Ep3 | Flinders Ranges | Station Stays | Arkapena 4wd Track | Gorge Drives

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welcome to episode three this will be the start of the flinders ranges we've been um planning on heading into the flinders ranges for a while now but um it's come around a bit earlier than we expected because of the closure of uh victoria well they went into covert lockdown and we were in a position about to push into the high country but um the lockdown stopped that so we had to come up with a different plan and into south australia and the flinders rangers it is and we might revisit victoria a bit later on in the program we'll see so here at um at the back of the craddock hotel in craddock [Music] and it's about 60 k's away from the start of the flinders episode two went up online yesterday and between that ending which were ended in mount kosciuszko to where we are now is um we crossed through the hay plains and into um wagga wagga then on to mildura and renmark so we didn't stop anywhere in victoria through mildura we just traveled through there had border passes and approval and everything and we just punched straight into south australia so we were trialling a new microphone and all that footage from mount kosciuszko to where we are now is wasn't quite right and i didn't really like it and there's nothing worse than watching youtube content where the audio is crap so all that um footage is pretty much unusable apart from the imagery so here is a little bit of mount kosciuszko to where we are today right across the hay plains wagga wagga and renmark enjoy [Music] [Music] uh [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] [Applause] the credit hotel credit south australia really cool place quite a large session here yesterday so a little bit slow this morning a little bit dusty free camping out the back but um that free camping was offset by the thousands of schooners that went downrange and wine so but awesome little pub in them literally in the middle of nowhere it is the only thing in craddock so cool atmosphere really cool vibe big crowd in last night because it's uh it only opened up two days ago from the start of the tourist season okay really cool pub there bed there easy peasy [Music] windmill windmill spotted and we're off to the flinders ranges looking forward to it looking forward to it yeah yeah so it's always been on the to-do list hasn't it yes so we've um you know we've driven through them before around them really because we've come out of uh nt south australia scene um they're heading down we've decided that it's worth investing coming up exploring them for a little while and you know we're getting some amazing landscape and amazing sunsets spotting lots of windmills getting a chance to see something different which is the whole reason we're out and about really can't get going back to the same things yeah so looking forward to exploring around the flinders for about a week or so however long it takes [Music] [Music] bye [Music] friday we've arrived at rosely park station first station stay in the flinders pretty good outlook [Music] all right so we finished setting up here at um rawnsley park station just had some lunch i'm going to go out for a bit of an explore a couple look at a couple of tracks on the property let's go and see what we can see around rawnsley park station check this out literally two minutes from our campsite yep [Music] looking straight up walking around a little bit further there's another information sign so we'll check out what that is and it gives a bit of an idea it's a bit later in it's after lunch here today so it's probably a bit late to do some of the longer walks we'll probably do a couple of the shorter walks tomorrow early um might do one of the ones this afternoon it's only 45 minutes or something around sunset but let's see she's pretty keen to go to the pool we're now at station he'll look out looking at chase range [Music] so that's uh chase rain look at this amazing view so in the car we were looking at all the trees that were around and we had a map which we were seeing to um like we took off or something and so if you look here all those trees are called the cypress pine so and there's a lot to them and you can see that mountain there is covered with all of them so it's pogolus hill we're at right now pretty amazing view but these are all hills compared to mount kosciuszko okay so uh yeah for this lookout which gives you like a full 360 of all the ranges around the station which is pretty cool so yeah pretty impressive you can see the colors of the reds we've moved away sun's in the background they actually look quite green some of them are covered in those cypress pines that the teacher was telling you about others art who have uh spotted some or she spotted a kangaroo some sheep and we're on the lookout to see if we can find anything else it's pretty impressive up here it's only take us like 10 minutes to get here um from wansley station which is pretty good uh good morning from rawnsley park station still and we're out for a bit of a walk this morning out to uh one of the there's heap of walks you can do here all sorts of distances so we're just going out to one of the lookouts and the checkers of what that has to offer see what the view is like from around the area latisha's navigating today [Music] good job mate i don't know we'll see how the walk goes [Music] uh [Music] bye [Music] all right so that is the walk done doing the archipena four-wheel drive track which is on the um part of the station's property so you've got to pay a fee to go around the track pretty excited to be honest 50 bucks to do the track so there's two parts to it there's the um archipela all-wheel drive track which is just a dirt road and the arkapina wheel drive track which is um a bit shorter and on the end of the all-wheel drive track so we're just gonna do that bit now we're up for some four-wheeling so can't wait [Music] smart smart smart smart smart smart smart [Music] [Applause] after a while i'm sensing a smile [Music] [Applause] all right hi we're up here at the prelim lookout on the akapina four-wheel drive track that's not a bad view from up here right i'm just going to perch up here for a bit have some lunch and take in the view bloody beautiful so um here we are at the lookout that you already know and i can't tell you that because i forgot uh regarding um so obviously you saw us go up those humongous hills and it's very frightening and scary for me because i'm not a person that really likes going up steep hills and then um we stopped halfway up a hill and my dad decided to get out and hop on the roof rack to put the gopro up there for some footage which i found which was very scary lunchtime [Music] pretty happy with our little setup here we got uh we got some snags on the go sucking some power though now if you can see that but um she's drawing 80 amps that's uh just to run the induction cooker to cook a few snags so super happy with that little setup hey lunch with the view oh very much lunch for the view another good purpose for the navigator footrest mini table yeah it's got leaps of uses very handy i bet you're boiling probably right hey that's lunch done we're packed up loaded up and we're gonna continue on with this track [Music] [Applause] after a while i'm sensing a smile [Music] [Applause] after a while i'm sensing a smile [Music] [Applause] all right good morning so we were just sitting around last night still here at rawnsley park station and we realised that it's our one month anniversary since leaving sydney so that was pretty cool yeah um i have to excuse the hair this is the longest i've had my hair in 24 years so the only way to manage it is by doing this so what do you think one month on the road yeah it's gone past pretty quick really oh it's gone ridiculously fast there's no way a working month would ever go this fast which is really frustrating yeah so we'll show you what we've done in a month so we've covered a fair bit of distance i don't know how many k's that is uh for a month on the road i'll have to have a look i've got start number got today's number maybe about it would be close to 5000k as i reckon yeah well we've done the um no it might be about that because you did the tyres yeah bro rotated the tires at 5 000. yeah latisha's in the background doing a school work so we're just waiting on her to finish up that for today and then we're going to get on the road and head up to our next stop which is uh we'll peanut pound station head up there for however long and then decide where to go from there hey good morning having a rarely shown you our campsite here at wilpina pound camping resort so this is us nice site the best thing about it though and the reason we stayed is we can fill our tanks so we can um it's natural spring water here so perfectly fine to drink at rawnsley park station it was bore water so we didn't really want to put that in the tanks and then bore water mixed in with all our fresh water so we're just doing that finishing off some school work and we're gonna pack up and head off and explore a few more places around here get check out a couple of gorges uh great wall of china and camp at a free camp in uh blindman so we're just gonna free camp for the rest of the time in the flinders hence why we're pulled in here fill up all our tanks take advantage of the power and get some washing done and [Music] hit the road poor old leticia's bikes copping a flogging all these dusty tracks it's filthy trying to protect it with a few garbage bags over the seat and handlebars and um gears and you know cabling and whatnot just so protect it a bit but um not much you can do really dust will get in everywhere right we're just uh on the track out to burkina gorge i think that's i know bono bunyaroo gorge and then brachino gorge so uh gravel roads about 30 kilometers so we're just knocking some air out of the tyres and rhonda's loving her new tyre deflator she doesn't have to find a stick anymore out camp boss there you go no stick [Music] pretty awesome just set the uh pressure that you want screw it on pull the thing and it does it itself lets the um air pressures down to whatever pressure that you want way more quick than a uh a valve remover [Music] yeah she's empty in the toilet she's deflating tyres she's getting into it so easy [Music] what pressures you're going down to 30 psi just to make that ride smoother [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] razorback lookout totally forgot about this in the flinders and saw it on all the pictures a really good place to have a sunset they reckon but um check the view out pretty cool some pretty amazing scenery here in the flinders [Music] and still trucking along on this track car and caravan are going really well bit blowy [Music] so what did you think of that track it's awesome and we're driving through banuru gorge aren't we yep so we show you what that looks like not sure if you're supposed to be towing down here yeah but there was no signs saying what have they been saying impassable if towing yeah but it's pretty rocky [Music] [Music] okay so i've just uh come up and done some recon around the corner just to make sure that none of these spots have over um low hanging trees or anything that's too difficult for the van to come through so uh so far it's looking all right just some rocky terrain which is uh which is perfectly fine it's been graded recently but they did have some big floods last month so the roads actually closed for two-wheel drive to open up for four-wheel drive um so far it has to be too bad some big washouts we've seen marked though so it's not too bad but yeah really nice around here [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] he had a truck taller wider than our van and he was going through and saying we can't go through yeah there was no sign saying that it's um it's not suitable impossible for towing so we're just dragging the caravan through to the gorge and yeah we got in trouble didn't we cautioned i think there's a word you would use yeah yeah there's no one working today we haven't been told off and he said the next scourge is perfectly fine next score jet so we'll just keep cracking on and it's more than halfway through now yeah we're committed there's a way to get out yeah all right let's keep cracking on [Music] [Music] okay yeah yeah [Music] [Music] that was a tame one look at this gorgey bit that we've come into and we've got to negotiate another car with a van with the caravan um so we're stuck on an angle right now and a oh he's reversing for us car's reversing now so that is the angle we're actually a bit sticky [Music] [Music] [Music] how's this gonna work [Music] and now we have to figure out figure out this whole car thing give them a big thank you thank you [Music] welcome to brachiner gorge 570 to 580 million years old i'm not too difficult getting in if you're just in a four-wheel drive but with the caravan on that uh was a little bit tricky in some sections but it's um it's all fine to be honest a couple of sec sections that um we needed oh i needed rhonda to get out and spot just to make sure we had the clearance on some of the departure angles didn't want to wipe out the ass end of the caravan but um everything's held up really well cars going really well caravan so we're just stopping here and have a bit of lunch so this is us for lunch before we go and explore this gorge which i think you just drive through again amazing really really cool [Music] smart smart smart smart smart smart [Music] [Applause] after a while i'm sensing a smile [Music] after a while i'm sensing a smile [Music] [Music] all right what a day we've ended up doing about 100ks on gravel roads through three gorges and um buggered we've just pulled up at the blindman hotel so we're gonna have a well-earned drink and decide where we're gonna stay tonight so i'm tipping the combination is filthy no dust hopefully hopefully there's no dust inside but all will be revealed it was that day well horrible one my back is killing me two i'm already sick of this seat because it's just not comfortable go and sit in your back seat mate and three [Music] i'm just over this and my bike is like filthy fine been through some pretty bad dust today so i'm tipping it's filthy [Music] look at this [Music] get a hose ready don't tell me what to do mate i'm just so glad my handlebars aren't going to be filthy yeah like if we put those bags on it all right it's beer time right hey good morning we are here at the blindman mine about to go on the blindman mine experience cut me off on my historical notes yeah well you're not the tour guide mate we'll wait for the professional thanks [Music] but we have the tour book steven spielberg's obviously in charge again that's right so we'll show you all through the bloom and mine all right oh yeah so there's a deal i have to answer a quiz and if i get it wrong i have to sleep in the mine and not sleep in my van my parents get a night off but i'm not good deal [Music] just like when i voted [Music] um [Music] when they do the mining work they don't dig down or across but they're chipping up and out and do you know what gravity does what does gravity look like so as they're chipping away at the rock it's falling down do you think that sounds safe but that's what they do so they're chipping away the rocks falling down and they're making those big spaces called stopes s-t-o-p-e got that one [Music] so we're seeing two stokes today thomas might help you he's remembering we're seeing this one out here and another one underground so have a look out there [Music] [Music] good job [Music] don't think i was really going to let you sleep underground do you oh no you can stay at the front oh yeah yeah yeah well that is the blindman copper mine experience done i just think about that we're doing a handshake yeah right that was good yeah it was really good there was it was scary one bit when when it was dark when we were coming back i was walking and i saw the lady and i thought she was someone else because i thought she was like [Music] yeah the whole town of blindman put or put them made the mind safe to be um opened up for tourism and um it's pretty much the only income that the town has now apart from the pub which we uh had a couple of gooeys in last night or yesterday next afternoon bakery yeah so we're going to go back down to the bakery get some lunch yeah a really good explanation of the harsh condition conditions that they had to mine in back in 1860s when they found when they first uh started mining here [Music] crazy you want to be a minor sweater nope besides they won't let women do it [Music] well that was back then you were there you can do it now i'm good you're good yep oh yes a bit of lunch and off to the great wall of china all right welcome to the great wall of china in australia check it out [Music] you gotta make sure you got the background well that's the end of that episode thanks for watching that's the flinders rangers all done what was your favorite part spread out uh mine to her the blind mind tour was pretty good it was very good yeah yours babe i liked the gorgeous the gorges were good and it was nice to be i guess amongst it hmm nice just looking at them same with me my favorite part was the gorge drive it's pretty um special driving through something that's 580 million years old so hope you enjoyed that episode and we'll catch you on the next one bloody dusty that's a new type of food called nanya because you might [Music] what did you just try it's really good it's not bad eh damn it you found my stash of nunya
Channel: TRL touring
Views: 2,709
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Traveling family, Kokoda Caravans, Y62, Y62 Patrol, NEPSODE, Flinders Ranges, Rawnsley Park Station, Wilpena Pound, Wilpena Pound Resort, Arkapena, Arkapena 4wd, Bunyeroo Gorge, Brachina Gorge, Parachilna gorge, Blinman copper mine, Holiday here this year, Tourism SA, Rugged SA, Great Wall of China
Id: RgQHGgtrQho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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