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yellow once again guys and today I'm going to be showing you how you can disable the speed limiter on your endgware ep2 pro e-bike and this will also apply to any other e-bike that has the yl80c intelligent display fitted I'm also going to Deep dive into all the other advanced settings of the display and explain how I have my own bike set up in order to unlock its full potential the ep2 pro comes out of the box limited to 15 miles per hour or 25 kilometers per hour depending on which metric it's set to this is to comply with the e-bike speed limit laws when riding it on UK roads but you may also want to take this bike off-road and get the most out of its performance but I'll start by saying that this video isn't too Advocate breaking the law and I don't endorse riding unrestricted e-bikes on UK rods okay so if you're not bothered about all the other settings and you just want to basically unlock the speed limiter you can do this by first powering on the bike by turning on the battery to its own position and then pressing this on off button which is located underneath these plus minus buttons here this will bring up your main display and uh I just want to point out that you can only change any of these settings whilst the bike's stationary so when you've turned on the the main display the first thing you're going to need to do is hold down both the plus and the minus buttons at the same time for around about two or three seconds until you see this menu pop up this is your general settings menu and uh the first you'll you'll recognize this by the TC abbreviations that pop up you can cycle through this menu there's three parameters in it uh you've got the TC the BL and the UN which I will tell you all about later in the video but we don't need any of these right now but to access the speed limiter that's in more advanced settings so you need to come into the general settings menu first and then you need to go one step deeper which is the advanced settings so we do this by pressing down the minus button and the I button at the side here just next to the plus button and we do this for about four seconds but you've got to be uh pretty accurate with this because otherwise it won't go into it but yeah we've we've got the LD so you'll see the LD pop up now so this me that's the first screen of the advanced settings menu this dance this is for your wheel data diameter which I've got set to 22 inches so what we'll do now is press the plus button and cycle through till we get through to the ls abbreviation which stands for limit speed and as you can see uh my speed is actually limited to 25 kilometers per hour at the moment but what we need to do is access this this feature to uh to be able to change that so we do that by shortly just a short press of the I button and you'll see that the 25 is now flashing uh we can now use the plus button to increase the speed to its maximum and then we'll get up to 60 kilometers per hour and then once we've got once we've set it to us limit that we desire we press that we do a long press of the I button again and that will bring us back to the main menu what I would normally do to to lock those in is by turning the whole bike on and off again and that will be fully locked in and your bike will be unlocked so that's how you disable the speed limiter but there's lots of other custom settings to go through so please stick with me and we'll now go through them all one by one but first I just want to mention the final button on the instrument cluster which is located just underneath the uh the eye button at the side here and this is where you'll turn on your headlight uh your front headlight and also your rear light and you'll know that they're on by this this headlight symbol that appears on your display so the first perimeter that I'm going to talk about today in the general settings menu is the trip computer which is the the TC abbreviation and basically to enter this parameter as with every parameter on the bike you just put a sharp press on the I button now this is just if you want to reset your trip computer after every time that you've used the bike it'll always reset that to zero so I've got that set to yes which is basically a reset of the the trip computer to come back out of that again is a short press of the I button and then we will press the plus button to cycle through to the next one which is the BL which stands for backlight so if we enter that one and we've got three settings we've got a level two level one and this basically just Alters the the brightness of your backlight if you you display so we'll I have mine on uh level three and we'll enter out of that one and then the third one in this general settings menu is the UN and that's basically the the metric unit that you're going to use I'm in the UK so I use miles per hour on the odometer but if you want to change that to kilometers per hour you can just uh cycle through with using the plus but I've got I'll set that to U1 which is miles per hour and then long press out of that and that will bring this back to uh the display the main display okay so next we're going to go into the custom settings and this is quite an advanced range of settings because you've got to set it to your your own specific bias requirements because you will see this display on many different e-bikes so this is where you can really uh get into the customization of all like your pedal assist and so on so so access this um menu you go into your general settings menu as you did before but then what you've got to do is then press it again the plus and the minus button for like three seconds and then you'll see the Vol come up and that means you're in your custom settings now first we've got the the vll which is is your voltage it's your battery voltage and what you can do is you can set each um each level of your battery to a certain voltage but I don't really touch this and I keep this set to them what the manufacturer's default settings were so as you can see level one would be um 40 volts and as you say I don't want to change it but then press the I button to go to the next one the second bar would be 44.5 volts the third one is 46.5 volts uh the fourth one would be 47.5 volts and the fifth bar is 49 volts which one volt over this 48 volt battery but I do believe that this battery charges fully to 54 volts so it will actually take quite a while for the yet for the first bar to to get to the 49 volt Mark so you will be riding around for quite a while before you start to see your battery drop okay so the next parameter is the SC parameter and basically what this is is the um amount of levels of pedal assist that you require so if we enter into this mod you'll see uh that I've currently got this set to zero to five levels which basically means that when I've got my pedal assist set to zero on my display there'll be no pedal assist whatsoever and right up to whatever I want on level five as I scroll through and you can see that we've got a one to five which basically it means there'll always be some kind of pedal assist we've got zero to seven one to seven at zero to nine and one to nine the like say I prefer mine in zero to five I think five levels is enough I think three's not enough and uh the others I think just got too many so five is about the sweet spot so we press the I button to uh to make our selection and then we're going to another little subsection which basically um is is a percentage of how much power you want allocating to each level so I've currently got level one set to 20 but you can increase or decrease by using the the plus and the minus buttons but twenty percent power in level one is absolutely fine so when I'm riding along flat surfaces you just get a right gentle bit of pedal assist just to help you along so we'll enter that then in level two I have set to 40. so as you can see I just have them at 20 increases uh so I've got six level three at sixty four at eighty and then level five we've got uh one hundred percent okay so this next one is the CU R parameter and what this is um is you is your battery current level so it's your amperage level and have we as we enter that you'll see that mine's currently set to 22 it came as standard to 20 amps but it is only a limiter and I have been riding around on it with uh with 22 amps uh but let's say it's just it's just a limiter so it's gonna limit out at 22 amps but it's been absolutely fine even though it came at 20 but if you want to keep yours at 20 then then definitely do so the next water I'll just cycle out of that by pressing long pressing the I button again so now we're at the menu so again this next one is the Pas which is the uh the pedal assist function and if we enter that we'll see that we start off with a sub menu of run for it's basically run fold so you can actually set it so that your pedal assist kicks in either when your pedals are going forwards or or in Reverse I just don't know why you'd have a pedal assist in Reverse so I keep mine to run forwards at all times so shot press on the I button and then you'll see this scn now this is your pedal assist sensitivity it's how quick it actually from when you start pedaling to how quick it kicks in um minus two being the more sensitive and it goes all the way up to -9 so if you want to start pedaling for a while maybe I don't know a few seconds and then and then have your pedal assist kick in uh you can set it at a lower setting but I have mine at maximum sensitivity and then finally we'll press I for that one again and you've got this n this is quite confusing because it's basically the amount of magnets that are inside your power assist assembly and I know that mine's got 12 but if you don't know your own from your manufacturer yeah consult your either your manual or your manufacturer just to make sure you know how many magnets are in your uh Power pedal assist unit but I've got 12 in mind so I would suggest not really touching this um at all and just keeping yours at whatever the default setting is okay next is the fifth parameter in these Advantage settings and it's the SPs which is basically the uh the systems uh torque settings and again it's connected to those uh magnetic heads in the bike um and I think it's like torque settings you know of your speed but I've got this set to uh what a setting one which is obviously the highest sensitivity but I wouldn't really touch this I don't I don't understand this feature I don't think anybody does that as a created a review so far um it's I wouldn't really tamper with this because you could actually muck your bike up by uh by messing with these so I'll exit out of that as quick as my fingers Will Carry Me Okay so we've just got a couple more parameter settings in these uh Advanced menu and the next one is the hnd which it stands for handlebar and it basically refers to the behavior of your throttle so if we enter into that you'll see we've got a AHL Sub menu this is to do with some kind of push assistance on your throttle but I'm not quite sure what that is so I have that turned off because I have my uh push assistance with my uh minus button over here but if you go to the next one the HF is whether you want your throttle to work in conjunction with your pedal assist so if you didn't say a level one and you're only getting 20 power your throttle will also give you 20 power and then 100 that power if you're in level five Etc I actually have this set to it's actually on even though I select no so if I um come out of that section by long pressing the I button and then long pressing again that's the main menu I'll just show you what I mean if I go into level one now on my uh my pedal assist and then I wind on the throttle it'll only give me 20 power so it's getting like nine miles per hour but if I then take my level up to level five and then wind on the throttle quickly straight up to 32 miles per hour [Music] and that will actually work in conjunction so that's basically what you get from your pedal assist as well so that's the uh The Handlebar function next up we have the system menu so if we enter into the system menu we've got a delay which is basically a battery delay mod again I'm not quite sure what this does um but it was set to -3 as the default you've got -6 and then 12. but I always set I've always kept this at the minus three mod so we're going to enter that the pus is again the it's how to you can disable the push assistance feature so let's say when you when you're pushing the bike along you can just press the minus button for like three seconds and it'll just ride along steadily at the side of you without having to push the bike along but you can disable or enable that so I have that enabled and then the final set in here is the SSP um and basically you can't actually change that anywhere there's no there's no word changing that's some kind of speed setting but again that's just set to fall as default and you can't change that so that's the uh the system menu finally um the final menu is the password you can actually set your own four digit password if you want a second level of security you've got you've always got your key uh that you put in your battery so they people can't actually turn on the bike but if say for instance somebody stole your bike and used a screwdriver to maybe snap you you lock in your battery and then managed to get the the display on you do have another level of security if you want to input your own password so just basically disables the bike a little bit more but I I don't really have a I don't really have a password set so I just keep it at zero zero zero zero and that's basically it that's all your your functionality of the bike there is another menu in fact I'll just show you this as well if you basically it's pretty foolproof what we've done and if you decide that you don't like these settings or if you make a mistake you can actually from the main menu press the minus button and the I button uh down together for four seconds and that will then take you to the uh the manufacturer's default settings so you can actually set it back to the manufacturer's defaults um by pressing yes but I don't want to do that right now so I've got it set to know but if you do make any mistakes you can actually override all these and take it back to its default settings and start all over again so you can't really muck things up too much so I hope you've enjoyed that video If you like this video please don't forget to give it a subscribe uh there's plenty more bike content coming soon and I'll see you in the next one bye bye for now
Channel: MAGS FRAGS - Fragrance Reviews
Views: 55,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ENGWE EP2 PRO UNLOCK SPEED SETTINGS ON YL20C DISPLAY, engwe ep-2 pro 750w speed unlock, engwe ep-2 pro speed unlock, engwe ep-2 pro 750w tuning, engwe ep-2 pro 750w throttle not working, engwe ep-2 pro 750w throttle nto working, ENGWE EP2 PRO PEDAL ASSIST, ENGWE EP2 PRO PUSH ASSIST, ENGWE EP2 PRO RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS, ENGWE EP2 PRO DERESTICT
Id: -mFITOhlBYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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