EP.4 Regenerating Beta Cell Damage || Afya Fix (Season 2)

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome to affix where we learn the basics of lifestyle medicine education and we are able to practice them at home i'm your host gladys umbonkey and with me is a live audience to help us unpack today's topic and i have our guest dr eddie ramirez dr eddie comes to us from pennsylvania state and he is a lifestyle medicine doctor an author a researcher and an international speaker today we're going to talk about how to regenerate beta cells that's a big name so you don't want to go away because you're going to learn lots of biology but in simple language doctor please help us understand what is this big name what is what are beta cells yeah so if you are diabetic or you're interested in not getting diabetes you better learn about the beta cells so the better cells are located in your pancreas and one of their main functions is to generate insulin so those cells are going to get sick when you have diabetes and we're going to learn today what we can do for those beta cells regarding our habits in order to have some hope for those people that have diabetes wow i'm really looking forward to this exciting lesson today there is also another big name called the microbiome would you like to unpack that big name yes so microbiome is basically the bacteria that inhabit our intestine it actually have it's many other parts but we're going to focus on that one and what we know very well is that when people move from a rural setting to a city setting things change and one of the things that changed is the fact of diversity so if you think about it you know your ancestors that had to leave you know in a very you know simple way of the things that were growing in the ground and and they have to be gatherers also you know not everything they they cultivated there were some plants and things that they knew you could eat and they would go to the forest and harvest these things so something that we know is that in the cities we tend to eat less limited different foods you know they tend to be less variety in the city compared to people in a rural setting and then when we go ahead and check those bacteria that inhabit the people in the cities compared to those bacteria that inhabit in people that are very primitive you know um for example i saw in south west uh ethiopia you have this uh hammer people you know the ones that put those uh clay in their mouth and so forth i understand there's some even in the kenyan side isn't it uh that have similar behaviors those people you know they tend to live like very very simple you know when you compare the bacteria of those people compared to the average person living in cities we find a very different ratio number one the variety of bacteria that's much bigger and then the type of bacteria that inhabit those gods happen to be very distinct to the ones in the cities and we can start making some very interesting correlations for example we know that those bacteria that we have in our gut are involved with our immunity therefore when you create that unbalance of the city you're more likely to end up for example with an autoimmune disease because those bacteria that inhabit our intestine are supposed to keep in check our immune system but once we move that ratio of bacteria we got ourselves in trouble because now things that were supposed to calm down our immune system are no longer there and then things are going you know out of walk secondary to that imbalance of things that we have created by eating less variety and too much refined foods and too much animal products the combination of those three things are what causes that problem and do this microbiome bacteria require any special kind of food to just grow and maybe to have a good balance so the best things that you can do for your microbiome is eat a high fiber diet see not all the fiber gets digested in the early parts of your digestive tract in fact when you're eating a high fat high fiber diet with a lot of different varieties of different types of fiber some of that is going to end up all the way in your colon and that's actually food for those bacteria but if you're eating you know too many animal products not enough fiber because they don't get enough food down there because everything is digested higher up in the in the intestine then those bacteria that are thriving in those high fiber diets start to decrease in number some of them actually completely disappear so one of the things that you can do you can eat what are called the prebiotics and basically are those high fiber foods where do you find those you find those especially on legumes okay your chickpeas lentils beans you find those on your whole grains you find those on your fruits and vegetables so that's why one of the many reasons why you should be shooting for about 40 grams of fiber ideally 50 a day do your mathematics i i encourage you to do that you know read labels see go in the internet and see how much you know fiber has an apple a carrot that i just ate and do your mathematics are you meeting that 50 grams of fiber a day you will see how your whole system works much better thank you i have another big word at least three and that will be enough for this lesson what are in cretins that's right so how does the pancreas know how much insulin to secrete well the way that god created the digestive tract god gave some messengers and those messengers are called the incredins so the incretins help regulate how much insulin the pancreas is going to secrete so the way it works when the food is passing by our digestive tract we have special sensors that are sensing what you actually ate and then the cells some of the cells in the digestive tract will send that signal as a form of increating which will arrive to your pancreas and then your pancreas knows okay you know this is a lot of sugar the person ate i better you know secrete much more insulin because in that way i keep you know regulated things and we can see in the screen uh this graphic that says in cretins and we know that if those encrypting signals are nice and big the person feels more satiety you you feel satisfied you know less likely to be snacking later on and so forth we know these are very important for the diabetic because many times the liver starts secreting a lot of glucose and we know that when the incontinence are high the liver doesn't need to be secreting all that glucose that contributes to high glucose in the blood you know so when you check you know that you have too much uh sugar in the in the in this in the blood and they also regulate the speed at which the food moves on your digestive tract also something very important because if things move too fast it means you're gonna be hungry again and then there's more likely that you're gonna be overeating and so forth and also as i mentioned one of the most important things is going to be to calm down that insulin so that we don't have tremendous levels of insulin because too much insulin that is coming off your pancreas is actually hurting your pancreas so we need to be moderate about that so then the increasing help to regulate how our sugars behave in the blood what about fat is there a relationship between those two would you like to tie that in as well yes so the problem with fat is that fat end up doing the opposite as i mentioned to you you have these sensors that are sensing you know how much you know food is there and uh and trying to calculate and then telling the the the the pancreas how much insulin to secrete so what end up happening with the fats especially animal fats saturated fats oxidized fats the fats that have been you know coming out of animals these types of fats when they pass by those sensors that are supposed to send that incretin they're actually toxic to those cells therefore the incretins are having a hard time communicating you know what's supposed to happen and so forth and you're literally hurting your digestive tract by eating that high fiber foods high fat foods so that's why we need to be so careful what type of food we're putting in our system and you've spoken about fat but there are different types of fat and sometimes you find the brown fat would you like to talk about the brown fat yes so one of the things that we want especially if our goal is to help the person you know achieve their normal body weight is to burn more calories you know this is mathematics 101 energy comes in we use energy energy expenditure and then if there's an unbalance of that if there is too much of those calories coming in we're going to end up gaining weight or the opposite actually if there's you know less calories coming in and i'm burning more calories therefore i'm actually going to lose weight so one of our helpers that we have is something fascinating this is like cutting edge type of science are something called the brown fat not all the fat that we have in our body behaves the same so brown fat actually is a very efficient way of burning calories when we do exercise that stimulates you know some of that brown fat not only our muscles are burning energy also the brown fat is using energy also the foods that we eat certain spices such as peppers they actually stimulate the brown fat to burn more energy and also foods that are especially the legume family such as the soy beans such as the beans even certain nuts and certain seeds can actually stimulate that brown fat and they actually help you lose weight if you have excess body weight and the fantastic thing that happens is the following see not all the food is the same let's say that i have whole you know grain type of bread you know the one that is nice and heavy and you know all this fiber there and i have here um white bread when i eat the brown the the high fiber type of bread that one would end up happening because it stimulates that brown fat it is documented in the scientific literature that you will keep burning more energy after eating that um that type of food compared to the white bread you're gonna stop burning energy sooner therefore higher probabilities to end up with an exceeding amount of energy which the body will accumulate as fat in your body so then um having said that then it means then diet the kind of diet that we eat actually would affect the way the calories are burnt depending on what you put in and eventually what becomes of it that's right in fact we can see that in the in the screen there's an interesting study the after meal calorie burn and in this study uh they were feeding two groups of people one was eating their normal diet the other one was eating a full plant-based diet and they found out as they were measuring how much energy has been burned the people eating the plant-based diet was burning 16 percent more calories even though they were eating the same amount of calories but the quality of the food was different this one was high in fat highly refined this was whole foods therefore you with the help of that brown fat you actually end up burning more calories isn't that fantastic you know without suffering you know that's that's the beauty of this you don't have to be starving to lose weight it's true you really don't need to stop because you want to lose weight for sure and there is this also very popular thought that is out there a myth i don't know if it's a myth but something we can discuss and find out if it's actually a myth does sugar really really increase the risk of diabetes how does that exactly work yeah so there's multiple published papers on the subject and usually it's not the sugar per se but it's actually the accumulated calories that sugar comes with that's what really causes the problem and um you know you have a a a a a a soda you have a juice and those are things that you just look look look you drank the whole thing you know and you ate a lot of calories secondary to that so there has been three very interesting studies that took big research papers and then they started um analyzing what are the results of those different studies and then they put the conclusions and study of her study of her study came to the conclusion that the increase of risk of sugar happens to be by the fact that you are increasing the amount of calories and in fact you can see this one on the screen uh sugar sweetened beverages and incidence of type 2 diabetes it was found out that for each serving per day of for example a soda or a juice you know with a lot of sugar you increase by 18 your risk of diabetes so that's why we need to be very careful you know don't eat you know the the the the juice version eat the fruit version okay don't need the orange juice go and eat the oranges you know don't eat the apple juice go and eat the apples the way that god made it and in that way all the fiber and all these different nutrients are there they have to refine the the the apple juice in order to get the apple juice and so um you're discouraging us to eat without chewing that's right that's right that's the key and i'm thinking of something else that is maybe something that you can help us understand especially those watching us from home oxidative stress that's right what role does it have especially when we think about diabetes and this whole story yeah so oxidative stress is when we are introducing in our body things that are damaging our cells so i like this illustration you can see it in the in the screen that balance that says free radicals and antioxidants with these rocks so basically you can see in the screen how there is natural damage that happens you know ourselves because of we get angry sometimes we don't sleep enough wrong types of foods and so forth they they create damage to ourselves but god has provided in our food something that are called the antioxidants as long as these are imbalanced everything works very well but look at the the graphic on the screen in which there is that unbalance you know and you want to have a on balance so that the antioxidants are a lot and that oxidative damage is the least but many times it's actually the opposite many times it's too little antioxidants we don't eat real foods we don't eat enough fruits we don't eat enough vegetables we eat a lot of animal products which cause a lot of that oxidation and that's the reason why animal products age you you know if you have a high animal diet you are going to be looking older and older sooner you're going to have more wrinkles and so forth secondary to that so which balance are you gonna choose that's the question you know are you gonna have you know that plant-rich diet that is gonna provide all those antioxidants to stop that damage or are you gonna let your body age prematurely and if you age prematurely you're gonna get sick sooner and you're gonna die sooner and you'd have cut your life short that's right committed suicide literally yes maybe before we we just wrap up this particular section you could now tie in the aspect of beta cells how do they reverse or why are they necessary anyway when you think about diabetes specifically that's right so i want you to see the following graphic that is in the screen the one that says normal overweight and then t 2 d which means type 2 diabetes and then in the bottom you can see those beta cells notice how those beta cells under the t 2 d are big those cells are having a hard time functioning normally that they're starting to increase in size and somehow trying to meet the demand the sugar is too high they're not able to send enough insulin and they're literally suffering those beta cells and there's some interesting studies that show that medication is not the answer they put people on the leading medications and they were trying to see you know if they stop the damage of those beta cells they do not in fact there's some medications that i don't personally like they actually damage even more those beta cells so in a study that was published for 16 weeks they started measuring you know the visceral fat that we were talking about that fat that is inside and it was shown that the people that were following a whole food plant-based diet visceral fat started to decrease which is fantastic that means that oxidation is going to start to decrease this started measuring fasting glucose you can see that in the insulin resistance so the insulin resistance started to decrease that means that the sugar was going into the cell instead of just circulating around your blood and raising your blood sugar but the beautiful good news was that when they started measuring function of the beta cells the longer they followed the diet the more regeneration that happened on those beta cells that is fantastic news because see if you destroy all your beta cells that means that you're going to be diabetic for the rest of your days but if we're able to regenerate those beta cells that means there is hope of reversal of that type to diabetes therefore the the choice is in your hands no what are you going to do are you going to let your beta cells be destroyed by not changing your lifestyle or you're going to stop those bad habits and start that regenerating process with that whole food plant-based diet and the thing that the thing of it is that you need to do this as soon as possible you shouldn't wait the longer you're waiting the more you're destroying those beta cells on that type 2 diabetic thank you very much doc we want to take a break you have learned something very special that we can actually if you are pre-diabetic or even if you're not there you want to keep your bitter cells in place by not you know destroying them and you know what diet to follow so we will be right back after [Music] welcome back before we went for the break we were talking about regenerating beta cells i'm sure now you know the big words we spoke about the microbiome and all those and you need to be listening this over and over again now we want to just tie this by some very popular diet that you may have had called the atkin diet what is it data about this at kinder do you want to tell us something about it yeah it has many names actually it's not only atkins sometimes we call it under the name paleo sometimes you'll find it on the name high protein diet sometimes you find it under the name south beach diet they have all kinds of names but it's basically the same principle which is a very high protein diet the theory that they use is that they say that because men evolved they were in caves and they were dumb people and they didn't know how to do agriculture so they have to go and eat animals to eat well that's interesting because that's actually not the story that the bible tells us but that's another topic for another discussion yet the same type of you know people that have that type of idea they have found out that it's actually not true even the old records in the caves and so forth people were eating grains in fact if you go to my twitter account at the rdmd i like to very much interested in this topic and there was an interesting article that came out showing that from the very beginning according to even secular science um people were eating you know high levels of starch diets you know because these are the types of foods that give you long-term energy i don't recommend refined starches you know but we need to eat you know these high starch foods and yeah you can see that in the screen you know this is what many times they eat you know this namatoma is cool you know not only um um it's not the best for your for your diet it's actually equivalent eating one kilo of this is equivalent smoking 600 cigarettes at the carcinogenic potential that they have so you better have a good insurance policy if you're going to be eating this because or high risk or disease in fact there was a very interesting study you can see there all class mortality you can see on the screen in this study it was a meta-analysis they took all the studies that have been published on the subject and they put them together and it was found out that the people following those high protein diets have 31 percent more probability of dying early and then when they broke down you can read the article further why did these people die 14 higher probability of ending up with a heart attack or stroke and 28 percent more probable of dying of cancer and i can tell you dying of cancer is not a nice thing i can tell you as a as a physician you know a person suffers very much you know when they are having this cancer long term and the fascinating thing that it was found on a separate study you can see that on the screen the one that says diabetes it was found out that the people following that atkins paleo type of diet have 37 more probable probability of ending up with diabetes and now we know why as we have been discussing this because naturally animal products are higher in fat and we said those high animal products are going to end up affecting those cells that are sensing your food and they're going to be affecting you know the metabolism of the body and they're actually going to be stimulating the visceral type of fat so it's interesting you know people lose weight some of them but their healthy markers don't improve their insulin resistance doesn't improve in fact some of them end up with gout and many other problems their kidneys are suffering because it's so toxic those high protein diets your kidneys your liver end up being affected secondary to that we that that's true that's true that there's so much that can be spoken about this topic and i'm sure our audience is very stimulated here and they have many many questions please let's go and let's have our first question thank you my name is newton i have a question it comes in a bit of parts but it's just a single question at the community level it will be a bit difficult to you know introduce mostly people in the rural you know they are not as educated as the people in the urban areas it will be difficult to you know introduce them to regenerating better cells and all that that's right so uh we these uh really basic questions what's really at the deformative stages of diabetes what would be the signs and symptoms to you know to to look out for that you could tell someone what there's a sign that you go you should go and get checked that's a good question and uh usually we find the the term too much hunger too much urination losing a lot of weight very fast okay and a lot of thirst because the sugar in the blood is increasing um one of the ways of getting rid of that excess sugar is to your urine and just like if you make you know some lemonade and you put too much sugar you know what are you going to do well you add more more water and then you know it starts to balance a little bit that's what happens when you have too high sugar in your blood you get all these thirst and you drink and drink and drink water secondary to try to decrease the amount of glucose because you stimulate the urination but because you're drinking so much water these people are going to come to you you know in the clinical practice and tell you doctor i'm urinating at all times you know even at night i have to wake up so many times to urinate because of all this sugar that they are eating why are they losing weight because even though there's a lot of sugar circulating in the body the sugar is not making it into the cells and that's why the body literally has to destroy your own muscle in order to survive and that's why they're losing so much weight that's it's not a healthy way of losing weight at all so yes that's the type of symptoms that are present that you should go and talk to a health professional because yeah you need to discard a diabetes problem and you know sometimes when you find people just to add what he said when they lose that weight very fast people don't want to look that way so they want to gain the weight and they're telling them it's not possible the body is actually responding yes to damage to bitter cells let's have our next question okay thank you very much my name is ogusu orleans i have a question that is a bit crazy okay one it's about fat animal fat yes from my listening is that now we are discouraging animal fat now my question is if one can take animal fat and do exercise because you talked about exercise somewhere that's right uh can it be something that can be balanced in check okay and uh on the other side of the seam does it mean now we should stop having animals because they are of no use to us because oh they're toxic in other way because we have their their meat we have their products in one way or the other yes please good that's a really really good question and as an answer to that i'm gonna tell you the story of a very famous runner in america by the name of jim fix in fact i actually encourage you to google it fixes f i xx he is the one that made running popular in america and then worldwide his story is that he was a what they call a couch potato you know somebody that was just sitting down all depressed and didn't want to do anything with life and one day he saw in the television you know some people running and said maybe i should try that you know i'm gonna try running so then he started running and he actually became pretty good at running he was actually running marathon so we're talking about you know long distance type of of running and i remember an interview that they uh made him you can actually find the interview online and they ask him what's the most interesting thing you know what is the thing that you like the most about being you know such a long distance runner and his answer was well because i can eat whatever i want and it's no problem to me you know i burn all that well that's what he thought sadly a couple of years years after that interview they found him in the road um on the side of the road with dead with a massive heart attack see the running didn't you know contrast the negative effects of his diet he should have continued running i think i don't discourage that but he should have followed a more scientific type of approach and yes you know that answers that question this is not the only one i have a close relative of mine exactly the same thing happened to him he is very much into exercise and so forth his diet is not good at all but he was very much fit you know and what ended up happening to him heart attack you know and um his doctor explained to him you know to him he was actually a shock you know when he was hearing from his doctor as he was analyzing you know what he's usually died he says you know this is a wrong diet you know you're going to end up with a a you know a second uh heart attack so yeah you know that's the answer to to that question uh regarding you know can exercise you know balance that negative effect and what are we going to do with all those animals and and so forth that's actually an excellent question and uh yeah i mean there's other countries that you can see are are moving into that direction you know very you know uh wise countries uh policy wise such as denmark you know denmark is actually one of their goals they would actually like to decrease the amount of animals in the land because they know very well that if we use that land to put plants we can actually feed more people instead of feeding animals and then we use a lot of food to eat to feed those animals and we get little food out of them so we could actually solve many of our hunger problems if we were to decrease those animals and instead plant foods that people can eat excellent that's a good good question that was really a thought provoking let's have a third question thank you my name is wango peter my question goes to i have friends who are about go about being proud that they rarely or barely take water so what is the relationship in the context of diabetes of hydration and the prevention and management of diabetes yeah so your question was about the what are people who don't take care of people like water that is very interesting you know very very interesting i've seen this among patients in our program patients that come for the diabetes you know control there's some that just don't like to drink water period and fascinating thing happen the improvement is not the same as somebody that is drinking you know the prescribed amount of water so it does make a big uh impact when you are drinking the right amount of water regarding your function of your metabolism because your body needs that water as i tell my patients is like trying to you know wash your dishes with juice for example you know or try to wash your dishes you know with a soda you know can you do that you know no isn't it you need water clean water in the same way your body needs clean water goods amount in order to function properly just general rule how do you know you're drinking enough water if you urinate and your urine is dark in color has a lot of smell watch out that means you're not drinking enough water so by that simple guideline you can you know self-regulate how much water you should be drinking and would that affect them to get or not get diabetes it can technically affect the diabetes by the fact that the body has problems functioning normally okay so yeah watch out you know there's a reason why in this program we encourage proper amounts of water and we even have one here as an example okay we drink the whole thing you know usually when we are recording thank you thank you very much for that let's have our our last question thank you my name is james [Music] and i thank you for your presentation actually my presentation remembered a statement someone said that if evolution was true then there are there could be toxins or poisons that man could actually relate by now because you are really surviving yeah yeah now to my question my question is i know of a friend who has parents with diabetes and they've done they had their be 12 but they're not doing the excess that well but things have not changed could there be something else they're missing that they can do that's right yeah that's the question yeah so um yeah i mean um if you have somebody diabetic that that is not well under control i mean one option is to contact somebody that is you know knowledgeable to help you one person that i would highly suggest would be gladys you know uh she could you know give the the right counsel in and so forth many times the person thinks they're doing they think they're doing the right things and as you start you know examining behaviors and so forth they may be eating things that they thought they were healthy you know somebody told them or they found in the internet and they're actually making the diabetes uh worse so that's one way of helping the the parents and the second concern that i have is that that child is actually a very high risk for diabetes if your parents had diabetes you know especially both parents you are at very high risk for diabetes you better switch to a whole food plant-based diet that's my case you know i actually did a genetic analysis and in the genetic analysis it actually tells me you know what risk of diseases i have and so forth and in the results it told me that i'm at high risk for diabetes you know not little but high risk for diabetes yet you check my blood glucose everything is completely normal why because i know that i need to take care of myself and need to follow you know that whole food plant-based diet and for those people that say oh my doctor that's too difficult i can tell you i've been to 85 countries and there's always something to eat okay that's something i don't compromise and there's always something whole food plant-based diet so in if in 85 countries i found it don't tell me that you and your community cannot find it you know i am sure is there okay so that's the way that we are gonna win that battle excellent eight to five countries there is food for you everywhere so today we are going to practice something else if you have any questions or comments and you'd like to ask those questions check the numbers on you on the screen displayed there on the our youtube channel our twitter handle and we will actually get back to you and you can also maybe you're interested in being part of this live audience we welcome you to come and engage with dr eddie and all our guests that we find from time to time [Music] so [Music] welcome to our third segment today and we are so happy one more time to have esther eures who's joining us all the way from weymouth university esther is a nurse and an educator and she loves to teach this to not only our patients but to even the general community today we are going to learn about something that's very special to different people our faces you know our external bodies how do we make them look so good if the inside is good the outside should also be good so esther we're here to learn about clay tell us more about this so this is a wonderful nice not too expensive remedy we find different types of clays so here in in morocco actually you find the moroccan clay so you're gonna see that we have different colors this one is bentonite clay this one is french clay and this one is kaolin there are others but these are more common and these are all not locally available i mean not locally available but i mean they don't belong to here in this part of the world can we use our own our usual traditional claims yes yes you can use your own clay and i think i was walking around and i noticed that your you may have something like this yes we have red and we even have some white one yes so the reason you see different colors is because clay has a lot of different minerals and it depends on the minerals is going to be the color for example the moroccan clay or the red clay that you have here it's rich in iron that's why it's really really red it's very powerful to draw bacteria away and also a lot of toxins heavy metals so it's very powerful to detox the bentonite clay is from america from wyoming so it's volcanic and it has different minerals manganese magnesium copper calcium all the clays have a lot of different minerals the french clay is green because it has a plant matter ah so the algae yes some type of grains that are part of the the french green clay and this is very good for infection this one is all of them are good for infection but especially the french green clay is very powerful for infection and they have the french white clay it looks similar than bentonite but it's a little different it's more green and the kaolin is very soft uh actually they make makeup with this kaovin yes i've seen it on some products so so it's very very soft it doesn't take uh moisture from the skin so it's very very kind on any type of skin yes perfect so now how do we use clay okay so what we're gonna do today i'm gonna show you how to make a poultice so we use clay for infection we use it for inflammation we use it for all kinds of conditions where you want to draw away toxins or germs or any type of infection for external use you can make a poultice and a poultice is something you're going to put on top of the skin so internal use not internal use this is going to be on the area that you are gonna treat so let's pretend that our friend ethan has uh an infection going on here on the arm and even if he has pain or inflammation we can use clay poultice on on the ankles or on the knees when people have pain because they're inflamed uh any type of edema you can use clay also congestion because you have indigestion or eating yes you can put clay over the abdomen over your liver and it's going to relieve congestion from internal organs yes that's nice i'm just imagining if i'm doing it on my abdomen for example to relieve indigestion how long will i need to stay with that so you're gonna keep it as soon as as it dries once it's dry you need to remove it so it flicks off and that's it yeah it's gonna your skin your body is going to absorb nutrients from the clay minerals and all the benefits from the clay and the clay is going to absorb same as charcoal but also absorb absorption so it has both so there's absorption and absorption so the clay is drawing out toxins from your body but your body is also absorbing benefits from the clay so it's this is why it's very good powerful so i'm gonna make one with ben this is bentonite bentonite clay so i'm gonna put one tablespoon of bentonite clay with water now when you use it for the face you can mix it with different remedies that are good depending on the purpose so if you have infection if you have acne for example you can put tea tree oil which is very good antiseptic a few drops of tea tree oil if you have a red skin that it's very you know sensitive you can mix it with chamomile tea because that's calming also mixing with with honey or with aloe vera gel and then you you just mix your clay with those elements and then you apply it's important to know that we're not going to use metal spoon with our clay because this time all the time because this one is metal and the clay has an electric charge so it has to do with electricity and the ions and all this so we need to use wood and glass okay so don't use metal can plastic work plastic would be the second option but glass would be better in wood so i'm gonna put one and then one of um warm water this one is warm water right here so we're gonna mix it and make a nice poultice now the charcoal we um we put on a napkin because it's it can you know stain yes but with the clay you apply it directly on the skin so you just put it straight onto your skin yes so the clay goes directly on the skin and then you will see the benefits and it's see how it absorbs a lot of water so yes it's actually you can see actually there's no water in there and the water should be warm a little more more and it doesn't matter when you have extra water you think it's too watery you'll see how it's going to get thicker and thicker because it's absorbing so now once you have your your your paste you're going to apply it on a gauze or a cotton cloth any cotton cloth can work a piece you know a handkerchief or something just a piece of cotton cloth and then you're going to apply it so you don't even mix it completely no yeah i would but because of time i'm just mixing it you know but you can keep mixing it will work yeah so this is just it looks like mud okay um it is much healthier now this is the poultice so this you're going to apply on top of the skin and maybe before you apply the the consistency should be this thick yes like one that doesn't pour off yes okay no and if it's too too watery it's gonna get drier and drier uh so you want it thicker yes so thicker and then you're gonna apply directly on the skin and you can keep it like like that unless he's going to be moving and then you can wrap it just to keep it and this plastic will keep it moist a little longer but you don't have to if you apply it usually in 15 minutes if you don't put plastic usually 15 minutes it will be dry so i want to show you one on the face if our friend allows us you want a face mask ethan your face is he has a very good nice skin but yeah and then you can wash it later so so and that's it for that one this we're gonna leave it for for about 15 minutes to 30 minutes because it has plastic it's going to last a little longer so but i want to show you the one for the face so the one for the face is gonna be the bentonite and then this is uh ground oats oh so the one we use for our breakfast cereals that's what you mean correct so we're gonna do one uh ground oats and then we're gonna mix it with clay and i'm gonna use the same just because i don't want to waste this one we can keep mixing see how now it's softer yes and then it seems to be more you know more watery yeah so i'm gonna leave this here this is oats and then i'm gonna put some um melaleuca you can call it you have this here melaleuca or tea tree oil tea tree oil would be more you know likely to be found in our stores but i'm sure maybe in some stores you may find that right yeah you can add honey if you want so the purposes of moisture retention i believe yes so maybe if you give me a little bit more water yeah like that and then you're gonna keep mixing and let's so how often would one put the face mask you can do it once a week unless you have a problem with acne maybe if you want to do it for a week daily it won't it won't hurt now it's important to uh to note that if your skin is very white the moroccan clay is going to be too strong for your skin for me i can use moroccan and i'm fine but some people have very sensitive skin so then they need to use kaolin or or bentonite and for us who are dark skinned any i can enjoy any kind and you can also use it for your hair you can use a hair mask does it help in the hair it it helps because it draws anything that is unwanted from the scalp and it nourishes it nourishes the hair so it would get rid perhaps of dandruff or maybe the micro okay if you have any maybe an infection or something like that so it's same thing maybe once a week or once in two weeks once a week or once a month the moroccan is very good for the hair so i'm gonna i put gloves because you you'll see how easy it is to just grab it with your fingers and mix it nicely and then put it on his uh skin now i wanted to show you uh something like this if you can get like cheesecloth is that how you call this yeah yeah yes you could make a big poultice and apply it on your abdomen and then and then you apply it here and then you put it on your abdomen same as we did here but a big one yes so it depends on the size of the area that's the size of your poultice are we ready thank you ethan okay so we're gonna apply this and this is a face this is a face mask [Music] and it's soothing it feels really nice it's warm especially because you put the tea tree [Music] so this is gonna so teenagers older men and women anybody who has troubling skin should allow nature to do its business yes and you can mix it with charcoal you can do one teaspoon of clay and one with charcoal to even remove more toxins yes any blackheads any um anything you know in the skin is gonna put your lips inside so i can go up here and you can actually go all the way to your neck i'm not gonna do the neck on him but you can actually put it on your neck so then uh this is um not covered so he's just gonna keep this for 15 minutes and it's going to get dry and then he can just wash it and and i think because it has the tea tree i'm seeing it his eyes getting teary is it because of the burning man not burning okay maybe he wasn't um blinking true so this you'll just stay there for those 15 15 minutes it's going to get dry and he's going to feel the skin stretching and then he can just wash it wow this is beautiful and then i'm just thinking for if if you have like an injury and you end up putting or have some clay on your face would that be a problem no problem because clay actually they use it for in for open wounds yes so there are many studies where they they apply the green the french green clay for flesh eating bacteria i don't know if you've seen this these wounds and they apply the french green clay and they actually heal and be within no time they absorb the you have to keep doing it every day every day or for diabetic ulcers on the legs or venus ulcers you can do clay if there are no other options this is a very very good option so even those very you know the the diabetic ones can be really stubborn and so someone can actually use this to you know to heal the wounds that yes we're going to talk about honey in a another occasion yeah and i can tell you about uh how we do with the diabetic wounds with honey but when there is infection um the clay is actually very good for infection i'm thinking of somebody who is somewhere in maybe in the village or maybe someone and they want to access this claim what is the best thing you can advise us because maybe it's not in this powder form it's not dried what is it that they need to know maybe some precautions so um you need to be careful if this this one is treated in a special way so it's not going to cause you any infection well if you're if you're in the village and you need to find something for an emergency or for the inflammation go next to the river or where you have water and find your clay there so you're gonna dig and you're not gonna take the one on top but you're gonna go a little deeper and find the one that's more pure that is inside the earth and and you you should be free to use it it shouldn't be much of a problem i see this a lot in my village i see red clay and also the white flame so i know now we should not be struggling with a lot of bad looking faces because there is a solution right there in nature that's right wow wow that is very very interesting can someone use this internally maybe you should mention that i'm gonna mention that clay can be used in internally it's just a pinch they use it for detox but you need to be very careful and make sure it's a right clay so it's just a pinch it's not a scoop it's not a spoon it's not yes like chocolate so the one i mentioned the one that you get next to the river maybe that's not the one that you should be eating so you need to find one that it's been treated because they disinfect they make it uh they make it sterile that it's a you know free of any germs wow thank you very much esther this is easy it can be done you can do it from home and we all don't need to look ugly on the outside for sure it's it's such an easy face mark face mask and it doesn't cost as much thank you very much thank you ethan for being here with us today and for more information please check our youtube channel our twitter handle and our and you can talk to us the phone number displayed there send in your questions and we will be so glad to answer them and we look forward to having you again for now it's bye bye from us [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hope Channel Kenya
Views: 272
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: REGENARATING BETA CELL DAMAGE, Afya Fix, Health, nutrition, Diet, Cancer, HIV, Lishe Bora, Gladys Ombongi, Eddie Ramirez, lifestyle Diseases, Nimrod dede, Brenda Kerubo, Kitchen, Practical, testimony, foods to fight Cancer, Fasting & Health, Season 2, Fish Toxins
Id: RJcupXRNepg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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