is this it's like what you're talking about with the the referent of the examples you gave it's like Black History Month okay so you talking about February right now there's still 11 other months like you need to look on Netflix and take a look at of the 800 things that are on there there are mostly white every shows white I don't know what I'm say that white chick I don't ask the new diversity choice right but look on Netflix you look on even network TV man it's still predominantly white so what what stands out to you is the shows that you're like oh here's Charlie's Angels with like one white girl and they've made this diversity the other traverse' tea you know all that it's like which I don't give a fuck about that I'm you know right we're not winning because you decided to make a Charlie's Angels diverse okay so and then these other examples it's just those are just the out layers man the outliers so I don't think that like although Hollywood all of a sudden has changed but they have to they want to show that to make it seem like there's like oh look at all the big diversity changes that they're making but it's really not right they had I just think that it's that this is just a few examples that you gave but it's not the norm the norther this place is still all white you believe that yeah because I've been out I went out for pilot season right and I'm going out for these shows and I'm like okay you know I remember when I went out for this show where I was be some suntan we gotta eat some vitamin D in your system how was it this one showed it was like hey I'm not a goat farmer from Kentucky you know what I feel like happens is they write shows and he is a it might be a white writer and his white friends and you know let's just I don't have a problem with that at all I'm not trying to this ain't no racial thing for me I'm just saying you write what you know you know and so if you're making a show and it just like if you're making the Tony Hinch hitch clip Hinchcliffe show we're gonna come and get it right from now on Tony Hinchcliffe show and it just so happens that you know all your friends are white because maybe you're in Boston and you whatever you want to show about I don't have a problem with that but what ends up happening is when it goes up the chain now they're looking at it and they're like ah it's all white all right let's get this audition some people for roles that are not written for the person of color right you know so then you know you're going that's when I get called I get cuz I that's what I get you know they're they're opening the part up they're looking for that that's what I always get when I go into auditions mm-hmm you think they write parts for me you think there's like you know this is a multi-ethnic you know that's never been the case I always have to go for a part and fight for it or like change their mind I have to change their mind to go from like you know and I've just this has happened to a lot you go out for these things you see these so I'm just saying I get your perspective cuz you your scene is because you're noticing that but I think you're just noticing that because you know don't forget about all the other examples where it's not that at all cuz we just kind of we just kind of let that go we just kind of like flow go with the program I guess so I mean I don't know it's it's an interesting time well I mean I think that they're like it's just like how about specials you could probably admit all right let's even do this you ever you ever look at the lineups for like jfl new faces oh not anymore well let me just tell you it's like it's very diverse it's you can't you can't even find yeah but that place is that's what that pause varieties comics to watch how about that you ever look at that thank this guy I'm talking about that was in Huntsville was on that he was on that show can't remember which year may have been last year maybe in the year before that but one of the years I looked into it cuz I'm like oh who the fuck are these people who are these people if I'm in the game if I'm in the comedy game and I'm at the Comedy Store four nights a week and on the road the other three nights of the week I fill in venues seeing their lioness seein who they got coming up in town I'm at the Comedy Store where there's 40 comedians a night in LA people from New York's a big top some of the comments are the biggest comics in the world rounded economy stores and I'm looking at these variety things and sure so well of course they have to be diverse right I get that I have no problem with that and I and I think they do have to certainly meet not not even a a quota would be an understated right what your exact so 5050 now they have to be at least 50/50 black and white and male to female right but and how does that matter if we're not black and white it's 50 percent black 20 percent Latino and Latina you have to have one or two or one or two anyway it was either last year the year before I looked into who the two white guys were that made it in and they were both gay out booing Lee get they talk about being gay right so you basically see there was no straight white male she turned it on no boat straight white males earner nothing on my shoulder motherfucking bad guy haha hi okay I worked all this time yes a good straight white male and now the mainstream it's like and by the way they're still there likes isn't breaking anybody anymore that's not a thing anymore you know I my special that I made in 2015 got a license for two years right that was the deal so I still own it unlike most Netflix specials where they own it forever and you never get to do anything with it or have it or sell it or anything and it was a great thing but then when the two years was up that two years was up and now it's like now they don't break anybody there's nothing happening over there wins so now well nobody nobody is retiring there's 500 specials it seems like there's on there so they're doing something yeah they're doing something but none of them are straight white males Nate bargatze is the only one in I mean probably he's got a show he's got a show coming out oh yeah he's the hero on what it's like ABC or CBS oh yeah it's fun is you know what's funny is this an IRA irony of this is I was going out I was gonna audition to be his friend on the show and then like I know one of the creators who said I think his friend probably should be white so I'm just saying that's an example was out there happening I guess so you're gonna end up watching it it'll be Jerrod Carmichael you're gonna be like damn it because he's behind the camera making it that's so funny himself there's the irony in that right no but I get what you're saying I do feel like there's like a push back I feel like that too straight white males out there who are not racist we're not me to in chicks right they're just out here living trying to survive like everybody else they're getting lumped in with like all of the bad people there you go you know and I get that that's all I'm saying I get what you're saying and I feel that way but see you extrapolated further I feel that way about like with the me too I feel that way about like where it's like we're all bad if you're a man you're bad right now but there's levels to it so I get what you're saying you're trying to say like hey that's that's kind of kind of straight white guy have a show anymore right without people being like oh here we go again well there's people out there who would be like hey you had you're talking right you had ten thousand years that's what that's what they say and that's the most perhaps racist thing to say its finest yes like oh well you already had your run it's our turn now well it's like alright let's see how that goes keep saying that we always going to need straight white males of the power race right now do we need we need straight black females more in this when we come back unwritten Griffin it's like you can only even say that about straight white males right now we'll really need straight white men we really need they do we really need gay Latinas and on this planet has a different ring right you know it's funny what you're talking about right now is I feel this way about like how the difference between men and women like like what women can get away with what they say about men like especially female comics like the things that they could say about men on stage I mean it's crazy so it's the same kind of thing here is what you're saying is like you know it's easy to bash straight white males right you know so I just know there's no advocate for straight white males there's nobody's feeling sorry for you motherfuckers it's just boom you know they but so you're you're feeling a little sensitive you and your feelings about it I mean ya know it's one of those things to where I mean I'm just for example you know I like I like having a big successful podcast whatever we're doing great on the road we take it out and everybody has fun you know it's all about comedy this and that and it's great and it's doing great but it's like you know I've I'd love for other things to sort of fall into place like what you know let me give you an example like when I started writing on The Comedy Central Roast you know eight nine years ago or whatever they were breaking people through right Whitney Cummings we sent Anthony Jeselnik both came Schumer on the Trump roast that was their debut really to America right nobody really had any idea who they were when that came out Amy Schumer the next year was on these people all came originally from the writing room onto the roast now you know I got in the writers room I knew I was already you know on a path to becoming a decent stand-up comedian I was doing the right work doing a lot of spots they're like you know I'm thinking about what would I have to do oh maybe I should you know write well first of all to really make an impact with the execs and the EPS they'll see how you know what I mean when when that's like a percentage of the jokes that make it into the show or from me that they're gonna know like that would be what Jeselnik and Whitney and in Schumer did write that's what that's what just says not to cut you off but what I was going to say is like so in your mind you're thinking because it's old-school mentality if I put in the work and I do my time I'm gonna get my chance yep and I did everything else you know what I mean I made my own special I got my social media following up I have a loyal base out there yeah listens to me for an hour and a half every single week hosts this chaotic show right you can't beat that connection I mean unless you're Joe Rogan who's doing you know four three hour episodes a week you know really just talking so then he comes to your town you have to go to an arena and see him right like that it's just the more you know people listen to us sometimes more than they talk to their mother or father in a week think about that an hour a week I have a friend of mine that says to me all the time like I'll talk about things on this you know hit me up and be like bro I didn't even know that about you right you know I didn't know you know it's like I'm revealing information about myself like in this environment more than I would and like in a regular conversation so it's like it's really weird but I get what you saying so you're on the roasts and you know you're writing and and now it's what now it's like my hip this one this one coming up is like would be my seventh roast that I'm writing on oh wow and here we go we have everything there and you know Comedy Central's not some fucking sorry but it's not you know dominating it's not it doesn't have the monopoly on comedy like it once had yeah so now it's like you know and so who gets that spot right we know Jeff Ross is gonna be on at the roastmaster general executive producer right sure of course he's the roast master so she's gonna be on it and and so now it's just yet right so they gave it to Pete Davidson two years ago because he's on SNL why is he on SNL why is he on SNL he's 20 at the time he was 21 or 22 why not because he's funny no cuz his dad died in 9/11 so they can rationalize him being the young straight white male on SNL I can't talk bad about him his dad died in 9/11 he's talking that's the whole story that's his entire story that's the whole thing you're wondering like Oh what's your favorite Pete Davidson thing in SNL history I don't watch a so now you're right dammit that's exactly my point I stopped watching it so years ago you know who like what you know it's like who dated ariana grande but that was before this was before he got Ariana Grande cuz he was booked on a fucking roast I could have been me that was the Bieber roast yeah I wanted to be on the Bieber right now so did I I'm a real fan of Bieber I mean I got to acoustic album you know I mean absolutely he's got your album too he himself was asking me about being on the roasts he said yeah you should be on my roast yeah but I got you're talking a scooter and it was just like I knew it wasn't gonna happen nobody knows me would have been Hosting would have been about like why is this nobody here and all thing is that's great yes you want to be you want to be the nobody yeah right instead of it being lame you know jokes about SNL it could be lame jokes about your podcast that'd be great I mean what the time I didn't have the podcast right but you know what I mean I'll get you in so like so then what happened you feel passed over of course yeah now if there's a straight white male on it it's a legend it's a freak it's not some it's you know not some regular dude right okay well my pushback on that is like I always say this I would love to be mediocre on Netflix because it seems to be that like that's all it takes for a lot of like straight white males I'm not gonna go call and pee come on you know me but it's just like there's a lot but first of all you you you think is like every special that comes out on Netflix is great no no but there's guys that they but they give these people opportunities I guess you like it to be to be a person of color on Netflix you gotta be ginormous you have to be the biggest guy in comedy you gotta be Chappelle Chris Rock you gotta be these guys or they're not just like you then I can give him like Tony Baker a shot you know why not he's just as funny as a lot of the white guys that are on that are on and even white girls that are on Netflix I mean I agree with that you know so I just like I mean so that's my pushback on that is like yeah so if you're saying that straight white males now have to work harder and be more dynamic at what they do to get to get over welcome to the party I mean that's always though that's always how it is you know I think we're seeing two different sides of this no no of course yes I'm seeing your III who they pick as their straight white males is I mean other than a few exceptions like you know Chris D'Elia is amazing he's a monster Canadian Tom Segura unbelievable amazing Rogan right these people are freaks but in that broken doesn't wanna do that kind of shit what you think it would be on a roast no I'm talking about I'm talking about Netflix special okay guys you got you're talking about like who they really have in their wrote basically once a year right bill burr monster sure established right and I'm not saying I'm saying the ones I'm saying the ones right now yeah and looked at the specials there'd be a lot of who's that really yeah who's this dude really how'd this guy you think we don't know them yeah I think so yeah I've already done this I've already been like cuz I cuz I'm bitter like that over the year I didn't get a half-hour from Comedy Central yeah being on at the time their hit show right and I was passed over - III couldn't get a half hour I watched every fucking episode that year Wow I'm at home by myself like who fucks that who's that oh this - dude why is he on there you know and then you know when I finally got it I was like at that plant couldn't even enjoy it cuz I was so like that chip on my shoulder was like keeping my happiness down - so I'm sure I've gotten past all that kind of stuff you know I mean but it's like it like I say it is what it is right that's its it's their choice yeah like it doesn't make any sense it's like Netflix isn't government-owned ok it's not a government property it's a private business and they can decide who the fuck they want on their thing they have their algorithm and if their algorithm says we want this kind of P if they if they have an algorithm on that Netflix and it says the more white people we have on our network the more people subscribe then that's what they're gonna do you know so I you know it's a private business you know saying well no that they would Monique you know she was mad that they didn't you know give her any Schumer money I was like are you out of your fucking mind yeah that was psychotic are you out of your mind you should like all these comics getting specials they should actually pay Netflix I agree I actually you should pay them because they're putting you in front of a hundred and thirty million people you know I mean I just did that Sandler movie yeah you know and it's like amazing the reach so many people hit me like I was like wow imagine if you had a special that they promoted if they if you if you have a special and they decide I'm gonna put you're special it could be life-changing oh yeah if it's good oh yeah so it's like take that shot or if they make it good you know another thing that they do now is a lot of editing tricks I've noticed you leave that space for after and they fucking I just watch it right in there it's a television show yeah it's supposed to be for entertainment right I have no problem with that kind of stuff yeah punching up the other yeah I have no patience what if the material is absolute garbage though check it out yeah it's a television show all right it's that's the CGI that's needed for people at home who are paying at $15 a month they want to enjoy this you're speaking as a comic as a student of the game as a person that is like caring for the artform you need to tell people go watch it live because that's what I say go watch it live because that shit you see in the specials and stuff that's not how it really is right that's not how it really is and you'll enjoy yourself a thousand times more like you know go see Chris D'Elia live you know you're gonna experience something and you might see something that you'll never see again yeah that shit they're supposed to live on the TV forever it has to be pristine yeah it has to be a certain way you know and just I don't have a problem with that yeah no I get that but I but I also get the other side that people like Europe you're a purist it also just I guess one of the things that concerns me about that is I want the people on the line to become a stand-up fan I want people to want to see a live show and I feel like if they're watching a special and they hear that astounding laughter and they don't think it's funny that they'll be like you know I just don't really think stand-up comedy's for me like I'm not laughing as hard as those be like here's the thing though but see what you're talking about is like it's like putting rims on a BMW okay it's the the the factory models still pretty good right okay so you I just put some rims in a tent that doesn't mean that like that changed it so much know what you're talking about is when a Toyota comes off the lot and they try to put a BMW kit on it okay that's when you're like right this isn't working that's what I'm talking okay well I'm not talking I'm talking about the bad ones yeah I'm talking about the people that they're trying to shoehorn in or give a second or third special to a little bit too quick sometimes yeah well but see but here's the thing too this is a change in times specials now are just content that like that's comedians YouTube videos that's they're like this is our content we got to put it out put another one out put another one out it's just it we have to change the the paradigm the the how we think about what specials are supposed to be there's just comedy videos it's just here's people's material that they've worked on this year and they put that out for you and I'm gonna work on something else it's not necessarily the work the word special is what confuses people now we need to almost take that out of it mm-hmm you know we need to find a new name for it yeah stop calling is special you're right they blew that when they made the 15-minute specials and they told everybody to promote it and call it a special yeah yeah this is like now you got people you know you bring in somebody up to 15 minutes yeah I keep waiting for the like you know 100 5 minute specials coming out tomorrow and midnight you know yeah you're gonna be like fuck but they need to change remember what caused you and your head to $6 burger mm-hmm it was called the $6 burger but it was only like $4 mm-hmm but when you hear that in your head you go something you're thinking well I'm getting a deal because I'm getting a $6 burger for only $4 right no it's just a name yeah it's not worth $6 so that's what I feel about comedy specials they're not special yeah just a name like Charmin or you know bounty now yeah you know the Kleenex yeah it's just that it's just a title for it that we've now and it's in our head there we go you're special you know now we I like when people say oh I'm doing my hour yeah I'm doing my hour on whatever that's somebody that understands right you're shit ain't special right running an hour yeah I'm just running my hour on Netflix for people to see yeah you know like how it's so hard to capture live stand-up comedy that magic that happens you know you're at the Comedy Store and you could like you know it's like a 10 o'clock 10:30 you know you go up and like you have to go up after like whoever you know the crowd is on fire or something's happening in the crowd and you know you go up and you have one of these like magical moments that shit can't be captured right you know and occasionally it is occasionally somebody puts together something that is like it's explosive for them like Ali Wong her first special there was something about it that people it resonated with people and it made her a star it happens to some people you know what I mean but like I can think of like five of those in my entire life that you know Chris Rock has one of them but there's some of his other specials I was like it's great great you know you know good good hour but it wasn't like wow I just saw something special right that rarely happens yeah and even with the Great's of these 20 million-dollar specials that we just saw on Netflix what about Eddie Murphy what do you think I mean like did I think that Eddie Murphy not doing stand-up for a long time this is what I think in my head I just feel like he has such a profound respect for stand-up comedy I just think that he has this thing where he's like you know he's like I am I don't want to do that I don't want to go cause he was like so great and even if he wasn't great we made him great yeah you know what I mean yeah cuz when you look at delirious now it doesn't stand up it's not I just go oh my god this is because so many people look like these jokes for 30 years that when you look at the original you're like ah well you know but what I'm saying is like he still revered as one of the great stand-ups of all time performers and so to live up to that okay I don't want any what is he who could he possibly do but here's the thing though like I am interested to see if he's serious about it don't you want to see him in the Ori like a lesson learned weren't working out like about his made whatever the fuck he's gonna talk about going to coffee bean or like dating a being rich or like whatever I just can't picture it I know but that's okay you know what and I think he knows that right I think that he's like damn what I think he thinks the same shit what am I gonna talk about right I'm not even in touch with the world anymore I never leave my house I go to coffee bean and I go home right I wear sunglasses and a jolene yeah really oh there was that one coffee bean he's always at one in the valley really yeah always makes jokes about it hey which coffee bean you want to me that you know the one on whatever or Eddie Murphy yeah yeah the famous coffee bean he always went to so I'm just saying he's not in regular society anymore he was just one of these he's such an icon of comedy right you know he's upped it to me it's like Bob Hope Eddie Murphy that's how you would talk about it right and now he wants to come back and do this thing that he's I mean aren't you I'm fascinated even if he bombs terribly I want to see what that is looks like it's definitely going I would yes I definitely want to see what it looks like you know what I think he should do huh this is my honest opinion if I ever met him I would tell him this hmm she should get roasted it would be it would change everything mm-hmm like he should allow himself to in the end then let him say anything yeah like the transgender do all that shit let him go buck while on him and then have his opportunity to go up and roll because the people that would be on the panel it's gonna be our CEO Chappelle Chris Rock you know all the dudes from SNL Dana Carvey and all these guys are gonna be the ones that are gonna do it right hey and then have him have his time that's how I would want to come back you know that'd be great for him it would be good it would be tremendous for him roasts are great for people yeah many people get to see people laughing at themselves and it's a big deal especially all the rumors and things they've heard about if he just allows it just like go ahead say whatever you want yeah you know and it really helps people be accepted by the mains don't forget you know Donald Trump years ago it was the roast of Donald Trump yeah at the end of it people don't even remember this at the end of it red white and blue confetti comes from the ceiling the American flag as the backdrop pops up a flag waving in the background all these seeds were planted a long time ago damn yep the chair that he sits in on the apprentice is basically the you know like the main white house had a table chair I know all office in the press conference table exactly the you know I've talked about this before but I remember I saw Chris Rock right before he was doing the the Oscars you know and he was preparing he was going to the clubs mhm he was on stage and I'd never forget this he goes he's like Donald Trump's coming and everybody's I you know had been there things like hey he's like Donald Trump do you realize how famous Donald Trump is this how he was talking about it Donald Trump is still famous like Ronald Reagan won cuz he was famous he was like he was trying to compare do you know how much more famous Donald Trump is then Ronald Reagan he was like Ronald Reagan was like Eric Roberts you think about say dude is he is like we really love Fame yeah love like what we think we know about people yeah right I tried to get Joe Rogan there were some questions now in 2020 but I tried to get him in 2016 I think he would have been able to beat Trump I believe that I'm calling my ex-girlfriend by accident I know and I don't know how to crazy I can't talk right now I did this by accident sorry okay I'm doing my podcast that is you're actually all my pockets I gotta go hilarious all right and hahaha you gotta keep that in maybe I like it okay um you roll getting broken can be President could have been he could have won this 2016 election if you think we're Oggy gonna one he's disease that I don't think he's that famous I think that like hi I think it is funny about podcasting is it's more of a specialized audience it's not true fame okay because it's even if they'll audiences is large and he has the largest there's still a baby and a dog on the internet that Dwarfs anything Rogaine can do you know I mean I mean there's there's dudes out there that are playing basketball in Venice Beach okay they're just uh they're just out they did they just go a white guy in jeans and he plays with this guy that guy's got a million followers and it's growing every day he's playing basketball a short in the dog videos short I'm just saying there's a lot of people out there that like have like equivalent type of following and fame on YouTube but it doesn't translate to the American people man it doesn't you know the people that did more people watch NCIS they're still watching that show okay I show they gets like 10 million viewers a week you know there's still more popular more famous things than podcast - sure of course we letting this get to our heads but it's not that important I guess so you know what I mean all right I mean okay you don't agree comparing Rogen the basketball videos I know no I'm talking about I'm talking about the reach of YouTube I'm not talking about I'm not talking about it's not a comparison I'm just saying you know I'm just saying I'm just saying I did it's just that's just did you know I think that him I think that if he was in there he would stir things up and he would be more of a truth bomb layer like I think one of the things that I think one of the things that Trump does is he says something and then the media cuts out part of what he says and then they say the one thing that he said you know what I mean like grab women by the pussy for example mm-hmm like it's like he didn't say he grabs women by the pussy he was saying that we the whole quote like oh there's a whole beginning of that paragraph that they cut out you know he's talking to some other famous dude about being famous and yeah I mean your fan you know these chicks over here crazy you know when you're famous they'll let you do anything you know what I mean I don't let you grab them by the pussy he's not saying he does it it's like Andy's right I always thought of it like a euphemism like if I said you know man I hit it last night yeah they took that they'd be like and it's like even like even a few days ago he's like you know Baltimore is a rat-infested city and we were like oh my god how could he say that about a city in America have you been to Baltimore lately it's fucking disgusting and it's like when the media blows this stuff up people with that know that have common sense you know what I mean they're they're taking these people the other direction Wabble like me that's a more here that and go yeah Baltimore is a shithole and him saying that might actually help them get funding or get their shit together do something might know how it's been going isn't I get what you're saying and I don't I don't necessarily disagree but my problem that with any president that can't that I don't have a problem with a strong president it has a strong hand I don't mind a president just like yo NATO pay your bills right yo China yeah you not get placing tariffs yeah I don't mind like somebody that has that but at the same time lead all of us you know if you polarize people right then I'm not with you yeah so all the goods that he might be doing with the economy and whatever choices he's made to make America seem strong at the same time he's alienating is some of his own people and putting us against each other and that part of it I just don't like yeah you know I don't I didn't like it in any and any president okay who this Clinton Obama Bush's again I think the media pushes a lot of that storyline forward though a lot of it no and he does nothing and he could to correct it and he could I think no I don't think so I think he I think that I think this is a separ achey out of prison and sweet I think it's all calculated you know like I remember seeing a uhh Trevor Noah show one and he was showing Trump and he was some Trump's at this rally yeah and this is always talking he goes you know they told me to say drain the swamp I didn't like it at first this is Trump talking yeah cuz I don't like it but they said it would work and he was like ok you know and the crowd you can hear the crowd kind of going what wait what it's almost like he was letting them know oh I got over on you too right like you're like he I just feel he's still arrogant that he's like yeah I want you to know that I fooled you right I beat he's he's actually a fantastic politician yeah you know but like I could campaign to be the lion tamer at the circus mm-hmm you know I bet you I can win I could be like yo it's Montana workaholism riffing with Griffin I could be on their lines you know I could probably win but then you know what I have to do after that when I win you got a team the line i gotta tame the lion so shit and that's what i'm like I don't really am not qualified for this that's what this motherfucker just did you know he's he's not a I don't think he's a bad dude but he's just not qualified to be president it's a bigger job that he's able to do and look at look so many people quit his cabinet all the stuff that's going on he could like that should happen again that's another thing again the media makes it look like these people are quitting and everything is a trump if you look at every other presidency all the same stuff happens a new pit bulls pit bulls strike they better like Tony it's not all propaganda but a lot of it is I mean I'm telling you in the way that they push these things helps him it does not hurt him when they when they say that he said that all Mexicans are rapists not at all what he said I mean it's crazy if you go back and listen to the actual sound clip that what I'm saying is he literally says some of these people he doesn't make any effort to he doesn't mind being known that way and I don't like that and you know but here's the thing though and I mean and I'm not just like some like trump defender you know what I mean I just I'm sort of in awe of his style and how it works I will say that is like 100 we are 100 agreement about that I just go wow this guy is complaining on one thing he doesn't do and I think this goes along with the correct yourself thing is he does not apologize he's causing for anything he's record comic every week there's another hysteria going on this is the thing I see Judd Apatow on Twitter like this is it impeachment right he's losing his fucking mind yeah and then nothing happens gone it fades away I think that the day that Trump apologizes for anything is the days I'm telling you breathe but there's probably a couple of Tony type guys no yeah that's involved in his habit Jared Kushner he's like yo bro because me because I think the trumps like should we do something about that they kind of they're saying this stuff about me and these guys are going nah man this is perfect let it ride let it ride this out you know you're gonna get more followers this way and I think that that but my problem is is I think that's what's wrong with it you know like I think that there's something unamerican about you know trying to try to like circumvent the system to try to like you know Wayne you know to your advantage let me also say this it's like I'm I'm gonna get to my questions mess I'll get to him interesting thing is is like everybody says you know like he's a racist and this and that and it's like people need nice that time and time again right right and racists are racist and this is a thing that like you know what I hate about this is people again it like makes us fuckin look bad right just straight white males yeah because it's like this this thing where remember how crazy it was when they were when you know the police you know accidentally killed a couple black guys and like all of a sudden everyone's looking at police like they're the scum of the earth and this and that and it's crazy all across America because it wasn't helpful but I got you right was a few but it was more than a couple was more than two right you know we shouldn't we shouldn't act like it was I should have said a few but the couple were the famous ones right there was two like really famous ones one where he got choked and the one where he got shot but then there was another whether the kid with a cop they had the video of the kid you know the cops jump out of the car with their guns and they fire on this little kid who had a fake gun in his hand yeah yeah I mean there's a lot of them there's a lot but I get what you're saying we're go on right the media doesn't help in these situations in hell you don't help they may they inspire hysteria without any context right there's no there's no there's no the hysteria and it's maybe you want and they don't necessarily cover the things that he says that does he's an again he's not apologizing they'll say there's I don't have a racist bone in my body you know they don't take that soundbite and feed it to you Trump says he doesn't have a racist bone in his body one network does well yeah one network does you know but so people are living in two different universes and I think that's are like I agree with Bill Maher I think all the Democratic presidential candidates need to go on Fox News I'm telling go on Fox News talk to the other side I saw it happen I saw a Kamala come out Camilla Harris Camilla is that it Camilla just like how just how bad people can't say hitch class Camilla Camilla Harris was on Fox and a few days ago and she was killing it yeah look at her the other side needs to see that's all that it is absolutely you know but again like I don't think I don't I don't take you as a pro Trump guy I just think you're just taking a over view assessment I'm a governmental optimist what we call it is it's like America will never do anything in its it's impossible for us to not be the world superpower well he's making it the the the feeling around him is putting a little tarnish on a little blemish on the idea of what democracy is supposed to be this is what I don't like is like that he inspires like races have been hidden away for a while you know some of some of the true ones and lri no no but now there's someone out of there below there not yes this is the problem this is I see I got off track a few minutes I met you back on go yet I'm glad that you know is that they're not they're not they're not they're not that's Charlottesville thing that got blown up those are people that traveled from all around the country people think there's like this hub of Rio these are just the racists in Charlottesville look at that no that was a gigantic meeting and they tried that shit again they had a big one like a couple months ago there was seven people that seven people and they cover it the way they shoot these things and everything is like you know shaky-cam and you can't see anything and like there's seven people and that's a nationwide meeting man and let me tell you something from what I understand from back in the day when racism was real they weren't proud people racist you don't get you didn't get straight white males no race racists they were mostly straight white sure of course yeah of course again way to help this were straight you know it looks like the soundbite that ends my career males are racist you ever hear a table full of black women talk about women Chinese girls all right come on anyway why'd you continue that racists are it's not a fucking thing and it's like it's so rare like in the middle of the country what are you really talking about there's probably three goddamn racist white people in all the fuckin Los Angeles right now they're people that goof around and make jokes almost every we will still have prejudice man I think there's still prejudice people out there I think people are tribal I think people are you know they like to be around people that they you know look like and I think they're in the same circle and I also think that the same you know this doesn't mean it's a racism I'm just saying that I think that you know that I think that tribalism she's disguised is mistaken for you also think that there's something in the air where people want to be accepted by the other people of course I think that you see a fucking you know uh you know a cool black guy somewhere I always give the head nod you know what I mean well I mean who you think's buying rap albums it's great it's like me I'm bi so like I got into this argument the other day out on the street actually it was like a few months ago actually it was probably like a year ago I got in this big argument with this guy angry old white guy I pulled up my car real quick in front of my building to uh to grab something out of my apartment real quick and I parked real close behind this Prius parked there and I mean real close like right on the trunk I run in I come out thirty seconds right and there's some old guy with shopping bags standing I like the fuck is this I don't know and I'm later like what's up man how you doing today cuz you know cuz I can tell like he's sort of angry he goes man I'd be better if you didn't pull right up on my ass like that I got yeah but it's all good I just had to grab something out of my apartment real quick I'm leaving right now I have a great day man you know still pushing the bride right right right and he's like I mean again I would be having a good day but I mean who parks like who do you think you are who do I think I am I'm just some guy to get something I'm one more time giving him one more yeah strike three and he's like you know yeah I mean it's just unbelievable how your Park ago you know how the fuck are you complaining about the fuck are you complain that's my part I had to grab something now I'm fucking leaving so goodbye he's like you know yeah get in the car that Daddy bought you and get out of here no I got this from chasing my dreams and accomplishing things so that I don't end up a bitter old man driving a fucking Prius when I'm older carrying my own goddamn grocery bags being in the middle of a beautiful day right and now we're going back and forth now I'm getting back now you can't tell who's who right right and like you know my point is is like you know it's just like assholes are assholes bad people are bad people what color whereas freely and it really you know silly and simple as that sounds I think that deep down I think everybody knows that unless they believe that the news is really the news I gotta even stop calling it the news like it's like specials yeah you know I mean we got stopped using the word special we got usually we're new another thing is like you know I think one of the things were Trump sort of went wrong was by him calling at the fake news all the time he did that and you know what it is fake and because he called it that it gets this bad like he calls it fake news cuz it affects him negatively you know you know what I mean it almost would have been better to just ride it out without him quit that because then maybe something could be done about it you know honestly I almost think it's all in cahoots with one another I think that the people that seem like they're against him are really with them and the people that seem like they're with them over at Fox are probably actually against him just waiting it out well I think that there are people at Fox News like the actual people that do the news not the people that look like they're doing the news cuz they're also sitting at a desk and there's shit behind them it looks the same as the news but they're these are just people like they're doing a podcast basically they're doing a video pie like Sean Hannity is like that's a podcast oh yeah you know and he's just talking you know straight to propaganda one just straight to camera [Laughter] shit here we go we got the Rat King here comes ten angry tweets you're just mad cause you don't have the success all right but I just think that that's I agree with you though because there are people if you watch Fox News you know they're some of them are really harsh with their hard on him they're like yeah they want to you know they want the balanced measured approach but that's all you're trying to say right and that's the final thing that I'll say is I think Fox News has etched more towards the middle and the other networks I mean Evans NBC is psychotic crying almost once a week I mean shit some believe that are psychotic I was all and I was off that when like when you know here's Trump's taxes so you're gonna show us that he paid there's so mad everybody all these people always bankrupt oh he's never been able to run a business it's like at least give the guy cause this again this is what they like to do it's like oh he doesn't even know how to run a business that thing went bankrupt I'm like do you know what bankruptcy means I know these people and it's like guys worth four billion dollars like it's like sorry sorry you got to start being honest if you want to beat them yeah they're trying to beat them with this fucking chaos like oh he's a racist he's a blah blah blah meanwhile it's like nope Baltimore's a shithole some of the Mexican some of the Mexican people that illegally come here do rape people it does happen they do sometimes murder people right he is using that as a thing and it's like you know what I mean like people take that and they make it like he thinks and by the way the women that he was talking about it whatever party when you are famous guess what they do probably let you grab them by the pussy and by the way that's a fuckin recorded conversation with him and some other dude off the record behind the thing that comes out like it's like and meanwhile they pretend like oh this never would have happened you know what I mean it just would have been a better world like hillary was supposed to win really Hillary I just I just watched a Andy's five-part series the an affair that really fucking I mean I I'm telling you Eric I very rarely recommend things cuz it's so there's so much entertainment nowadays this or not you gotta go to A&E go to your Amazon or whatever and buy it as you go or whatever the Clinton affair and the interviews that they have with everybody in Clinton's office everybody except for fuckin Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Hillary themselves and they go through the entire Clinton years and it's just so funny to see the hypocrisy I mean this dude is getting his fucking dick swallowed in the Oval Office the hypocrisy of both sides like Hillary's some angel like that's the most house of cards fucking family I mean it's good shit definitely based off of fucking the Clintons there's no doubt about that shit well anyway I don't know man I can't believe how political we got today I probably just lost half my fan base you know listen we just wanna this is what needs to happen in the world people need to discuss things in a measured approach just like think about what we're talking about you know we can't take everything that we hear at face value because what do we really know we don't know anything right and then our source of information we can't trust it it's like how are we supposed to know and all I'm saying is I wish that he would be it stop being such a politician about everything like not everything has to be about you know getting the upper hand right and that's what it feels like it feels like just people behind him going like like the guy that's going hey let's just ride this out because I don't like that I want him to be like no I don't want to ride this out because I don't want people feeling this way right I think I feel like he should the president I mean just him I'm just thinking the Office of the President should take care of the people and and how they feel about the presidency the country and each other if we were at war with anyone if there was any drone strikes anything happening I think it would be a completely different situation but you also have to factor in and nobody mentions this this is one of the most anti-war prayer it's were four years in now dude this is yeah this is the most anti-war president you don't Rob Lee ever had in our lifetime you know what's crazy what if he brokers peace in the Middle East and all those people sit down at a table like what are they gonna say I'll tell you what it is because it's the exact same thing that just happened with North Korea I'll tell you exactly what they would say they would say there's no reason why an American president should even be talking with or negotiating with these people it's the exact same thing yeah if he shakes hands with Putin they go look look he's conniving with Putin it shakes hands with the most evil world leaders these are guys that would be on the cover of Mad Magazine right kim jeong-hoon oh oh he shouldn't be really he shouldn't be or is that one of the most groundbreaking things getting these people on his side whether he uses them or abuses them with what cards them famous thing from The Godfather you know keep your enemies close keep your friends close and your enemies closer damn motherfucking right and you gotta give that guy some credit for than that I mean that's the whole thing is like everybody just wants to bash it but I'm saying if you want to beat him you have to start people have to start being honest like I was watch maybe let's end this fucking these Democratic debates you love this because this is now you don't have to be a host you just sitting here and you're you're getting all this stuff out I mean you know what this is gonna be part one tony Hinchcliffe part one okay I'm gonna get to the questions you know I mean you got thanks for all your questions and you know but Tom we've been talking and talking and talking I got to get this guy out of here I'll have all Tony's information a lot of you probably already know because the podcast world is small I appreciate you coming on Thank You Man you're one of my favorite people you're one of my favorite guests on kill Tony you are truly absolutely hilarious I look up to you you're a fucking great actor you're a good-looking guy you're just a good human you're a real comedian I appreciate you man and I do want to make it a regular thing oh yeah we did get like a lot of deep here and I hope people when you when you when you listen to this it's like what you know what do you talk about some serious subjects maybe or save your tweets in your hate instagrams I already know save your fucking thumb energy all right I know you hate me I know you hate my voice go fucking do something productive with your bag I don't need to hear it I already know I don't give a fuck yeah there we go I love only yeah it's not easy no there's a reason why no one else is talking about the good sides of Trump and the lack of straight white males in the media it's because they don't want to talk about it you got to give me credit for at least having the balls ease you you are shaking that subject hand like Kim Jong feel comfortable talking about it with you the testament to you you know I don't agree with everything that you rent you're saying okay but it's like but you should be allowed to say it we should be able to have an honest dialogue that's what's needed is have a dialogue yeah go into the nuance have a measured approach and if we don't agree in the end at least we know where each other stands yeah you know and I agree with you if you guys out there if you wanna beat Trump if that's your thing if that's your goal you better get out there and understand that motherfucker right know you're in I'm a pony yes know your enemy it's crazy I know well we're gonna end on that um thanks once again for the very funny and insightful Tony Hinchcliffe for coming on the podcast thanks for listening River with Griffin and I'll see you guys next week bye [Applause]
Channel: Erik Griffin
Views: 36,496
Rating: 4.7476807 out of 5
Keywords: Kill Tony, Roast Battle, Hinchcliffe
Id: HIjl61wzTp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 57sec (6477 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
Reddit Comments

It's possible to think Trump is a dumpster while also acknowledging that mainstream media is totally awful and deserves no respect since 2015 whether it be regarding their coverage of Trump or Bernie. Watch the comedian Jimmy Dore for news.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sagitariusmindset ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

On Fitzdog interview he went pretty hard for Trump, like no other podcast from what I heard in the past. I dont care about his political believes but it was pretty under wellming for him to bring up 2015 fake news to defend Trump. Everyone already knows that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shart2start ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone else remember that Tony was vegan when he first showed up on the scene?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/seqwood ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

One thing I'm sure we can all agree on, a bison t-shirt from Jeremiah's store is the perfect addition to a political wardrobe. The American Bison is a majestic statement, powerful, from all points of view.

Exquisitely crafted in monochrome, get yours today

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Swift1Sloth ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just what i want to hear when i lay down and watch my comedy podcasts, comedians talking about politics.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FredoLechon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tonyโ€™s politics are shit (havenโ€™t seen this episode yet but just got done with Fitzdog radio and Jesus).

He even thought the Epstein-Trunp connection was just โ€œa couple photos of them taken togetherโ€ ffs. And doubled down calling out โ€œfake newsโ€ for โ€œgrab em by the pussyโ€.

Want to support trump? Fine. But if you call out clearly BS Fox News talking points as supporting your stance, youโ€™re going to get called out on that bullshit.

Funny how trump supporters cry fake news at every opportunity before parroting talking points from the state run media in the very next breath.

Great politics though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/frenchbenefits ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He also made some really, really stupid points. The fact that he doesn't see that Trump is such a disaster and just eats up that "tHe eCoNoMy hAs NeVeR bEeN bEtTeR" is wild. I mean, climate change is enough that you should know not to vote for the guy, he's going to kill our entire species. I get that he grew up in the hood and doesn't feel like he has white privilege (I have a cousin who did the same, made it out and is super successful and is a Trumpster through and through), but Eric was just trying to get him to understand that widely and broadly white men have no issue getting jobs in Hollywood. Its a little annoying how ignorant he really is about the world and politics. Typical "fake news" cries, no understanding of economics, etc. from a Trump supporter. I mean, really, how could you support him if you had real knowledge of the world? But I'm not hating, this was a great discussion and I definitely took some of his points away and agree with him (like all media lies, but then again that all started with Faux News), I just don't think he's right about a lot of it and I don't like that he didn't even accept Eric's statements about checking on Netflix and seeing how many white males are in things. Its typical confirmation bias, just looking at what he wants to see and thinking it applies broadly, standard Trump stuff. Regardless, it was great to hear him in a long discussion like this, never really heard him on anything this long except Kill Tony

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/stackered ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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