Enter the Twilight「Minecraft w The Failing Four ⛏️⛏️⛏️⛏️Ep11」

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back baby we're not doing the PvP thing yet cuz we're ignorant and don't know how how to set up a good PvP thing but we're kicking it right into season two there's no time to wait we're going right in wait just wait look what I'm doing right now hold on I don't okay there we go don't be funny yeah I can't you think they can't see the game okay now they can see the game what is it look at the table yes oh you can see what you could see things that are there and wait so oh we can all craft what what are you building all of your weapons well move your weapon right there we go I've really loved with more player models I can like woah it's like still their Duff's it stays on the crafting table it's so cool know what you do with all of them that's wild only with that one yeah yeah that makes sense oh it's awesome okay okay get to the opening now here we go virus I know you can't do the done out of the so Jay you have to fill in for the denon Anna okay ready Villas you to welcome everybody we are here but the failing for I am fail boat that is J that is Gavin Farris is having some tooth pain wait wait does your insurer to still still do that like yeah okay I can remember that yeah why are we talking next time yeah so the big thing the point thing with our season 2 here oh my god yeah you're really going at it the big thing was season 2 is we added what turned that was perfect we added in the twilight forest I am not tested I I probably should have yeah we've done no testing we literally just added in very last second it seems to be working because if we go into our inventories there are new things a lot of new things hidden water table fit mode family that's me yeah what's on early is what I don't know but it's a thing you can craft how do you oh my god are you guys stairs here okay look at this thing I made I made block look at this ready ready guys 600 yeah but a beautiful monument that's in the wrong place alright so yes because the blocks work that gives me a lot of hope so here is how you get to the Twilight forest oh I mean it's a little bit nighttime out alright I need a bucket and we got two buckets I think we have it in the tools nope weapons nope armor I hate everything alright - we own buckets I know we do I have one right here ready I need one thank you it's got water in it though okay I think that's I mean we need that oh okay oh oh wait a minute wait a minute the daisy-like okay I really want to make the portal where the Daisy is in the middle of the living room but what about the Daisy no because the dais is necessary for it oh yeah yeah okay okay okay oh that's all that'd be so cool okay so we need some dirt first of all there may be some grass frankly I don't know we don't have anything with we should really why haven't we invested in anything with like enchantments because we need silk touch eventually so we can like pick up blocks without having to destroy them kind of thing we haven't built we do have a because remember you were working on something yeah I wanted to build a library in the basement that's dedicated to what's-her-name but we don't have enough books yeah okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna come around and go around a little Daisy area here hey what's the Daisy over in the living room the hi I'm Daisy oh yeah yeah they built like episode 1 we're about to turn this into something really cool okay all right so I haven't built one of these I in like years but I think it's something like this they need to be like a full a full circle don't go outside get some flowers I'm gonna make myself a whole new any any amount of flour any flour any stuff remember when we had a farm with animals good days yeah strange shy why is my player model normal this isn't right no I have legs what is wrong with that I do totally correct for a second there no is there a mod in comfortability Oh first is talking using the world in game beats thing wait this virus has the mod pretty nice out yeah you better have it I mean I got how many flowers do you need um about twelve okay okay alright happy face I have mod thank you okay definitely heard something outside that sounded like explosion why you people putting rotten flesh in the weapons chest well you can fight with your rotten flesh I mean ha oh there goes fire it fires as bad - bad - wait what is he okay oh no I am joking about the rotten flesh in the chest he's probably just like relogin for something turns out he actually hates those he just leads do you need a specific kind of water if flowers or just flowers okay I think it's I think it's I think it's fine now okay good low that was excruciating yeah sorry about that man mmm just I don't know with my legs my legs one of them is leg nobody now it's a little too big what Lady Jaye one-legged J they need to be the same height there go shared okay Oh oh no I just realized with the Illuminati pad we can now get um Twilight forest things can we I just got a vanishing block I'm in a little boy again or whatever I am the block vanished I guess you know what you know what ferret you know what she kind of got there my new favorite thing like under egg or something I'd like yeah you know okay all right you know I mean it did exactly what I thought it would I guess I own ladders those are cult what and you can make an iron ladder okay okay okay please get a bucket I need one more bucket to make things happen uh-huh yeah where are you right now I'm getting the flowers how many out of em right now like at least five down behind you no flower are you okay I got a little more like fifty flowers anyone go okay um I don't see we're not real I need one more float for a hook and get some stuff this should be angry diamonds in the material chest wait do we not know any more diamonds no yeah sources are more for the Enderdragon oh well the armors and all that stuff Wow I'm gonna mind because I really don't work I'm just saying yeah yeah yeah that's true cuz the cuz the hook is too good not to have anything exciting happens I do have no no we're about to do it we're like literally about to do it here I'll have this baby area have Dominic I suppose alright I am back well not yet but you lied the word waters so oh yeah if you ever steal one here you throw me the would one look I'll keep this in my and my spare here there we go alright fire you don't have enough time to do Diamond anything we only have an hour segment today you're beautiful alright my god place them all around the arm you want all around the portal here air alright you want like daisies or it could be anything any look at your chance someone's like straight down do it alright you guys ready yeah oh no if this will work like this or what else we need well it was Jay Oh am I here hold on I'm sorry I really want to try something out but it's okay okay well I mean this is the big thing here yes I love it we did it so that should have done it but it definitely didn't hey my B why is it because like the one right here is a block of wood and I got to put flour there uh-oh took a bus yeah yeah here let's sorry Daisy don't worry the Daisy the flour not the sign I'm just thinking about food okay you might get teleported to the dimension if you see yeah I'll be the guinea pig oh I need actually do you need you to move out so we can like what if Daisy's you need to throw it oh it's or daimond in great so far you were right okay okay what if it just like cut you in half whoa alert I'm gonna die wait Jeb where are you going down there do something bird yes is that a birdie dude hold on hold on one second there gab buddy - we need to mark where where the pool is yeah oh yeah a good idea yes yes yes I'm making something that's just easily easy to be marked on the corner what what is this what are you the Twilight water what is this you ever wonder where I came from you ever question the fact you don't have legs or wings I got my life for us bro what is exhausted what's going on here making a crafting table just so I already made one oh I'm killing a crow here oh well we got su now yeah it's never lost you know okay alright chat so what's going on here hey what's going on 34 minus 300 someone know down where the pool is so that we could go exploring without lose all right all right let's do a quick rule of let's let's have a little bit of challenge here we have some very powerful weapon in the form of a sling let's not use our sling okay at least for now and honestly I look let's avoid using the hook shot I'm gonna keep mine equip I'm gonna avoid I might use it for speed by night you're gonna use it to scale things okay yeah just to keep it a little bit more like probably how is it more intention to experienced Oh knowing it I would not step in that snow it gave like frostbite when I went in it Merry Christmas everyone it's snowing by the way there is some giant ice wall over here you guys see this well no I don't know where you guys dear reindeer Oh over by a reindeer I'm not messing with that okay grandma get messed up by a blue elf those are werewolves they're not notes on an ice for one second let's make sure ones here together okay good I'm gonna pray what is by the way for this new area I want to prioritize us being together yeah I'm gonna die Oh your absent melons I'm making a huge nerd pole where the pool is oh sure sure just in case cuz like I know ask goons were forgetful here yeah if you want to make it out of wood you're welcome to I also have cobblestone yeah I have 64 but if you're if you're already breaking things I didn't yeah you should probably be doing it I'm doing outs why light wood Dan you got a gig oh my god there's a giant snake boss that's right oh yes the Nagas think so what's the plan for okay there's so much to do as a thing gab we are in a literally a brand new area by a very large margin there's yeah what is that werewolf where I'm afraid I'm using oh god yeah look at the wood and I got some charcoal what is we what is that you got charcoal yeah that's perfect that's how we cook stuff charcoal is like coal but slightly different oh that's so yeah I don't know I'm not getting charcoal wait out there wood there is a huge ice water that I know you just said that that's what yeah well did you get any charcoal though that I'm gonna put it okay I'm using the grappling hook to take care of my dragula virus I hate you BAM you are I hate you what you left these trees so vile I'm sorry get down I've used it like yeah I'm using my grappling hook for like small conveniences but if we're out exploring I'm not gonna be like what I was mainly getting at is I don't want to like cheat anything that looks like explore like exploration Oh full damage is that because of our slumbers yeah I was like really new game plussing this area there we got a big old pole here that like I'm accidentally gonna break soon all right completely new wood type yes that's what it's Twilight blank all right also a lot of food as you might be able to imply by the name of the area uh this place doesn't go into nighttime phases wait I can get ticks from which we are we are permanently in Twilight wait you meaning like it doesn't become nighttime yeah we're worried cuz we're in Twilight oh and I thought that it would sometimes I could've sworn I've seen Twilight at night I could be wrong Jimmy in real life no no in the Twilight forward I'm talking about tonnage and you mean like you've seen Twilight real life at night no no no I mean like I could have sworn I've seen people play this mod that makes while at night in real life oh yeah I want to check out while we're all hearing around oh I would love to see what's going on in that tower over there I want to see what the ice wall is I mean I'm down with whichever group we want to go with let's all stick together yeah just making like a really makeshift base in this realm or no I would you try it but like stand at a distance yeah have we got we need calm for anyway sir oh I found a blob of water what is this [Applause] I'm seeing it maybe going down that I'm gonna slow you perfectly the salad for the forest I got raw venison delicious yeah bro you can make venison steak I would cook it so hey God hey hey so what is this complex tree you're working on it here it's way too tall so I gotta fight over it you know yeah but we said we didn't use it Oh treasonous doctrine yeah I don't want it I just don't want to cheat things or now you tell me Oh like like for small movement conveniences and for like get like you know cutting down a big stupid tree like that like yeah dummy thick right he's a dummy sick no it's not supposed to be in so now it's like a very thorough compliment okay I appreciate oh yeah these are giving charcoal aren't they I'm getting the tree I'm getting knocking Twilight likes some of the trees for some reason oh yeah yeah they do they do get looks mature you are correct wild correct yeah wrong yeah there's a surprise I remember something about clovers and breaking them I forget what it was though I don't know anything about this mod I just know the last time I even thought about this mod was years ago like up and walking so quickly yeah no kidding beyond this yeah that could have easily take it way longer I'm gonna bill it on the other side I wanna I want to check out that big ice wall let's do that man let's go to the ice wall first there's a lot of wood I'm doing some very light on all guys I'm doing some very light underground exploration because I found a little small little cave I found a block that just you breaking him gives you sticks what is this no there's like intense snow like what I know is going on with frosted effect you'd be standing there for too long so also I found like surface level redstone yes yes here but what is this what is there is this did you guys build this that's a naturally occurring thing I see I saw a couple more of those interesting all right so yeah I'm gonna just let's call this beta yes or base beta something like that all right gamers let's get together and get ready for the that's why light would oh god I almost found the portal is one thing I want to do I want to build a bunch of chests if anybody has any no make also why not I got some okay I'm gonna put myself right here I'm gonna put this as a good dump chest for now twilight princess princess again swallow front for us in introduces Knight metal there's another type of shielding yeah oh and it's called a it's good a Knightly shield you need three nightmare ingots a night metal loop and two cracked tower wood it's at night like sleepy time or no leeta see time now you need you need cracked our wood do you need metal ingots and night metal ooh interesting what's a night what's a stronghold shield do we're dealing with brand-new things man I have no idea yeah all right well let's all go take a look at that ice the ice wall we're on limited time we should we should make tracks to that now I think we're gonna get a frosted effect if we go in that area we can give it a shot yeah by the way first are you still on the timer here we let's say okay like an hour 30 so like like I'm one sorry for me yeah no no so I could be like an hour ten from now okay I'm told is this good like well let's figure out what we're doing and then mm-hmm get things going okay so we have Jay fires here where's Gabe so we walk me right now the snow will get frosted right yeah which makes you long hollow oh god and there's things I want to kill this in here hey pal out why is fire nice I think oh maybe is there a way to combat this why is that I'm not frost oh wait no Ambrose so where's Gabe I'm in a tree right now well it's there are ways to combat frost um not sure yet oh yeah combat these goblins that keep following me what is this thing I can't make it you can make an enchanted book that's are you guys okay I still feel the effect of the books I wrote forced into honorary items okay I wrote frosted into too many items in it there's a chocolate book called frost Walker oh then I'm that rate does anything also we need you in chairman maybe because there's a pinch on it there's an enchanted book that's called frost houses on fire so in chat says the house is on fire it's not in the house how could it be on fire meets rain yeah I don't know what that means I'm gonna cook some venison up maybe what does you mean a regular Ross Walker is vanilla there's no way there's no way them No regular house the Thunder the house is on fire I mean we have rain though the other house not in Twilight there's no way of knowing I can't see it yeah what yeah now I'm like yeah no it's fine Oh lion that's roller plating struck the other hats of the lightning struck the portal you know lately was for the portal oh that didn't cream I want to see what I want to see what it looked like on you already cuz I just yeah yeah I have an idea for our objective I think we should go to that giant castle that giant castles cool but I wanted to see real quick yes just want to see if there's a way to combat Frost I mean I'm gonna okay I'm gonna just try and big-ass brain this I'm gonna light myself on fire or oh cool Twilight forest if I lay myself on fire and walk in the frost like what happens oh you gotta come see this hole I'm gonna light myself on fire what happened hey I didn't get Frost oh my fire no I I'm not even on fire anymore this is is this a strat nope no sighs right no it's not a strike no sinus tract help help help oh God where are you right now the end of frost there's a goblin chasing you now I see him okay you got it you gotta follow me you dropped a book it did it oh yeah you have to see this yeah in a boost over here I was making a torch path to get in here yeah and I know it is something about the rain what that's horse trainer okay living in the database database alone through the matrix if you just look directly alright wait where were you looking oh oh oh oh crap my head yeah come over here so weird I mean you know that must be intentional what's happening oh people in chasing you have to hog ifirst people Association well we have to fight the Nagas first before we actually do this I will the ice cream no so the Nagas is a giant snake that lives off [Music] people in China saying the forest is progression based I feel that we can't go to the ice before we like we must find something okay can I use a saddle too right the bird can we go can we get into this coffee okay boy quick quick quick quick question quick question hold on before we do that let's do something really fast all right this is a nice simple thing for us to do you see this abandoned house over here well right over here the group there we go engineer there's a spawner in this thing oh yeah there is let's try and take out whatever this thing is spawning and break that or at least what understand what's happening in here oh boy it has poisoned me that can't be good reason his his safes always using a golden sight oh that's sick okay now look for chests door it's got golden glittering melons in it Oh guys guys cold ice rolled up right behind us oh oh oh no no no no there's a chest don't use it oh that's all fires don't do that okay all right I am broke do you remember your break yeah you're correct something tells me if you broke that this whole thing hold on wait let me just check something real fast this just have pulled onto lava no alums I'm I'm shocked I am you know we're flying chars yet so we found this area and there's a trap chest up here and all I could see was us opening the trap chest and like these were piston floors that would like move us or like out to like empty map huh I've caught an empty map okay cool nice interesting I mean it doesn't help because we got the map in the top-left but it's good yes there's anything more or two dan checking achievements okay oh here we go um I hear fire it was for the questing Aram what is missing what I'm working it out here hold on okay please why would you do that beautiful we want to get into hole on craft the magic map taking the brick the brick spray our house is beautiful it has Firefly jars outside of it and I love it okay I'm gonna replace some of the walls of brick because the brick is very pretty here okay I'm breaking it down so pretty much what we need to do we have to kill the Nagas but only after honestly the Nagas in its forest courtyard in an obtain a Naga scale to overcome the magic barrier surrounding the Lich's tower wonderful I'm sure so you're just making stuff up on this bottle right in order to get to that we need to accomplish two of the following objectives we've already accomplished one of them with silence of the force which is we have to hunt some of the local wildlife we have to do one of the remain we have defeat a spider in hedge maze we have to defeat a redcap goblin in a small Hollow Hill we have to give me your credit card number in the three wacky digits on the back we have Khan couldn't consume eight Boz give the questing Ram what it is missing of some variety we can do the maniacal dendrology get your axes and shears ready search every nook and cranny and get anything and everything that comes from trees and then the last thing is eat all the food exclusive to the twilight forest god why see you looking down at me so it looks like our options are realistically to either kill a spider in a hedge maze or defeat a red cap goblin in a small hotel guys everybody needs to regroup with me really quick yeah are you everyone is a little house what's up okay everyone come here and stand Sam like right around me right next to me here wow what happened good come here come on lil bit closer a little closer all right everybody's even closer like right up again how's it look what did you do Oh a vision thank you vision you know you really didn't have to be that close no we can't go to the ice-cream pretty much whatever what I've internalized is this is a Lich's tower that we cannot get to until we do one of them JMO JMO she's gone to the Twilight Realm yeah right we have to do like 1 out of 5 things in order to start to work on the what on God's name is that where are you guys with me no I'm with jmo Jiro whoa what is that hold on hold on where are you guys all right yes I'm I am nope turn around turn around people turn man do you see my hook shots I can literally see you guys this is painful Oh gab behind you left right what on earth is your render distance van walk forward okay I see you know yeah okay swear I got away with my game real quick real aughh yeah cuz my audio is coming through came through my speakers so I think intense music right now yeah look at that you guys here are you guys hearing this no the music is really intense in game right now I don't wanna hear it it's like okay here yeah really dramatic yeah because we're gonna group up with everyone we're words we're splitting up I are none of you hearing this music hold on together right now oh line where where are you I'm at the house that's what I'm saying are you not hearing this uh music it was like really intense but now it's on it I don't want to be with doing something no I mean I was doing something alright Jake are you Lee scared oh god I see nothing but silhouettes what oh yeah Jay hold on Jay stop moving some movement some movement some moving some of it are you blind no I have night vision what's wrong with can you see me around the house how many fingers am i holding up don't know three yeah all right I like everything is just dark it's like literally I was replaced again okay again you need some milk no all right nope definitely black I hold you you were follow us and you your vision right now may help all right here's what we're gonna do first of all Evelyn's group up okay hold on I got a friend of the house it's a portal over here they walk forward what's up stop trying to find the portal folks I can go through walk walk forward okay okay now I can see maybe it's like a texture a shaders pack glitch that was happening I was I could see now oh god that was a nightmare what's happening one warehouse breaking apart are you doing doing Cyrus he's putting bricks instead of wood okay that's freaking out the skeleton just a normal skeleton it's not that someone pick up the brick I just heard ah two bricks Ione the brick my friend yes hello so a group about oh I want to check out this thing yeah hold up I just want to sure sure maybe I got it there's stories in the chest this could be a window okay okay wait so where is it you want to go oh I wanted that's just the thing I wash oh yes okay okay so let's go yeah it's follow me there you gotta call the house done okay that's great nice little brick house I sent my model to be like an ender dragon so it's easy to see me right oh there you are actually can make this water a lot of food out that chest I broke I just realized there's a lot of things out here spring melon grab this camera knows his reign ten commercial easier j12 cooks chicken all right so what I've a lot of food what I found is right over as well all right oh yeah I can hear some music oh whoa it's like a dark forest oh wow yeah now that was a rabbit what's it it was a rabbit it's right it's a rabbit yes oh yeah Oh God would go without something hurts Goblin get it guys charms oh I don't like this horrifying oh wait I don't like just stop running ahead okay we need show we need don't even work yeah they're not they're just gonna okay guys okay you guys are go in separate directions now hold on hold on hold on everyone stop for a second that stuff gives us a debuff that makes us blind yes one the torches were working yeah I think it's cuz we walked into it like without hum all right oh yeah yeah okay everyone which I think Iligan what's the best way we can hold hands quote unquote following each other in a single-file line okay wait can we can we make some we got potions back your own I've like uh it's gonna constantly apply it I have night vision on right now it's not gonna hear us slowly walk with me does shift walk okay block forces all right done I'll be placing torches then I guess I'll just do anything does actually light the way a little bit for me remember how to get out no unless well hopefully the blind effect goes away then oh we have to defeat a boss or something okay but I don't see anybody else okay oh yeah we're coming around the side over here go in this way awesome here I don't do I have no idea what we're working with man wow the map on the top left oh yeah oh we can use the map to at least navigate a little bit I don't I don't have a map why don't I have a man dude good oh don't forget if you carry a torch in your offhand um it'll automatically like it's not helping at all need to find a red goblin a red cobbler achievements oh okay so Taylor was saying that there is a Boston here buddy we can't fight it yet oh that's awfully pessimistic Taylor is the goal in the achievement I don't know see I don't okay chat you guys know what's up where are we where do you guys recommend we attempt to go god there's like a skeleton Donna oh yeah I'm not going either ow I'm gonna die if anyone needs food Michelle oh I I'm scared of that hole yeah just alright should be deep out of here then oh oh there's a law in this hall read the dang book says check ok ok book guard oh yeah the book the cha goblins dropped I'm a read on notes on a stronghold and notes on an icy cave let's go there halt well that's a cave down there that goes into a cave okay this might be the stronghold that they're talking about oh there's another book okay hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm opening up this book notes on a stronghold the tendrils of darkness surrounding this area just a manifestation of a powerful spell over the entire dark forest okay so those ruins in here they belong to a stronghold of a type usually inhabited by knights their behavior is mostly on kingly deep in the ruins I found a pedestal the pedestal seems to be a type of our type that Knights would place trophies on to prove their strength obtaining a powerful scepter would seem to weaken the curse on the dark forest and placing a trophy associated with a powerful creature on the pedestal would likely grant access into the main part of the stronghold so we can't do this until we find a trophy of some variety can we just can we just see what's down here um I think it would be bad because we can't see oh I want to see if this is a cave though it does it seems to be a normal cave structure oh you know this is definitely yeah whoa yeah see that the weighed like tentacles yeah all right so we had to defeat the Nugget to get in here that's what I'm seeing all right everyone back out follow the torches back out okay I'm just gonna pan dip yeah zooms in when you go into the do you guys see the giant island when it zooms out well the mini my own fully zooms out when you whoa my blindness time for a second yeah well you obviously you go into the Cape you're um I'm out yep your mini map zooms out and you see the cave structure it's so weird oh cool that's cool yes so strange okay it looks really complex I'm just I'm just running out then I would say yeah I have an idea ready I'm already running run away I was gonna say I'm not with you guys but I'm running out oh god that was a deer in the darkness just hardly any of you guys in the mini map oh no yeah I think we got a little separated gab stand still I they're mine okay it's not something about welcome out okay everyone attempt to return home or at least to our base I just found it so like we're cicadas you guys II fell but the cicadas you found security no one Wow and why things yeah what it was look at the castle right get close to the Carson look it is like inside of it yeah yeah I mean I imagine there's a lot that's going on in there that we just can't get to yet it's a week away so we physically can't go into this costume okay down and it won't break right now is there no way of getting into it hold on hold on yeah stay home yes there is a way of getting into it but only once we have activated certain requirements for this for like the game here here we are playing now a pseudo story game stay hydrated yeah hey look it's a purple ramp Oh golly Jade did you see me oh oh god oh god look at this did you see did you see me wave at you J I did I did see that I did see that as Rene this game has come greetings greetings JMO G alright so I'm sorry where did you guys go we're hanging out at the base right now good stay there already might you not come with me flies oh I put them in the main house okay I think we're exploring too much of the world the game is lagging a little bit yeah mine's lagging a lot okay it's not not frame rate it's like server lag depending on where you are in the world hold on one second the chat is screaming as to kill the Nagas we weird we chat we don't know where the Naga is yeah it's gonna say where is the nazil one step at a time here chat we're not as versed in this world as you guys are yeah alright now I'm gonna read this book that and yelled at to read our stronghold there's another one the first book the first book alright if an area does do if the area doesn't do anything bad to you you can go there good to know well first of all the blizzards surrounding this snowy Lanza's unceasing there's no ordinary snowfall okay understood Chris seems to be a powerful today several wizards working in combination would be necessary not sure how that works if one always stopped contributing the blizzard would calm strangely my dad's you're not showing he says nearby living wizards that's why I literally spawned into the house so one on the house the base come grab my stuff so chat from the way I'm I'm understanding this the program the progression in this is to go Naga Lich ice area okay back up here's to be the first thing whatever we want to do yeah yes a no peers to be what everyone else is saying we should do for us yeah you pick up any my stuff let's go murder a Naga how do we murder Naga yeah how much is this way I hold up on each line where's this home okay I mean this place I think I have to be over well I'll take fur okay oh it must have come from the werewolf can you make an arc gimmick a coat that's what I'm thinking oh oh where could wear a wear coat okay this uh this this this uh yes often say was cold causing issues will be came through the door ah thank you for that giant wood beacon I can use it way back home okay so right so Naga is what we're going for a first yes census of where we need to go but where is the now yeah that's where it is I hate Chet Chet is telling us the date the Naga Jan is telling us to like died the Naga purple and may give a text-to-speech well they haven't I don't think anyone knows where the Nugget is that everyone's just teasing us about it I'm gonna break this uh coffin say my guess is we have to do a little bit of exploring in order to make why did I say it was like any achievements that it said like it gave us a kind of color as to where it would be yeah I don't think you give any clues no I get set a location I did it yeah yeah likes it kill them kill the nog or somewhere where did it say um let's before you feed the Nagas in terms of behavior the Nagas will just oh no I think it's just referring to like the the location it's in we know where are the achievements pause advancements okay from what I remember from the last time I played this or at last time I saw this we need to find a giant Nagahama yeah we need to find a giant Bush minutes in its forest courtyard so there's no forest it's in the Naga courtyard the Naga card is the size of accrued average 80 80 blocks here is the area of the Naga four spawns it's just a random place but it's in a forest it's yeah naka quick because it's in the fourth it says slide the Naga and it's for schoolyard adventure group and actually start making some some attempted progress I gotta admit though I really like what you've done with the place so it looks like it's in the it says it's in the oak savanna is the oh there's something burning over there I mean like it it looks I'm just going over kind of what it looks like looking like the trees they're very I could send you guys this image and we can know a religious really let's just explore it yeah okay here's what I would I would do explore over there something we can't above a rough estimate I would like to explore over this way pulling up where you going just okay we gotta know what we roughly after all right let's go over this way because I did a little bit of scouting it seems like every other area is gonna be we're sort of bordered right now oh I'm just looking at what Arctic first oh wait wait Arctic jacket ox it there I'm gonna keep on I'm sweet first where are you I'm here oh my gosh this is too much rain event Explorer +2 top top okay I feel like Arctic fur is important I've got to of it no no we can't enter that area until we do the Nagas okay we can't do anything that's probably a Russian burst yeah can you eat a quest ring melon you can it gives you but I think similar a Golden Apple buffs yeah Koloff I don't know why this place does have a curse on it it's a red sheep go to ram i killed it I think this area's is is still in a curse yeah that's that's frost oh it's a ram yeah right there some the area that I think we need to go based on the image that I found I'm thinking this cost was off-balance is there no doorway or yeah I tried to break down the blocks and the curse I'm assuming these you can't affect any blocks I don't think there is a doorway all the cost being like the tutor non-member Chatham's I'm getting a little bit tilted people are just yelling at us to kill the Nagas like we're working on it we're trying our best Oh over there maybe the good Nagas and damn enough boys in a forest courtyard yeah it's an aboveground structure right if it helps I sent a picture of it oh I know where it is okay so the four so we need to go do is this way you guys I'm sorry I ventured out a little bit too far back at our base here I might I forgot yeah okay so our sort of ground zero where we need to go is that direction because that forest has the same identical trees if you look at the Internet's go that way we want to have fun that's very true it's cool to tell us where to go if we're looking for guidance but please don't I'm not get out of the box see ya that's all I'm saying that's the mods to Tainan any any crazy back seating oh these mushrooms it funk is that a unit for these mushrooms are cool oh this is really nice yeah dad do you see that yeah yeah I actually have one what is it uh it's a Firefly Firefly yeah oh they're cicadas that's so cool yeah okay it's like it's towards you like emits light well what if I hold this if I hold a firefly in my alt hand does it produce light it does what are these guys these guys huh is it singing what these guys yeah that's me Peter so cool yeah they're pretty neat I'll be waiting right here for you guys I'm gonna check out one thing really fast I see a well Jake can you put these in a jar you can like the cookie jar no there's this all guys yeah there's a crafting recipe with them oh you can make like little jars but then you make it light up yes III have a friend I want you guys to meet wait hold up I'm coming oh oh I don't want to be him yes Toby help me help me oh my god tell me when it has it has me hold on I'm coming to you guys stay right there don't move don't move don't move please oh god hey there everybody see failed oh no I found a Yeti oh oh we don't want to mess with that oh my god let me forget that what is that what is this monsters fighting the Yeti what is this would always go okay yeah I don't know there's some different type of wood so the yetis over here he throws you around oh my god hey why is ready yeah yeah okay J the way okay yeah that's canopy wood here that's interesting canopy would I want to take it we gotta take some of these woods back to our house and just build oh yeah Oh trees jeez the branches and stuff they're all like oh yeah you're right it's like it's like a proper like building fires trees do not appreciate being called thick even if it's a compliment alright okay so where we going okay I've fallen J what is this we authorized so I'm thinking these are the correct amount of trees if not we'll final eventually this is the only way that we can go that's not frozen yes yes I agree so I'm thinking these are the right trees we just kind of we just got a really fine there's no terror so far so it's gotta be a good sign you know yeah Oh bless you people warping around Oh what is that I see a wooden structure I think it's another um house we can read this is the right forest all were in the right zone now okay oh yes yes don't maybe think again oh yeah hold on a minute there's like a bunch of houses all just another Lynch area yeah there's gonna be there's a couple of those out there in Troy there's a whole there's a thing up here hello first of all turn around which house there's a spawner right here likely for a Z so which house up there I think wait is it is it's a literally okay you're at the house right now Castle I mean oh god okay right now we're at the at the little witch oh hello okay there's a guy in there and I don't like him oh it turns things into grass and oh I'm gonna die okay yeah right what's this there's milk in here and in food take that nice farmers market of yeah I have chicken stacked and cooked fish so I'm gonna grab all i'ma take the carrots and do you don't we got a poison right outside for you guys milk I don't need it right now okay I'm a digging yeah we need it all right let's keep going this way I mean it's about money yeah I'm thinking around here it should be close maybe beyond this little yeah I don't don't use the hookshot to keep up with people that way yeah yeah I'm using I don't really have a hook shots you guys I am lagging yeah one second we're like losing track yeah I see oh yes yeah yeah stay right where you are I don't know where you are but I'll find you in a second assume you're in the same box are you are you okay hey there yep it's coming this way okay yeah I'm at imagine we're loading like you know two worlds worth as new chunks so wait hey what the right I can't see anything yet I see brick oh it's just a half of like a broken structure oh there's a cave there's a cave over here I'm not you went straight first look where I am on the map that's I can't see the map you guys gonna see the map oh if you hole and it should be some button that you can use to open up the map hey I'm gonna use the grappling hook to get to the top of the trees the only white dog that's not with you guys there is a cave system huh I don't see any like meadow or something for the nagas mushrooms there is a cave system right here with light and it's lit up um where's right up here first I'm the only one shots in here yep there you are that's an effective method of making this happen yeah hello I don't know where that is though I see gasps there's a cave here and it's lit oh um so the caves are naturally lit by these um little flowers this flowers act as natural toys where are you guys right now okay okay Gavin I'm coming back towards you okay I'm sorry I see her yep we're all together so this is I guess not what we needed hmm let's keep looking around this biome we're just killing so many bands right we do these things drop like raw food they do they rob a venison goodbye you you are going to be useful meat wait does it show what kind of biome you're in right because if I if I if I killed Bambi while they're on fire they dropped better food yeah so the the biome that we were just in is the oak savanna this is the correct biome but I did what is this Laura what is this plan what is this course f3 it should show you the coordinates for our house I do everybody in the channel also by the way I'm sorry I'm weary after nations I'll do so at the end of the screen but someone did just say are we doing a final final fast stream together yes we are oh yeah yep on Friday we're all gonna be streaming on the same team oh there's a purple ramp yeah yeah I think staring at the distance though staring at me no way doesn't Island up there oh yeah it's pink what am i smelling I think it's very - lime houses are here the slime is already here silence okay there's a house over here so the second eye in the house [Music] okay we're losing track of each other here Oh coming back coming back all right oh this is another spawner house okay I imagine most houses here are gonna be naturally spawners let's make sure we're all together still so that way we like can continue progressing here so yes the biome that we were just in was the oak savanna which is where where the naga fight is but we didn't see one this biome I don't wanna leave the biome yet yeah this is what this kind of where we have to explore wait I thought you said we were in the right barn before we are yeah so I wait it out what we're in the right by them now um yeah what I think so far where are you right yeah okay you guys all stick together for Wu one second earth is this okay that's not true spooning gloss here um that's interesting okay let's talk about something for a second what's up there's a giant cloud in the sky giant cloud uns lay like a physical block cloud uh-huh yes yeah yeah apparently China's saying that's for later but it's apparently it's it's a super cool thing according to chat interesting so we're finding everything that we need to find but not in the right order okay here's an interview you guys stay right here for a second I'm gonna quickly make a waypoint there we should be using those waypoints more often so I'm just gonna you you guys can like explore this surrounding area for a second just so we all stayed together I'm just gonna quickly see if I can get up high hey I need a hook-shot really badly Oh phew I do have like a wooden one acid rain acid rain oh no that's a guy is a gob ow ow red goblin no it's only the blue ones seemed to be the the ones with books the prominent ones cloud in sky wonderful ring okay so that places the cloud in the sky surrounded by acid rain okay that makes sense oh it is acid rain wow there's a force five areas I didn't realize it was actually that yeah so virus is in I think you went straight jumping around Oh fun well naturally okay we can jump around by I wanna make sure we're gonna find people I'm sorry I have a quick thing I just found a purple tree Oh I'm gonna drown oh I live there I go out fires fail in the whale okay hold on where are you guys Boise Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay stop moving for a second all right okay do you see this purple tree uh I do see this purple tree yes look at this thing it's beautiful it's pretty quite nice it's quite nice dude you can get some serious momentum guy at the slime boots yeah no kidding okay so let's let's get everyone together and then we'll keep on progressing I found Jay I'm gonna look on my mini map if you guys hang around wherever you are for a second I should be able to find them on the top of the tree right now we're moving some away whoever's moving stop moving yeah you found you hello you okay okay so you're right here Jay is down right over there oh okay that's good greetings now where's virus that I should bunch of colorful trees hanging around here yeah hi guy Oh tree where are you okay - the giant tower to John's house delitzsch a derby Oh Alex our dallisa can be found the new one that was totally oh it's a bird by the way first I don't know I don't know what time it is in your time zone so oh yeah wait you you let me know when you want to pull the cord on this okay with it well I do want to find you first of all of course oh I found a house with a zombie deer skeleton yeah oh the minute only it's music the music just gets really intense yeah it's good okay thirsty you hotter oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die stop stop it yeah alright sir over this way any progress on these Nagas no well first of all they're trying this is going in a tit alright are we yelling do you are they are this J I'm right here what I need the glistering melon with uh it's for potions only oh oh I think it eat it no sorry first I lied alright so if I guy if you come over here we need to find you yeah there's mom I want a tree oh I see you failed yeah win that okay everyone get together here that's good thing for the member okay now all I did not mean to eat myself but we should go over this way anyway we have gab yep oh it first what when do you want to call it out really how old how much time playing with let's say locking up a half now okay I'll keep an eye on it oh yeah let's say like 26 minutes I'm like that at eight thirty thirty years all right cruising channel a bit lagging right now hey I mean we didn't do it a tff stream in proper last week so now we should we balance it out with like net agreed this week alright so we're in the trees we are we are in the very gradient forest one guess where that house was so yeah stay right here for a second baby make sure everyone's grouped up okay hey chat there's a way you can turn on a scoreboard that allows people to glow so you can it's like it so you can see the highlights of your teammates how do you do that it's really a really simple way of doing that cuz I'll build that right now that way it's easy to like see each other without any like struggle I know it's a thing it's all scoreboards I'm on a tree right now okay so far as to feel both gonna stand still because I'm gonna lose you guys gab do you know the house that you were you were like I'm almost gonna die you found the birds at next order go to that house okay this way that points try something real fast okay okay let me know when you're at that house be on the side where the water is I'm glowing oh there we go they're glowing what did you do I mean so now like we have a naturally glowing aura around us from the world how did you do that you know there was something you could do good man yeah now we actually have a way we can see each other make more of them III I use the command okay yeah I just use a command just make it a little bit easier yeah so now way okay I can't see virus though for summer yeah where is thanks well I'm like really high up look somewhere Oh got him he's in the tree oh yeah I was just uh scaling this tree wonders okay this is gonna be so much easier you get it really oh yeah oh you guys have fun of those trees I'll just beat ya sorry Amanda let's see slimes the radium for let's keep on heading over this way for now maybe this way well this thing is hard to find this is a command that we can like use at any time because this last for 50 minutes I can't make it last for as long as as long as I want wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait I see some stone structures in the distance wait this might be a oh I all good B this is striking a lot of familiar like memories to me is this clear doubt did we find it this is it [Music] yep deny God and this beautiful okay oh my God look at it is ready are we going for it yeah why not why do you do it baby let's take this thing down fair and square are you okay fires no oh my god oh Jenny how do we fight this thing how do we we're getting some parts on it already oh yeah I need a head is a pushover yeah this is so epic you like boss battle music for this here's some final thing all the grass [Music] [Applause] what did I do I'm yeah fires retail oh yeah oh here we go Naga skills wait that means we can we make almond with it oh definitely yes that's an achievement how many I'm the aunt how many time scouts to forget I got eat whatever like I could see this battle was hard but I'm not gonna lie to you guys this is probably like the tutorial pause I mean consider the first thing of like this four stage progression kind of thing oh yeah guys what's up your right arm and stuff with it no guy oh yeah oh I'm sorry but like look I'm sorry if I look at this look at the detailing in the world oh whoops hey buddy cool right family scales did you'll get one so will be to my ladybug friend all right hold on pullin Clarence give me a thank you oh hello there my friend I'm using them in these trying question oh hey hey you can you can make like a a tunic if you want sit oh no way put it put in the same formation as a sound word for here do you guys have a crafting table or show me I make one real quick okay so what do we need how does that help us get to the Lich Tower I don't know if it does but it's fire protection okay see I'm not really nava nava trophy did you get trophy I have a trophy in the stronghold oh where is it retro put a trophy on the pedestal and it won yeah I have the books with me yeah no it's a stronghold here we go um tendrils darkness protective spell this hold the scales and you can go there everyone has to hold the trophy for it to work a lot of people in chat with conflicting messages let's see do you everyone find a pedestal this pedestal seems to be the type that Knights they have to prove their strength obtaining a powerful there's a scepter placing a trophy associated with a powerful creature on the pedestal with yeah and that's what we go with another trophy so it sounds like we're off to a lich area you need to do the icy place before the stronghold so just do slash well on something I mean we had a stronghold almost near to our original house right is there anything else in this quarry yeah we did anything else in this courtyard that's worth I mean there's a bunch of beautiful like stone areas I'm taking the stone for myself ya know like look at all this like even as a whole this is a beautiful layout garden oh it's not a board its board open stronger that's different from the tower it's a stronghold I don't know I know yeah I don't know either it must be underground hold that we were gonna go into in that forest that we chose Natsu well you guys see that you guys see at the maze for a second I see see um some like fairy bottles in the distance I just want to look at these eventually glass bottles strung up around the trees Oh are these on likely leave like fireflies in jars that's what it's talking about there's naturally-occurring oh oh sorry yeah Oh when using the progression system of this Herrin regular blocks monsters inside the tower will be protected killing the Nagas and picking up one of the Nagas kills will dispel the protection on the cosmic power so we always go right in there to tell you so Dan's got the scale so that eliminates the protection on the castle person I think we each have to grab one yes a Don's got you guys want to head back to the main base and yes scout out we don't have to do it right now cuz where he's sort of low on time but we can at least get ourselves fixated for the next we got like we could so one thing I want to do this is a big area and I really don't want to rush through it mm-hmm what I would love to do is get back to the tower make sure it works and then last 15 minutes explore a little bit none of us remember to make waypoints I posted them in the chat um tell me what they are and we can we can make them make the play we're at negative fifty thirty four and negative 302 site this skeleton oh this poor lad now you're stuck in the water buddy you can look at me all you want your this is the life you're gonna live goodbye I'm doing the last moments of your fleeting life negative 302 right IDM there's some Talia because I says negative negative 302 negative 50 34 negative for your - okay let's agree to meet up there um I'm gonna stick with someone because I don't know how to no yeah well at all uh cuz you don't have um I mean we have a map yeah oh you don't have a map nope it should be eatable with like a certain hotkey I'm I'm just there all the time um okay hold on hold on I see you Jake noise Jay I got Jenna give you all right then my next day by the way I could tell this is you because I couldn't see legs on the model from the glow you think if I were flying I'd be able to go first number negative fifth negative 50/50 okay we're going this way Jay where is it oh that way okay and then the next quarter was the third coordinate the third one is negative three or two perfect okay so we're going on air is a lot of snow right there whoa whoa I got booted Oh I was wondering why you were standing still oh I did too oh I think I think the server's capsizing Oh God oh hold on hold on let me check that out can we join again no the server's running out of memory its upgradable I'll tell you that much with money I want to make you upgrade right now but like I would be totally down to do it for the next time that explains why we were lagging so much I could stand that I mean I would like to see if we can connect to I've restarted this I mean I mean that's why I print princess Twilight forest is a very big mulch oh yeah there's a lot of hefty stuff we were loading in there we'll see yeah the SMP live server icon is something beautiful don't worry about that okay I'm logging in all right okay okay I'm back in I'm back in if you all join in I'm gonna start to navigate okay I'm here I'm here we can join again okay Dan I'm right behind you music oh it's definitely it's chugging yeah don't worry I'll do it I think I'll do a full server upgrade for the next time yeah it's shocking harder rubber-banding I think it kicked you again once you're standing still today I'm moving technically I'm just robbed a bad day anyway no one's business come on server I believe in you you can do it when I kill this bird it won't die for another three seconds right yeah you are already the world [Music] okay so negative fit woo Lord I am rubber-banding good yeah yeah this isn't over Ben this is slingshotting oh wait first wasn't negative fifty right dude the server got the slingshot mod it's perfect yeah yeah how nice of him yeah by the base okay I might be at the base soon might be calm I was going the right way but then the game was like low nope okay j-just try and follow my little white blip on the map yeah I don't have a map again that okay you're right you're right I remind you oh my god let me in the house the slingshot is inconsistently reactivate the slingshot that's a what was the third coordinate through negative can I stop teleporting into Jess oh come on what is this okay cap site once we okay you don't get it try and do any edge I do we should all see if we can like get to the middle of the map somehow or you know get to the gift of the house like one at a time what we could I just pinned the coordinates what we could do is just once you upgrade we can then find a way to get back yeah yeah I'm gonna try one more time with starting the server and see if we can get anything out of it I'm not sure if he's in your Nikki about sorry virus I think it's a Nikki about if I go hello yes virus who lost them yeah he's gone he's on the call well uh maybe if one person goes in at a time yeah I'm in right now I'm gonna see here you know AJ if worse comes to worse I can teleport you that being said right now it's not lagging with one person online I can freely navigate to where I need to be virus is joining the game though all right I'm joining again the final coordinate was what J I'm gonna tell you it's a straight shot from where you were okay I can guide you in the right in like the right direction I'm now with virus this is the biggest obstacle is us trying to get yeah okay okay with the whirring fires right now are you now sharing the same chunks getting back home whoo-hoo all right J try and log on okay here I go J is logging on we're gonna bring you home we have overcome way worse than this okay the direction I should be facing is the west okay let me let me let me back that up you said it was a cache line no you want to be facing north so you work - 50 okay Chloe if you press f3 J mm-hmm all right you see that little car here your crosshair I see okay no I should be facing west if I want to get to negative 50 if I'm negative 50 okay oh I see one person coming in that's probably gab oh go against the blue okay I don't see where the blue is pointed go against that got it can fire us hear us oh just chord dieter yeah that make sense okay I'm heading in the right direction okay we are we are scrounging together the last moments of this let's play here for tonight don't put me all the way back okay ju-just stay right there I'm gonna see if I can I mean you you keep going this way but I see our house I see where we are I see the tower that we had let's go okay Oh finally home sweet home I see you feel bone whoa this is glow effect it's beautiful oh my god is love this all right good with shaders it's gorgeous let's all get together and get a big picture and that will be the that'll be the last moments here does anyone have any paper nope wait I think I have some we have a portal figures right homes yeah I got seven pages of paper photo virus okay hopefully here we'll just we'll just go around him for the photo hold on there's a hole in the face it's not ready okay perfect I was going to say fires go so it'll be coincidentally sink all right everyone gather around let's get on the roof of this thing you know what's hit the Lich Tower in the background are you kidding me yeah that'd be sick all right all right hop on our trophy I have to equip no you can't make out with the with the nagas no you can't there's a naugahyde yeah that's the trophy that I got oh that's beautiful let's put it actually in they'll put it on your head the trophy put it on your head put it can you put it on your head oh okay all right that works too okay well hold on you put on your head though extreme delay he won't be able to hear us and snow but no not you but Jay can you put the Nagas head on your head oh I don't have it fire sizes all fire skewed view cup that all there it is oh that's gross yep okay yep yep that's wonderful okay I can hear his laugh too like I know he doesn't let you know I can hear the ha ha ha okay all right fires get in front uh we're just gonna we're gonna get a get a big photo actually maybe you shouldn't be illegal Oh big head yeah everyone looks all messed up with the glow effect I could probably remove it here well done never mind it's removed never out we're gonna take a photo with the glow effect here we go uh there we go you guys jump three two one jump think I got it yay did I poop a photo oh that's cool oh that's actually a really good photo but suppose I am daisies all blurred but that's a really good organization there you put like can we have like a mantle that has all than like the heads at the trophies we get to like the nagas head they going home oh please in our house check how do I turn off the yes the the toomanyitems thing holy how do I turn off too many items oh I want to get a good photo this say you move there you go well no one's seen anything so if it's my disabled it that seems like too much extra work I figured there was like some sort of hotkey I could press hey there gab oh my god if I was gonna die good alright control W I'm scared of all these things people were suggesting I'm not gonna lie alright hey everybody thank you all for watching to next step whatever feel like doing we're gonna do some quick plug in before I read off some sponsorships so uh J go my name is J I do YouTube content and a few months which every other day on Twitter on TV for size J emoji okay bye okay gap go hi I'm tuned videos and I'm probably gonna stream splatfest okay bye fires you're a bit early but now fires go I subscribe to virus okay baby perfect good stuff good stuff good stuff I'm fail bow you're already here I'm feel free to continue being here I mean I'm gonna leave the stream so like I'd rather if you joined in the raid that I'm about to do but uh yes minecraft section missus train was also you know five hours long I was so I hope you guys always keep remembering stay hydrated and that you're wonderful people you know like good stuff also I hate you all from Mario Party we are going we're gonna find a person to raid and then that will be the god it feels like my old Minecraft days talking to people in chat oh great what did you call me cute are oh wait that's crafting your inventory and then press are oh no but it in the chests oh my god there should be like buttons on the top right Nagas head here nevermind hmm we stay there we gotta leave before okay uh here I'm gonna do the the radom first of all why everybody think go for watching I'm gonna throw you on over to a twitch rate the person we're gonna be reading today is foxing I've no idea what the content it's like no idea who they are drop some hearts in their chat though they look like a wonderful gamer oh thank you for watching and you are all beautiful BAM see you around everybody no way I'm not gonna say I have to read off donations I'm an idiot oh okay I'm reactivations real fast here we go thank you guys um Thor the strongest Avenger gotcha videos are in more sometimes eighteen Louis Kiran Gerard Gerald super dude Reaper SG I can't breathe eighty four twice awesome gaming infinite hoopla Agent Prado sad man CAG man seven seven seven caliber and then we got members new members coming through watching the stream is supporting two spirits of fails in chat because it's our cue and welcome microwave kool-aid skip the tutorial or Lord DJ dead fish Thank You India go to feel free ok bye everybody woo
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 51,428
Rating: 4.9479394 out of 5
Keywords: failboat, fyrus, ggabrielgaming, jaymoji, the failing four, Minecraft, Ep 11
Id: 0q5q1H0ApeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 29sec (5549 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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