(ENG SUB)[예능맛ZIP/런닝맨] 기린 vs 메뚜기 환상 케미 모음.ZIP / Runningman

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(Here's the answer.) - Are you alone? - Yes, I'm still single. Hurry up. Let's count. "Are you here alone?" "Yes, I'm single." (Incorrect) - It was very close. - That's not it? (The expression was too different.) What could it be? - I know the answer. - What is it? - What? - It's Kwang Soo's turn. He said he knows the answer. It's his turn. - What's the answer? - Was his first line incorrect? - Yes. - What was the line? "Did you come alone?" Come on. (He uses the incorrect accent.) (He tries too hard to be funny.) - Do you want to get hit? - What are you doing? (You deserve the squeaky hammer.) - Hold still. - Okay. (He hits without hesitation.) - Why isn't he saying anything? - Are you okay? - What happened? - His head got pushed in. (His head got pushed in.) - What happened? - It really got pushed in. (He pushes up his neck.) - Are you okay? - Yes. - I'm okay. - Are you feeling better? (They know how to deal with emergency cases.) - Next question is a choreography. - Choreography? I'll show you an image, and you have to say the lyrics that fit the dance. - Okay. Good. - The lyrics? - Lyrics to the dance. Okay. - Here is... the question. (What dance and lyrics follow this image?) - Answer. - "Abracadabra". (They have to get the next two lines right.) (I keep going crazy) (I'm going crazy) What was it? This is driving me nuts. - I'm going nuts. - I know this. I know! (If you don't know, you shouldn't try.) (I keep going crazy) (I used to be nice, but I'm going crazy) - That's not it. - This is making me crazy. - You need to get hit. - I have no idea. This is going to be in the trailer. It's tiring going back and forth. Don't move. Don't move. (It's a clean shot.) (Pumping) Gosh, this... (How many times was that?) - Gosh. - What? How do I... Fine. After tying the sleeves of your hoodie together, you will have to stick two different words on your back. You need to find out the words of your opposing player, and explain what it is to... your partner who has their eyes covered. The first pair to get it right wins. (The pair who gets both words first wins.) A word on the top and the other on the bottom. This seems difficult. (The list of matches) Okay. Yu Jae Seok. - Lee Kwang Soo. - Yu Jae Seok. Lee Bo Gae. I want to just see the word. I want to see them too but I can't. We're starting. Ready. - Let's go. - Set. At first, this is the war of nerves. Look at their eyes. Jae Seok, you're at a disadvantage if you stand still. (Jae Seok starts lowering his height.) Your head... - They're like wild animals. - You need to turn your head. The colors of a giraffe and a grasshopper. - The colors suit them well. - They're starting. (What are they doing?) (They are in their own intense league) I saw this on "Animal Kingdom". The giraffe meets the grasshopper. (The giraffe meets the grasshopper.) (Giraffe as known as Lee Kwang Soo. The eight-footer.) (Look, it's a grasshopper.) The grasshopper is smelling it. The female giraffe is heading toward the male grasshopper. (The mysterious sight of a giraffe and grasshopper's exploration.) They're starting. The grasshopper is looking at its back. Finally, it's the war of nerves. They're using their strength now. - They're both standing. - They stood up. That's right. Quickly. That's right. 1,2,3. - It's like a mirror. - Move swiftly. There you go. - Go closer to his face. - There you go. - Closer. - That's it. (Jae Seok defenses with his flexibility.) Good. I wish I don't have to go up against those two. Haven't you seen it yet, Jae Seok? - Kwang Soo, you need more time? - He has a long way to go yet. The giraffe... versus... (Look at these silly guys.) (A dirty play between the giraffe and the grasshopper) - I've seen this in a movie. - "Secret Garden". (How much longer) (Do I have to look only at you?) - How much longer - Giraffe and the grasshopper. (How much longer do they have to do this?) (Kwang Soo,) (since when did you have such looks?) (What an amazing face you have.) (From "Animal Kingdom" to "Secret Garden",) (there's no other game like this one.) He lifted his back. Now flip him! (Kwang Soo attacks Jae Seok's important part.) Hey! (Scanning the words) He got it. (So Min, catch this.) (The answer is cuteness.) Cuteness? (She gets it right.) Why did you have to meet me? Revenge. - Why... - "Temptation of Wife"? (It's similar.) (What on earth is that?) (The answer is temptation.) - What? - Well... - Temptation. - Okay! That's right. (Kwang Soo wins the match against Jae Seok.) Since there are two people left, you will alternate by adding a letter each time. - Okay. - It's a death match. Play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will go first. - Rock-paper-scissors. - Rock-paper-scissors. - They won't go beyond five letters. - It's "Dumb and Dumber". It's "Dumb and Dumber". They are Fool 1 and Fool 2. - Rock-paper-scissors. - Rock-paper-scissors. (Kwang Soo will go first.) Let's go. What couldn't you say to the person next to you? Hey. Fool. I will end you. (I will end you.) Their answers are becoming emotional. (What couldn't you say to the person next to you?) Orangutan. Super ugly. ("Super ugly" has five letters in Korean.) (Super ugly) (He attacks Jae Seok's looks.) (Flustered) Ugly. - What? - You need six letters. - What did he whisper? - Okay. It's time for seven letters. Hold on. (How could you count that as an answer?) How could you count that? What did he say? - What? - He used a swear word. (Kwang Soo is annoyed.) Seven letters. Uglier than me. - He did it. - Eight letters. Much uglier than Se Chan. (Much uglier than Se Chan.) (It doesn't have the right number of letters.) Okay! You should have said, "Uglier than Se Chan". "Uglier than Se Chan". - Not "Much uglier". - Uglier than Se Chan. Next, it's our turn. - Yes. - This is going to be dirty. Here they come. - What do I do? - Oh, gosh. (They're very nervous.) The weather is perfect for a dirty match. (The two who are known to play dirty meet once again.) (The original dirty player is Grasshopper.) (The real dirty player is Kwangsoo.) Both teams are very dirty. What did you do now? (A well-matched contest) I'm looking forward to this. (Dragon versus Tiger. Who will win?) - I'm looking forward to this. - Kwang Soo is going to be dirty. I think Jae Seok will get dragged around. (Kwang Soo is going to be dirty.) (Pulling) - Okay. - Why does he pull his pants up? (It's all the way up.) Let's go. We'll put the letters on. Don't look. (Dirty meets dirty.) (The way they are dressed suggests it will be a very dirty match.) - Why did you pull up your pants? - It feels better like this. This way, it won't come off. ("Hwi Sae" and "Hal Gi") Hey, let's show each other. Let's just show each other. Let's go. Ready, set... (The game starts.) It's competitive. This is hard. (Pulling) (Her vision is blocked.) (Eun Ji controls the hoodie as she pleases.) (She sees Cho Rong's letter.) Kwang Soo! What's that? (She calls for Kwang Soo.) (There is a face competition going on.) (Whoever moves their head first loses.) (They defend with their faces.) This is short-track speed skating. (That looks like...) What's this? (Finals for face short-track) (The two players are getting ready to go forward.) What's that? (This is the fair dirty play.) (It's always a tight match. This is no different.) (None of them is backing down. This is a tight match.) Are you skating? Answer! (Does Eun Ji know the answer?) (They don't care.) Answer? "Hal Gi". (Eun Ji's answer is "Hal Gi".) (She's correct.) (What?) Jae Seok. We can see yours. You're showing it... to everybody. (While they were face skating,) (Eun Ji saw Jae Seok's letter.) Did you see his? You saw his? (Thanks to Eun Ji, they advance to the semifinal.) Didn't you see it, Cho Rong? I only saw half a lap of short-track. We were supposed to watch two laps. That's too bad. (Let's compliment the dirty players who played a great match.) I'm so mad. - Thank you. - You... - I will... - No, Jae Seok. Thank you. Oh, gosh. The only way to survive is to get more money. (He doesn't have a lot of money, so he has to go there.) I have to make more money. The shirt... - If you untie this... - Kwang Soo, aren't you a target? - You're a target. - Not anymore. - Why? - He's not a target anymore. Haha bought him, and Haha is out. (Haha is out, so Kwang Soo is free again.) (What's going on?) What is this? - It's the pawnshop. - What do we do? They measure whatever you have... - and give you money. - The length. (The longer, the better?) (I have a 120cm-long belt.) Kwang Soo, your belt. You can't. Do belts work? I don't have a belt today. (With this belt, Kwang Soo can become a millionaire.) (I have none.) Belt. (My belt is an anaconda.) - This can't. - You can't. This doesn't make sense. - 100 dollars. - This? What... What's going on? This? (He steals the belt.) What... What's going on? What is he doing? Hey! Hold on! (Catch that thief!) (His pants go down.) (Give me my belt back!) (He runs at full speed...) (and feels free.) (As his speed picks up, his pants go down more.) (Sobbing) (At 34, he's holding onto his underwear and sprinting.) (If he doesn't give up and keeps running,) (his pants fall down.) (How indecent.) (I want to go home early.) Excuse me. (Thief Jae Seok tries to sell the stolen belt.) (Please make it fast.) - It's 100 dollars. - I'll take that. - How much? 100 dollars? - 100 dollars? Did you sell it? Kwang Soo is coming. (You have to invest like Jae Seok does.) (He's in a hurry.) Where's my belt? - Did he sell it? - He did. He sold it for 100 dollars. - He sold it? - It's over. - Can he buy it back? - Yes. - For how much? - 130 dollars. (It's 130 dollars to buy it back.) (There's a 30-dollar margin.) Give me my belt back. - 30 dollars? - He doesn't have that money. It's the market value. There's interest. My stylist got the sponsorship. Give it back.
Channel: 스브스 예능맛집
Views: 7,428,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBSENTPLAY, Song Ji-hyo, Kim Jong-kook, Yoo Jae-suk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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