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Hi everyone, since its release, Enshrouded has been second only to 'Palworld’on the Steam bestseller list. At launch, the game received “mixed” Steam reviews due to connectivity issues, but thanks to the dev's quick response, it has now risen to “overwhelmingly positive” reviews. Even under the shadow of 'Palworld' a once-in-decades gaming phenomenon, Enshrouded has proven its excellent survival and building gameplay, attracting more and more players. I've now clocked in over 120 hours in Enshrouded and want to share some insights with fellow adventurers, hoping to help you avoid some pitfalls and enhance your gaming experience. Combat Tips Enshrouded offers a rich skill tree, with some skills particularly useful in the early game. For melee, I recommend unlocking the jump attack. The heavy attack upon landing not only has a wide range, but also includes a knockback effect, which is very useful when facing multiple enemies alone. This is especially true for wild animals like wolves and boars, which can't attack upwards - continuously jump attacking keeps them at bay. Thus, the jump attack is an excellent offensive and defensive move, the legendary 'Dugu Nine Swords.' Additionally, unlocking the double jump is useful, as you often need to climb in Enshrouded. This greatly enhances your exploration capabilities. When building your base, the double jump perfectly matches the common 4-meter wall height in blueprint presets, greatly facilitating construction. The skill tree also unlocks various abilities, like increasing hang time during mid-air archery, stealth movement speed, etc. You can customize your build according to your needs. You two are nuts In the early stages, The wands are quite useful for ranged attacks, with fast shooting speed and unlimited ammo. They are effective even for melee-focused players. However, the trajectory of the wand is arc-shaped, so there's a range where it can't hit enemies – something to keep in mind. I think this is a great design feature. If you're struggling with a monster or boss, you can also use the magic wand from a higher position, turning into an outsider. Nana has mastered this tactic to perfection. The large Vukah might be the first challenging boss most players encounter. However, once you figure out its pattern, it's quite simple. If you attack it from a distance with ranged weapons, it will fly towards you. You can avoid its charge by running towards it as it shows signs of charging. The key here is not to be greedy with attacks and be ready to run, nd not to use roll to dodge, as rolling won't get you out of its charge range. If you're playing in a group, you can try different tactics. Let's first see how the boss reacts. It fell down! What will it do? Come on down~ Pal? Throw the ball Both Boss Dead Some players might place a Flame Altar near a boss spawn point for easy teleportation. But remember, if the building range of the Flame Altar covers the boss's respawn point, the boss won't respawn. Survival TIps In the vast open world of Enshrouded, I recommend prioritizing NPC-issued tasks over random exploration in the early game. These tasks are well-designed, transitioning you from low to high-level areas naturally. By completing these tasks, you gradually improve the NPCs' crafting abilities, unlocking relevant recipes at each game stage to enhance your experience. For example, unlocking the Eternal Spell at the Alchemist, making your cane basic attacks ammo-free, or unlocking the Carpenter's Magic Box, which allows resources placed inside to be used globally within the Flame Altar. This prevents regrets like our viewer friend had. Following up on that, the unique tools you recover for NPCs through tasks can be used to craft new facilities and also serve as decorations. For example, the crucible you find for the blacksmith is used to make a Smelter, and once the furnace is built, the crucible disappears. But once the crucible recipe is unlocked, you can craft another one and display it, purely as decoration but also as a record of your journey. When exploring the wild, walking on roads grants a 'Smooth Sailing' buff, speeding up your movement. Following roads often leads to exploration points like town ruins. But you'll gather fewer resources on roads, so use them wisely. If you get lost in the fog, don't panic. Find a road – it generally leads out of the foggy area, and lights will automatically guide you near roads. This subtle guiding design is excellent. Moreover, you can create roads in your base using the terrain tool for a movement speed bonus. floors created with building tools, no matter how road-like they appear, don't provide this bonus. When adventuring in the foggy areas, you will slowly lose SAN points, which you'll need to manage. You'll find that in some foggy areas, your SAN points may drop instantly, causing on-the-spot death. These areas are marked in red on the map, indicating that the level of miasma resistance required is higher than what you currently possess. You will need to strengthen your Spirit Fire to increase your miasma resistance to enter these areas. Even if you force your way through the red fog using the game's voxel world features, you'll face enemies much higher than your current level, making progress difficult. Thus, the red fog areas actually serve as a protective mechanism, and you should really stay in your current area and try to strengthen your Flame Altar. Being able to defeat the bosses required for strengthening the Flame Altar also indicates that you're ready to face the world across the red fog areas. The flax and other flowers you gather in the wild are commonly needed materials for crafting various items. Instead of using them directly, you can convert these flowers into more seedlings through the planting box for mass cultivation. The same goes for edible crops like corn and tomatoes. Although these take time to grow, you can enjoy a leisurely farming and gardening life, which is good for self-cultivation. The game has a very diverse range of materials, and sometimes they appear in unexpected places. So, when you come across something new, try using a pickaxe to dig a few times. You might obtain some advanced materials. When unlocking the Ancient Spires, you're required to solve various puzzles and mechanisms inside to open the security doors. If you really don't want to solve them, you can take a brute force approach and blow the doors open with explosives or barrels. Or, you could even temporarily build a staircase next to it, taller than the tower itself, and fly directly to the top to unlock it. In multiplayer mode, as long as one person activates the tower, everyone benefits. But then again, it might be faster to solve the puzzles. During tower climbing or exploring ruins, you'll frequently encounter locked chests, so it's best to carry a few lockpicking tools. However, note that crafting a lockpicking tool yourself costs two pieces of scrap iron, while having the blacksmith make it for you only costs one. That's half the price, and scrap iron is a resource in high demand in the early game. Therefore, it's best to leave specialized tasks to the professionals. Regarding obtaining scrap iron, there's a small town ruin called Rookmore nearby the starting point, which you can quickly reach from the Springlands Ancient Spire By fighting the creatures and breaking things inside, you can gather quite a lot of scrap iron. If you place a Flame Altar nearby and restart the game, everything respawns, allowing for farming. Many friends on our forum also ask where to find amber. If you open the map, there's a Shroud Root to the upper left of the Revelwood Ancient Spire After cutting it down, you'll see an amber vein next to it. You can dig it all up and take it home. There are other amber veins in the cave, so you can look around for more. After building a grand house and witnessing beautiful scenery, you might sometimes want to take a photo for keepsake. In such cases, press the Esc key and select 'Hide HUD' to remove all interfaces for a cleaner screenshot. Construction Tips Thanks to the item stacking feature, aside from voxel-based building, you can also use windows to construct a wall, and it looks great. Our Goldblade Town also has many applications of windows for walls and doors, which I'll introduce in the showcase video in Goldblade Town. Of course, aside from windows, actually, anything can be used to build walls. Anything can be used as flooring, it's all about your imagination. In Enshrouded, if you remove something from the bottom, the object above it will remain floating in place. You can use this feature creatively. Different building materials not only have different appearances and attributes, but also different hardness levels, and some materials cannot be destroyed by explosives. So, during multiplayer activities, you can use this to your advantage, for example, it doesn't matter if you're building a temporary structure, but for something you want to keep like a maze, you should use harder materials. When you're AFK at your base for a while, it's generally considered safe. However, if your base is too well-greened with many trees planted, there's a very small chance that a swarm of bees might sting you. This means that if you return from AFK to find yourself downed, it might not necessarily be the work of your teammates. The culprit could also be bees. It's unclear if scarecrows have any effect in preventing bee attacks. Multiplayer Tips Now, a few tips for multiplayer mode. On the server list page, you might occasionally encounter problems searching for a specific server. First, check the search filter on the right side of the screen to see if any options are incorrectly selected. Alternatively, you can add Steam friends. People already in the server can use the Steam friend invite feature to invite their teammates over. Once you find the server, click the star next to the server name to add it to your favorites, so it always appears at the top. As mentioned earlier, items placed in the 'Spell Chest' can be used globally anywhere, which is very convenient. But in multiplayer mode, anyone can use them globally. So, your personal items should still be kept in regular chests and well-hidden. Currently, there's no feature to lock chests in the game; I'm not sure if I just haven't unlocked the relevant recipe yet. If it truly doesn't exist, it feels like an issue that needs addressing, and I hope it will be added in future updates. Also, there's no text chat or emotive actions in multiplayer mode right now, so communication is challenging unless you use a third-party chat application like we do. This area also needs improvement. In a previous review video, I showed a 16-player cooperative connection. Some viewers felt that playing alone might not be as fun. But on the contrary, 'Enshrouded' is most interesting and allows for the best experience of the complete game content when played alone or in a small group. Otherwise, with a dozen people swarming, many recipes get unlocked by others before you even realize, and suddenly there are many unexplained items from NPCs, leading to a confusing experience. So, when joining a server with strangers, it's best not to use your main character. If their game progress is much higher than yours, you'll passively unlock many late-game elements, ruining the experience. A 16-player co-op is more suitable for group fun and various interesting activities, as many items and mechanics in 'Enshrouded' are quite suitable for hosting various joyful sports events. Lastly, the famous game map information website, MapGenie has also updated the map for 'Enshrouded'. The website address will be written in the video description. Here, you can filter and view various caves, ore veins, treasure chests, notes, etc. But using such a tool, for some people like me, might greatly reduce the joy and surprise of exploration, so use it with caution according to your preference. Okay, that's all for the beginner tips for 'Enshrouded'. Watching this along with the review video I released last time should help you avoid many early frustrations and make your adventure more interesting. Alright, that's all for this video, thanks for watching, and see you in the next video.
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Id: pCFalIbwABM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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