Ep 268: The Air Force and the Future Fight- What's Next?

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foreign it's a hot fajita that just comes out and it's just attention-seeking Behavior baby if you order fajitas at a Mexican restaurant you want all all the world's eyes on you it's already here first ladies and gentlemen thanks for joining us here back in the team room hot take on uh getting fajitas listen if you get fajitas at a Mexican restaurant you want the attention that's attention seeking behavior is that stuff sizzles and comes out everybody's like oh what is that are they making are they making guacamole fantastic oh wow do I want the fajitas I can't have the feet there's the three different meats that does he have steak chicken and shrimp oh yeah I love how you're always one you're a hair's breath away from going into Macho Man Randy Savage you were like oh does he have steak chicken and shrimp oh yeah oh brother cream Rises to the top except it's cojita cheese the Coheed and cheese anyway well welcome back everybody thanks for joining us uh Aaron and I are hanging out and we were just you know kind of pontificating about what the future fight is and what it looks like and how we can affect it and how you can affect it and all that kind of good stuff so really light topic definitely you don't need to navigate any kind of classification issues or or activities or anything now everybody's going to find it super interesting actually we're doing this for two fans I can't wait to see both of your responses in the comment section the reason that the reason that we're doing it guys gals cones and quitters is because uh listen we get a lot of questions and if you if you just understood kind of like the picture right if you ever if you understand the the bigger overarching picture of what it is that we do in the military and how you know appsock works you wouldn't have as many questions you know the silly question is like am I going to get to kick in doors or uh am I going to be there in the future fight like you say these things you know it's not really well defined right like the future fight like what are we talking about we're talking about the next conflict we're talking about what are we going to do where do we think we're going to go on the world stage these things have 10-year timelines you guys hit us up in the comments and you're like well where's Sr going to be in the future fight what about combat control in the future fight if you can't define those terms and you don't really know what you're talking about well then you're gonna have a problem answering your own question and that's always the goal here is to get you to answer your own questions because you all Annoy Us with your with your consequence that's a joke that's a joke golly relax that's a joke relax easy it's a joke so peaches for you when we when we say the future fight and we want to start talking about like hey what are we actually planning for what is the next conflict look at like 30 000 foot view what are we planning for for the next conflict so I mean we always have plans right there like the the Pentagon and certain combatant commands all they already have you know strategic level plans that that are very very classified and and not touching that at all but um it's it's the kind of what we're what we're planning for and what we're training for is the unknown because we don't know where the next conflict is we we have ideas we we pay attention to skirmishes you know in different locations we pay a lot of attention the you know political hostilities and coups and and all that kind of stuff um all the time you know we I don't know for sure but we probably had an idea that the whole Ukrainian invasion was going to happen probably I mean I'm not in the inside Community but yeah probably in 2014 when we replaced their government with one that was more amenable to us but I mean we we probably knew then but not you know anyway different podcast probably not this one right right but yeah but to your point like we've been we've been tracking those things you know Ukraine specifically like we've been tracking you know those things if you think that we just started like partnering with Ukraine out of nowhere and we're like oh hey what's going on now we've been doing exercises with Ukraine for 20 years you know 15 years so so so we're doing a lot of the training based off of that but also for the unknown because that's that kind of goes into the whole you know physical fitness General preparedness I'm just training for life I'm not training for one specific event except for if you are training for the pipeline you should be training for the pipeline but that's again a different podcast um so the way we kind of structure stuff um at least in my kind of Realm right now is we look at a couple different areas and a couple different assets that are out there like different types of planes and different types of uh terrain and threat environments and anti-aircraft stuff and that kind of thing and we we train and fight against that and then we kind of reset and then we will train against that threat now and and we we don't yeah we will do easier threats but that doesn't really do us much good right if if we're not training for the most difficult threat then when we do see and engage with that threat we're going to have a greater loss of life and a greater loss of resources and assets so kind of we're training for the toughest fight and I'm not gonna I won't name a country that we're we're shooting for but you could probably you know we're training against our peer adversaries our uh pacing challenges if you will yeah yeah and that's that's the important we don't have to name any country you can call it country acts because we've been doing this really since the beginning of Modern Warfare what we're doing is we're taking country x with system y that can cause us harm whether it's a surface-to-air missile whether it's some sort of new Airborne platform whether it's a new unit that they're using on the ground uh with ttps that can defeat ours the only thing that we're doing is we're trying to figure out okay the most likely scenario if we go head-to-head with this asset with this threat with this adversary and then most deadly what what can they do that can deny us our ability to mask forces to make actual tactical movements to do all these things right so it's a it's a little bit of War gaming and it's a whole lot of trying to figure out exactly how to defeat those systems in real time right there's a difference between a bunch of really smart phds sitting in a room and going oh no we could totally do it by doing this and then getting that solution into the hands of the operator in the field that can actually make it happen so this may seem like a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't matter to abstract or matters to you this training for the pipeline but just we'll feed you baby birds just follow this little string because we're going to go all the way down into the weeds to get to where you are but it's not just training for like a no-kid and kinetic fight though right it is training for you know there's Hatters there's humanitarian Aid and disaster relief that's what Hatter stands for folks um you know what boy I sure hope I got that acronym right that is correct oh boy second guessing yeah I love the I love the oh no oh no I may have just messed that up um anyway so it could be things like that you know we we will that's why we have the the J sets The Joint combined exchange training um and why we hold exercises sometimes in the U.S and it's not because to um train to take over the us but like if you if you use Hurricane Katrina as an example or any of the the flooding that's that's hell that's been happening here in Vegas up in um Mount Charleston right the uh the National Guard went in there to to get people out because the flooding has been so bad here um and that is you know Katrina we we practice those things stay aside but also in other countries with other countries because we're going to be helping them out so it's it's training to that kind of level as well so could you call that a future fight no but it's it's in a future incident or future event uh that you need to be prepared for because the military is going to get called in on nearly everything and when I say military I mean National Guard as well like they like that is the the total Force um that we can get called to go do that kind of stuff right so when you see a lot of these changes happen right so when you see well we removed you know dive school from the combat control pipeline or you know we decided that we're not going to do as much focus on Jade we're still going to produce J tax but there's not the need for jtex so we're not going to have as many J tax floating around we're going to focus more on global access when you see that you're like oh man this is dumb we don't even know what we're doing that came from maybe 10 years of study of what it is that we need to do to evolve as a force that came with a long tail of people making decisions of this is the way that we're going in the in the Midstream like peaches to say and you have these things that pop off these you know Avalanche rescues you have hurricanes you have earthquakes that happen like people forget that when the earthquake hit San Francisco out in California in the 80s the moffatt dudes showed up to that bad boy you know PJ showed up to that for confined space rescue and you know we were at Hurricane Katrina for everything we went down to Haiti and you know the Fukushima nuclear reactor you know special tactics responded to that bad boy I got that Airfield open back up so as these things happen Midstream those are just kind of like folded in to our overall preparedness of where we're going and you hit the nail on the head when you're talking about working with partner forces too America can't and my personal opinion shouldn't be everywhere in the world policing everything all the time there should be a whole Coalition of Partners now they might not be as capable those Partners should have to you know hold their own for a little bit because they should be able to hold their own for a little bit until you know if they need our assistance we can come in there and help them out but just like we talked about in the soft truce you know check out the soft truth series we want you know soft truth one through five this is sort of like the same thing like you can't make those relationships happen after an incident has occurred you can't hope that they're just gonna be okay if you have to back that up with training and you have to back that up a plan has to evolve and say okay this country like let's say you know country X is right next to Country y country Y is a bad actor country Y is somebody that is you know not in line with World stability easiest way to put it well you have to get to country accent you have to say hey what happens if these guys come over here or what happens if there's a you know a mass casualty that you guys have to deal with what happens if there's a natural disaster that puts you at a disadvantaged position it's in our best interest to help country X so we're gonna go and we're going to exercise with country X and help them out and help them figure out exactly what it is that they need to do to protect protect their own borders protect their own people to make sure that they're okay because in the end it benefits everybody yep yeah and I don't I don't think you're going to find like if we're going to use disaster uh in humanitarian Aid I don't think you're gonna find anybody that's saying we shouldn't have gone into Fukushima to help out or Pakistan during an earthquake or Haiti or anything you know I don't think so I mean maybe there's probably some out there but I mean that's a righteous cause um going and doing that and and to your point about you know the actual future fight and the training and that kind of stuff I mean that's that is why we have the J sets that's why we have uh your red flags yeah there are some um for folks that out there a flag is is called an exercise or we call an exercise a flag at least on the Air Force side of the house and there's there's green flags red flags the most famous ones probably red flag but um you know when it's sometimes it's U.S only sometimes it's a whole bunch of countries that they're focusing on are certain part of the the world and that kind of stuff so like this is these training events and these training exchanges are always happening um just to ensure that everybody's staying kind of sharp and everybody's sharing information and tactics techniques and procedures yeah for sure what was some of the uh what was the best exercise you ever went on oh boy um well the back I mean the best named exercise yeah and every reason why I said name not not for you named exercise for for the folks out there a named exercise means that it actually it has a name that's got a different funding stream and a different um desired learning objectives that kind of stuff um it was definitely one of the the ones in Norway probably the cold response yeah cold response yeah it's huge isn't me partly because it's in Norway right which is an amazing amazing country amazing people but um we did a lot and just in when we were over in England together like just on on Island um yeah with the the prince um German ksk like they they were great like there's so many of them now especially after you know 24 years I think a jackal stone for me was a really really good one so we did just a bunch of fun stuff so we I mean we did a ram jump so it's ramb now rigging alternate method boat um but back in the day they were called Rams Rams drops but we did a Rams drop uh into the Adriatic Sea so that was great uh the strongest operator on the face of the planet Nick I watched him slip and fall to his back holding uh 55 horsepower engine and it just like landed on him he just kind of like shook it off it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen of course he did of course yeah she was like Hey picks this up when you mind taking this for me brother Hey Brother uh the other funny one I was going through my uh I was going through my fast Roadmaster upgrade so I was doing a training item so I had to be very regimented in the way like my hand signals like everything that I was doing and we're doing a bunch of iterations we're on a 47 and I remember jmac was actually instructed me it was hilarious but I just remember like you know I would clap my hands twice and I'd be like hey and then I would pass that's you know get everybody's eyes on me and then pass the whatever well it became very you know very methodical well I'm teaching a whole bunch of other nations soft they may not speak English but they knew how to make fun of the the instructor so it became this thing where I would clap twice and I would say hey and then they would clap twice and they would go what I was like give them my time call it got to be really really funny like it made it for one of the funniest training events jmac and I were laughing really really hard by the end of it the other thing that they were doing uh there was a call sign there and I there's a funnier back part of the story that I will not talk out loud because the the funnier back part of the story is slightly classified or slightly sensitive I guess there was an aircraft and the call sign was Beast uh one nine right it says Beast one nine you know we're ready for pickup well they we are cycling through you know picking up these new sister Nation uh you know soft dudes and uh one of the European guys couldn't pronounce Beast he kept calling it beef one nine and a beef one nine we're ready for pickup beef uh you can come in pick up us now it was hilarious because the pilot was not having it he would correct him every single time on the microphone he'd be like yes this is beast beast copies we're gonna come get you like a beast is on the way like okay B thank you I can't say for sure but I was pretty positive by the end that guy was doing on purpose oh for sure excuse me beef come pick us up now I was just it was the funniest thing of all time but we learned a lot on uh you know Jackal stone that was that was awesome tooling around with those guys working with the Polish Grom so their snipers were ridiculous like absolutely ridiculous they're jumpers too yeah I remember I remember like if you want to talk about just fun kind of things is something sensitive kind of politically you know clocks off right um and then we like because you know when we're in Milton Hall we were we were almost always on a some kind of alert window and so we went over to Poland for like a week or two and just jumped our asses off that that was our only job just go over there jump work with the Polish Grom and and these dudes and it was bad weather it was winter time and and these dudes would thousand feet bad weather right in the clouds they're like I'm gonna get out of here you know and it sounds crazy to think about like somebody just goes yeah I'm gonna get out here but they had the ramp down um starting at like a thousand feet just to go up just to see where there would be holes in the weather and they were over and they're like yeah this is good this is good I'm just gonna get out and and it just [ __ ] disappears it's like holy [ __ ] dude come on my my favorite story about that is uh we were in Norway and we were gonna uh do a free fall jump so you and I got to do the static line jump out of the frozen lake which is pretty sweet but there was a free fall jump that was supposed to go off too and the Norwegians were super amped up about having an American jump Master do it so they wanted the ca to do it so they have slightly different rules right uh so we're talking about it and he's like he looked outside I mean it's winter time in Norway and he looks and looks at the sky he's like there's no way that you're gonna be able to see anything there's no you know we're gonna fly up to negative you know negative 50 ambient temperature at 10 000 feet for us to open a door and look out and see that there's nothing but a cloud deck and they're like well no our regulations say that um we can jump as long as we have a working GPS and that the cloud cover isn't under 3000 feet those were those are their regulations right so he's like okay well we can't do that we have to see the pi and it was funny because one of the Norwegian jump Masters looked at him was like do you not trust your instruments do you not trust the GPS and the airplane and the people on the ground with the radios that'll tell you that it is okay and and he's just like listen it's the regulation so we all go up with them to jump anyway and uh so he's gonna he's gonna JM their thing he opens the door and it is just it is just solid clouds like you cannot see anything the plane was flying above the clouds but it like 5 000 feet there was just this thick layer of clouds like absolute blanket you could not see anything so you know he's given all the time signals he's communicating with the aircraft these guys have these rocks that they stand up you know full speed like full stance you know these things are like two inches off the ground all they have to do is kind of like relax their shoulders and the rocks are sitting on the ground so like in order for them to walk they just like stand up as tall as they can and then waddle to the to the back of the rim so the green light comes on where they're over you know CA does his last check and he looks out and he looks at the guy like the GPS is on you know the the aircraft they've got good comms with the ground everything's good but he can't see anything so the Norwegians are super excited like shopping at the bit like yeah baby let's go he gave the funniest uh the funniest jump Master go like normally uh you know the jump Master goes are very like to your left shoulder and then you point out the door looking at the green light only the green light holding it there until the green light is on you know blah blah he like looked out he looked at the clouds he looked at the first jump he's like I don't know yeah I guess go and they just bounced and it was fine they uh you know they get out and they open up uh under canopy where they're supposed to they land on their intended target it was great like those guys were professionals too but just that's what we're used to though yeah right because exactly if they if they waited for perfect weather in Norway to jump they would never jump so it's it's a jumping mechanism for them yeah exactly yeah but uh hilarious just the absolute just a shoulder shrug just like eh I mean I guess yeah okay yeah go ahead you want to go yeah so as a guy that spent you know 24 years preparing for the future fight and getting ready for the next thing all the time and then not necessarily knowing what's going on but you've seen a bunch of different stuff happen throughout your career how do you stay motivated and continue to train for something that you don't know you kind of mentioned it earlier with physical fitness which which kind of prime this question for me but you know people that do CrossFit the biggest uh you know kind of the biggest thing for them is like what am I training for you know if you're not across the games athlete it gets hard to stay motivated so how did you stay motivated um so it's probably a little different for for you and I or you and me versus the other folks coming in because we we always had a a no kidding goal like it was right deploy return rest refit train train train deploy so it's a little different now um but that's okay it's not it's not like it's it's worse or or better um it just means that you've got to look for things in in the hey kind of real world events that are going on things that are kind of heating up and go like oh I wonder what threats do they have what challenges do they have like train wise threats and and kind of train to that um it's it's a motivation and a lot of it is I'd say it's more of a dedication than a motivation because motivation wanes whereas dedication goes like I have to be ready and that's the dude that is one of the the kind of terrible feelings is when the the alert balloon goes up and you're like oh [ __ ] I I had unpacked this or I'm doing laundry or I'm I'm not 100 ready because we would always have bags packed and ready to go alert bags so that you could just go into the cage grab them and go or if you were TDY someplace else you could tell somebody go in my cage grab you know bag a b and Delta yeah exactly and throw it and just throw it into the ISU and we're going um we've all had that point where it's kind of happened and you're like dude I'm not 100 ready right now um and it's a it's a not a great feeling because you feel so far behind the paragraph So it's it's always being ready and you're not you know it's so it's a dedication to always being ready physically having having your things ready to go um that's that's kind of what I said it's a I wouldn't say it's a motivation because there are times where it's just like dude uh another one or right another alert yeah yeah because it's just because you're going on alert doesn't mean you're actually though right yeah exactly and the I think that's why we we put so much of a focus on physical fitness too because you don't have a time machine like when that flag goes up if you've been slacking on your physical fitness if you aren't ready to rise to a challenge like there's you're a liability to the team at that point like that's why we put so much of an effort um you know to put in the time the work the dedication the physical fitness it's not the past you know test it's not to look the part it's because at any given time you know there's a team right now that could be getting a call over here in the Pacific Northwest that there's somebody that's no kidding hurt you know at the top of Mount Rainier and they got to go get them and they're the only people that can you know that is not very far out of the realm of possibility you know there's if Vegas gets a little bit worse you know the Vegas you know rescue teams could have to go and get into a dirty Swift water scenario which is the toughest that one of the toughest things to do right like that will that will kill you if you don't pay attention and you know for one second uh you can you can find yourself really hurt and if you're not in your top physical condition if you're not ready to go all the time then you are going to be found wanting and that is a that is a bad feeling yeah no for sure I mean you know the dudes that uh right after 9 11 happened they were the first ones outdoor climbing up mountains dude they were they weren't ready for that not unless they were the the JBLM crew the 2-2 crew that happened to be doing mountains frequently just all down at Herbert field flat terrain right yeah North Carolina fly to rain seven years maybe yeah so like you know you always got to be prepared and that's kind of the the Crux of it and that's that's not just about physicality that's about training wise too you should be sharpshooter no I don't mean Sharpshooter as in like a sniper I'm talking about like your basic core shooting skills not Air Force qualification I'm talking about like actual operator type shooting you need to be proficient at it you need to be proficient at manipulating your weapon going from primary to your secondary transitions like that is basic stuff knowing how to work your radios properly and we used to practice so much that I say we used to golly that sounds like such a boomer thing but dude I I can't do it now but I was at a point where um I could do manipulate the radio and change the frequencies or change settings without looking at it right because it would be some place where I couldn't reach it or you know I don't want to do a light and it was just you know kind of like the old text thing where you could text a phone a text message without looking at the phone oh yeah T9 word baby yeah you know and um that was that was a form of Readiness you know you could so it's it's doing that kind of stuff but that's that's how we would we would do that kind of thing well people I think people misunderstand you I think there's a misconception too of you know once you get to be a special operator you get out of the pipeline you get onto your team like everything is going to be high tech you know you're not going to do you know whatever dude it is so much fundamentals I mean it is it is fundamentals all the time my main food group as a team Sergeant doing anything was that hit pocket training like if you're sitting around and we have you know we're not doing anything okay great go get two letters and we're gonna see who can open up these two litters the fastest go get two sked codes and we're gonna see how many people like two we're gonna see which team of folks can get their casualty into a schedule as fast as we possibly can and then get off Target like that's the that's the game you'd be surprised and you could do that with everything program one frequency on a radio and get a radio check disassemble your M4 put it back together like see how long it's gonna like you you can do those things all day you know set up a single set up a a 117 to get a SAS shout out like those are the things that actually matter because when you know the world is blowing up around you those are the little things that'll actually save your team's life getting a casualty into a sked cow and getting away from an area that's a that's a survival skill essentially like your team needs to be able to do that getting that radio call out that's a survival skill you need to be able to do that well and how many dudes when you do that Hip Pocket training and go like oh man I just did this last week I'm good I'm good I don't need to do this and it's like dude you're saying that because you're uncomfortable with this right like this should not be a a dude I'm good I'm good kind of thing it should be a like oh okay cool right yeah I always love that too I love the uh the litter setting up an Israeli litter because people be like Oh I'm gonna set this thing up again okay but it took you a minute and a half like it shouldn't take you a minute and a half to do that that's you know probably a 10 second drill you know throw the litter out twist the handles kick it call it good but uh I love watching people struggle with that I don't know why but there's a little part of my heart that just it makes me laugh all right don't don't come to Vegas asking me to set one up though it's been a while I'll program the [ __ ] out of radio right now though I'm surprised the guys a couple months ago when I was out of the range I was a little rusty for sure um but I you know busted out radio I mean once you get it in your once you know how to manipulate radios it comes pretty natural but cascadence in doing casts it can get a little rusty yeah yeah I mean it's just like anything else it's medicine it's ropes it's it's anything we do so the only way to be prepared is to constantly invest in yourself and invest in those skills you know where I would invest in myself if I was getting ready to go to the pipeline where's that I'd go to exactly.com I'd actually go over to our site onerady.com and you can find all of the attack League gear but if you go over to tacklead.com more power to you I'm happy to send you to their website as well you get everything you need to train for the pipeline you can get in a single pack if you want to go Coast Guard rescue swimmer you want to go PJ MARSOC Ranger they've got stuff for First Responders they got tactical watches over there they basically have everything you need you can use our code ones ready to check out get a sweet discount if you don't want to have to type in a code at checkout guess what you just go to our store you pick out what you want you grab your stuff from a tackle and on you go ready for the future fight which is what we're talking about in this episode so go over to attack elite.com check them out user code once ready to check out or go over to onesready.com and check out all the attack League gear which is on our website as well yeah man that's one of the one of the few places you're going to be able to find the the high volume masks uh massive snorkel that the guys are actually using in the pipeline so um you know the whole train how you're going to fight kind of thing um I I understand well you might be fighting for your life for your lifetime yeah but uh I mean that's who am I to say that you're fighting for your life but uh maybe maybe you're really good at it and maybe uh maybe you're really good at it you're not fighting for your life or maybe you're terrible in the water and it's a fight every day but either way they got the stuff you need either way they got the high volume mass to help you practice there you go yeah and those things are surprisingly hard to find too just as an Assad that's what I'm saying that's what that's why it's like hey man this is the one place that you can go to that has the exact same mask right so yeah there's a bunch of CCT and Sr candidates out there right now sad boy hours they're gonna go buy that mask just not to get a bubble that's gonna be tight that's gonna be tight sorry boys PJ candidates don't uh don't worry you're good I actually got ass on a podcast about die school um being removed and or like so baby how are you feeling about it like Trent and I talked about it yesterday like we we kind of hit it more from the angle of like you know I I've never seen anything like that obviously you know the internet is the internet so uh you know we put out the dive episode where we talked about you know what we thought was gonna happen and you know that was obviously wrong right away because generals do be General and you know what I mean and they're they're just doing wild stuff but how are you feeling about it so I I put it in the same vein as um being critical and being critical of leadership right of DOD leadership or civilian leadership um just like people should be critical of me right and and me and the common the weapons pool like you should be critical of what of decisions that we make and that kind of stuff um I don't I don't necessarily agree with it however I'm I would say that there are probably variables in that equation that drove them to make that decision that I am not privy to that I'm just not aware of however with that say I would love to see the whole equation I'd love to see all the variables because if I had to I what I've been told is it's a a funding and a resourcing issue that it's cheaper to cut it um I would I would love to see those numbers because I would think I would actually argue that it's probably not cheaper or if it is it's it's nominal um because it's not that much money to to send somebody to die school it is not that much money if you already have a dive program at a unit it is not that much money to maintain that program now it sure as hell is if you need to start one up because now you're already behind now you got to buy all that equipment and now it becomes expensive um and you can't say that there's not a real world you know take take the combat dive in insertion and infill out of it what about just the humanitarian side of it right how many times have has aspect War been asked to dive to do Body and Equipment recovery I think you were over in England at the same time we did it in that River um during that winter right if we did it off the coast of Devon off the UK I think as well looking for a tire rescue ever heard of the Thai cave rescue anybody yeah I mean you know that that was chump that was easy it was a walk in the park they only made three movies about Street [ __ ] um they only made three movies about it and the only reason that was successful and like I'll say it for him like I don't think the guys on the ground would say it but if it was not for Air Force Special tactics and their diving expertise that would not have gone the way that it went yeah like they would have had they would have had people they would have had more people die because people did die um in that you know in that rescue attempt so yeah so I I just I don't agree with it like flat out I don't agree with it but I'm also holding a bit of reservations just going like okay maybe they know something that that that I don't and and that's valid because there's a lot of things that I don't know or that I'm not privy to um but if it is what we have been told and that it's a funding and resourcing I'm I I'd have to see those numbers because I don't agree with that yeah I'd like to see the math too right but but again if it's something else like okay well we should probably put that out I say we like it because it's not Aaron Aaron and I that know the know what it is right but like if you want to kind of not silence the herd but just kind of like hey guys let's like let dust settle and here's why we made that decision I'd probably go over really well I would think it would too and I think that's what people are frustrated with is that the you know the non-explanation just like Hey we're gonna do this it came out via so everything moves at the speed of social media now um so I I get it like stuff breaks text messages get leaked and then all of a sudden people are in a tizzy and they feel like oh you didn't tell us this fast enough but is there a way that they could have gotten ahead of it is there a way that they could put this out in a more deliberate manner I think that answers probably yes um you know this again just like the plans that we were talking about early in this in this podcast this stuff didn't happen overnight this wasn't a couple conversations like this is months or years worth of a conversation that's been ongoing so you would think like okay when it gets when it gets close to that point where somebody's gonna make a decision right somebody's going to slap a table and say all right yeah we're definitely doing this you would think that they would have the foresight to go okay this is gonna go live here and let's say a week here's the memo that we're putting out you could even make a short video this is going to be crazy but you could actually like get your messaging out via the appropriate Pao channels and you could actually explain to the force you guys are going to hear that this school is going away here's our reasoning hopefully you guys can fall in line for this one and it would save all of the drama well and that's it and that's not to say that every decision that has made should be um you know go through public affairs and should be missed you shouldn't have a press release we don't have time for all we're not saying that what we're saying is that when when a massive cultural decision is made like this that is definitely going to be emotional because aspect war or a bunch of emotional freaking people no we are and I think they were I like to say we're passionate that's a nice way of saying yeah more passionate yeah but but like we there are certain things that we hold near and dear to us because they mean a lot to us and the reason why they mean a lot to us is because we have had people die next to us doing that kind of stuff that's why it's uh emotional and passionate for us right so you know no not everything needs to be a press release or a video or a tweet or whatever you know from from the top but you know on certain things that that we are very close to to both of I say both the GEOS but the the kind of decision makers and the general officers that are involved in this like that would have been pretty easy so right and it goes back to being critical leadership like I would tell them that to their face um and and and I hope I hope they see this and and notice that and I will like I would happily tell this to him it was very respectfully you know it's I don't think anything that you have said or I have said is is disrespectful um and and it's about accountability right like if if I did something wrong or I messaged something incorrectly or didn't message something or made a poor decision or I made a decision that was unpopular then I need to be held accountable about my my poor messaging of it or my handling of the situation or whatever like I I get held accountable all the time as I should because guess what I'm gonna hold the E4 accountable I'm gonna hold that text Arden accountable so why can't I be held accountable right it's time got him got him uh but I think that's the point man and I think that's what people are looking for I think that's you know the other part of this too and and people will will you know lump things into into buckets that they don't belong right so when people look at this scenario they're like oh great another thing that they're trying to cover up or oh great another thing that they're trying to do like it sure it might be that I can't say that it's not I wasn't I wasn't personally involved in the decision I don't personally know the people I don't defend people I don't personally know or decisions that I wasn't a part of so I do that I don't know sure maybe maybe it was or maybe maybe they just did a bad job at communicating it and you're looking for Boogeyman that don't exist Maybe yeah I and and I don't want people to think I'm I'm defending I'm saying that there it kind of goes along there are three you know when you hear somebody you know bitching about their freaking partner or or a friend of theirs and understand that there are three size Airy stories story yours theirs and somewhere in the middle is the truth right right so like and and no I don't necessarily think that that some of these General officers are out to get us I like I don't think that that would that would be very malicious I mean and that's not to say that there aren't General officers that are very malicious they're just as easily if if not more probably e9s that are more malicious or just straight up incompetent like orange that's the yeah the uh Old Dan Holloway so shout out to Dan Holloway and citizen pod but hanlon's razor you know hanlon's razor is assuming competence before you assume maliciousness because people are most likely incompetent and not probably malicious you know um yeah there are people out there that just don't know what they don't know and they're making what they think is the best decision and it's very easy to look at those decisions and go oh my God you're actively trying to undermine this thing that I'm working on and when in reality they're just like no I just I just made this decision it's because they're incompetent well yeah it they're they're making decisions okay so you have incompetence you have making decisions based off of the information that they have right like I'm a fan of an 80 solution like go forward again that there's 20 of error in there too we're guessing that that could happen right but it's like we've gotten to a point of where we assume malicious intent everything like take for example the two things right now classified documents right um there there are three three recent events you have um former president Trump right you got current President Biden and then you have the Discord leak right I'm just going to use those three do you really think and does anybody out there apparently some people do you and I have handled a lot of classified data do you think for one second that President Trump or President Biden physically carried boxes of classified documents into their garage or into their house in Mar-A-Lago absolutely not right there is right they wouldn't they wouldn't ever touch those things right like why am I picking up a box right he's the president now do I do I think Trump was like oh that's a great letter it was the best letter that was ever written to me put it in the box like do I do I think that he kept it because he liked it yes 100 like I think president Trump probably did that you know do I think you know President Biden for the same reason over his 50-year career in politics do I think that he's got a collection of things that he thought was cool that also happened to be classified yeah I do right but it was it was a probably in somebody from the Intel community that is or or Aids that are carrying those boxes in the like it's it's not him just freaking filing it and like oh look at that and then put you know so but people are assuming malicious intent and that's all political and I got all that right now when you start talking about purposeful Discord leaks right that is malicious that is somebody who is trying to get cloud and trying to go like hey look at this is this is what I got this is cool check this out like look how important I am um and and having malicious intent like I think they're those are two different kind of things um so I try and apply the same kind of Hamlin's razor or whatever you want to call it uh to orders or or decisions that are made at the top like okay yeah that was a bad decision what information did they have and also don't think that there aren't these General officers staff you know there there's four majors there's there's o5 Lieutenant Colonels um you know and on the Navy side there's you know commanders Lieutenant commanders captains all that kind of stuff that are that all these filters and their their own all putting their own bias on things and all that data is getting fed to these decision makers they're you know so a lot of times it's being like they're getting skewed data and and I I'm saying that because I saw it I was I was on staff with uh Admiral Howard I was on staff with General Clark like seeing how people are putting their or skewing data or skewing information to to either hide data but just their own and and maybe it wasn't um maybe it wasn't malicious it was just like hey this is how I perceive that data and my background being Air Force Special tactics and after Air Force Special Warfare or my background being an army green beret or a Navy SEAL and and you know they have their own personal biases and that's how they shape and understand the the data that's being passed and they pass it forward and then you take you know and Admiral Howard who is a seal you take a general Clark who was a ranger you take a uh you know when you can go on and on and and they have their own personal bias and they're making decisions that way it's just we're humans we [ __ ] up right yep yeah there's no and there's no way to get around it it's just one of those things and yep the military system rolls on baby because we got other stuff that we got to do yeah that's right yeah brother that's right yeah yeah boy we went off on a tangent there we really did you know what but it was a good one I'm happy about it I was yeah I was excited about it um and then we'll we'll see where the whole dive school thing goes we'll see you know it's out of the pipeline for now I think that's official messaging at this point so we'll see how it goes from there and we'll see what it looks like for controllers eventually getting that dive uh that dive bubble further on in their career if they need it that's going to be another set of challenges so all in all that just means that you gotta be constantly physically ready to go to that dive school and be ready to go I think that's actually going to be an unintended secondary benefit an unintended second order consequence of the dive school getting moved on later in dude's careers is man you better be uh better be hitting that pool better be getting in that water a lot more often than you are now because it's different than just training for the oft it's different than just taking that 1500 meter fin swim like you're gonna have to do some water confidence training stuff Amanda I will say though it does make my little heart Happy like sometime in the near future in a two series you know coming near you they're going to be grown operators that have been in the career field for a little while they're going to be sitting on a pool deck and they're going to be going dang it back here again here we go getting ready for a pool session oh get it that's gonna that's gonna hit differently as the kids would say oh boy yeah how do you feel with the watercon session right now you wanna you wanna hit the pool no I love it what do you think what I mean this is that peek behind the curtain right like Maki from um you know deep in Fitness out here in Vegas has invited me to come out and he's like dude come on out anytime and I have yet to be out and the reason why is you should have your you have your dive bubble you don't have to hold your breath underwater anymore yeah that's what the dive bubble means it means that you can breathe underwater therefore you don't have to hold your breath underwater anymore that's why and I haven't been there yet be well one because of time in my travel schedule right two is like I need to get a couple breath holds in in the pool first like at least at least to be able to comfortably make a 25 meter underwater because I said a long drink of water that I didn't take a full breath like when I normally do it my heart rate went up to 180. like I don't know what to tell you man I was in chugging water some water got in my throat I CR I quit right away yeah I just uh you know I gotta do Prime and Dawn and Maki proud showing up to one of their events I can't just roll in some geek off the street s he got me handy with a snorkel you know what I mean earn your key yeah that seems that seems like a good place to end it peaches yeah man now we we did go off on attention we at least got 30 minutes by the notes we at least got 30 minutes talking about the future fight and then we went off on dive school so yeah and in military leadership so it'll be interesting to see not that any of them listen to it but if you guys decide to turn me in and knock knock on me we'll see what uh we'll see if I freaking get any phone calls which again I'm happy to have I run into the the one General that everybody's um pointing fingers at it I actually see him quite a bit because he's out at Nellis a lot so uh it'll be interesting see he is he is he is in the weeds who would not surprise me if he gets this clip but again I I didn't I didn't trash you I'm just saying like hey here's the feedback could have been better feedback yeah it's just feedback it would hold me accountable so I'm holding him accountable and that's it baby so like And subscribe for more we uh we might be targets we might be providing feedback who knows it's exciting but the only way that you're gonna figure that out is by following what we do so go over to onesready.com follow us on Instagram check us out on Facebook we don't engage on there a whole lot if you leave us a comment on there it hits our Instagram uh message box so that's that's pretty tight thanks meta uh and yeah check out onesready.com make sure to check out attack leaf for all your training needs and that's it for this one yeah man all right
Channel: Ones Ready
Views: 2,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air Force, USAF, United States Air Force, china, russia, north korea, indonesia, pacific theater, ones ready tacp, ones ready podcast, ones ready special reconnaissance, ones ready pj, ones ready cct, ones ready pararescue, ones ready sere, ones ready lift, ones ready sr, ones ready swcc, ones ready sto, ones ready cro, ones ready cross training, podcast, military, training, discipline, motivational video, motivational speech compilation, motivational speech for success in life
Id: nuQ_AL1on6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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