Entitled Mom makes FALSE accusation for EVIL reason...

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[Music] this entitled parent has taken an unhealthy interest in this person's truck but it starts to get personal when they begin to make all sorts of unverified claims about a beloved family member happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the revamped show i am at a hotel in chicago with my aunt on a trip the hotel is really cool with an indoor pool and i decided that i was going to go down on my own and swim in it i have my own keycard and with that i can access it myself so i grabbed a towel put my swimsuit on and rolled out when i got to the pool there was not one family or person there and i had the pool all to myself i put my towel phone and card down and took off my shirt i'm a guy i can take my shirt off i hopped in and started swimming laps i then was tired and decided to just do cannonballs then em and ik aka innocent kid note ik seemed like she didn't care for the entire situation walks through the door and i hear em gasp and look up to see her why do you have your shirt off i'm swimming is there a problem i should know yes there is you need to put a shirt on and stop showing your nippers em covers her innocent kid's eyes and i'm in disbelief look there shouldn't be any problems with me not having a shirt on nope get a shirt on now i am shook and got out of the pool i then get my shirt on why were you naked in the pool i just had my shirt off there should be no problems well look i came here to relax and let my daughter swim not to see some teenage boy flashing himself i'm just silent at this point i can't believe what she is saying em then sees security through the glass wall em then leaves with ik and i decided to just sit and wonder what the heck this person was on or what she was doing em led security right to me and i guess the guard thought he was gonna see a naked person running around the pool but then he saw me and walked over sir have you been swimming in the pool naked no sir i was just swimming with my shirt off god gives me a look and turns to em he was exposing himself in front of my child showing his nippers the guard gave out a sigh and asked dm to talk to him outside what i heard next was iam screaming at the guard and that she would be leaving the hotel god comes back in you can leave now best sentence i heard out of this situation i dried off and headed back to the hotel room i told my aunt when i got back and she laughed and said she was going to tell my parents that i went out in public naked has some kind of sick joke i hope i never have to see that bee again when you're on a trip you just want to chill and relax in your own way you don't want people bothering you about stupid stuff especially when you're not doing anything wrong some people have really weird rules and if others don't fit within this very specific border that they've drawn up well then they'll go at no length to berate that person into submission in particular they'll target people who are younger than them and note that they're also alone so there's no one else there to stand up for him the biggest mistake she made was bringing in the guard and assuming that the guard would somehow be as unreasonable as she is i was at a grocery store picking up a few things i was tired sick from morning sickness and desperate to find something to eat that i could keep down so i didn't have many purchases while standing in line waiting to be checked out and from behind me enters the entitled mother she had a child but didn't say anything that i remember i was still waiting to put my purchases on the counter while the other person was checking out i heard the em come up from behind me and clear her throat excuse me i turned around and this woman didn't really look like a typical karen she actually looks more like those bottle-blown sorority girls with tons of makeup on she had an adorable little boy in her cart i guess maybe three years old and she was obviously pregnant i'd guess between six to seven months yes i'm tired and not gonna lie it was kind of rude when i said it i'm very tired and want to get home can you just let me in front of you this woman literally had a cart full of groceries i can be kind of a pushover so if she only had a few things i probably would have let her i only have a couple of items i'll be checked out pretty fast oh come on i'm pregnant and very tired my feet are killing me and i need to get to my son home well i'm pregnant and fighting morning sickness i just want to get my soup in tylenol so i can try and eat and sleep she scoffed and looked in my stomach you're not pregnant don't give me that bull crap lady i don't really care what you think i turned back to face the cashier as she finally finished scanning the groceries of the guy in front of me i could literally hear her scoffing and muttering under her breath i was being checked out she was still muttering under her breath and tapping her shoes impatiently some people are just so rude i really wish i had turned and snapped at her again but i was tired and sick i tried to ignore her iam literally began throwing stuff onto the counter the second there was space still muttering about wanting to go home and how i was being such a lying bee the cashier was looking at her and rolling her eyes at the em as soon as i was checked out literally took five minutes if that i took my receipt and looked at the em sorry i took a whole ten minutes away from you have a wonderful day oh screw you no thanks i'm not into blinds i was a little happy i made the cashier laugh while i walked away she yelled something else but i ignored her i still regret not having a better comeback than what i said though okay it's not the worst thing in the world to ask if you can quickly skip ahead if maybe you've got like one or two items and they've got a whole stack of items you can always ask politely and see if they'll let you usually people who have a lot of items feel really awkward holding up the line and most people offer without anyone even having to ask however if it's reversed and you're the one with a lot of items there is no situation which you can ask to be skipping ahead i usually go to my local ymca three to four times a week to stay relatively fit the pool is typically split into two sections down the middle one section has lap swimming lanes three of them while the other section is open for kids to swim and for old people to jazzercise i showed up and it wasn't too busy just an elderly woman swimming laps a couple of men floating in the open section and a woman watching entitled grandmother what i assume were her three grandkids playing and jumping back and forth between the remaining open lanes this is the resulting confrontation egm had at the y excuse me can you please have your kids stay in one lane or use the open section so no we were here first and you can't tell us what to do but there's a section for didn't you hear me the first time leave us alone or i'll have you kicked out at this point the aquatics director comes out of his office what's the problem here this man is harassing us and won't leave us alone i'm just trying to swim holding back laughter at this point because i can't believe how quickly she's escalated this egm i've already told you that your kids are only allowed in these lanes if they are getting lessons or there are no lap swimmers available which we will hear first i'm sorry but it's pool policy one of the entitled kids but we don't want to move see you're ruining their day at the rule if they want to continue swimming they need to stay in their designated area at this point i thought it was over i had a lane to swim in and i started my workout about 10 minutes into my swim a little kid jumps on top of me sure enough it's one of the eks egm waited for the ad to go back into his office and then started throwing all of her kids toys in my lane what the heck lady i told you were here first a.d can't tell me what to do what is wrong with you there's so much space everywhere else in the pool well we want this but here and now the youngest of the three eks starts crying drawing out a.d again egm i told you to stay in your area i don't care when you're leaving well i'm gonna have to kick you out and then the real explosion started what how dare you do this to us my son is a lawyer and i'm going to have him all over you in no time i work at the ymca but sure waste your time going after all my money egm starts screaming incoherently for about five minutes and then packs up her grandkids and storms out i finished my workout and tried to process how the heck this just happened you can tell with the grandmother she didn't really care that they were there first it wasn't really about staying in those lanes it sounds like there was plenty of room in the pool and the kids could have had just as much fun anywhere else there which means her whole intention wasn't just to defend herself thinking that she had been unfairly treated but rather she wanted to make everyone else miserable i think some people get to that later stage of life and they just don't care anymore they can no longer enjoy life for what it is they don't have any compassion or consideration for others and so their whole purpose is built around making life difficult for everyone else my grandpa passed away a few years ago from small cell lung cancer although it's been kinda hard making it by financially without him we've been doing relatively well my grandpa left us some stuff when he died but the most important and most treasured belonging of his was his 1983 dodge ram pickup truck i mean this thing was his baby he never let anyone else touch it not even my brother whom he trusted with everything put simply how financial status left his truck as our only means of transportation we live in the middle of nowhere so we couldn't walk to any stores or anything okay sorry to ramble let's dive into the story in the story is me joker my nickname mum m e m entitled mum hd humble dad and p.o police officer so emma and i were shopping for groceries at walmart we parked the truck near the front and saw some weird people staring us down as we got out unbeknown to us these people were humble dad and entitled mum i didn't think much of it and m didn't seem to care at all we locked the truck and went inside i noticed that em was following us at a distance i couldn't tell if it was intentional or coincidental so i paid no mind to it we only saw her a few times but right before we were done i saw her leave as we started to head to the checkout i noticed hd and em talking to each other outside the doors giving us occasional glances at this point i felt like something was up after we finished purchasing and bagging everything we headed outside to see hd standing next to the truck looking in the window with his hands pressed to the glass ian was standing next to him looking over his shoulder we walked over and confronted them the following conversation ensues excuse me what are you doing to my truck oh sorry i was just admiring it what is it an 87 88 it's an 83 we've had it for quite a while really we used to have a track just like this that's neat huh joker at this point my suspicions are confirmed mum can we get heading out i'm getting really tired i actually was pretty dopey due to my meds so i wasn't lying yeah we do need to be getting home you guys have a nice day hold on one second where did you guys get that truck it belonged to my grandpa he passed away a few years ago and left it to us do you know exactly where he bought that truck yeah he bought it from a dealer in 1982. i don't think that your grandpa has been telling you the truth you see he stole our truck from us no he didn't my grandpa bought this off the showroom floor he didn't steal it from you that isn't true we lost our truck a while back and he took it now we want it back sorry to disappoint but you aren't getting crap lady i was a little girl when my dad bought this truck my mom and i even went to the dealer with him em then starts screaming like a freaking banshee stop lying you are going to give back our truck or else i'm calling the police and having you arrested for grand theft auto my mom then starts to get in the truck and tells me to get in as well don't even think about leaving without truck she then grabs my mum by the arm and yanks her out of the driver's side the truck doesn't have separate seats but rather one large bench type seat mum falls to the ground and then em takes the keys and starts to get in the truck i walk up and clock her straight in the jaw making her drop the keys which i happily pick up that truck belongs to us we can finally give our son a working vehicle and i won't let you stop me a police officer then pulls into the lot notices us and drives over he gets out of his car thank goodness this particular police officer was an awesome guy and was super chill what seems to be the issue here i just had to pull this lady out of our truck because she tried stealing it from us my mom gets up and leans on the bed of the truck clearly hurt the officer helps her up police officer looks at me what is your name bud my name is joker i presume this is your mom correct yeah that's my mom we tried to get in our truck when this lady pulls her out of it i explain the ordeal to the officer having to talk over em screams and remarks can you verify that this vehicle truly belongs to you yes i can she then gets into the truck pulls out the insurance card and registration they both have my mom's name on them which she compares to her driver's license the names and everything match of course ok this definitely is your vehicle em interrupts the police officer tan near throwing a tantrum she is a filthy liar she stole those from me she then reaches for my mom to which the police officer blocks her she gets mad and slap right into the police officer's face the officer is officially done at this point she gets tackled to the ground and handcuffed all the while kicking and squirming ma'am you already assaulted both a civilian and an officer you clearly attempted to steal their vehicle from them and now you're resisting arrest you aren't getting out of this one the officer puts her in the back of his squad car the em turns absolutely demonic at this point yelling profanities and acting literally insane luckily she was weak and couldn't do any real harm the officer apologized for the trouble shook my hand it gave me a pat on the back bro hug again super cool he left leaving the hd by himself i'm really sorry that you had to go through that and not helping calm the situation i didn't want to seem like a bad guy being with her plus it would have made it worse if i went against her we left on good terms the story had a happy ending needless to say we pressed charges against her for assault and attempted theft she is now in jail for a while you can understand if your car was stolen that you'd be on edge and every time you saw the same car as yours out on the road you wouldn't be able to help but wonder if that was it what i don't understand is how this lady acts as if it's the only car in the world i suppose because it was an older model maybe you don't see as many of them around but to literally assault somebody and then attempt to steal their car just because you believe it might be the one that was stolen from you clearly a risk assessment was not done on the situation before she acted i don't know why the husband as well didn't step in and try and calm her down maybe he's just like you know what i want to see how this plays out and starts getting too far well i can't stop it now it's just getting good you can't help but think that later he was like yeah i probably could have done something to stop that there oh well early 80s in australia my family lived in suburban townsville then we had a fairly tight-knit community on our street and all generally got along well our neighbor on the right side was a lovely old lady i have no idea what her name was but us kids all called her gran she was a tough old bird lived in the bush all her life and had a real no-nonsense attitude on our left side was a block of two flats with tenants that seemed to come and go all the time at this particular time there was a middle-aged woman and her two kids this woman i recall was a bit of a bee and had a really better than you attitude no idea what her name was we will refer to her as karen because it fits now gran loved her garden and was always working in it she grew beautiful flowers her garden was always kept in perfect condition and was essentially what kept her going in her old age the local kids were welcome in her garden just as long as we did not make a mess karen on the other hand loved her dog it was some poodle cross thing and an ugly mutt in my opinion unlike the rest of our dogs he was not allowed to roam the streets and play with the kids but was kept inside except for the daily walk each morning on a lead i bet you can see where this is heading one morning we heard sounds of an argument coming from grande's front yard apparently karen had decided to help herself to some of gran's flowers while walking the dog when told off by gran she then decided to insult gran's garden which was a very bad mistake so the two exchanged words before karen stalked off we thought that was that until grande started to find dog crap in her yard every day every day as most of our dogs roamed the street she could not say it was happening deliberately just that it was strange that the dogs had avoided the place until now then we find out that karen has changed her routine and was walking her dog at dawn each day my dad spotted her as he was going to work and of course karen was using the opportunity to have her dog take a dump on gran's lawn when gran found out she was furious i was at school at the time so i did not see it but mum recounted the events apparently grande had taken a garden trowel of dog crap and gone over to karen's door where she had told karen that she would rub your face in the next dog crap i see on my lawn karen responded with a tirade of abuse and then slammed the door before graham threw the crap at her so the stage is set onto act 2 scene early saturday morning we were woken by screams at daybreak it sounded like there was an almighty fight happening at gran's place all the neighbors rushed out to the most amazing scene ever in grande's front yard on the lawn lay karen face down with gran birch destroyed her back one hand on the back of karen's neck the other hand with a firm grip on karen's hair as she rubbed her face back and forth through a nice fresh dog crap karen was screaming bloody murder between gasping for breath and spitting out grass and crap gran was shouting i warned you i bloody warned you you stupid bee so it turns out the cunning old girl knew karen was too stupid to take a warning so she had got up early to lay in wait and then ambushed karen in the garden karen was never the same again she moved out in less than a week the best laugh i think i have ever had never mess with the grannies folks you see that's the problem when you mess with a granny they've got years of experience on you and they've got a lot less to lose have you ever noticed that old people at some point they just don't give a crap anymore they've been burned so many times in life and they know they're coming to the end of theirs so she probably figures eh why not i mean it was pretty petty of karen to go every single day past the yard and have her dog crap in the garden i mean that in and of itself takes dedication but see the routine is where they screwed up granny was even more dedicated and just had to wait for the right opportunity submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boise veterans i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 7,271
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: uahpDLoMbQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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