EP1-C# CRUD + MySQL Database (CREATE,READ,SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE)+ source code |Employee Record System

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hello welcome back what's up channel so this time the water inaudible using c sharp and mysql database okay so first nothing little form text box then properties font size is 12 and then level then font size is 12. so foreign mi last name gender then last position okay so next nothing so you rename nothing on six boxes so first is mid then first name mi last name ginger and precision okay so next nothing data grid view is okay then next nothing is dynam button [Applause] is okay then duplicate nothing okay so next ito is update then vpn update and then easy to is delete btn delete then delete okay so btn load data then load data okay so natalya form so employee information record system then young font size like nothing 20 so next nothing so this is a solution explorer then it was uh references install it on mysql data sql connector so final shot installed so click on references then right click then click on manage nugget packages so data session along with mysql data or mysql then in installing your on my sql data okay sorry guys so next nothing great iron database so click new then database name is employee record then create okay so table name is tbl employee [Applause] then number of column is 10 then go then first name [Applause] mi last name gender and last is position okay so it on id so unique so select nothing as primary key then auto increment okay then length values is 11. then first name is barcar then 50. so mi is bar car 10 bar card and 250 gender per car then 10. position is marker in 250 okay then click on save okay so natalya database then table name is tbl employee okay so very tidy to suffer mysql so using mysql.data that mysql client okay so next it was a button up create a connection parasaur database so string connection equals server equals localhost user id was root password equals empty then database equals then terminate so next string query equals so little migrate and insert statement so insert n2 [Applause] then select your table name is keyboard employee first name mi last name gender and position okay then values so this is nothing young values which is young magnetic box is nothing so logan attention so this that first name the text then copy it then comma the next is mi last name [Applause] then next is gender then position so next little sir baba i is ql connection con equals new mysql connection then connection then mysql command equals new mysql command then query comma then then terminate mysql data reader vr then con dot open and they are equal cmd dot execute reader then message box successfully save then terminate then it close nothing on so con that close okay so you guys so i try nothing in debug so click on start okay so try nothing so young employee id guys since nothing position is programmer then click on add okay so successfully save [Applause] female feature then click on add successfully save then refresh data database okay so now record so next nothing is young update so details are form click on update okay so little say to us connection string and then string query equals then update table employee save first name it was and this that first name that text mi because this mi dot x [Applause] last name then last name ginger ginger then position okay then where amp id so select nothing on amp id since you stay young unique so in this shop we didn't update then it [Music] x okay so guys then next nothing little but they equals amd dot execute reader and then message box that show record has been updated successfully terminate then that close okay so i try nothing update guys so debug nothing okay so you try nothing update it um and last name okay so guys so i select nothing on imp id which is one so nato's id not in xbox one then mi is you the last name is updated to the gender is female the position is programmer 2 okay then click on update record has been updated successfully okay so try nothing refresh data's database okay so young record is now update okay so next nothing is it low data so it is employee okay then my sql data adapter d e plus nu my sql dt and little bit view one but data source equals dt okay so you guys then you try not attention a debug so click on start okay so click nothing download data okay same guess the display nation data grid view so next nothing is your delete data okay so it don't delete so little form then double click on delete button okay so little say to us [Music] employee where amp id equals then select not in your imp id now textbox so m id dot x okay the next date is open in dr equals cmd dot execute reader and message box that show data has been successfully deleted then it close nothing on connection so close okay so in guys then try nothing and then you try nothing a debug so start so load data okay so you guys then try nothing you delete on employee number one so it don't update so long nothing details id is one then click on delete now button so click on delete then data has to be successfully delete then okay then it load data okay so guys record so i try not to refresh nato's database okay so guys record nothing okay then record [Applause] then click on add then load okay so yeah guys okay so yellow guys and i hope not my natto tournament is a topic nothing c sharp ito and mysql database and don't forget to subscribe my channel guys search that page and thank you apostle and god bless
Channel: Source Code PH
Views: 18,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn to code, software engineer, nonprofits, full stack, front end, developer, programmer, javascript, python, web development, technology, math, coding, css, html, web design, machine learning, linux, source code ph, sql, c++, source code
Id: fgpJCCMwM-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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