Enhance WoW Quests: Add Unique Custom Sounds

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hello everyone my name is dinkle dor and today we're going to be talking about sound DBC files particularly when adding new sounds to quests this particular video was requested by one of my viewers tools we're going to be using today are wdbx editor K 3 Heidi SQL and ladx mpq editor ID SQL for you people who are not on Azeroth core although you could probably get away with using another database manager so let's get started first thing first we're going to open up wdbx editor and we're going to open up our sound entries. DBC file so within the sound entries DBC file so within the DBC you have a couple of things you have the ID the sound type which is like if this is a creature sound or if this is a movie sound honestly I don't think sound type really matters a whole lot you've got the name of the sound and this is just a unique identifier you've got the file name usually that should be either an Aug format or wav format then you have your directory base which is basically where the sound can be found within your mpq and these flags if you're interested to learn more about what these flags do you can just go ahead on Wow wiki.com under sound entries and it'll tell you a little bit more about what each flag does after that we have the minimum distance and distance cut off so how far you want the sound to go then sound entries Advanced is a pointer to the sound entries advanced. DBC for the the purposes of this video though we're not going to be using that so first thing first you need a quest good day to you our Quest is going to be a threat within which is quest ID 783 from Deputy William and his NPC ID is 823 I highly suggest that if you're not using lvi as a developer that you do so there's often additional tool tip information on things that you click and I find it extremely useful when I'm doing modding in general but first and foremost you want to have a sound entry of some sort so there is a website called 11 Labs that you can use to create similar voices for a character that you like or just use old ones I believe that they do have a free plan but obviously their subscription is going to be a lot more robust in what you can do with it so find a voice that you'll like for this one we're just going to go ahead and use Brian because I don't really care about the voice right now this is not going to be a permanent addition to my repack basically just start typing hello there Adventure then you generate speech you can adjust the voice settings too if you like I'll let you guys play around with that once you're done you should have a sound file like such hello there Adventurer once you have a sound file that you're happy with just go ahead and download and this will be in MP3 three format so we're going to go ahead and convert it to either wav or dot I think Aug is a better option for the most part so just find this free converter online convert mp3 toog just going to go ahead and drag our MP3 over here convert it download it open the file location and then we're going to just rename this to whatever we want there go ahead and name it hello Adventure after that's done just shut down your client and by now you should also know that we use ladx mpq editor let's go into our sound entries. DBC you can copy an existing entry find it useful just so that I don't have to put in all these variables again play around with the numbers until things are satisfactory for whatever it is that you're doing so for us this is going to be hello adventure. that we put in file one I'm just going to name it hello Adventure once that's done we're just going to go ahead over here and create new directory base so for me it's going to be Deputy will we're going to hit save and then we're going to take this DBC file and put it in our client under the same directory so open up letic mpq editor open up a patch copy over sound entries. d BC into your DB files client and then we're going to create a folder for this new entry so sound creature Deputy will so we go to sound we go to creature and then I'm going to right click and do new folder and name it Deputy will open that up and then we're just going to drag and drop our Aug file that we created on 11 Labs into this folder close out our mpq and we're going to go ahead in game and test this sound out to make sure that it's actually working it's also probably a good idea to shut your server down first and then start it up again so once we're back in the game we're just going to go ahead and test out the sound so let's get our entry number which is 88054 and the GM command for this is debug space play sound 188 054 hello there Adventurer so now we have the sound working in game but how do we attach it to this guy when we want to do a quest acceptance well this is where Kira comes in Kira is a nice tool for making smart AI a lot easier you can do this through Heidi SQL but it's a lot more convoluted I will show you guys how to do that at the end of the video but you definitely have to reference a lot more in your for's Wikipedia page regarding their database structures so let's go ahead and click the drop- down menu for creature do select creature look up Deputy Willam we're going to go to smart Ai and then we're going to click on add new row smart AI has three main things so you have the event which is in combat out of combat when does this thing trigger the action done is this a casting action and who's getting hit by the action so in this case we need to look for accept quest which is 19 reward Quest is 20 so if we wanted to do it for reward Quest we could do it there as well action is play sound or sound number four Target this is actually important so that you're not just playing the sound to everyone within a certain distance if you wanted that to be the case you can go ahead and do that but go ahead and choose action invoker and basically what this means is the person who accepts the quest gets the sound played to them and then obviously quest ID we need to have that so 783 is a threat within you can look that up with the GM command look up Quest threat within and it's right there 783 then we're going to put our sound ID there which is is 18854 and this is where it also is important if you want to make sure that it only gets sent to the player who instigated the event so one is the sound is sent only to the player and zero is the sound sent to everyone in a certain range and that's where the distance is as well so we're going to keep this blank set this to one generate comments so we know what we did which is really nice so go ahead and hit the execute button at the top and then we're just going to restart our server again and our client now we're going to go ahead and test it out so talk to him and accept the quest hello there Adventurer so in case you didn't catch it the first time hello hello there Adventurer test that as many times as you want but that's basically how you add sounds to quests on acceptance or Quest complete in Azeroth core now if you want to do this on other cores this is generally found in the smart scripts table in Heidi SQL I highly suggest that you go to your server cores Wikipedia page for smart scripts see what each field does but for willm here this is basically going to look like this so you have the enter your GID and in this case it's a creature entry the event type 19 which again this is accept Quest so this is the instigating element for the action that follows we have the event chance which in this case is 100% we have the event parameters one which in this case is quest ID and you can see how this is a lot more useful to read than you know event pram one event pram 2 whatever then we have action type for play sound then we have the sound file enter from our sound entries DBC and this is the Boolean value to play it just to the player or everyone in a certain radius and then this is the target type which is the invoker the person who started the quest if you're going to be doing it the hard way it's just a lot of looking up tables seeing how they interact with each other like I say I do highly suggest that you get a database manager one of the reasons why I love azerothcore so much is because the amount of tools that they have but there is this other tool called wow database editor it does work for other cores not just aoth core there are versions for this for C mango and B mangos if I remember correctly and this is always an option as well so anyway that's pretty much it I wanted to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters you guys have been really awesome make sure to like the video if you liked it subscribe if you want to see more and I will see you guys on the other side of Azeroth a
Channel: Dinkledork
Views: 346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow modding, world of warcraft development, wow private server, wow development tutorials, World of warcraft development, developing your wow private server, wotlk, wrath of the lich king, azerothcore, trinitycore, vmangos, cmangos, single player project, world of warcraft vanilla, wow, trinitycore 3.3.5a npcbot repack, trinitycore 3.3.5, private server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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