🌱唐三海神三叉戟决战比比东,一招将她斩成两段,史莱克七怪抵挡万人大军!【斗罗大陆 Soul Land】#国漫

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Fighting, scolding, love. Xiaowu welcomes you back. Now , with guns and guns, our Shrek Eight Monsters can show off their power again. By the way, I accidentally got two soul bones before. He asked me to hand them over to you. This is from The one dropped from Ghost Douluo's body is said to be suitable for agile soul masters. It was obtained from a 70,000-year-old white wood demon tiger king . It is the same kind as your martial soul . It must be the most suitable for you. They are both good treasures. Quickly absorb them. Maybe I can help you improve your one-hit soul power. Thank you. Thank you for marching and fighting. I don't know everything. Naturally, I will follow the marshal's arrangements . But a war involving a soul master is very different from an ordinary war. This requires the marshal to pay special attention to this. I naturally know the soul master. Strong personal abilities can play a special role on the battlefield , so on the frontal battlefield, I heard that King Lan Hao has promised to His Majesty to send the Tang family's army to our soul master regiment to resist the soul master regiment of the Wuhun Empire. As for the side battlefield , especially the logistical supplies, I have already dispatched it. We have 4 cavalry legions specially guarded to prevent Bibi Dong from sending soul masters to bypass our rear and attack us. Just the cavalry legion may not be enough. I know Bibi Dong and the Wuhun Empire and Wu Zong's methods cannot prevent this matter. Marshal please pay more attention to Tang San. You can also lend a helping hand. Teacher, what you mean is that the Shrek Seven Monsters and the Mintang disciples will be responsible for the investigation of the Guardian Soul Master Group this time. Third brother, you still understand us. With these troops, we are traveling every day to practice and we can’t practice. There is nothing to do. It's better to contribute to the army and protect the food transport team. Oh, bring your own money . Well , it seems that we are really working hard. Third brother, the Wuhun Empire will definitely come to rob the food. If you are Bibi Dong, you have a chance to make the opponent attack and collapse. Will you let it go ? Moreover, the greatest advantage of the Wuhun Empire is the elite soul masters. We cannot take it lightly. If they do n't come, they will be dead . As long as they dare to come, we will give them a head- on attack. Everyone, pay attention and speed up. We are still about 60 meters away from the target. We have to go 10 miles. We are divided into two teams. Your Majesty has also sent other sneak attack teams this time. We must win the first attack. Remember, I want to fight with the army and burn the food and grass. It’s Tang San! Tang San has lost his martial spirit since you killed the old ghost. With fusion skills , my status in the empire has dropped significantly. I have been reduced to being sent to the rear for sneak attacks . I will seek revenge after I destroy your food and grass. I will find you no matter where you are . Third brother, five days have passed in the blink of an eye . The army should be there. We have arrived at the destination and have been stationed , but why are there no conditions here? The more critical the moment, the less we can relax. Third brother has a situation. On the west side, two groups of unknown soul corpses were found, each numbering 50 people. They were moving very quickly towards the back of our army's ambush line. Please instruct us to divide our forces. My foster father Xiaowu and I will intercept a pair of soul masters. Fatty, you and Xiao Ao will blend in to intercept another pair of soul masters. Well, Boss Dai, you and Zhu Qing will stay here. The police also have a third pair of soul masters and us. After sniping and killing the people from the Wuhun Empire, it's no problem to meet up here. Xiangxiang leads the way. There are some stone treasures below every 10 miles. What are they used for ? These stone treasures can garrison the army and equip them with city defense slaves and other protective stones. After the construction of the treasure is completed, if there is an enemy attack, the logistics supply force can seize the stone treasure nearby. Sect Master, the opponent is still about 20 miles away from here . We can't fly forward any more. Please be careful, Xiaoxiang , please continue to investigate. We will go down and meet Senior Ju Douluo again. Senior wants to avenge Ghost Douluo. Since you know , be prepared to die. I am alone and have nothing to worry about. Even if I die today, I will make you pay with your blood. What consumption did it take for his soul power to suddenly rise to the atmosphere ? The Special Secret Technique of Life, Martial Spirits, God of War , Seven Dragons, Sky-reaching , Vajra Indestructible, You have cultivated the Vajra Indestructible Body, this move will continue to consume your life, stop talking nonsense, Tang San, even if it is the abyss of hell, I will drag you down with me. The sixth soul skill, Thunder, is Fengliu Xia sees that as long as I successfully dodge his attack without needing him to incense, he will run out of gas. Xiao Wu , a warrior who abandons everything to enter the battlefield, deserves enough respect. Just wait for me here, Senior Douluo. I will fight with you with all my strength. Several eight soul skills, Streaming Light, Ten Thousand Miles Demonic Seizing Legs, Soul Martial Skills, Now Must Kill Titan, Avoid Ghost Valley Skill, Titan Sky Cannon, Fifth Soul Skill, Pan Eagle Strategy, Thousand Hands Stunt, Leopard Blood, Ah, Ah, Killing God Realm The Devil-Conquering Hell is Destined. The Blue Silver Overlord Spear is the fifth soul skill. Wait for me to die. The Thunder and Chaos Cloak Collection . Go . Even my ultimate move was cracked by you. His Majesty the Pope is right. You are indeed my Spirit Empire. The biggest obstacle to unifying the continent, so many people died because of you. My parents, Xiao Wu’s mother, Da Ming, Er Ming , the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect , and countless people who died tragically at your hands , if it hadn’t been for the Wuhun Empire’s evil, all of us would have died. Everything I encounter will be different. You and I will make a break today. Hahaha. I am not unjust when I lose to you. But I won’t sit around and die. If you want my life, come and take it. Okay, I will give you a kick in the face. Flowers bloom all over the ground , people fall, hearts are broken, and the soul trick is hard to drink. The Blue Dragon Taming Blade comes back with the ninth soul skill, Blue Silver Sky Star Dance. When I was young, if I had the vision you have now, I probably wouldn’t be reduced to a pawn to be manipulated by others . Old man Ghost , I still can't do it for you. Many people have lost their homes and families. That's why we gathered here today. We want to tell the Wu Wen Empire loudly that we will never surrender. I am by your side , our home is behind you , protect our home and country, and walk away. You will be born to protect your family and country . God will release you and you will kill to protect your family and country . God will protect you, you will kill, you will protect your family, you will defend your country, you will win, you will win, you will win, you will set out , the moment to become famous has finally arrived. The elites of the Spirit Empire, the angels and gods, will have you in front of them. From the invincible hand, you will arrive. Everywhere will become the territory of the empire. Anyone who dares to challenge the authority of the Wuhun Empire will be killed without mercy . Kill without mercy. Kill without mercy . Kill without mercy . The soldiers of the Tiandou Empire are fighting in full force and are ready to fight you. The Tang Family Army is ordered to inspect the crossbow machine and take advantage of it, His Majesty the Jiao Emperor. We were ordered by Dagong to come to support Elder Demon Bear and Elder Ghost Leopard. They are deeply loved by Qiandao Lei, the Titled Douluo who is the most promising of all the elders to become enshrined. Qian Daolei was actually willing to send them here , but it was just the right time. As long as Tang San is eliminated as a threat, Tiandou will have no one available. All the elders will follow me to help Rongrong. You are the number one auxiliary Star Soul Douluo in the mainland and the main target of the enemy. You must not easily stay here to assist. Rongrong . Rong, don't worry, I have the ability to protect myself. When I break the defensive barrier, the rest will rush into the formation to relieve the enemy. They collectively use their group attack skills. Pang's army listens to the order to relieve the city and form a defensive formation to protect the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower. The cavalry is dispatched in the first round , but there are no survivors. After the enemy was alone , Pang Jiajun attacked mysteriously with Zhuge and was blocked by Hu Yanzhen twice. The forces in succession have affected the morale of Tiandu. Yes , sir, capture the thief first. Capture the emperor first. I am the artifact your majesty said. I would like to know his attack power and the Xiang family. Who has the better defensive power of the legion ? In this battle, only by charging up and hitting with one blow can our army's prestige be restored. How is this possible ? Well, the eighth soul skill is infinite diamonds. Don't welcome you. You are the light of my life . Hui Hao Wujing is not in use. Without any soul machine, the Lone Rock Formation will be killed in one blow. No wonder such a force is respected by His Majesty as the Imperial Master. Now that the enemy's defense has been broken, should we be the Marshal ? Don't worry . Now is not the time. I think Xiao San will die. In addition to dealing with it The Xiang Family Legion should still have a feudal role. The two sects have more Soul Saints and Soul Douluo levels. If we take the opportunity to eliminate these strong ones , it will be of greater significance than severely damaging the enemy. Approaching a high-level hybrid Titan's left arm soul Bone skill Gravity Claw Haha , he is right. He insists on searching for himself in his air defense room , and he can't get the curse of gods and demons . No matter what, I have to break this defensive curse first. The ninth soul skill comes to the sky star , and I The Soul Nine Fort is famous as the Soul Sixth Sect. Even if you break out of my defense , it will not change your fate of defeat. The backup of our heavy cavalry regiment will arrive soon. Then it will be the time for my army to move forward ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh outgoing and outgoing outgoing out there out there out there out there . The four men's halls and the soul master team are organized. Yanling's two hot sects, the Seven Treasures, are transferred out. There are Liuli. Huh, it's finally time for us to go to the grass. The master of the artillery sect said that I am engaged in fire attributes, so leave it to me. Master Tianyun sect , leave it to you. Let's see who can deal with the opponent first . The six soul skills: White Tiger Destruction Killing Flame, Right Arm Soul Bone Skill, Phoenix Explosion Skill, Flame Star, ah , ah, these idiots , if you want to stop the army from doing evil in the future, you should save it for your grave. The fifth soul skill , haha . The fifth soul skill, Thunder, Violent Shark, meets again. Will it take you a year to recover after the last battle ? In the battle at Tiandou Palace, we haven’t decided the winner yet. This time, it’s either you or me. Seven soul skills, Wuhun Zhen. Body ah ah ah ah ah ah attack the Netherworld White Tiger Seventh Soul Skill Demon Soul Body Eighth Soul Skill Dragon Flame Soul Nine Treasures Famous Three Souls Six Sunsong One Soul Skill Invincible Golden Body Big Stupid Bear I am here Demon Bear Douluo Arrogance and ferocity cannot prove that if you catch me, small weapons will give you a fish. The seventh soul skill, the martial soul, the real body, guard the tiger and rabbit, come here, big stupid bear, hey, you can't catch me , ah, invincible close-up girl, you are scratching me. Are you itchy? What are you talking about ? I caught you. The second soul sword is charming. Go away. Close your eyes. If the meteor god teleports tonight, it will be dark and strange . It is dragging down the strong men of the Spirit Empire , but their effect on the enemy army is limited. To enter the attack range of our Soul Sacrifice, we have to wait for the enemy to enter the attack range of our Soul Sacrifice. Action Qibao turned out the glazed Seven Killing Sword . It swept through thousands of armies with one sword. This sword killed at least a thousand Yanling Fiery Sect Souls. The Tang Family Army's armor-piercing sword, Zhongtie, held on, and Guilin's support was even more effective . Our revitalization battle was too fast ! What a great swordsman. Jinzhong rushed to lead the fiery cold wind . The sixth soul skill of the Death Emperors was the blood-sucking spider silk Titan's left arm. Soul Bone Skills Gravity Quagmire Who Are You Opposed to No Versatility Douluo Water World 7 Sichuan Gold 13 Gold Limit Pass Your First 3,000 Gold Thirteen Riders First Style Unfixed Storm Well Death Emperors Fifth Soul Skill Vanguard Wan Dun is another divine machine Qi Duo Wan Duo can only resist for a moment , but if he uses his immortal body now, he will lose a lot of soul power. There is still a trick Tang San can take advantage of ! You are so cheap! Get away! Get away! The moment you are afraid of the miracle, you are already too late to stop the fourth soul skill , Silver Cage. It takes 8 seconds. Do n't think you are the only one who can attack violently. Look at my first soul skill, demon attack, blade-removing and counterattack, killing an eighth-level handsome man and turning into the best phoenix martial soul in an instant. How is this possible? my fourth soul skill, ghostly shadow clone , martial soul, real body , martial soul fusion, world ghost, white tiger, soul, phoenix legend. Zi Xue, his divine skills limit your movements but cannot limit your poison. It's your Majesty 's fault. Everyone, get out of the way, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah, ah , ah , ah, you forced me to do it, Tang San. If you are willing to accept the martial spirit. The empire's blessing has protected many people from death. Is it your ambition and selfish desire? You regard the opportunity to survive as a favor to kill us , but you are unwilling to surrender your family and home. I surrender at your feet . No matter what it becomes, I can't do it. Go back , run, run, run ! The Tiandou army has successfully broken through. Our containment has worked. Okay , so our engineering troops can advance directly for 20 miles . We only need to break through the defense lines of the Holy Dragon Legion and the Black Tiger Sect. Taking Jialing Pass directly, the Shenglong Clan and Hei Wusong split into the second and third parts of the New Zealand Department. However, in terms of overall combat effectiveness, it is better than the Xiangjia Sect. I am afraid that we have no chance if it continues. Everyone , everyone, your majesty has an immortal soul body to protect you. The body will recover soon. Pipitong has recovered. Boss Dai must never let him take action again . He was actually injured in the underworld. The morale of our army has been seriously damaged . If we continue to fight, the foundation of the empire will be shaken. The soul master army ordered the army to withdraw to Jialing Pass . The people formed a defensive camp, the Seventy-Two Company of the Gale Demon Wolf, Zhan Ming, Suo Zhen Wan , Fire Dance, Yao Yang , the army obeyed the order, maintained the formation , the attackers were ready to release arrows to pass the army, pay attention to the pass, sweep the ground, fight with the sky, kill, kill, quickly withdraw the whole army, enter Jialing Pass, Tang San's place You are lucky once. If you want to take the fourth soul skill, Sword Shadow Tutou, ah , I miss you , hahaha. Jialing Pass is built on a dangerous mountain. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the biggest obstacle for our army to attack the Wuhun Empire. No matter what, they must not be allowed to withdraw. I will personally lead the entire army to attack the dragons. Marshal Bibi Dong’s temperament will never withdraw the troops without preparation. It is better to be cautious. It is a taboo for the two armies to clash and fight for the enemy. Now that the Spirit Empire has been defeated, it will be harmful not to chase the dead . The morale of our army, National Master, rest assured that I have my own sense of self -control and will not rush into the army at full speed . If you go, you will win. If you go, you will win. If you go, you will win. If you go, you will win. If you go, you will win. Don’t chase . Besides, everyone is injured. It’s not appropriate to rush in . Xiao Wu, how can you bear it, Demon Bear Douluo? Most of the attacks and the rest were blocked by my invincible body. Brother, you don’t need to talk about soul power anymore. I feel much better. Xiaohu , this kind of thing will never happen again. To me, your safety is the most important thing to us. You all have to protect yourself. My mission has been completed. The hospital is almost here. We are almost at the camp. Hold on. Elder Yang is fine . How is the situation ? It is indeed a thousand-color red poison. When the Wuhun Empire has improved on this basis, it has greatly enhanced the spread of Yang. The result of the elder's increased diffusion range is that the toxicity is greatly reduced. Sect Master, don't worry, I can detoxify this poison in 3 days at the latest. Elder Jiang, although your injuries are serious, they are all flesh wounds. It does n't matter. But the kid with the snake spear was injured by my soul-breaking gun. In the short term, his internal organs will be extremely angry, even if his reputation will be greatly damaged, his strength will be greatly damaged. Snake Spear Douluo was seriously injured, Demon Bear Douluo died under the trace of BB Dong's own soul, and Ghost Leopard, Guillotine and other powerful people were exhausted after the battle. Dong himself was severely injured by the Poseidon Trident. Now is the time to take back the Poseidon Trident . Xiaosan , your trident does not have a magical weapon. You will never be able to stop Bibi Dong's attack. Teacher , I was just wanting to discuss this matter with you. Xiaosan, Bibi Dong is good at using strange things. If he can kill him with one strike, he is willing to risk everything, so he will not gather the power of many titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace to forcibly remove the Poseidon Trident . Instead, he will lay traps around the trident and wait for it , even though the Vast Sea Universe Cover has been embedded. On the Poseidon Trident , but fortunately, my head soul bone has been fused with it before. Now the head soul bone can also use the ability of the Vast Sea Universe Barrier, just in case I want to avoid this light. The Poseidon Trident penetrates Jialing Pass and is now on the way. I landed in Jialing Pass. In order to retrieve him, I had to take the risk and sneak into Jialing Pass. Today, the blue number of Tiandou I threw was shining and flew over the army. Fortunately, it didn't hit me, otherwise I would have been stabbed in the head. The man in the cave is so powerful that even His Majesty is being guarded by the little useless Japanese ghost. Did you hear that His Majesty's injury seems to be very serious ? Keep your voice down so that adults can hear it, but Jialing Pass , where you are about to lose your head, seems to be well-defended, but in fact it is full of flaws. Bibi Dong is here Deliberately luring me into the barrier, I will use his tricks to rescue the two mythical beasts in the Great Star Forest. Bibi Dong once used huge mental power to track me in the invisible state , but now he is seriously injured and has not recovered. The mental power consumption is huge, and it is impossible to see through Ha Haihu. What I need to worry about with the stick is the sound it makes when moving and the traces exposed by touching the vegetation. Since on the battlefield, the overall situation of the battlefield must be the most important , and I did not expect that Kubo Shrine would be destroyed. Rongrong’s father, Grandpa Jing, judging from the battle situation Ghost Leopard Douluo probably didn't release the ninth soul skill continuously , but just a very fast multi-stage attack. It turns out that this is how he wore away my Kubo Magic Skill Rongrong. As your soul power level gets higher and higher, Nine Treasures The number of ninth soul skill attacks that the divine light can withstand will also increase. After you become a titled Douluo, not to mention Ghost Leopard Douluo, even the Spirit Empire's enshrinement cannot easily break through your Nine Treasures Divine Light. Repay Your Majesty Summon everyone to quickly go to the Chinese army camp for a meeting. During the Battle of Bima Plains, the Wuhun Empire secretly poisoned a large number of our Tiandou soldiers. This move had to be guarded against. After receiving food and grass supervision, I did not take more precautions . It was my negligence that I gave Wuhun I hope your majesty will punish the Soul Empire for taking advantage of the loophole. Fortunately , there is still room for improvement . Yang Wudi has repeatedly researched and developed Jie Miaoge, Marshal Long, for his inability to take care of the food and grass. It is true that he should be punished , but it is taboo to change the commander on the spot. Your Majesty, although there were some twists and turns, fortunately our army won a great victory in the first battle. Now that Li Bidong has suffered heavy losses, it is a good time to attack the city . The terrain of Jialing Pass is dangerous , easy to defend and difficult to attack. The most fatal thing is that the Zhuge Divine Crossbow of the Tang Army cannot exert its power. If you want to attack the city, you have to think about it. There is a way, Your Majesty, we have guests coming to visit . See Your Majesty, this is the immortal disciple of Blue Indigo Tyrannosaurus Rex. See Your Majesty, Uncle Tianxin , you are still alive. The Wuhun Empire, the Wuping Empire, made a surprise attack on the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Tian Heng and I happened to be out that day. Experience . It was only when we returned to the sect that we discovered that all the clan members were alive. It was good to be alive . So where have you and Tian Heng been all these years ? Are they still safe ? Jade Tianxin, please sit down first. Thank you, Your Majesty. Tian Heng and I have been hiding all these years. Spying information in Wuwen City and vowing to avenge the family. Recently, we just got the news that the Wuhun Empire secretly dispatched an elite to Jialing Pass. What is the origin of the elite? This elite is called the Angel Legion. It is led by the Holy Maiden Hu Liena of the Wuhun Empire. The number is small but They are all powerful men above the level of Soul Saint, and they actually dispatched the Angel Legion. The Angel Legion is a mysterious force of the Wuhun Empire that swims into the air to fight. When the Wuhun Palace retreated from Poseidon Island and went to rescue them, it was this Angel Legion that relied on its own extreme power. The strong ability to change formations caught the Seven Sacred Pillars Douluo off guard. Otherwise, with the strength of Wuhun Palace at that time, it would have been more than just a loss of thousands of soul masters. At this time, Wuhun Empire dispatched the angel army to Jialing Pass . The plan to launch an air battle is good. Tianxin, thank you for bringing the news about the Angel Legion in advance. I hope it can help. Your Majesty , Tianheng, are still waiting for me in Wuhun City . I will go back first. I have to leave now . There are dangers in Wuhun City. You and Tian Why don't you stay on the front line to discuss how to deal with the enemy? Uncle, the battle between the two armies involves not only front-line confrontation , but also military spying. These are all things you taught me. Have you forgotten ? I used to say that you and Tian Heng are ignorant children . One day you will really become sensible, and the Indigo Tyrannosaurus Rex family will no longer live up to its former glory. Uncle, the war will end.
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Keywords: 大陆热播剧, The Sword and the Brocade, 新剧, eng sub, asian drama, romantic chinese drama, chinese drama, asiancrush, 好看的电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, kiss, 中国电视剧, 电视剧, love, 好看中国电视剧, chinese television dramas, chinese drama eng sub, top chinese drama, 大陆电视剧, ChineseDrama, 斗罗大陆, 唐三, 小舞, 国漫, 热血, 唐家三少, 逆袭, 进化, 神技, 海神, 修罗神, 罗刹神, 双神之战, 双神一体, 突破, 魂力, 剑斗罗, 骨斗罗, 昊天锤, 昊天宗, 唐昊, 唐啸, 唐晨, 武魂殿, 比比东, 千仞雪, 千寻疾, 千道流, soulland, fight, crush, 碾压, 蓝银草, 十万年魂环, 十万年魂骨, 魂环, 魂骨, 魂兽, 进阶, 复仇, 报仇, 成神, 斗罗, 双生武魂, 武魂, god, 暴走, 巅峰斗罗, 绝世斗罗, 武魂帝国, 史莱克, 史莱克七怪, 朱竹清, 戴沐白, 宁荣荣, 马红俊, 奥斯卡
Id: HThryI8CmL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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