Ensaymada | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

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In our homes, the father is usually the breadwinner of the family. He is the pillar of the home and the source of strength of his wife and kids. But there are times that the father is the first one to give up. Tonight, a letter sender opened her life to us to serve as an inspiration. She shared about the things she and her family experienced when destiny challenged the strength of their father. [fast beat music playing] [indistinct chattering] Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! Turn around! Hey. Hold on, guys. Kardo, Kardo, Kardo. Kardo, come here for a second. -I want the bread. -Yes, I know. Come here, come here, come here. Guys... please don't make fun of him, you know he's mentally ill. No, it's not like that. Because of this crazy guy, you're going to spoil the fun? Yeah, he's right! No, I'm not spoiling your fun. I'm just saying, what if you're in his situation? What if someone makes fun of you, too? It doesn't feel good, right? How arrogant! Are you picking a fight with us? Is that what you want? I don't want to fight with you guys. -I'm just saying... -Dad, Dad. -Dad, we're waiting for you. -Dear. Uh... -Come on, let's go. -Okay. I'll go ahead, Fred, Ping, Reuben. Bye, Sir Fred! We'll go ahead. -You can have this. -[yelps] -Come on, let's go. -Thank you! You're lucky your daughter came. Hey, let's dance again next time. Come on, let's go. He spoiled the fun. He spoiled the fun! -Give me a shot! -Let's just sing! -He got lucky his daughter came. -Give me a shot. Dad, did you have a fight with Uncle Fred? No, dear, we just had a little misunderstanding. You know... they're making fun of Kardo. I feel bad for him. To think that they know he has mental disorder. People like Kardo should be treated special 'cause they're ill. Always remember that, okay? People like Kardo should be treated in a special way and should not be mocked. My dream is to leave this place with our family. I want to give you guys a better home. Don't worry, Dad. I promise I will study hard so I can help you achieve your dreams. I believe what you said 'cause you're smart. Of course, I got it from you! Stop flattering me! Here... I brought you food. -Is this ensaymada munggo? -Ensaymada munggo! All right! Thank you, Dad. Dad is here! He brought food for us! Hello, Dad. Bless you. Look, we have ensaymada munggo! Hon! All right! Ensaymada munggo? Wow, that's my favorite. It's everybody's favorite. Hello, Dear. -Mom, look, ensaymada munggo. -My goodness. You should've given me the money instead so we can buy dinner later. I don't have money. I already spent the money I earned from doing laundry. Dad, your slippers. You're the best! Mom, that's okay. Ensaymada munggo is fine for dinner. That's our favorite, anyway. So, how's school? Everything is fine, Dad. All of my grades are 90 up. You really are amazing! How about you, Robert, any news? Him? He failed two subjects. What happened? Didn't I tell you to study well? Dad... I'm studying well. But there are lessons that I can't understand. I think I should stop going to school. I will work to help you and Mom. I won't allow it! You're going to graduate! How can you find a good job if you're not a graduate? You're going to end up like me. I won't allow it! Dad... You finished school until Grade 2 only. But I studied until high school. Maybe I can find a better job-- I said you're going to finish your studies! Do you understand me? If you're having a hard time, you should ask help from Dang! You're going to graduate! Dad... don't be mad. My birthday will be next week, right? You should avoid getting angry. Oh, that's right. Your birthday will be next week. We're going to have an outing! There you go again. Stop spending money. Can we just save the money? I need to do this. The first teacher of the Dangculos family should be happy on her birthday. -Happy birthday, Dear! -Thank you, Dad. [Charo] Dear Charo, when I was a kid, I always hear that our place is like a can of sardines. We are crowded and our houses are cramped. That's why our resources are not enough. Water, electricity, facilities, food and even hope. But that's the only thing our family has. Because we are blessed to have an exemplary father. Watch your step! Paddle your hands and feet! Do it firmly so you won't sink. Oh, oh, oh! Hey! Dear. Your feet should paddle fast so you won't drown. Listen. Not all the time, there's a hand that will hold and guide you. Dad, can you hold me forever? Of course. Dang, you're bending your knees. -I'll show you how it's done. -All right. Like that! You have your scholarship, but in swimming... you can't outdo me. Robert, don't be so complacent. Just because you're strong, doesn't mean you're going to be fine all the time. There will always be a strong wave that will come your way. [Dang] Now what? And you still need someone to hold on to. It's your turn, dear. Show your brother that you can swim. Okay. Go, Dad! -Go! -All right, go! Kids! [Ete] Your mom's calling us. [Charo] We're full of hope before. But our life became more challenging as days pass by. [dramatic music playing] The end of month is getting near. The debt collector will come soon. We don't have money to pay for the land. What if... they kick us out of our house? Hon, that won't happen. I will give you my salary next month. How about our loans? Our debts are getting bigger. Um... I will find a way tomorrow to pay for the loan. That's what I've been telling you. You shouldn't have spent the money for the outing. Look, we're having a hard time finding money. Hon, that only happens once in a while. But the smiles that I saw in our kids' faces while we're on the beach, those are priceless. At least we forgot about our problems for a while. Isn't that relieving? Right? And then... what? Another problem again? Do our kids have allowance for tomorrow? All right, then. I will find a way. I will collect money tomorrow morning. [Charo] Dad doubled his efforts in his job. Most of the time, he's not eating. And to save money, he comes home once a week. He did everything to save money so that he can buy our needs. He works hard like he has to feed ten families. He didn't even eat lunch. I'm fine. Go ahead! Thank you. -Eat first! -You might get sick. [man] Look, you're tired. Dad. -Dad! -Dad! -Dad! -Dad! Dad! Hi, dear. Dad. Dad. I missed you all. You were gone for a long time. Hon... Can you buy dinner? So you can all eat. [Dang] Robert, buy some food. Dad looks really tired. For sure he hasn't eaten yet. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just tired. I'm just tired. Pay for our debts also. Okay. [Pion] Take care. Dad. Dad, look. I got a perfect score. I'm the highest in our class. Dad, wear your slippers. Here. Do you want me to remove your shoes? [dramatic music playing] Hon, what's wrong? I'm going to pee. [footsteps] [pensive music playing] [Pion] Hon? -Hon, what's wrong? -Hon! What is it? Robert! Robert! Robert! Close the windows. Lie down! Go! Lie down! [shushes] [Pion] Lie down, kids. -What's happening? -[shushes] [in low voice] There are armed men outside. They want to kill me. [suspenseful music playing] Those armed men... Why do they want to hurt you? A rebel is trying to extort two million pesos from my boss. Now, my co-workers are putting the blame on me. They say that I'm working with the rebels. I think my boss believed that rumor, and that's why he wants me dead. All of us. He wants us dead. But believe me, Pion. Trust me, I can't do that. I can't do such thing. Hon... Those armed men last night... were you able to recognize their faces? [Ete] Yes. Of course. [Pion] Let's tell the police. Who are they, hon? It's Fred, Ping, and Reuben. Fred? Ping? -Aren't they our neighbors? -Yes, they are one of them. I'm telling the truth. I saw them myself. Pion's lying. In fact, we were just sleeping in our houses last night. You can ask our families, if you want. That's right, Captain. He's telling the truth. But they fought with my husband the other day. They even threatened him. We're just drunk that time, Pion. That doesn't mean anything. [Fred] Yes, he's right. Pion... Why don't you bring your husband here? He can help us clear this out. And if he's telling the truth, we can report it to the higher officials. [Reuben] You're right, Captain. It's better that way. [Pion] But how can we take them to the police if we don't have evidence against them? No matter what evidence you show to the police, they'll still believe in them. Ping knows prominent people to back them up. That's why the police will surely take their side. Not us. But we can't stay here forever, hon. How about our jobs? Our children's studies? Don't worry, hon. I'll figure something out. -Ete. -Hey. Susan? Kokoy? Tonyo! -Ete. -[Pion] I told them to visit so that they can help us. How are you, Ete? Is it true, what Pion said? Does someone really want you dead? [Kokoy] I know someone from the police. I'll try to ask them. They can help us. Get down! Get down! Get down! Everybody, get down! Tonyo, get down! Keep the kids safe! Tonyo, don't stand! -There's a sniper! -You'll get hurt, Tonyo! Tonyo, there's a sniper! I said there's a sniper, Tonyo! They're here! Get down! I said get down! Someone's going to shoot you! -Get down! -But there's no one out there! -No! -No one's out there. I can see them! They're right there! I can see an army of men going down a helicopter! -Tonyo, I can see them! -No one's out there! -They're all over the place! -Ete! They'll kill me! They'll kill us all. Ete... Kokoy... Tonyo... Where will you take me? It's dangerous for me to go out. Someone's going to kill me. They're all waiting outside. Didn't you see them? Didn't you see them? Let's go, Ete. -Where... -Let's go, Ete. I said where will you take me? Ete, we'll take you somewhere safe. We'll make sure no one will hurt you there. -Come with us, Ete! -I don't want to go! -I don't want to go! -Come on, Ete. You'll be safe, Ete. -I don't want to go! -[Susan] Just go with them! I don't want to go! -What are you doing to me? -Come with us! -Dang! -Dad! Dad! -Dad! Dad! -Dang! -Dang, that's enough! -Robert, grab your sister! Leave your Dad to us! -Dad! -Leave him to us! -He's not sick! -Dang, that's enough! Dad! Dad! -Dad! -Dang! Dang! Dang, stop it! They'll bring Dad to a specialist. -Dad! -Dang! -Robert! -Dang! Dad! Dad! -Dad! -Dang! -Dad! Dad! -Dang! Where do you think you're going? Children are not allowed here. They took my dad away, sir. Please let me in. -Dang, please. -I'm sorry, but I can't. Only those who are 18 and above -are allowed here. -But my dad is not sick! -I'm sorry! -Dad! Dad! -Dad! -Dang, that's enough. Dad! Don't worry. They will treat Dad here. -Let's go. -Robert, our Dad... Your father is mentally ill. The doctor said he couldn't have taken our problems well. That's why he had a breakdown. Dad is not sick. [Pion] Dang... I've got plenty of things to worry about, dear, please don't add some more. I don't even know what to do. I don't know how I can raise you all. Now that your father is sick, he cannot work. If only you didn't send him to a mental hospital, then you wouldn't have to worry about anything right now. Dang. Dang! My goodness. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how am I going to pay off all our expenses here at home. Aside from your daily allowance, your studies, your father's medicines... My... my laundry job can't cover for all of it. It's not just enough to make both ends meet. -Mom. -I might have a breakdown, too. Mom... I'll stop going to school. I'll find a job so I can help you. Where's Mom? She went out. I think she's not in herself today. She said she couldn't find any laundry job. By the way, I'm not going to school starting tomorrow. I will look for a job. But didn't Dad tell us-- Dang, Dad is not with us! I don't know who's more stupid, you or me? Can't you see our situation? Mom needs my help and I won't let our siblings die from hunger. And also for Dad's medicines, so he can get better. I thought you wanted him out of that facility. I told you, Dad doesn't need those medications. Dang, when will you accept the situation? Dad is sick. If you don't want to do anything to help our family, then fine. But I'm going to do something for Mom and our siblings. [Charo] Robert dropped out from school. As for me, I looked for a job, too. I worked and studied simultaneously No matter how hard it is, I endured it just to help our family. Dear? Dang? -Dad? -What happened to you? -Why do you look like that? -Dad! Dad! What happened, dear? Stop crying. Hush now. Hush now, dear. [Pion] Drink your medicine. Hon, I don't need that. It may be bad for my health. The doctor said that you should continue to drink your medicine. It's for your own good. Come on. So, how's school? Dad... I already dropped out of school. I am working now. Robert, why did you do that? Didn't I tell you that your only responsibility now is to study? You shouldn't be working already! Is that hard to understand? Tell me! Dad, please. Don't treat Robert like that. He has been a big help to me. Please. [Charo] We still tried to live a normal life, Charo. Dad slowly recovered from his mental illness. Two years have passed, but our situation did not change. Dad may have found new work, but it's still not enough for us to get up to poverty. They cannot fire me just like that. I will prove to them that I don't work for the rebels. I will prove that to them! I will prove that to them! -Dad! -Get away from me! I am a worthless father. I only make your lives miserable. I am a worthless father! I am worthless! I am worthless! Dad, that's not true. You never failed to provide for us. You love us so much, Dad. And we also love you. [suspenseful music playing] -Dad! Dad! Dad! -[Ete] Get away from me! Get away from me! Now! Get away from me! Now! Get away from me! Why don't you leave me alone? Leave me alone! [Robert] Dad! Dad! [Dang] That's enough, Dad! [clamoring] I will not back down! You thought I will back you down! -[man] What is he talking about? -Don't come near! Get down here so I can hit you! I am not afraid of you people! -[man] Get down here! -Try to come close! -Dad! -Try to come near! Dad! Stop, please! -Stop! -[man 2] Don't go there! [Dang] Dad? Let's go home. Dad, Come on. Dad, stop. -Dad... -Hon! Send your husband to the mental hospital. -He could kill us all! -I agree! [Dang] My Dad won't do that! Dad... Dad... -Let's go home, Dad. -Dad... -Dad... -Dad... Dad! -Stop, please. -Dad... Once Dad is discharged here, we need to return him to the mental hospital. Robert... What is it now? You're going to go against it again? You will insist that he is not insane. Dang, Dad's mentally ill. What do you want him to do to make you believe? You want to see him kill himself? You want him to hurt us? Tell me, Dang. What else do you want him to do? Tell me. [melancholy music playing] [Dang] Dad. Please get well soon, okay? So you can go home soon. Even if I'm not allowed to visit you, Mom will always visit you. I will always pray for you, Dad. Don't worry, Dad. I'll take care of our family. I will support and protect them. [somber music playing] [man] Nurse. Mom, how's Dad doing? I wouldn't be able to visit him tomorrow. I have tons of laundry to do. I wouldn't be able to visit him tomorrow. I might not get home early. But, Mom, how about Dad? [Charo] It's as if my Mom had already lost hope. So the responsibility of taking care of my father weighed on my shoulders. I'm my Mom's substitute. I'm sorry. Only those who are 18 and above are allowed here. But I'm already 16. I can handle myself. My Dad might get depressed. He would probably think that we forgot about him that's why we no longer visit. It might worsen his condition. Please. [pensive music playing] Dear... Mom! I don't like it here. Mom. [Ete] I don't understand why... they are so noisy. They are very noisy. Right, dude? It's deafening. The noise is deafening. They're too loud. Someone's here. Be quiet. Don't say a word. Ever since then, I could freely visit my father every day. Dad... will it be okay if I go home for now? I have exams tomorrow. I can't study because of the noise. Will that be okay with you? Please visit me again, okay? Don't forget about me. Because your Mom... and your brother... they have forgotten about me. They don't visit me anymore. Please return, okay? Of course, Dad. I will. Why would I forget about you? And they haven't forgotten about you, too. They just happen to have a lot on their plate. That's why you're my favorite. [woman] Why did you do that? My daughter, why? I am begging you, please help us! They killed my daughter! Dado... Dado... Dado... Dado... Dude... Dude... Dado... -Dado... -Dad? Ouch! They're so noisy! -Dado! Dado! -Dad, I'm here. Dado? Dado? -Dad. -Dado? Dado? Dado. Dado. Dado. Dad, we love you so much. -Dado! -Dad. [Charo] Because of what I saw, I couldn't leave my father's side, Charo. I was afraid that he would try to kill himself. Although it was difficult on my part, I stayed in the mental hospital most of the time. Especially, since my Mom got tired of visiting Dad. [dramatic music playing] All my efforts of visiting my Dad didn't go to waste. Eventually, he got better... until he was checked out of the mental hospital. Hon... is this feast for me? It's for you, Dad. And for me as well. I just graduated high school! Hon, look! I'm so proud of you. I'm really proud! Dad, I also got a college scholarship. Really? Didn't you say you can apply for a dorm? Yes. It's not going to cost much. Then go for it. I can't just leave you here. I know that you still need me to help out here. Don't worry about us. We can handle this. You should take care of yourself. Mom's right, Dang. If you stay in a dorm, you'll be able to concentrate. Unlike when you're here. You need it for your scholarship. [Charo] At that moment, everything felt like all was falling into place. Eventually, I got into college because of my scholarship. In the end, I decided to stay in a dormitory. Now? Okay. Of course, I want to save my family. I'm going to light it. I have to use a candle? -Dad! Dad! -So I can burn this... Mom, Robert, Dad is doing something! -What is this, Dad? -Dear... No, it's Dado. -We have to burn the house. -No! We're not going to burn anything. No! There are demons here. There are none. Let's go inside. They will kill you! -Dad, no. -I'm not going to allow it! -Get the candle! -No! -Dang, get the candle! -Blow it! -Let me! -Dad! What's wrong with you? There are demons here. -Don't make me go inside. -Dad, let's go. The demons will kill us! -Robert... -Dad, there are no demons. -What's wrong with you? -[Pion] There are no demons! [Ete] There are demons! My friend Dado told me! It's Dado! Dado told me! There are demons. They will kill all of us. -[Pion] Ete, that's enough! -They will kill us! -[Ete] Hon! -[Pion] Ete, that's enough! [Charo] After what happened, I decided not to have a dorm. Dad became worse. Because I refuse to send him back to the mental hospital, I had to give him extra care. You must eat all of this. You need to eat a lot. How come you no longer have the scholarship? Mom... my grades didn't make the cut. I'm always absent whenever Dad acts up. Really, Dang? You need that scholarship to finish college! I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't want it to happen. It's just that Dad needs me, too. That's the problem with you. It's always about Dad! But why not? He was a good father to us. It's easy to say, right? You're the favorite. You're the achiever. But with me? What am I to him? I'm the dumb one. I'm slow. Huh? But he never appreciates that I'm working hard to provide for this family. That I'm taking the responsibility that should have been his! [Pion] Stop it. Stop it, both of you. This is about you, Dang. You neglected your studies. You failed your father. You failed your father! Why me? What were you doing? You failed him, too! You were the first to fail him ever since you gave up on him. You always blame Dad. That we didn't get the life you want for us because Dad got sick! I tried to fill in for you when you couldn't take care of him. Even when it was difficult for me. I did it, anyway. I did it because I love Dad. And you, Dad... why won't you drink your medicine? Don't you want to be well again? Have you given up on being our Dad? Dad, please fight for us. Or even just for yourself. You might be surprised that everyone around you is already drowning. [somber music playing] Didn't you teach me swimming so I can save you when you drown? But why aren't you letting me? Don't you want to fight? Don't you love us? Because we love you so, so much. So, Dad, please fight for us... even just a little. Give a little fight. Dang... I'm sorry I got jealous because you're Dad's favorite. Because you're the one he always talks about. He always brings home ensaymadang munggo for you, yet no matter how much I love ensaymadang ube, I never really got any. But, Dang... I understand now why Dad treated you like that. Because you remained strong. You never let go. You never turned your back on Dad. But I'm also starting to feel weak. I've been waving my arms around, but nothing's happening. I'm still in the water. Don't worry, I won't let you drown anymore. Starting today, I will always be here for you, okay? Even without your scholarship, I'll work hard so you could finish college. Okay? Children. Look, your Mom gave me some money. I will buy you some ensaymadang munggo. What's wrong? We hope you'll get back to normal, Dad. Because sometimes, you seem okay enough. Well, what am I now? You're okay for now, Dad. How do I act... when I'm not okay? You don't act like yourself. You don't recognize us. And you hurt yourself, like you don’t want to be here anymore. And how do I act... when I'm okay? You're kind, hardworking, cheerful, a loving husband and father to us. And most of all, Dad, you love us, your family. Is it all right, that when I'm not okay, can you pretend like I am, even if I'm not? Is that all right? I promise, I'll go back there soon, where I'm okay, where I'm normal. Because... Because I love you all so much. Is that all right? Huh? Let's go. Let's go! Come on! -Let's swim! Mom, come with us. -Let's go! -Mom, come on. -Mom, you're not coming? [Pion] Just go ahead. The water's fine. Dear. It's like I don't know how to swim anymore. Dad. Just hold my hand, okay? I'll take care of you now. [Charo] From that moment on, we faced all challenges together as a family. The love and care we've given Dad paved the way to make him better. He tried to fight for our family. Not much later, he went back to work again. And little by little, our family went back to normal, until we're able to escape the kind of life we lived packed like a can of sardines. Respectfully yours, Dang. Most of the time, parents can be seen strong for their children. But there are times it's the children who should stand up and encourage their parents. This kind of help and love for one another will keep a home whole and strong. This has been Charo Santos. Good evening, Kapamilya.
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 2,803,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, July 11 2022, 20220711online, YT0pCarlo, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, drama family, family drama, true story drama, MMK Full episodes, Ensaymada MMK, format:fullepisode, type:digital, vertical:drama, series:MaalaalaMoKaya, #MMKEnsaymada, person:Kathryn Bernardo, person:Philip Salvador
Id: uSz9ObOZ8sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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