Enhancing your Web API: Part 1 | ASP.NET Core 101 [8 of 13]

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>> Hey friends, we are continuing our ASP.NET Core one-to-one video series. In the last video, we made a very very simple Web API that was really showing how one could make a Web API, but I'm not feeling too proud of it. >> Yeah. It's not the most ideal way to go about it. >> Yeah. It's not the most ideal way, but it's showed us a bit of plumbing, a bit of the internals of ASP.NET. We ended up doing it in basically three lines in startup. Leslie is feeling gross about, I'm feeling gross about it. It's not bad, we're teasing each other a little bit here. But the point is that's if you do it manually, let's not do it that way, shall we? >> Yeah. >> All right. >> Why don't we separate all of this stuff out into its own separate spot. >> Right. Because we've been talking about the need for a single responsibility principle or what do they call that, separation of concerns? >> Yeah. >> Then we did this horrible thing. >> Yeah. We've got to practice what we preach. >> So I comment that out, I'm going to say, "Control K", "Control C", look at that. >> Awesome. >> Comment that out, so we no longer have a Web API. Earlier, you may made me make a "Models" folder, and that's where we're currently keeping things, and "Pages" are views. So we've got models and views. >> Yeah. So I guess all that's missing is the controller. >> Right. >> For those of you you're familiar with MVC, or model view controller. >> ASP.NET is a very flexible web framework; you can make APIs, you can make Model-View-Controller type things, you can make just pages within page model, and you can mix and match them all. It's not really prescriptive, you can do what makes you happy. All right, let's do that. So I'll just make a folder, if that's okay. >> Yep. >> "Add" "New Folder", "Controllers", is it that cool? >> Then we can call the new file ProductControllers. >> So I'm going to say, "Add". >> Or ProductsController. >> "Controller" products, plural. This is interesting. So when I said "Add" "Controller", I could have said add class. >> Yeah. >> But I said add controller and they're giving me a little bit more feedback. Here I could make an empty API controller, I think that probably worked for our needs. >> Yeah, that sounds about right since we're enhancing our API. >> So we'll say "Add" and then we'll say "ProductsController" plural. That's going to go and scaffold that out and create them. Just take a moment. When we create this, we're going to have the products model and the products controller. >> So why even have then MVC? What's the point? >> That is a good question, and the idea is that in separation of concerns, you want to have the model that knows how to talk to the database. You want to have the controller, that is your orchestrator, that has left hand in the database and right hand in the views, and then your views. Views know nothing about anything. They only know about how to display information, display data. >> Again, that's great because it's like the whole ignorance is bliss for code. If you want to reuse the stuff or expand on it later, it's a lot easier to do that if you don't have so many dependencies between. >> You said that before, that idea if ignorance is bliss, and let's make sure that that's a joke that people get because it really makes sense though. If your object knows nothing about anything other than it's one job, it's a much more useful object. >> Yeah, absolutely. >> If your object knows all about the Internet, and then the Internet goes away, who knows what happens? >> I don't know. But the problem is if it knows everything, you end up with these giant monolith classes that you've probably seen before, you've probably made one before if you're not new to programming itself, and then regret it later when you try to find or do anything else with that later. >> Exactly. So we just created a ProductsController, and ProductsController has this controller base that it derives from, it inherits behaviors from ControllerBase. So it can do stuff that ControllerBase can do. >> Again, that was nice of Visual Studio. It did all this for us so we didn't have to figure out what we needed to be extending. >> When we made a new controller, we got this for free. >> Yeah. >> It is an APIController and it meets a certain route, and we will figure out how to plug these things in. Right now, it doesn't really do anything. We could have made one that did more stuff but that's fine. >> Yeah. So speaking of making it do stuff, maybe we should add. >> Make it do some stuff. >> Yeah. >> Now in this case here, they've got us putting it at API/Controller. This is products, I wanted to just state products. So if it's called a view, I will delete that because it could be full/power/products. >> Yeah. You can include whatever crazy route you want. >> I want our route to be super basic, if that okay. Then we're going to make a constructor because it needs to construct things, right? >> Yes. >> So what do we call here ProductsController, and I'll just make a regular default one. >> You know that service that we made a while ago, was JSON file? >> Yeah. JSON File. JSON File product service, that's where our products come from. We're going to need one of those. >> Yeah. Maybe you should the take advantage of that. >> So we could new one, we can make one in the old days but now we're using the services technique that is available to us in ASP.NET. So we don't actually knew them, we don't go var j equals new. Instead, we just ask for them and we ask for them by adding them to our constructor. We can ask at, remember the login? >> Yes. >> We can add login. If you take a look one of our previous videos we had login, this controller could have that as well. >> It's great. >> That's cool. Then we need to hold it somewhere, have it lying around somewhere so we'll go and say, "JsonFileProductService". Then we need to be able to get that, whenever. >> Yeah. We don't need to modify right now either. >> Then we'll say this product service equals that product service. So when who makes controllers right? I mean, we don't. ASP.NET just makes them. >> Yeah. >> There's a controller factory in fact. Yeah. Every time you make a call, the controller factory says, "Product controllers? What does a product controller need? It needs these services. It needs login. It needs JSON File product service." Wires it all up and says, "Here, I made it for you." >> Going back to design patterns days. >> It is. Yeah, it is exactly what it is, it is a nice design pattern. That is our basic thing here. Before when we did a page, you're never doing razor pages, in the code behind, we said, "On get." There's a similar model, if you're going to do things with controllers, isn't there? >> Yeah. I believe it has to do with HTTP. So you'd have HTTP POST or GET. Let's use GET in this case. >> Yeah. Exactly right. So we're going to make a method that returns product. Again, I'm going to hit control dot. The control dot pops up that menu. We're going to do Get into your point, it will be in HTTP. Look at that. >> Awesome. So many options >> There's a list of all the verbs. >> So I can pick some of the more obscure verbs, we'll use some of the more obscure ones a little bit later. When people Get stuff, call Get, cool. Notice how it's threatening me right now, hey and not all paths return a value. >> Not returning anything. >> In fact, nothing is happening. Well, where do products live in the service? Return. >> ProductsService. >>.GetProducts. Cool. Let's compare these for a second. So this is a nice clean Controller with a lot of flexibility. You can change the route. It doesn't really know anything about anything. It just does one job, it is a broker. >> That's pretty great. >> Look at this, compare that to what we did before. >> So much nicer, notice all those [inaudible] function calls happening in just that first line alone. It's really messy and not. >> There's a lot going on here. We're digging around. We went digging for our service, and we went manually serializing. This is a great point here, this line here what we call the JSON serializer ourselves. We didn't mentioned JSON. >> Yeah, because we already put it in that product service. >> Let's see if it works though. Here we are complementing each other. But we don't know, what if it doesn't work? Somehow, that would be bad. Let's give it a try. So we'll run it again. >> Our whole talk. >> Yeah, we are all talk, who knows. Products. Well, I have a thought, I bet you it's capital P. >> No. >> No interesting. Let's go find out what's going on. Did we tell ASP.NET that controllers are a thing even? >> I don't think we did, maybe we shouldn't neglect that startup file after all. >> That's what you get. >> Yep. >> We're talking smack trying to compliment each other. >> Talking a good game. Well, we mentioned before that our application uses routing and uses endpoints. We added that JSON File product-service, but yeah we didn't tell them about Controllers. >> Yeah sorry startup. So let's tell them. So let's go back down. We already commented out that stuff out. So why don't we add a controller service under the configure services method. >> So services.add. Now, we can add the entire MVC, everything views, and controllers, and the goal kind of thing. But instead let's just go and add controllers. You only want to add the stuff you're going to use. >> Yeah. >> Maybe later we'll add other stuff, but for now keep it minimal. >> Keep it minimal. >> Exactly. So this is a very common pattern here. Add stuff, and then you use stuff. >> Yeah. >> Okay? >> Yeah. So back under the endpoints land, we're going to add another endpoint, we're going to map to our controller. >> So we're going to say map controllers. Interesting, remember how we talked about this? Razor pages/privacy/error. Controllers, you can't see it but it will be slash products because we routed it as slash products because that's the name of our controller. Again, worth pointing out, we could always say slash food or whatever if you felt like it. >> Yeah. Now, in this case, we've been getting JSON this whole time with this API that we made, but what if we didn't want JSON because that's a lot like XML or something? >> That is very good point. So right now it's assuming that I'm just going to return a list of products, but it doesn't say as what. Do we want the ProductsController to be responsible for that? Maybe we would want to configure that. You have to ask yourself is that a business problem or is that more of a check-a-box maybe problem? You can if you want, go check out the docs and learn about how to add XML serializers to this and teach it how to automatically returned XML, and the cool part is no code would change in the controller. >> That is excellent. >> Isn't that fun? Now, do we think it will work? >> I think it'll work. >> Pressure is on, I don't know. I just hit control F5, I'm going to go ahead and run that. >> Great. >> I'm going to hit slash Products. >> Yeah. There we go. Now we're back in business. TCB. >> Yep. >> Fantastic. >> I actually don't know what that stands for. >> Taken care of business. >> Real. >> We're TCB-ing here doing ASP.NET core. Let's take a break and we'll come back, and we'll extend that service with not just a Get but with something else. >> Cool. TTYL.
Channel: dotnet
Views: 105,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET, dotNET, dotNET Core, .NET Core, Web API, ASP.NET, API, Web, tutorial
Id: VI40Y3kFcNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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