Entity interaction using OverlapSphere and ComponentLookup in Unity ECS 1.0

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Hello everyone! Welcome to this episode on unity DOTS. Today we   will learn more about the unity physics package. We will scan our surroundings to react to near by   entities using the OverlapSphere method  and discover the ClosestHitCollector.   And if you stick to the end of the video, you will  also learn about the ComponentLookup concept.   This concept will allow us to interact with other  entities to implement simple combat mechanics.   You can get the starter project for this video  in the GitHub linked in the description. The   only thing missing will be the skeleton model.  But you can get it for free in the asset store.   And you can check out my other videos to learn  how we made this starter project from zero.   By the end of this video, you will be one  step closer to a tower defense prototype   as you can see on screen. Now, let’s dive into it!   The first thing we want to do is to prevent the  user from placing two towers in the same place.   To do that, in our InputSystem, before  placing the tower, we will check that   there not already a tower at the same place. That can be done by using an OverlapSphere.   Unlike a RayCast that finds entities in a  single direction, the OverlapSphere will   look for all entities within a fixed Sphere. It must not be confused with a SphereCast. A   SphereCast like a RayCast is moving in a single  direction and will gather entities along its   path. But instead of the line of the RayCast,  it will use a Sphere, making a larger path.   The OverlapSphere doesn’t move. It checks  its surroundings in all directions.   We can use it to make sure there isn’t  anything where we want to place our tower.   Using the physicsWorld, call  the OverlapSphere metod.   Provide it the position where the tower would  be adding some margin not to be on the terrain.   Then the radius of the sphere. 0.1 will be  enough for it to overlap with the tower.   For the list of hits, we will need to  declare a NativeList. This is one of   the native containers that are compatible  with Burst and thread safe to use in jobs.   For now, we don’t really use it so you can just  consider it as a normal list. We will explore   native containers in another video. Finally for the collision filter,   you can use the default filter as we want to check  if anything is in the place of the future tower.   The method returns a bool, so we can just wrap  our tower spawning logic in an if statement.   If we head back to unity and enter  play mode, you will see that we can’t   place two towers at the same place. But we can make a tower of towers…   That’s because all our physics is  using the default filter layers.   So, everything collides with everything. Including the RayCast to get the   terrain position and the Tower. To fix that we can create a Physics   Category Names asset to define collision layers. We can name one Input, another Terrain and the   third Tower. Let’s also make an Enemy and  Projectile layer for later in the video.   Last thing to do, parametrize our ray cast  that is hard coded with the default filter.   In the PlayerManager add two PhysicsCategoryTags,  one called belongs to and another called   collide with. Assign their   values to override the default filter. Then save your file and test it in Unity.   Set the PlayerManager to belong to the input  layer and collide with the terrain layer.   Now assign the layer to the  objects using a physics shape   authoring component instead  of the colliders and body.   And the tower to belong to the Tower layer  and only collide with the Tower layer.   As you can see we can now place towers on the  terrain without the risk of placing multiple   tower in the same spot or one on another. Now what I want is for the tower to find the   closest enemy and fire a projectile at it. The logic is very similar to the one used to   spawn our enemies, so I won’t  go over the details again.   If you want more detailed explanations, you can  check the video where we spawned our enemies.   You can just grab the GitHub  gist in the description and   paste it in your project to get all the code.   It’s also a good time for you to hit the like  button if you enjoy learning with my videos. It   shows me the content is appreciated and motivates  me to continue this journey. That also help the   YouTube algorithm know this content is worth  sharing with other. So, thank you for your like!   Once the gist is in you project you can  dispatch its content into separate files.   After that you can setup the authoring components  you just imported on the game objects.   Create a sphere prefab for our projectile  and add the Projectile Auhtoring component,   a Shape and a Body to it.   In each tower prefab, add an empty above the tower  and assign it the Tower Authoring component.   The enemy will also need a new  Damageable Authoring component.   Now, If you enter play mode an make a tower,  you’ll see the tower spawns a projectile.   But the projectile doesn’t do anything.   To make it go towards an enemy we  must first find the closest one.   We will again use an Overlap Sphere.  But this time we will use it with the   ClosestHitCollector to get the closest  entity. That will be our target enemy.   We can store a reference to the target  enemy entity on the projectile.   To make our projectile follow the target,  we can make another foreach loop that will   make the projectile move forward. For the projectile forward vector   to point toward the target entity,  we will need the target position.   But since we are iterating over the projectiles,  not the enemy, we don’t have access to it.   To get the target entity position we  will need to use a component lookup.   The component lookup provides a way to get  the component data for a specific entity.   It is less performant than the foreach  iteration as it can access any arbitrary entity,   so avoid using it to iterate over data.  Despite the random memory access it implies,   it is the best solution when it comes  to implement entity interaction.   You can create the component lookup in OnCreate,  with a true flag to mark it read only.   And update it outside the foreach  before using it as an array.   We can also check if the entity  still has the expected component.   For instance, if our enemy has been destroyed,  we won’t be able to get its position.   And the projectile will have nowhere  to go. So, we can destroy it.   Going back to the editor, after setting  the collision layer on the enemy,   you should now see your projectile move toward  the closest enemy at the time it is created.   We can use another component lookup on the  health component to deal damage to our enemy.   Use the false parameter value  to mark it a read and write.   Now in a foreach, iterate over all  projectiles and if it is near the enemy,   destroy it and reduce the enemy health. To write to a component using a component   lookup, you will need to first make  a local variable of the component,   modify it and assign it back to the lookup. This is because the components are value types,   and they are not returned by reference.  So, when you get the component from   the lookup. What you get is a copy of the  component. Not the actual component itself.   Finally, we can check if the new health is  below zero. And destroy the enemy if it is.   Go back to unity and start killing your  enemies by placing defense towers.   We used a simple distance check to know  when our projectile hit our target.   This is fine because we know between  which entity to check the distance.   If we were to make a piercing projectile,   we would not know that since it  could hit any number of targets.   And iterating over all enemies to check  the distance of each one isn’t ideal.   So, for the next video, we will see how  trigger events work. This will also be the   opportunity to introduce the Job concept.  In the meantime, hit the like button and   share this video with anyone learning DOTS. If you have a question or feedback leave a   message in the comment section or on discord. See you in the next video!
Channel: WAYN Games
Views: 4,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entity component system, Unity 2022 ecs, Unity data oriented technology stack, Unity dots tutorial, Unity dots tutorial 2022, Unity ecs 2022, Unity job system, game dev, how to make a game with unity dots, unity data oriented design, unity dot, unity dots, unity dots 1.0, unity dots tutorial 2021, unity ecs, unity ecs 1.0, unity ecs 1.0 release date, unity ecs tutorial, unity esc, WAYN Games, unity ., dots physics, overlapsphere unity, componentlookup
Id: Sn2uAb0XQRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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