EOS R5 - Is the ELECTRONIC SHUTTER usable for ACTION Photography? When to use it & AUTOFOCUS update

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20 frames per second electronic shutter a lot of you wanted to know does it work in the field or does the rolling shutter effect ruin your images i didn't know myself so i went ahead and tested it out so what comes to mind after using the electronic shutter in the field first of all it's so fast you don't even notice that you're taking hundreds and hundreds of pictures simply because the camera is completely silent and the only way you notice you're taking images is actually by looking at the counter of the remaining images just rapidly going down otherwise you can't even tell that you're taking images there's essentially no lag or black out between the pictures and because it's completely silent it just doesn't even feel like you're taking images at one point i was just holding my camera and i didn't even notice i was pressing the shutter button lightly and i took like 200 images off the ground before i somehow saw the counter running on the back of the camera and like oh i think i took a lot of images stats then so for me actually having a completely silent shutter was something i had to get used to but it was pretty cool to use in the field and i really want to share my results with you now where i took some images with the electronic shutter some images with the mechanical shutter so here's the first set of raw images in fast on image view and i'm just going to flick through them and afterwards i'm going to show you another set of images and then i will reveal which set of images was taken with what shutter so you can just have a look and think for yourself can you see anything that looks like rolling shutter in either of these sets and then have a guess as to what set was taken with what shutter mode see it's the first silver gold flying towards me overhead and then it's even starting to look down on me giving me some really nice images and they're all nice and sharp very good camera tracked this one very well it's another set of images with the silver gold coming in against a really nice dark background i'm actually struggling to keep on it but the camera stays on the silver gull following it against the busy background getting a bit of movement bit of action a bit of background so we can see a few different scenarios where we might spot a rolling shutter effect there's the bird flying past me now camera stayed on it nicely nice and sharp it's another silver goal flying really fast past me doing a mid air banking maneuver and then drifting off to the side there's another goal a bit dark but it's doing a nice up and down wing motion so that was the first set of images looks pretty good some nice flight shots really good tracking with the camera so let's look at the second bunch of images here's now the second set of silver gull images again camera nicely tracks it nice and sharp against really nice looking sky love those clouds camera's still following it nicely now this goal starts hovering with the wings up and down and around slightly struggling to stay on it but the camera managed to balance that out and help me to stay with the bird and then it takes off still nice and sharp another set of silver girl coming towards me drifting off to the side now starting to turn right in front of me camera managed to stay with it really nicely i was pretty impressed with that now it's coming down against the background i'm struggling to keep it in the viewfinder so there's our two sets of images and looking at these two i couldn't really spot the difference could you let me know in the comments so what was what the first series of images that i showed you was the electronic shutter and high plus mode with 20 frames per second and the second set of images was the mechanical shutter with 12 frames per second pretty interesting isn't it there was basically no noticeable difference in these shots at all did you spot any overall i was quite impressed that you could actually not see a difference but i've done some more testing because surely there has to be some rolling shutter effect at some point but before we get into that i just wanted to share some more thoughts on the autofocus and what i noticed shooting more and more birds in flight that the camera is really really good as long as i can see the bird's eye so for instance anything that flies below you or past you kind of sideways the camera usually jumps right onto the head and eye and stays with the bird and you get usually some really nice sharp images even when the bird is coming at you the camera seemed to do pretty well the only time i noticed the camera struggling was when ever bird was kind of coming towards me and then going up over the top of me in those cases the camera focused on the feet and the tail so as long as the camera can see the bird's eye it's amazing but when it loses track of the eye it can struggle at times but so far i've been pretty impressed and even when i took these images off the flying silver gulls there was many occasions where i got many many more keepers than i would have ever gotten before with any other camera and also tried the autofocus on myself with the human eye autofocus and i was very impressed as well because i could basically take some selfies with the camera without really having the need to always make sure that i'm focused on my eye or not moving around the camera would simply just stick to my eye and all the pictures i took were beautifully sharp on the eye i've also tried the human eye autofocus with my daughter and was really amazing because it just stuck to the eye at all times she could move around do whatever she wanted and i could actually hold my camera forward and talk to her so i could make sure she's entertained and looking at the camera and i'm just out of the corner of my eye keeping composition and the camera completely took over the auto focusing for me and literally every single shot was sharp so i was very impressed with that so that's the autofocus update and i've done some more tests to really find out at what point that rolling shutter effect kicks in because clearly with these silver guards there was just not enough wing movement or not enough speed to actually create that rolling shot effect i took up my drone because i thought what can i find that's really fast spinning so the drone propellers should be a very good test to see what the differences are between the different shutter modes so let's have a look at that so when we look at these drawn examples we can see that in the first example with the mechanical shutter i have motion blur because even a 1 8 000 of a second wasn't enough to freeze the motion on the drone's propellers but we can see they're all a nice straight shape with just a little bit of motion blur but if we swap over to the electronic shutter you can now see that when we flick through the different images with the electronic shutter of the drones propellers that different positions they're just fairly out of shape and sometimes looking like they're bending or turning or just a bit blurry so this is where we can definitely now start to see the rolling shutter effect coming into play however i think if we compare to other electronic shutters that i've seen in the past this is not as bad here at least you can kind of still see the shape of the propeller even though it's a lot more bent than what it would be in normal life i think the rolling shutter effect is definitely there in this example but this would also explain why it wasn't so visible when i was panning with the seagulls in flight simply because they were flying slower and me panning with the bird negating some of that rolling shutter effect it seems to be the worst effect if you're static and your subject is moving really fast in some sort of direction i did another test as well where i just went onto the street and panned my camera past a static power pole really fast and then a bit slower to see at what point the rolling shutter effect kind of starts to kick in so when i go past really fast like this you can see extreme distortion whereas if i go past it at a more normal kind of pace you can see a tiny bit of distortion or rolling shutter effect but it's really not that bad and then here's an example what the pole looks like if i don't move at all so what are the main factors influencing whether you can see a rolling shutter effect in your images or not first of all i think the angle you're shooting at if something is coming towards you you're shooting at it on an angle it's less likely that you're seeing the rolling shutter effect compared to something going from the left to the right or the right to the left straight through your frame as you can see with my power pole example it also depends what you're photographing if you're photographing something that naturally has a lot of straight lines it will be a lot more likely that you see some sort of rolling shutter effect compared to nature photography where we often have out of focus backgrounds that are very sort of non-distinct so seeing a rolling shutter effect in there it's less likely so that helps us out in nature photography the second factor is your speed and your subject speed and also whether you and your subject are both static or both moving or one of you is moving and the other is static so if you're static and your subject is going really fast past you or if your subject is static and you're panning really fast in both of these cases i would expect to see a rolling shutter effect simply because one being stationary the other moving really fast seems to really pronounce that rolling shutter effect whereas if you're panning with a bird for instance that's flying in one direction you're following it at the same speed it's less likely to see the rolling shutter effect in this scenario simply by both of you moving in the same direction [Applause] so what are the main advantages of using the electronic shutter first of all it's completely silent so if you're inside a church or photographing a really skittish animal having a completely styling camera can be of great advantage to you because no one will notice that you're even taking images and you don't even have to use the really high frame rate with the electronic shutter you can actually dial it back so you can just take three or four or five frames per second at a much nicer slower speed and getting your really nice images in complete silence so i know that that will come in handy a lot of times the second advantage of it is that it's just super fast so if you need a lot of different poses or you're just shooting something that's really going fast past you it's nice to have that option to have a really high frame rate that will allow you to get a lot of different wing poses you can choose from however that speed also comes with the drawback of having a rolling shutter effect so at times and especially with fast action where you would actually want to use the electronic shutter you're also getting the worst rolling shutter effect so that's a bit unfortunate because if you're static and your subject goes really fast past you or your subject is static and you're panning really fast past it there will be a lot of times where you can see that not so nice looking rolling shutter effect however if you are going to pan with your subject at a similar speed and especially if the background is quite out of focus i think you can negate a lot of that rolling shutter effect and the electronic shutter can be really effective to use so for instance i can see having trouble shooting hummingbirds where the wings go up and down really fast or shooting like a baseball game where the batter hits the bat so i would expect that the bat might look bent or be like a bit kind of cut off or same with the hummingbird wings they might look bent or there might be little bits missing or the wings will just look too long so my recommendation would really be to you that before you use the electronic shutter try and replicate what you're going to shoot take a few test shots and see the way i'm shooting today is that going to affect the rolling shutter effect am i going to see it in my pictures or will i be fine another thing i noticed with that 20 frames per second frame and you're filling your buffer really quickly and you're hitting it pretty quickly even when you're using the cf express card so that's something to be aware of as well you can take a lot more images but you're also hitting the buffer a lot quicker especially when you're shooting a bird that's flying past you and you start shooting too early when it's still quite in a distance it happened to me a few times that by the time the bird got into the good spot i was already hitting the buffer so that's just something to be aware of and keep in mind that because of the 20 frames per second you're hitting that buffer pretty quickly that didn't really happen using the mechanical shutter and the lower frames per second for normal day-to-day use i will definitely stick to the mechanical shutter because i get guaranteed the best image quality no rolling shutter effect and it's plenty fast and i have a bigger buffer available or not a bigger buffer available but i'm not feeling the buffer as quickly so if you need silent shooting mode really fast frames per second and you're able to kind of test out what you're shooting and make sure you're not being affected by the rolling shut effect then i think the electronic shutter can be really effective to use but as my general recommendation i would say stay in that mechanical shutter mode i hope you enjoyed today's video and i could give you a little insight into the world of the electronic charter versus the mechanical shutter and show you when the electronic shutter can shine and where its limitations lie so let me know in the comments down there have you used the electronic shutter before are you liking it did you struggle with the rolling shutter effect what are your experiences i'd really like to know also down there in the description check out my ebooks and videos that will teach you all you need to know about bird photography and will take your bird photography to the next level also make sure to give me a thumbs up for this video subscribe to my channel down there and i will see you in my next video very soon and also i'm really hoping that this lockdown in australia will end very soon so i can take a camera back out to the field and show you some more action
Channel: Jan Wegener
Views: 46,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bird photography, australia, vogelfotografie, jan wegener, photography, birds, tutorial, equipment, wildlife photography, nature photography, Canon 600mm, which camera to buy, camera, sony, canon, nikon, autofocus, bird photography equipment, bird photography gear, birding gear, birds in flight, eos R5, Canon EOS R5, overheating, animal eye AF, animal eye autofocus, R5, R5 or R6, flight photography, rolling shutter, electronic shutter, mechanical shutter, mechanical vs electronic shutter
Id: WwvGvgGHtvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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