Enigma II Encryption Machine & Puzzle - encode & decode cipher

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hi folks david creative craft house to show a couple interesting items recently we've been getting into encryption or cipher wheels or coding devices we've just released the confederate cipher wheel the union cipher wheel Mexican army cipher wheel and and this is a design of our own and I think it's pretty cool it looks good and it's really effective in coding a message that can be quite quite well encrypted we call the Enigma too and what we've got here just two different sizes get a bigger one and a smaller one and they both functionally are the same thing they both use have these three gears and the gears are made from wood they're laser cut very precise and the letters are deeply laser engrave not ink so they're not coming out and the quarter inch wood makes it quite strong and durable they're sitting on these alloy steel pins which are press fit into the board the dates of the big one is superior wood a very fine wood kind of mahogany feel nicely finished and the base of the smaller one is wood originates in New Zealand often used in guitars it's called quarry or Agathis is nice feel and look to it the wheels will vary but they need to be in that maple or alder because they laser you particularly well ok how do these things work pretty cool we have a good instruction sheet and I also provide essentially some puzzles things for you to try to try to decrypt but this is a really a tool for creating your own encryption what we've got here are the three wheels which come off and are interchangeable and that's important in establishing the key and the complexity let's see capability of the design and there's a little arrow that's laser engraved in for each of the wheels two on top and this one's on the side this is the output wheel the English text wheel these two of encoded wheels they'll give you the encoded letter this always gives you the English text output wheel how does this thing work well the first thing we've got to do is just set up the wheels and of course it's cool you want that to be a closely guarded secret especially if you're your opponent may have one of the machines which at this point is unlikely but you know so we first need to define the wheel order now you notice these skewers are different this one has five spokes or five holes this one has six spokes and this one has seven spokes so we've got to define the wheel order unless let's say we keep it like this and we'd call this seven six five the next thing we've got to do is position the wheels in a unique in a relationship based on a key word and let's use it you know we need a three-letter keyword or three letters we'll use the word dog to make a Z and the D here is pointed on first gear so that's all set up I've got to get the O on the second gear this when we put it down hard to do one hand all right I've got the D and the O and now I've got to get a G over here on the third every different keyword creates a totally different interrelationship of the wheel and result in a totally different encryption all right so now my wheels are set up and ready to encode person receiving the code would have to know the vo water and the keyword so let's suppose I want to here's my here's what I'm trying to encrypt here let's say I've set up my wheels as 765 the keyword dog and I want to encrypt this message attack at dawn well to do that I would go to the output wheel and sent it at my first letter a and I call her to the first wheel to get the the first encrypted letter which is a J and I can't write upside down too good so this man workshop alright so that becomes a J the a becomes a jail for the T I come over to the albert wheel i set it at t and i ultimate wheels so the t becomes an a the next letter is a t so i'm already there but i bought i go back to the first wheel and this t becomes a cue now go back to a here attack and I'm on the fourth a one two three fourth wheel and that a becomes a you now I repeat this processing encoding my message I would tell you that normally encrypted message are done in blocks of four or five letters rather than word lengths so typically I would leave a space that would divide this message into groups of let's say four I would leave a space here when I went to encode the C so it also helps me knowing one two three four one two three four keeping track of which we land on you get very fast encoding these messages this thing all right so if I was continuing the sea for instance would become an H and I would put a space in here and so forth the sea becomes a nation and I do the Cade and a and the T and so forth and I end up with a complete message message can be of any length now it's a it's a substitution kind of encryption as is most are it's it's a kind of a double embedded substitution but you can make it much more powerful which is typically what is done and in cipher devices by varying the key word but in this case you can even vary the a wheel order which is really nice you can do that via a number means you could pre communicate with the person receiving your message that every 20 letters we're going to change the key word from cat to dog and then every 20 every 20 life is a new cute cat to dog to Fox and then maybe repeat back to cat dog implants every 20 letters or you might say we're going to change the wheel order every 20 letters and predefined what that wheel order might be 765 might go to move everything to the right one might go to six five seven might go to seven six five or five six seven five seven six excuse me and one of the cool things about this I think is that given that people would not be necessarily have one of these things this is unique to us you could even embed the wheel order and the key right into the message and no one's going to know what that is and they think it's part of the message in other words you could start your message with seven six five dog there gives their ship key keyword and continue on your message and at any point within the message that you any point that you wanted to put a new key in you could redefine it in six five seven cat somewhere in the message and that would tell the person receiving okay I've got to go six five seven reset the wheels and have it then I have a only new encryption process so you can see can be quite powerful and easy to use to decode I would need to know the wheel order okay it's still at seven six five and I would just go in reverse I would start with this wheel because it's an encoded I would come to the J oh I found I'm not sure I'm still a dog D oh yeah yeah I would come to the J set it up at the arrow and read the first English text letter A then I would go to this wheel and do it and do the next encoded letter which is in hey come over here and read a T then I would come to the Q and this wheel and readings already there and read another T and so forth and quickly decode my message there's about 4,000 little more than four thousand keys possible when you look at the wheel order and the 26 times 26 essentially times six possible wheel orders right so really quite powerful at some point not the two not too distant future coming account with an enigma 3 which will I'll either use both sides of the wheels with different wheel different letter orders each wheel is a different letter order now or I may make a longer peg and have six years and when you do that the number of keys goes to 30 a little over 32,000 the same as the original german enigma machine so in this process could repeat be repeated with more gears more combinations to be made into something that's just incredibly powerful yet extremely simple to inspect it to use and and I think it has some some beauty to - so I hope this is something that you might enjoy you site for fans and said we will include eight different puzzles for you to try to encrypt for you puzzle fans alright thanks very much this is dave at creative craft house and these are made here in our florida shop all right Hudson Florida shop thank you
Channel: Dave Janelle
Views: 84,190
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Id: hiOjqskDlS0
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Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 02 2014
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