EP110 - NEVER charge the Outlander PHEV! Is it a good hybrid-only car?

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[Music] hey good morning everyone welcome back to another episode of unplug TV Australia freezing cold this morning five degrees less for decrease fit like - yes I'm in my t-shirt of course this morning we're doing some testing I would like to show you the efficiency of charging this is a frequently asked question in forums as well how how good is the charger how efficient is charging in the outliner pH TV is it better to charge on a higher power or on a lower power so as you know I've got the switchable EVSE here and I can change my power settings from 6 to 10 to 15 amps and I never know which one is the most effective one which one gives me less which one has less lost in terms of heat and the overall efficiency so this morning we are doing or not only this morning I would like to do with three tests on each signal setting each so we need three mornings ok nine days nine days all in total will this test over B be over it will take nine days to finish this test well now I just realized I fiddled around with the evse last night to get the setting from 15 to 6 M back and I have forgotten to plug in the car well there will be no efficiency testing this morning oh my god okay we can do another test the state of charge last night was twenty nine point seven percent he was close to thirty percent anyway I will not plug in the car it is tempting because I could potentially charge the car with fifteen and now for another hour and then tries to work and plug in there at the club no problem at all no fuel use at all but this time we're doing something different I leave the car as it is on the 30 percent state of charge this morning and I'm not plugging it in this won't be easy for me but I will drive to work in hybrid mode and show you guys how the efficiency is with an empty battery us you know this is this is the only thing I haven't tested yet to to raise my to raise awareness in the in the BMS software of the capacity of the car so I'm driving without charging it to work and see what happens okay so good morning to our first hybrid hybrid drive to work well forget to plug it in again that's insane I'm not sure if we can actually see that 29.4% was the because when I click on it it will probably reset yeah 29.4% was the state of charge when I left the car last night and forgot to plug it in alright so freezing cold in here I guess when I turn it on now it will start the engine straight away let's see what's happening I got I'm scared I'm scared nothing happens cartoons on is always yeah come on let's do some screen recording microphone screen recorder our microphone is turned on dog it's 29.4 I left the car and now I've got thirty point four one percent more state of charge I have gained energy were parking overnight in freezing cold weather and not charging the car at all oh my god that's a good start I like it for the last 120 months I'm trying to gain capacity were parking I just need to not black in the car don't plug it in ever don't like your Korean that is ridiculous it's just ridiculous let's go for a hybrid drive I've got zero kilometres on the gas or meter there's nothing happening I'm so glad it's okay a gained energy where parking that's amazing awesome okay I won't do with this same economy driving as I usually do so let the car cost as much as possible and yeah see what's happening okay see whenever the engine kicks in you can see this on the watchdog and the bottom top left-hand corner there's a little green icon showing us zero at the moment for the battery engaged in the cockpit still got one blue bar left actually and when this one turns green turns yellow if this one turns yellow into a little engine symbol that's when the engine comes along interesting Drive I will also [Music] okay so far first kilometer no engine 28.4% what's the temperature the engine water is 10 degrees and we've got six degrees outside ah beautiful I've got full region here which I usually don't have it all so no car coming gentle acceleration Wow look at this 27 percent here can't see the engine symbol now it comes along still driving on battery the engine idles for a while to warm up before it actually kicks in and drives the car and does whatever magic it does 12 degrees in the water we are down to 25% state of charge and now the parallel mode has kicked in and the engine is driving the car take my foot off the accelerator now because we are coasting towards the highway and it shows me the engine is still charging the battery only in some region engine is still on they can see - 10 kilowatt [Music] engine is still running a kilowatt of charging into the battery I can hear it and the display in the dashboard tells me we have used 6.7 liter per hundred kilometres so far which is about the same with the dog shows you in the middle 7.3 liters the dashboard is a little bit too slower to react okay so far eight point three liters per hundred kilometers and the dashboard shows me seven point nine they will equal out after wall their sport consumption in the car is actually pretty precise what I found we've got already eighty-eight decrease in the motor block it doesn't take long it was only six kilometres drive now and the engine is warmed up 28.4% is charging the battery with about seven kilowatt the moment 6.3 9-point final eaters hundred kilometers average sauce the dog and a 28 the dashboard another construction site here 29.4 I think the engine will turn off at about 31 percent instead of charged 31 32 construction site at the car coast and it obviously charges some more into the battery in 22 kilowatt now I think the engine will turn off every second it turned off now the dog still shows up the engine turning on this door turned on for some reason okay stand still and the engine is still on now it's off okay thirty-two dick 32% state of charge so quiet it feels weird when you start with the engine on actually feels really weird you've got these vibrations and the sound noise where's our consumption say so far 8.9 liter on the dog and nine liters on the dashboard okay so this is probably really bad for our consumption test now standing on the highway here I don't know why I've forgotten to plug in the car this morning or last night I've fiddled around with the EBS II to change the setting for the other test and you need to unplug the EVs early the plug from the car to change the settings in the EVSE otherwise it would start immediately and if I still forgotten to plug it in again it's the third time now it's insane getting old and it remind us on my mobile phone now to make me aware of checking if the cars plugged in or not we've got 49% EB driving through some states what's the voltage doing 3.85 okay so the dashboard and the dog are showing both eight point nine litres behind two kilometres now unlucky medium would I have started one minute earlier half a minute earlier a few seconds earlier I would have made it in front of this truck here but now we are stuck and have to expect delays I need to constantly break a little bit otherwise the car would be too fast who drive behind this truck here and have a look at the insolent concern consumption at the moment 27:26 kilowatt hours per hundred kilometers we are barely moving two kilometres per hour with the brakes on that's a very huge consumption that's why the state of charge is going down all the time now 27 so it's probably easier if I put it in neutral from time to time yeah it goes back to zero and then put it back in gear for a moment and look at the consumptions far down not breaking at all if this truck slows down I just put it back in neutral far more efficient consumption is down 28.7 on the dog and 8.8 on the dashboard so very close together that just the electric motors idling no gas no brake just that's the speed the car does by itself four kilometres per hour don't here we go it was speeding up Thank You Man what are they doing here everything was done and now they're starting again with a road construction okay we're driving on battery just now the antigen came on again could actually turn on the heating now I've got cold hands enfin is charging with 15-kilowatt into the battery while I'm coasting and engine turns off it does I went back to serious mode that's why the little yellow arrow disappeared on the dashboard that's why I thought the engine turns off you're not driving in and serious note 8.2 liters actual consumption at the moment driving sixty kilometres an hour still serious note state-of-charge in serious mode and city driving it's not charging the battery that much it's more generating the energy we are actually using of the car there's no excess energy to put into the battery like in parallel mode when the engine drives the car directly there's always a little bit of excess energy which we store in the battery and then the engine turns off again you can see we are down to twenty nine point eight percent and the the dashboard shows us eight litres per hundred kilometers and so that's the dog it's really exactly the same it was pretty good fifty five percent he be driving with an empty battery that's not too bad actually it's not too bad I I can't understand why people don't plug in the car see there was a fifteen kilo meter drive now and the car has used eight liters per hundred kilometres this is probably average the overall speed wasn't very high due to the construction works but eight liters per on the kilometres there's almost no saving in hybrid mode and this this um always amazes me when people buy these cars like the 2014 model and they are saying the car has never been plugged in before the previous owner didn't bother to plug it in son the previous owner didn't bother to plug it in and they they just didn't care about any plug-in stuff and just used it as a hybrid car I mean fair enough if you live in a in a apartment complex or something in the car parks at a public car park somewhere and you don't have the possibility to plug it in what can you do there's not much you can do then you can't charge it but then you should use public charging you potentially can charge at work things like this you know you should charge it occasionally to get more efficiency out of the car and then the car has been driven for probably years without being plugged in and the state of charge always went from 25 to 35 and then back to 25 and this is all the car knows this is all this software knows and then all of the sudden the new owner plugs in the car frequently and fully charge the battery and the battery management software is so amazed about this huge capacity the actual state of health Rises we've seen this on quite a few cars now which have been treated like this and the actual state of Health has risen quite substantially in these cars because the the you know Sophia is actually learning now what the car what the battery can do what the actual capacity is and it's adapting of course and you have people posting their trip cards and they are battery cards on Facebook then as they look my state of health has risen again and this is probably due to this software actually start learning what the real capacity of the battery is so quite amazing all right and the clappers already opened i plug in after batteries now if it's half full that's fine i plug in after lunch and charge it half full and then we charge fully overnight i turn of the car now we've got two 28.9% say of charge so i leave the car here until after lunch and to have a look if I have another rise in state of charge while parking so turning off the car now I have to turn the climate control here okay guys we see uh some at lunch time when I plug in the car one eternity later the Australian Red Cross behind me there you can donate blood over there they've got the diesel engine running in this truck in this trailer since yesterday when I left here it is quite insane isn't it I reckon this truck should be powered by batteries or they should have an extension cable and plug in somewhere but having the diesel run over there the whole night through I understand they need to keep their cooling and everything I've been running in there for their blood samples and whatever they have but keep it running for that long it's just bad just not good we've got better solutions these days don't we what an amazing day guys I moved the car and after my lunch break didn't have the camera with me and the state of a state of charge had increased 0.1 and powers again after parking so we got another gain while we parked on a very low state of charge it was 20 I can't remember from this morning 28 28 29 percent or something that is okay I could charge up here the club for 77% and I have to go for a little town draw here to a drop of a laptop there shouldn't be too far away just a couple of kilometers back and forward so a 77% should me easily get home and then we can recharge again fully tonight to lose some more MP hours tomorrow wall party that's the plan [Music] [Applause] [Music] just before I forget the game
Channel: unplugged EV
Views: 84,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mitsubishi, Outlander, PHEV, EV, Electric Vehicle, charger, evse, battery, degradation, soh, state of health, soc, state fo charge, problems, electric, software, app, hybrid, depleted battery, fuel economy, fuel, empty battery
Id: 3yOC7q_sGuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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