Enter the Realm || Fantasy Orchestral Soundtrack || Music for reading fantasy adventure books
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Channel: Sianna
Views: 43,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fantasy, soundtrack, myth, siana, sianna, orchestral, uplifting, game music, anime music, orchestra, fantazy, music, music for games, film music, relaxing, cinematic, ambience, ambiance, ambiant, ost, mythical, composer, studying, music for reading, adventures, orchestration, forest, medieval, elven music, elves, tavern, tavern music, celtic, celtic music, booktube, fantasy adventure, castle, royal, dark academia, light academia, beautiful music, music for adventures, on the path, travel, Abundance
Id: ufoweKsrBHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 29sec (89 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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