EO4GEO - Empowering a new generation of users in the EO*GI sector

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copernicus the european union's earth observation program delivers huge amounts of satellite data these free and accessible data must be interpreted into available information for the benefit of all the european citizens in fact the earth observation sector is based a lot on technological progress and thus is continuously under development newly graduated but also the employed workforce not always have all the skills required by the market according to the european association representing the earth observation private sector 80 percent of the eo companies find it difficult to hire candidates with the right skills whether technical or transversal this is where eo4g steps in eo4go is an erasmus plus sector skills alliance which aims to bridge this skills gap and to build an earth observation workforce with the right skills in the right place at the right time to reach this ambitious goal and thus to maximize the benefits of the space industry for the european society eo4geo produces a series of outcomes the eo4gl body of knowledge for the earth observation and geographic information sector is an easy to consult inventory of around 1000 concepts from the eogi domain the concepts have been identified and elaborated by a network of more than 200 experts from academia private businesses and public organizations eo4go is also developing an ecosystem of software tools connected to the body of knowledge and based on the concepts described therein these free tools are designed for training and educational providers companies and organizations as well as individuals working in the eogi field for example the curriculum design tool assists education providers to create educational programs for the eogi sector the occupational profile tool allows experts and companies to create occupational profiles with the precise skills and competencies needed by each eo profile while the job buffer tool permits to create job offers starting from a blank template or an occupational profile eo4geo is also developing educational offers in the context of the copernicus program state-of-the-art tools and platforms are used to create case-based training material on concepts and skills that are in demand all these outcomes will be sustained also after the project ends this is part of the commitment of the sector skills alliance which will guide the path for future actions on skills and workforce also in the long term this will permit students and the workforce to keep the pace of the rapidly changing earth observation industry and stand out in the earth observation market [Music] eo4geo empowering a new generation of users in the eogi sector you
Channel: EO4GEO
Views: 675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earth Observation, Geographical information, Erasmus+, Space industry, Geospatial industry
Id: mlt3X9Lbmx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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