ENTREVISTA a Nikola tesla - "Todo es la Luz"
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Channel: Libre Pensar
Views: 2,802,486
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Keywords: Entrevista, Nikola, Tesla, Nicola, Nicolas, 3 6 9, tres, seis, nueve, mente, cientifico, vida, brillante, nota, inventos, ingeniero, poder, gratuito, energia, mundo, historia, albert, einstein, mark, twain, john, smith, croacia, serbio, revista, inmortality, colorado, springs, laboratorio, pensar, ideas, objetivos, filosofia, manera, charla, debate, humana, incrementar, descubrio, que, rayo, electricidad, todo, es, la, luz, everything, light, pionero, inteligente, patente, frases
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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