Ep. 46 - Proper alignment | DOLBY ATMOS Dont's | Home Theater Setup | Home Theater Gurus.

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[Music] welcome back to home theater gurus in this episode we're going to be talking about atmos speakers and not just any atmos speakers the best option there is which is bookshelves being used for your top front and your top rear top middle if you have the room and most of the times when they're installed they're installed wrong and we're going to talk about why and we're going to talk about how to install them properly it's actually really easy to do so i'm going to walk over there i'm going to talk about speaker dispersion really really quick make it really simple to understand on this main over here now i've got the iso on the camera turned cranked up kind of high because we need to be able to see the speakers in the ceiling so when i step back there chances are i'm going to be a little washed out maybe a little too white but anyway so just bear with me okay so we've got a top front right there we've got another one over here now i still have panels to put up there that are gonna be acoustic panels like a big speaker grill that's gonna cover those holes so you won't see those later but the speakers have a tweeter and a woofer much like this here which of course this is a triad gold the big daddy you know it's a three-way speaker with a mid-range but it's still the same principle and the principle is wide dispersion my mic's hung up here so anytime we have verticals drivers that are stacked woofer tweeter you know in that alignment or a mid-range thrown in there we can have a very wide dispersion we want our sound or our seats to be in that wide dispersion okay and that wide dispersion goes this way okay horizontal it's a wide horizontal dispersion it's actually called horizontal dispersion but anyway that's what needs to be spewed across our seats okay for all of our speakers all the speakers on the bed layer they're easy you know the speakers and seats are on the same plane but you know our vertical dispersion is much more limited you know so here we may have great sound or we do have great sound you know even you know 70 degrees off axis you're still gonna have good sound but vertically things are going to be a lot different so if you think about right here on axis at zero degrees we're the same distance from all these drivers okay as we get say 20 degrees with the triads they're very well designed we're still going to have a good response but at some point maybe 30 35 degrees off axis all of a sudden you're going to start getting those now you're going to start seeing issues before they just turn into a complete null so at 20 30 degrees you'll start seeing some dips and stuff as you start getting off access to those drivers but the thing is the vertical window of good sound is small the the horizontal is nice and wide so we need to make sure our seats are in that horizontal dispersion pattern now this is also why horizontal centers have get a bad rap because they have issues some at 25 some at 30 but it's it's because of the relationship or the distance you are from the drivers as you move you know along you know vertically stacked speakers or if they're a horizontal center you know you're moving left and right you're different distances from this driver as you are from this driver you know as you move and that's where the problem happens all speakers are designed on axis you know they look at the off axis too and make sure that's or they should be looking at it depends on what manufacture you are some of them don't seem to care much probably know what i'm talking about but uh anyway so that's our issue that we have to deal with let's take a look at our atmos speakers up here we're going to talk about them now i'm going to get out of the camera i might be able to get into the window of the camera here let's see all right so there's our two speakers our top fronts dolby specs if you look in the installation pdf that we go over in episode one and three the atmos channel should have the same frequency response and basically the behavior of you know the bed layer speakers ideally the same speakers and that's what we have here so you're not going to get any better sound in the room than this i mean you could have an in-ceiling you know a coax or something like that even on an angle still not going to be as good as this this is actually an exact match to our wides our in our surrounds and our rears all the other speakers they're the exact same drivers as that one right there even our top atmos which are the triad sat9 which is a coax it actually has the same drivers as well so that's as close you're gonna get that's why it's such an amazing and sealing speaker but uh for top front and top rear that's as good as you're gonna get no matter what line you have if you can pull that off and especially hidden like these are gonna be hidden that's the way to go but we need to get the wide horizontal dispersion to spew across the seating area now you may think that's very easy to do but i'm telling you right now it's a lot harder than you think you cannot do this with your eyeball you just can't i've tried i can get close but i'm always off and what i mean by that if i throw it up there and i put it where i think i think it should be to have it tilted perfectly and the horizontal dispersion perfectly across the seats when i actually verify it with the method of fixing to show you it's off all right so what we've got to do is we've got to think like on a plane a level plane like a horizon so our mains are on one plane right as we come up to our tops which may be at 45 degrees they may be at 50 degrees but you have to envision your horizon is shifting up in your seat as you recline so now we need those to be on the same plane they still need to be you know with our seats the plane has shifted up now you're going to have those guys that are going to be in the camp well you know they're just atmos that any old thing to throw up there as long as you get sound you're doing good you know if you've seen the video on dsu and mixing you know how active those speakers are when you're using up mixing you know when we're up mixing we're not at the mercy of the studio and they can be extremely active and a lot of times when people aren't blowing weights because they're making errors like this they're set up issues you know it's atmos is awesome when done right so how do you set those up right you know i've already said i can't even really do it but i can get down here at head level and i can try to pretend you know get my horizon and line up perfectly to get you know the horizontal dispersion across the seats well the only way i've found is with a laser level okay i've got this baby here now it's dirty because i'm rebuilding the house so i mean it's it's been through it but this right here works wonders and is amazingly easy to set those speakers up and i'm telling you they're not going to be anywhere near where you think they will if you try to eyeball it then you come back behind yourself with this you're not going to be close so i've already adjusted these i'm going to kind of dim the lights i guess hopefully we can y'all can see this i only have one seat in here right now because the carpet was supposed to be changed out this week yeah because the carpet sucks i'm horrible at choosing carpet so we have a replacement and of course it was the wrong carpet so they're having a reorder we moved everything out and i just put one seat in here so i could use them if i need to but normally i'll have two seats and i'll recline the seats let's go ahead and i'll show y'all what i'm going to do so normally you know i have the seats reclined and i'll stick this right between the seats okay and then i'll angle it up to my speakers now there's a setting on here that locks it it's trying to auto level right now so it's flashing because it's not happy with me so i need to get this laser level i'll push it into the seat cushions or whatever i have to do to kind of hold it into the seat and so i can get up there and work and you've got to adjust it so it's going from one speaker to the other and it gives you a parallel line and then you'll line those speakers up like the bottom of the cabinet or you know that's a great thing to use because it's parallel get it parallel to your laser line on both sides and now you know that your speakers are on the same plane as your head and now you know that vertical or that i'm sorry the horizontal dispersion is perfectly aligned with your seats and now you still need to toe them in which can be a little bit of a pain because you're going to tow them in and then you're going to have to readjust it to get it back onto the laser line but once you're done those two speakers are going to be tweaked and set up just as good as your mains are and so they're not going to take a back seat you're going to get amazing sound just from them i mean you could actually listen to two channel from those two speakers and you would have an incredible phantom image a nice wide sound stage so you're making sure that every speaker in this room is set up to perfection so in case you've noticed yes i'm wearing the same clothes i was in the last video and actually the video with the seats two videos ago i shot three videos a day i finally had the house to myself so that's why i'm wearing the same clothes i did change my hat see i wouldn't think i was a total loser you know so i put a new stock hat on got you know so i kind of changed a little bit if you want to learn more about home theater don't want to miss any tips hit that notification bell first subscribe didn't hit the notification bell give this video a like and uh yeah leave some uh comments down there whatever you want to see next i've got a big list of stuff i'm going to be doing you know now we're finally getting in the house and we have a place where i can feel them again i'm kind of excited to get that back on the ball you know get back on get rolling again with the videos so i've got a compilation of videos i'm going to be doing just if you want to add to them let me know all right guys that's going to be it for this one i'll see y'all next time and guys like i said i'm changing the carpet in case you're not aware let me show you this carpet so this is kind of what it looked like i thought it was going to look like actually i thought it'd be a little darker but see that pattern you know it's kind of a cool pattern i kind of like it i suck at choosing carpet but let's walk over here i'm actually going to put it at the ceiling i don't want to scare y'all but boom look at look at that mess i mean what a turd bucket this is horrible this this carpet is i mean what is that is that i'm not even sure that's carpet me and a friend of mine we really think this might be zest carpet tried to get it changed and of course it came with it was the wrong carpet so maybe there's some voodoo going on and this carpet just doesn't it wants to be here we may have to burn the carpet and sacrifice some chickens or something i don't know
Channel: Home Theater Gurus
Views: 118,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home theater setup, dolby atmos, home theater system, dolby atmos speaker setup, home theater speakers, home theater 2021, home cinema, Home Theater Gurus, home cinema setup, dolby atmos setup, best home theater speakers, dolby atmos home theater, home theater room, home theater gurus, home theater build, home theater speaker placement, diy home theater, dolby atmos speakers, home theater setup living room, home theater 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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