Enoch's Journey to the Lake of Fire (Book of Enoch Explained) [Chapters 17-18]

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In today’s installment of the Book of Enoch,  we’ll be taking a look at the events after   Enoch has served both the Watchers  and the Nephilim with their sentences.   Not only is he seemingly lifted  up into the heavens by the angels,   perhaps a reward for his good work, but he is also  shown the more desolate places in the universe   including an ominous barren land, a prison for  the angels and of course, the great lake of fire.  But before we get stuck into the nitty  gritty of Enoch journey, I’d like to   talk to you about the sponsor of today’s video  Call of War - a free online PVP strategy game.  In Call of War, you get to play as various  nations in WW2 and do battle against up to   100 other players as you fight to  control territories. 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This offer  is only available for a month, so don’t hesitate!  After the judgement of both the Watchers and the  Nephilim, we see Enoch rather unceremoniously   snatched from the earth, presumably by  the angels under God’s instructions,   where he is taken to a place of darkness.  There, he bears witness to a strange   set of beings - those who appeared like  flaming fire, but that when they wished,   could also appear as men. Unfortunately, he  does not elaborate on what these beings were,   nor do the angels who have taken him appear to  explain it to him either. All he tells us is,   “And they took and brought me to a place in which  those who were there were like flaming fire,   and when they wished, they appeared as men.” With  this, one might speculate that these were spirits,   or perhaps, damned spirits given that  they were held in this place of darkness.   It might also be suggested  that these were the Seraphim,   those who were high ranking angels that  were also dubbed as the ‘fiery ones.’   We had already seen Enoch encounter  a cherub before meeting with God,   so it would not be so outlandish to think  that Seraphim were within his reach too.  Enoch continues, “And they brought me to the place  of darkness, and to a mountain the point of whose   summit reached to heaven. And I saw the places  of the luminaries and the treasuries of the stars   and of the thunder and in the uttermost depths,  where were a fiery bow and arrows and their   quiver, and a fiery sword and all the lightnings.”  Here, we see that the angels take Enoch   to a mountain top, though whether this is in the  mortal plane or a plane beyond our comprehension   is not specified. We learn that here, at the  summit of heaven, Enoch sees the luminaries   and the treasuries of the stars, which might  be interpreted as the riches of God, those that   glistened with such an intensity that they were  comparable to the stars themselves. Alternatively,   it might be said Enoch was taken to such a high  altitude, that he really was beholding the stars   themselves and was stunned by the intensity  of the light. Interestingly, he also reports   seeing a fiery bow and arrow as well as a fiery  sword that appears amongst streaks of lightning.   It is unknown here what relevance that these  elements have, though it might be said that   given how high Enoch was, that these weapons  belonged to God, or were representations of   his power - possessing weapons made of one  of the most destructive elements of fire.  We then see Enoch taken to what he describes as  the ‘living waters’ and to the ‘fire of the west’,   though these areas are not detailed beyond this.  It might be said that the living waters were   in reference to the seven seas, or perhaps an  aquatic area featured in the divine landscape.   The ‘fire of the west’ meanwhile, could have  been yet another reference to hell, or perhaps   a more direct relation to the sun setting in the  west. He continues, “And I came to a river of fire   in which the fire flows like water and discharges  itself into the great sea towards the west.”   Yet again, we cannot be sure if Enoch  is being shown a vision of hell,   or whether this is merely another  landscape which exists in the realm of God.   Many might draw similarities between the river  of fire seen here and the lake of fire as seen   in the Book of Revelations, that which we  understand is reserved for the cowardly,   the faithless, the detestable, the murderers, the  sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and liars.   Revelations further confirms that  this is something of a ‘second death’   given that those sinners will burn for eternity  in the lake that burns fire and sulfur.  Enoch continues that, “I saw the great rivers and  came to the great river and to the great darkness,   and went to the place where no flesh walks.  I saw mountains of the darkness of winter   and the place whence all the waters of the  deep flow. I saw the mouths of all the rivers   of the earth and the mouth of the deep.” Once more, it is unclear exactly which   rivers Enoch is referring to, nor whether  these are rivers found on the earthly realm   or the one in heaven. Yet, it could be determined  that he is referring to the rivers that were said   to flow from Eden, those which were then separated  into four rivers upon the earth, as told to us   in Chapter 2 of Genesis. Here, we understand that  “A river watering the garden flowed from Eden;   from there it was separated into four  headwaters. The name of the first is Pishon;   it winds through the entire land of Havilah,  where there is gold. (The Gold of that land;   aromatic resin and onyx are also there.)  The name of the second river is Gihon;   it winds through the entire land of Cush.  The name of the third river is the Tigris;   it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the  fourth river is the Euphrates.” (Genesis 2:10-14).   Given that Enoch tells us he sees the mouths of  all the rivers of the earth and sees the place   from whence all the waters of the deep flowed, it  could be suggested that he was taken to Eden.   In chapter 18, he continues on his journey and  tells us that he saw treasuries of all the winds   and saw how God had furnished the foundations of  the earth with them. He sees the cornerstone of   the earth, those which he deemed were four winds  that bore the earth and the firmament of heaven.   It is these very winds, that Enoch describes  as stretching out of the vaults of heaven   and are station between the earth and heaven,  forming what we know as the pillars of heaven.   He tells us specifically, “I saw  the treasuries of all the winds:   I saw how He (God) had furnished with them the  whole creation and the firm foundations of the   earth. And I saw the corner-stone of the heaven.  And I saw how the winds stretch out the vaults of   heaven, and have their station between heaven  and earth: these are the pillars of heaven.”  These pillars he refers to could  be in reference to the pillars   of cloud and fire which are first mentioned in  chapter 13 of the Book of Exodus, after Moses   leads the Israelites out of their captivity  in Egypt. In this part of the bible,   we are told that the pillar of cloud went ahead  of them by day to guide them on their path,   whilst the pillar of fire appeared at night to  give them light. We later see this pillar of cloud   sabotage the pursuit by the Pharaoh who was  chasing the Israelites and we see God stand upon   both pillars as he looks down to drown Pharaoh  and his men after Moses departs the red sea.   However, another idea suggests that these four  winds - or four pillars that Enoch sees - are   actually in reference to the four winds as seen  in the bible; these being the East Wind, the West   Wind, the North Wind and the South Wind. We see  these winds mentioned in the bible, where they   are associated with some rather tremendous events.  For example, we see the winds churn the great sea   and we see them decimate and scatter people -  sometimes even empires. In fact, we even see   the combined power of the four winds in the Book  of Jeremiah, where the nation of Elam is battered   by the winds in an effort to disperse its people.  We even see the four winds channel life back into   those who were slain in the book of Ezekiel, when  Ezekiel finds himself in the valley of dry bones.  With Enoch seeing these four winds, from  a symbolic point of view, it might be said   that he was seeing an indescribable amount of  power or simply, beholding the power of God   that could not be put into any other words. It’s  possible that Enoch had no comprehension of what   he was actually seeing and simply chalked up his  surroundings to that of the four winds - those   which were also interchangeable with the four  corners of earth, or the four corners of heaven.   With this, it could be taken to also mean that  Enoch saw the whole earth in all of its entirety.   He does continue, “I saw the winds of heaven  which turn and bring the circumference of the sun   and all the stars to their setting. I saw  the winds on the earth carrying the clouds:   I saw the paths of the angels. I saw at the end  of the earth the firmament of the heaven above.”  Believers might get a sense of Enoch’s excitement  in this passage, where he lists so much of what   he sees, that it’s almost quite difficult to keep  track, let alone assign much meaning to his words   without taking some liberties. As mentioned,  it’s possible Enoch had seen all of earth in   all of its entirety, and so it’s not so outlandish  to say that he came to understand how earth worked   in terms of its place within the cosmos. He  recognised the role of the sun and the stars   and appears to understand the circumventive way  in which planets move in accordance to the sun.   He also notes that he sees the clouds being moved,  perhaps hinting another level of understanding in   how our ecosystem functions and how the elements  work in tandem with each other, but again it’s   hard to say this without speculation. He claims  very briefly that he sees the path of the angels,   implying that from where he was and from  the knowledge he gained, he understood the   celestials in a way that no man had understood  before and could see them perhaps just as clearly   as they could see us. He concludes that he saw  at the end of the earth the firmament of heaven,   suggesting that he gained some understanding as  to how the oceans were separated on the earth.  He then continues, “And I proceeded and  saw a place which burns day and night,   where there are seven mountains of magnificent  stones, three towards the east, and three   towards the south. And as for those towards the  east, was of coloured stone, and one of pearl   and one of jacinth, and those towards the south  of red stone. But the middle one reached to heaven   like the throne of God, of alabaster, and  the summit of the throne was of sapphire.”  Here Enoch appears to be describing a place  that is constantly illuminated, regardless   of the time of day and there in this place, there  were seven mountains made from magnificent stones.   The ones in the east however were made of coloured  stone, with one being pearl, one being of jacinth   and one being red. In between these mountains,  Enoch describes seeing the middle one reach to   the heavens and that it reminded him of the throne  of heaven, where at its apex, was the colour of   sapphire. Again, it’s hard to specify exactly  what Enoch is describing without speculation,   but mountains in the bible have been considered  to be places that were closest to God and still   hold much significance in both Christian and  Jewish cultures. Though, the mountain which   Enoch describes here does not seem to be congruent  with any of the mountain mentions in the bible.   It is therefore possible that Enoch was seeing  this mountain in another plane of existence,   perhaps somewhere between heaven and earth,  especially given that these mountains appear   to be made from gems by his descriptions. He continues, “And I saw flaming fire. And beyond   these mountains is a region at the end of the  great earth: there the heavens were completed.”   It’s unfortunate here that Enoch doesn’t go into  more detail as to what he is seeing given that   whilst we know enough from biblical accounts as to  how the earth was created, we seldom see much into   how the heavens were created. What we understand  from this is that beyond the mountain that Enoch   sees, there was a region somewhere in what he  calls ‘the end of the earth’ and it was here   that he declares that heaven was created, implying  on some level that God had built heaven on earth.  But things take a sudden dark turn when Enoch  tells us about the place he is taken next.   He declares, “And I saw a deep abyss, with columns  of heavenly fire, and among them I saw columns of   fire fall, which were beyond measure alike  towards the height and towards the depth.”  This place - this deep abyss - is certainly  not somewhere you’d wish to find yourself,   especially considering that Enoch tells us  he sees the columns of heavenly fire fall.   These columns of fire might again be likened  to the pillar of fire as seen by Moses and   the Israealites - that which served them as a  night-light in their escape from Egypt. With   this pillar falling, it would imply that this  was a godless place and that the light of God   did not reach this particular area, or perhaps  more likely, that God refused to illuminate it.   For whatever reason, it could be reasoned that  this, bleak as it seems, is merely a staging area   to a region that is far more desolate. Enoch  continues, ‘And beyond that abyss I saw a place   which had no firmament of the heaven above,  and no firmly founded earth beneath it:   there was no water upon it, and no birds,  but it was a waste and horrible place.”   This stark and barren land appears to be yet  another location that gives Enoch the creeps,   and with good reason too when we  consider what this place actually is.   You see, Enoch does notice seven stars  burning like great mountains in the distance,   perhaps the only signs of life here, but he cannot  make sense of them. So with this, he turns to the   angel who had been accompanying him through his  adventure and asks him exactly what this place is.  The angel, which as we learn is archangel Uriel,  tells him - “This place is the end of heaven and   earth: this has become a prison for the stars  and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll   over the fire are they which have transgressed the  commandment of the Lord in the beginning of their   rising, because they did not come forth at their  appointed times. And he was wroth with them, and   bound them till the time when their guilt should  be consummated (even) for ten thousand years.”  Unfortunately, Uriel does not give Enoch a  specific answer either, but his words can be   interpreted to mean a dark reality. You see, the  stars were considered by some to be the fallen   angels themselves and in this context, could have  been the Watchers. In this ‘prison of the stars’,   it could be said that Enoch was actually standing  in the custodial quarters of those very angels   who had turned against God, by defiling the mortal  women, teaching men the secrets of heaven and   fathering the Nephilim. It might also be said  that this prison of these fallen angels was   the ‘Duadel’ that was mentioned in the previous  chapters that Archangel Raphael binds Azazel to.   This underground void that was thought to have  been located in East Jerusalem and certainly   seems like the type of place that one may  consider a ‘prison of the angels’ to look like   and given the forsaken environment, definitely  reflects the disdain that God held for them.   Yet another idea proposes that the angels who  revolted with Lucifer fell from the heavens like   falling stars and with this metaphor, it might be  suggested that these very angels also resided here   in this dark and sterile land, agonisingly  awaiting their date with the lake of fire.   However, given that Uriel also refers to  this place being the dwelling for the ‘Host   of Heaven’, it could be argued that this  was merely reserved for the angelic army,   or the ‘lesser angels’, who had a much less  diverse impact in the world and the greater plan.   I only mention this because in the next  few chapters (and in the next episode),   we’ll be looking at yet another prison of  the angels, one that is constantly emblazoned   by pillars of fire and one that Uriel tells  Enoch, traps rogue angels forever and ever.   As always guys, if you’ve enjoyed today’s  episode of the Book of Enoch, then don’t   forget to give it a thumbs up and don’t forget  to subscribe for more content just like this.   Once again, I’d like to thank Call  of War for sponsoring today’s video.   Don’t forget to click the link in the  description box below to check out   the ultimate WW2 strategy game and get  your 13,000 gold and month of premium. Until next time
Channel: The Legends of History
Views: 433,038
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Keywords: Enoch, Lake of Fire, Enochian Legend, The Book of Enoch, Legends, History, Legends of History, Mythology, Biblical Stories, Bible Stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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