Enya - Orinoco Flow (Official 4K Music Video)
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Channel: enyatv
Views: 26,267,841
Rating: 4.9119935 out of 5
Keywords: Enya, Orinoco Flow, Pop, Warner Music, Official, Music Video, enya sail away, sail away, enya orinoco flow, boss baby, boss baby 2, bossbaby2, the boss baby family business, sail away sail away sail away, enya sail away sail away sail away, enya sail away sail away, orico flow, ennia, enia, ennya, boss baby sail away, boos baby 2 sail away, boss baby 2 sail away song, sail away sail away song, orinovo flow, say the word, sail away song, serowe serowe
Id: LTrk4X9ACtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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Anyone else remember the Pure Moods albums?
Her music is amazing. I love book of days and βstorms in Africaβ especially, rhythmic and fast but beautiful in the same
it's funny that Enya became so associated with lighter listening/ spa music. she started with her brothers and sisters in Clannad (family in gaelic). they were super hard core traditional Irish musicians. they sang songs in 15th century gaelic. not exactly commercial material. then one day Enya comes home with a synthesizer and they integrate it into the sound and it works. Highly recommend you check out Clannad and "harry's game". the first time we all got to hear Enya and her synth at work.
I played this to annoy my bf last week and then we ended up playing almost all of the PURE MOODS VOL 1 album
Fun fact. SinΓ©ad O'Connor grew her hair out but then shaved it again because people kept confusing her for Enya.
This album is the reason I pushed myself to learn how to play piano better. Before I would listen to something and pick it out on one hand, only playing the lead and ignoring the bass and chords, but after hearing the title track on this CD, (Watermark), I sat down and really tried to learn it. The more natural it felt playing, the better I became learning other songs by ear. Eventually I used her music to start riffing and exploring how other notes and melodies sounded with her music, leading me to learn how to jam with other musicians.
Now I write music for apps and commercials.
Ah, a mental return to elementary school art class