Ep.2: Dynamic Programming (Part I) - LeetCode Problems That Got Me Hired

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dynamic programming is intimidating for most of us it's like the final boss of coding interview problems early on whenever i'd get a dp problem in interviews my mind would shut off i'd start sweating and i just think to myself well it's been a good run now if you're prepping for internship interviews i don't think that you need to do very hard dp problems you'll probably get the more basic ones if any at all but if you're preparing for new grad interviews at the fan companies then you'll definitely need to be comfortable doing dp problems not gonna lie it took a while for them to really click for me i found that doing easy problems and really understanding them helped me a lot before trying to attempt hard problems also after i took the basic data structures course in college i took an advanced algorithms course with this really badass professor that had some great chapters on graphs and dynamic programming which i think really helped me a lot to make this video i went through all my notes from that class a few videos and tutorials and dozens of leap code posts i'm hoping to synthesize all my findings for you but of course i'll also link everything in the description in case you want to read through them yourself now before watching this i highly encourage you to watch my dfs video because it's really important that you're comfortable thinking recursively before trying to attack dp problems if you're not as familiar with dynamic programming i'll give you a brief overview but there's also other great resources out there i recommend youtube channels like cs dojo which is very clear and beginner friendly or ericto because that guy's a genius to be clear my goal is not to explain a single problem to you but to show how different dp problems have similarities between them today i'm going to talk about four problems that i think share a very similar pattern but i have two more dp videos planned because there's just too many dp problems that i want to talk about to start dp is an optimization technique the idea is that you take a problem and break it down into smaller sub problems of the same nature in dp the assumption is that if you can solve the sub problems then you should be able to solve the main problem this is called having an optimal substructure the issue is that when you break a problem down into subproblems some of those sub problems reoccur many times or in other words they overlap what dp does is that it saves the solution to a sub problem you've already solved so that you don't need to compute it again which saves a lot of time understanding recursive dfs and backtracking are essential to understanding dp and you'll recognize this tree structure if you've seen my dfs videos from all the solution diagrams i drew one way to think of dp is just as dfs with memoization or more generally recursion with caching where the goal is that you don't check down paths that you've already been down before of course you can implement all dp problems iteratively but i think that it's easier to start thinking about them recursively now i want to go over the two big phases in solving a dp problem which i derived from this great article written by nikola ostaf nikola nikola atosovic apologies for mispronouncing i'm going to talk about all these steps while showing you how to apply them to a simple example the problem climbing stairs in climbing stairs you have a staircase with end stairs and you can take step sizes of one or two to get there you want to figure out how many different ways you can get to the nth stair as an example if you wanted to get to the third stair you could take one step one step one step or you could take one step two steps or you could take two steps and one step so there are three ways to get to stair number three the first phase is to define the recurrence relation or how to break a problem down into sub problems at this stage you can basically treat the problem as a regular recursive dsf dfs problem don't even think about memoization yet and the first thing you should do here is just count how many parameters there are in the problem in climbing stairs we're trying to compute the number of ways we can get to the nth stair so our only parameter is n in this case the step sizes are fixed to one or two so these are not parameters if you're trying to find the longest common subsequence between two strings then you have two parameters which are the two strings another way to think about this step is that you're finding the dimensionality of the problem you can categorize all dp problems into different structural forms 1d 2d or even 3d climbing stairs has one parameter the number of stairs so it's one dimensional i'll admit that this concept doesn't matter a ton but i think the idea of dimensionality really helps when you're trying to draw a diagram for your iterative solution which i'll show in a second once you know what your parameters are you want to try to express the recurrence relation and this is where i would say 70 of the brain work in a dp problem is happening basically you want to ask yourself can the solution to this problem be expressed as a function of solutions to smaller similar problems in climbing stairs we're trying to find a number of ways to stare n from the bottom let's say n equals five since we can only take steps of size one or two to get to stair five we know we had to have come from stair three or stair four in other words the solution at stair five can be expressed as a function of the solutions at stair three and therefore which are the sub problems likewise the solution at stair three can be built from the solutions at stair one and stair two obviously if we know how many ways there are to get to stair three and stair four then we can use that information to calculate how many ways there are to get to stair five one way to represent this recurrence relation is to write it out as a function in climbing stairs the solution at stair n depends on the solutions at the two stairs below it so you could write it out in a format like this where the nth staircase depends on the nth minus one and n minus two stairs you can also draw it out as a diagram and i want to show you two ways to do it one is as a tree which is straightforward for this problem and it's similar to our dfs diagrams to find stair five we need to know the solutions at stair three and stair four to find stair four we need to know the solution at stair two and stair three so in this way we build up our tree of subproblems and we figure out how we can use them to build our top level problem as you can probably see this illustration lends itself to recursive implementation and it's also a great way to see overlapping subproblems which you can see are happening here and here the other way to draw this is as an array or a matrix this is where the problem's dimensionality comes into play since this is a 1d problem where the only parameter is n we can show it as a 1d array the array will go from stair 0 to star n which is 5 in this example and what you want to do is draw forward directed edges for example to get to stair 2 you know you had to have come from stair 0 or stair 1. likewise to get to stair 3 you know you have to come from stair 1 or 2. the idea is that if we know how many ways it takes to get to stair 0 and how many ways there are to get to stair 1 then we can easily use that information to figure out how many ways there are to get to stair 2 and how many ways there are to get to stair three and so on once you draw this out you can see that it really lends itself to an iterative implementation where you go through and construct future values from past values a formal way to think about this is that any dp problem is a dag or a directed acyclic graph of sub-problems that go from easy to hard any of these representations is fine at this point and i would also say that at this point don't think too much about how you're eventually going to implement it yet recursively or iteratively all you need to focus on at this point is understanding the recurrence relationship don't even worry about identifying overlapping subproblems or memoization yet regardless of how you're going to implement it later to finish defining a recurrence relation you need to identify the base case in this case we know that there's only one way to get to stair zero or even stair one and that's good enough for our base case once you've figured out the recurrence relation you can move on to the next step which is implementing it recursively or iteratively and adding memorization or tabulation that was really a mouthful to be clear you can implement any dp problem iteratively or recursively iterative or bottom-up implementations use tabulation while recursive or top-down implementations use memoization at the end of the day they're both just forms of caching we don't want to recompute the solutions to sub problems that we've already figured out so what we do is we save the solutions to some problems we've already encountered so that we can just look it up rather than recomputing the whole thing i'll show you the difference between these two types of implementations in a second when i implement the solution to climbing stairs but there's also this great geeksforgeeks article that talks about it and i especially like the english example that they give at the beginning the one difference i will point out is that i think it's often easier to think of dp problems in terms of the recursive solution but and i can't emphasize this enough if you have the recurrence relation then it should be easy to build either solution so the first type of implementation the recursive or top-down method uses memoization and it closely follows the tree diagram that we saw earlier you can basically start this implementation by writing out the solution with regular recursion without memoization since we're starting at the top and working our way down to simpler solutions this approach is called top down then to turn it into a dp solution we just need to add some data structure that caches our solutions in this case we're going to use an array where the index of the array represents a stair and the value represents how many ways it takes to get to that stair we can get rid of the base case from our recursive method we'll replace it with something else and instead we're going to put it up here so that we initialize certain values of the array to start in our case we know that to get to the zeroth staircase there's only one way and to get to the first staircase there's only one way now in our recursive method what we need to do is pass in this memoization array like so and then what we can do is check if the current stairs value has already been computed and if it has it'll just be not zero if it's already been computed then we simply return it and we don't have to bother with any more recursive calls otherwise what we do is we have to compute the ways to the current stair in the same way we did before except this time we need to pass it the memoization array once we compute it we need to make sure to store it in our memorization array so that we can use it later if we need it and then at the end we just return it and this is basically how you go from a simple recursive solution to implementing memorization the other option is an iterative or bottom-up implementation which uses tabulation and this closely follows the 1d array diagram that we saw earlier our algorithm will just iterate through the array and build the solution at each stair because it solves the problems from small to large this approach is called bottom up you usually have some array or matrix holding your solutions and all you have to do is figure out how to fill it up to do that you need to understand how to build the current element out of the previous elements which is what the recurrence relation is for the relation between the current one and the previous ones will vary from problem to problem but you can simply refer back to the diagrams you drew earlier and look at the edges in this case the solution at the current position is the sum of the solutions at the previous two positions and at the end we just returned the solution at the nth stair this is a classic how many waves problem and the structure for this problem can usually be found by asking yourself looking at my current position where could i have come from to get here once you get that recurrence relation the rest should fall into place right so now that i've showed you how to solve a basic dp problem i want to show you how you can apply this framework to other dp problems that i think are very essential hopefully by showing you the similarities between them you'll start to get a feel for this type of pattern coin change is a classic dp problem where you have some set of coin values in our case let's say we have a one cent coin a two cent coin and a five cent coin and you're trying to make some amount of sense and cents with the minimum number of coins for example if we were trying to make six cents we could use six pennies like so but a better way to do it with fewer coins is to use one nickel and one penny and that would be our solution two coins let's start from the beginning just like before this is a 1d problem where the only parameter is the amount of money that you're trying to make change for now for the recurrence relation if i'm trying to find the best way to make say a hundred cents one way to do it is to figure out the best way to make 99 cents and simply add a one cent coin or we could take the best way to make 98 cents and add a two cent coin or the third option would be to take the best way to make 95 cents and add a five cent coin the big insight with this problem is that it's the exact same as climbing stairs except that the size of your steps are different instead of a step size of one or two the step to get from a previous state to a current state is the different coin values one two or five as this is another one-dimensional problem we can draw it with a 1d array where the directed edges reflect our step sizes or the coin values in this case to get the solution at n equals 5 when we're trying to figure out the best way to make 5 cents we could take our solution at 0 cents and add a single nickel or we could find the best way to make three cents and add one two cent coin or we could take the best way to make four cents and add a penny these are all possible candidates for the best way to make five cents likewise when we're figuring out the best way to make six cents we can take the solution at one and add a nickel or the solution at four and add old two cent coin or the solution at five and add a one cent coin this becomes our dag which is similar to the previous problem our base case then is that when we're trying to make zero coins we obviously can't so there's no ways to do that and from there we can build out the rest of the array we can follow our 1d array diagram and code it bottom up the top down example will basically look the same as that of climbing stairs in this example i'm actually going to deviate from the problem a little and fix the coins as one two and five just to make it simpler first we need to make an array up to the amount of sense we're trying to compute and we create an extra spot to hold our base case which is that at zero cents we can make it using zero coins then we iterate through the rest of the array and try to populate it at each step we consider all our different coin denominations option one for building our current sense amount is to look back at the solution to i minus 1 how many coins did it take to build i minus 1 cents and add a penny that should let us build our current amount we see if it would be better to instead use the solution at i minus 2 and add a coin of value 2. or if it'd be better to use the solution at i minus 5 and add a nickel this math.min lets us keep the best solution out of all of them and these if statements simply make sure that we don't check things when they're out of bounds for example when we're trying to build three cents there's no way we can use a nickel so we'll skip this we basically keep the best option move through the rest of the array and at the end we're able to return the element in the last index of our array so there's two key differences between this problem and climbing stairs one is the nature of the recurrence relation in this problem rather than summing up the subproblems you're trying to find the minimum between the sub problems what is the minimum amount of coins you can use the other key difference with this problem is what i'll call the step size which affects which sub problems you need to look at in this case we have to look at not only n minus 1 and n minus 2 but also n minus 5 and these are the three cases we consider at every point the problem longest increasing subsequence takes this idea a step farther and introduces the concept of inconsistent step sizes is how i'll call it but i'll show you that beneath that it's basically the same idea this problem asks you to look at an array of integers and find the longest chain of increasing numbers but they don't have to be next to each other so in this example the longest increasing subsequence would be 2 4 6 9 for length of 4. there's only one parameter in this case still which is the single input array all the examples today are actually 1d but my next video will show some two-dimensional examples now for the recurrence relation the main thing we care about is which previous values are less than the value at the current position as an example in the array 3 12 4 11 the longest increasing subsequence or lis at the first position is obviously just one because there's no values before it so three is in its own sequence at the second position we consider everything before the 12. we see that 12 is greater than 3 so we can add 12 to the subsequence ending at 3 which gives us a longest increasing subsequence of length two at the third position we consider everything before the four four is greater than three so if you put them in the same increasing subsequence you have a length of two but now you have to consider the twelve four is not greater than twelve so they can't be part of the same increasing subsequence so you just ignore it and at the fourth position we again consider everything before it eleven is greater than three so they can be part of the same increasing subsequence which would form a length of 2. 11 is not greater than 12 so we can't do anything there but we see that 11 is also greater than 4. if you add them to the same increasing subsequence you actually get an even longer sequence of length 3. this basically becomes our 1d array diagram our dag at each position we consider all the values before it and we draw a directed edge between them if the current value is greater than the previous value and in this way we're able to build up our array and figure out how to compute each value to draw this with our tree structure to find the lis at some position i we need to consider the lis at all the positions before it then we have to ignore those positions where the value in that position is greater than the value at our current position out of the remaining subproblems we see which one has the biggest lis our tree then looks a little odd because at any given position we don't know how many of the previous positions can be used to make an increasing subsequence in coin change our steps were the coin values one two or five so each problem had three sub-problems in this problem the number of sub-problems we need to consider will vary depending on the value in the array at that position and whether it's greater than or less than the previous values but just as before you can see that there are overlapping subproblems our base case is that at the first position the longest increasing subsequence will have a length of one because there's no elements before it and with that we can implement it recursively using memoization or iteratively using tabulation let's go ahead and do this iteratively so we can compare it to coin change it might be a little tough to follow so i've commented it out so you can pause and read if you need first we set up our dp array and we set up the base case which just says that the longest increasing subsequence the lis at the first element is one since there's no elements before it this outer for loop is us trying to compute the lis for each element of the array from left to right bottom up at each given point in the array we want to first compute the lis that ends on our current element this inner for loop is what's going to let us do that it's for considering all the elements before our current element and just as we saw with the 1d array diagram with directed edges we only care about elements that are smaller than our current element when we find such an element we check the longest increasing subsequence that ended at that point and we see if that's better than the best option we have so far once we find the longest one ending at our current position we know that our longest increasing subsequence is actually going to be that value plus one to include the current element and we save that back to the dp array so that we can use it later this is the same idea as in coin change except instead of taking the minimum number we're taking the maximum because we want the longest increasing subsequence the biggest difference is that in this problem we're not exactly sure how many of the previous sub problems we can use so we can't hard code it like we did in coin change with n minus 1 n minus 2 and n minus 5. we need to check all of them just in case hence the step sizes are inconsistent and will vary depending on where we are another difference is this variable max answer in this problem the longest increasing subsequence might not necessarily end on the last element in the array so we can't just return the element at the very end instead we need to keep track of the running maximum whereas in coin change we knew for sure that the answer would be in the last position of our dp array so the final problem i want to discuss today is word break which i actually got in one of my full-time interviews for a fan company this past year just like with the lis problem in this problem the step to get from a previous state to the current state is going to vary so you can't hard code it i think with this problem it's a little harder to understand the iterative intuition behind it but it's actually not much different from the previous problem the problem is that you're given a list of valid words and you want to figure out if some string can be broken up into some combination of valid words or not in this example our string is dog food and the word dog and food are both valid words so this would return true because the string can be broken up into valid words again we have a one parameter problem because the string is really the only thing we're working with this one's a little easier to visualize recursively i think but i'll show both so again we need to think how can we break this down into sub problems well first let's look at the beginning of the stream if there's a valid word at the beginning then all we need is to figure out if the rest of the word can be broken down into valid words as well there's our sub problem however we could have multiple valid words that all start at the beginning which gives us multiple sub problems that we need to consider you don't exactly know how many subproblems you'll have as it depends what words you can find at the beginning of the string so just like in longest increasing subsequences you have to consider all of them and just ignore the ones that aren't going to work you'll also see that different paths might reach the same sub problem such as in this scenario where you both end up at this sub problem so this is a great case for us to use memoization so that we don't have to recompute them in the interview that i got this problem i actually just implemented it recursively and it was fine but today i want to show you the iteratives version 2 because it looks just like longest increasing subsequence so here's what we're going to work with we're going to set up a 1d array that keeps track of whether the string up to a certain point can be broken up into valid words or not at any point of the string say we're currently at the end of the string we have to consider all the indices before it and the substrings that they formed so we'd consider the substrings like food or ood or od if any of those are valid words then we have a directed edge so in this case food is a valid word what i mean by this is that if we already know whether the part of the string up to that point is a valid word and now we know that the rest of the string up to our current point is a valid word as well then we know that this string up to this point can in fact be broken up into valid words so at this point we would say that yes the string up to this point can be broken up into valid words just like in the longest increasing subsequence problem we have to consider all the different indices before it because we don't know which ones are going to form valid words or not our base case in this problem is that when the input string is empty we should return true to implement it iteratively we set it up the same way as we did before first we set up our 1d dp array which just holds booleans in this case in this case we want an extra spot in the array to represent when the string is empty because that's our base case and it says that when the string is empty we consider that it can be broken up into valid words then we go through the rest of the dp array and build it up at each position of the array we consider all the possible previous indices if the substring from a previous index to this current index is a valid word which is represented by this statement right here and if we already know that everything up to that point can be broken up into valid words then we know that the string up to this point can also be broken up into valid words unlike in longest increasing subsequence once we've determined that there's a single way to achieve our goal we don't need to go looking for more we don't need to find a better way it's just true or false and also unlike in longest increasing subsequences we know that the solution will be whatever's at the end of the array since we want to know whether the entire string can be broken up into valid words at the end of all of this i have a few key takeaways first is the importance of coming up with the recurrence relation and just thinking about the problem with regular recursion next is how you can draw the recurrence relation as a tree or as a table which correspond to the recursive and iterative implementations respectively i hope you have some appreciation of how you can translate these diagrams into their corresponding implementations and above all i wanted to emphasize this idea of stepping from a problem into its sub-problems sometimes in problems like climbing stairs those steps are quite literal sometimes in problems like coin change those steps are disguised as something else like coin values and sometimes in problems like lis or word break those steps aren't fixed and will vary based on certain conditions keeping all of that in mind the best way to get better at dp problems is to expose yourself to more and as you do so i encourage you to keep these patterns in mind and try to draw these diagrams by hand so you get a feel for it personally i think a challenging part of dp is that there are so many problems that appear to look very different from one another i actually came across a great leap code discuss article that tries to categorize some of these different patterns i also have two more dp videos planned in this series along with all the other structures like graphs and trees that i'll talk about later as well i want to use one of those dp videos to talk about popular problems and string dp problems like edit distance and then the other one i want to tackle knapsack and independent set decision problems these specific types of videos take an annoyingly long time to make so please let me know if they were helpful and i'll get to work on making more i've also made other videos with some more high level advice on how to study for your interviews what to say during an interview and i'm also thinking of making some videos on my personal interview experiences if any of this sounds useful to you i encourage you to subscribe and on that note i'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Kenny Talks Code
Views: 31,194
Rating: 4.9801326 out of 5
Keywords: coding, algorithms, data structures, technical interview, coding interview, nick white, algorithm, data structure, programming, software engineering, google interview, software engineer, leetcode problems, leetcode solution, internship interview, best leetcode problems, cracking the coding interview, dynamic programming, dp, memoization, tabulation, climbing stairs, fibonacci, coin change, word break, longest increasing subsequence, overlapping subproblems, optimal substructure
Id: pQldnua_hZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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