[ENGSUB] Weekly Idol EP487 GUEST : BTOB 4U

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Hello, I'm a host of Weekly Idol, Kwang Hee. Hello, I'm Eunhyuk, a host of Weekly Idol. I'm quite nervous today. - You're always nervous. - No. - I'm nervous especially more today. - Especially more today? Why is that? Last time, we had the most-appeared guest of our show, GFRIEND. - What about today? - Today? Will we have the most-appeared male guest? That's right. They've come as a group, - alone, and a special host. - What? - They also came to show support. - Why were they here so often? They've been here in every possible way... and today, they came as a subunit. They'll be on our show as a subunit today. - Shall we call them together? - Yes. BTOB4U, - come on out. - Come on out. Come on! Oh, dear. Okay. Good. That's right. Good. Hey. That's amazing. Amazing. That's right. Of course, you show us something. (Seo Eun Kwang) (Lee Min Hyuk) (Lee Chang Sub) (Peniel) (BTOB4U is a loving idol band.) - We're the most-appeared guest. - Let me brush your back off. - Let me brush your back off. - Thank you. Your back got so dirty. It feels like home here now. - I know. - I just lied down right away. He must've felt pressured to show something. - He must've thought many things. - I know. They're the most-appeared guest and they came here after a while. Eun Kwang came alone once... and he shook up the whole studio at that time. - Don't pressure me. - No. You're so funny. - Eun Kwang will show something. - I believe in Eun Kwang. - I'll do my best. - The four of them are here. - I know. - First, introduce yourselves to the viewers. Born to beat. Hello. BTOB4U. They have so much energy. I know. They're as energetic... - as rookie singers. - Yes. It's the second subunit of BTOB. How was this subunit formed? We didn't mean to form a subunit. The four of us are the complete BTOB. So in conclusion, the residual members happened... - to do something. - The four of us were left. It's just the four of you, so it's not really BTOB. So you decided to come back as a subunit. - That's right. - Right. Like when you were a complete team, I hope to see your chemistry... - and how funny you are today. - Right. Tell us about BTOB4U's new song. Our new song was... a gift by Hyun Sik... who is fulfilling his military duty. It's moombahton music, which is refreshing and jaunty. - Things are hard these days. - Right. We hope... this song can cheer people up. I already feel like I became positive... listening to his explanation. - I can't wait to hear this song. - Okay. BTOB4U's new song has... positive and hopeful energy. Let's hear it now. Nothing can be stronger than this in this universe. BTOB4U's performance will be full of love. Let's listen! ("Show Your Love" by BTOB4U) (Weekly Idol) This segment is called "Show Your Mind." It's time to hear the members' innermost feelings. You'll learn how they really are through the members. They'll talk right in front of each other. - "I Caught You." - "I Caught You." (Like this?) I caught you. Okay. First, Eun Kwang, Min Hyuk, and Chang Sub... - completed their military service. - Yes. Yes, sir. You must've thought a lot... about the members there. - I thought about Eun Kwang a lot. - Why? - I was jealous. - Why? I thought: "He'll complete first since he entered first." - Because he entered first. - I thought that too. - "He'll leave the army soon." - Peniel, when they left the army, did they tell you about the army? - Yes. - What did they say in common? First... (What was it?) Staycation at a hotel? - Cold weather training. - Right. Cold weather. (Cold weather) Oh, my. The army doesn't let you have a staycation. - Cold weather. - Your unit was good. - Staycation? - It was cold weather training. Cold weather? (It's hard to fix.) - How funny. - I knew it. What was it? Special forces? - Yes. - Marching at night. Did we tell you about it that much? We did. You heard a lot about it. Whenever I see a new staff member, I heard about it. - It must've troubled you. - I know. Peniel had a hard time. - Right. - Enough with the army. - Let's start writing a new story. - Yes. There are four door panels here... to go into BTOB4U's hearts. Pick and open one of the panels... and check what it says. Once you read it, give it to a member... and say: "I caught you." - Did you get it? - Yes. Who wants to go first? - Me. - Chang Sub? - Can I just pick one? - Pick one... and show it to us. Chang Sub has... such a good heart. He seems shy and soft-hearted too. - I can see it. - Don't show it to them. - Okay. - Does anyone come to mind? - Does it remind you of someone? - He doesn't look happy. - Nobody is coming to his mind. - Go to a member... - and say: "I caught you." - Okay. (As soon as he sets off) I caught you! He didn't even ponder. That was so fast. Chang Sub, have you not been on shows before... since you debuted? - You need to stall a little. - Well. There was no suspense or anything. Let me redo it. I've never seen anyone like him. - Redo it. - Give it some suspense. - I'm so curious. - Who would it be? - Who will he pick? - Would it be me? How refreshing. Peniel wondered if it's him. - Eun Kwang seems nervous. - I caught you! (Oh, my!) There was no suspense still. We'll use the previous take. - Okay. - Okay, Chang Sub. You gave the door, "Show" to Min Hyuk. Give us a vague reason... why you gave it to him. He thinks a lot about someone... and he keeps track... of what kind of behavior... and things they like. Why do you think he picked you, Min Hyuk? The member... - who really loves his fans. - That's so wrong. Totally wrong. I wonder if this is it. He said he takes care of people and writes things down. I often make... a slip of the tongue. - You know ATVs, right? - Yes. I once said ATM machines... - instead of ATVs. - That's such a mess. Nobody points it out for him. It'd be funny to say things like this on TV, - so he once wrote them down for me. - Your tongue slips? He wrote them all down, so I could say them on TV. He made me shine. Is it about this? - That's good. - Incorrect. Peniel. - He's sensitive? - Incorrect. It's not a good one. - No. - I have no idea. No. It's a really good one. - Let's open it. - Okay. Let me open. 1, 2, 3. What is it? "You try hard to impress." "You're too into showmanship." - Who goes overboard. - Let's see. It's questionable. Is it a good thing? It's a good thing. - "You try hard to impress." - He knows... what MELODY would like... and invests his time in creating it for them. What "try hard" meant was he tries his best... - to show MELODY more. - Yes. - You saw it as a good thing. - Yes. The panel says: "You try hard to impress." "You're too into showmanship." Have you guys thought... Min Hyuk was doing something else... when you were on stage? - Have you thought that? - Has it happened to you? - It's not exactly that, - Okay. but I once thought he was overreacting. We were promoting our song... - called "Thriller." - I see. Was it our first performance of the song? It was the first week, so he was very tense. He wanted to show something when he was rapping. (What's that?) That's too much. (Did he really do this?) No way. Really. I'm not lying. - No way. - Come on. Did he really do that? Show us the clip. Please compare them. (We'll leave the judgment to MELODY.) Isn't Eun Kwang the one who is too into showmanship? - That was too much. - He wanted to spice it up, so he made him look funny. I wanted to imitate him, - but I couldn't. - You can't show the vibe? - But it was like this. - Yes. - Okay. Peniel, go next. - Okay. Let's pick the next door. - I'll go in order. - In order? - "Your." - Okay. I'm curious. (Who is stingy?) - Don't look at it. - Don't look. (He takes a step in confidence.) I think it's me. - Let's see. - I caught you. What? - Let's see. - I caught you. - What? - Hey. You can't catch yourself. No matter how hard you think, it's you? Okay. Let's take a guess. - All right. - Good. First off, I'm the youngest here. - Because he's young? - That's it? - Well. - What does it have to do with this? I got it. Who buys meals the least among us. Is it true? No. - What? - Is it wrong? Well, who knows little of the world. Is there a related anecdote? No. Who acts the cutest. - "Who acts the cutest." - Me? Does Peniel act cute often? Would he pick himself for that? He would never do that. We need to open it. They don't get it at all. - I want to get it right. - Why is it so hard? What does "Your" say about Peniel? Let's open the door. "Show me your wallet. You're so stingy." - I was so close. - Actually, you said the answer earlier. Do you think Peniel is the stingiest? He's not stingy. He's not really in the habit... - of spending money. - What about the rest of you? Who spends money the least among you? Who is so stingy? Eun Kwang. I noticed his nostrils got bigger. There's something Eun Kwang does. When we finish eating, he suggests rock-paper-scissors. He enjoys the meal... - That sounds like him. - and then suggests that. What I hate about it is... that he never loses. - He never loses. - He's good at it too. Yesterday, I treated our dancers. Before we started a dance session, I bought them meat. You bought them meat? Let's pick the next one then. Eun Kwang will pick one. Okay. I'll pick "Inside." (He's the most playful in the world.) - Good job. - It's right here. All right. (The member with numerous egos in him) It's easy. - It's so easy. - Does someone come to mind? - They will think of him too. - Really? - Okay. It's him. - Yes. Okay. You're not going to Chang Sub? I think it's me. I caught you. Okay. I picked the wrong person for too much showmanship. I picked the wrong member. I should've gone to him. - All of them were about Eun Kwang. - I know. Those were about Eun Kwang so far. - They picked others to stall. - What would it be about? I've known Chang Sub... since high school. Normally, - he makes me feel comfortable. - Right. - He looks cool on stage. - Right. When he sings, - He has many charms. - his voice changes. I think... he has so many charms. I got it. Who seems to have a split personality. He has someone else inside him. (Am I right?) Who can't put on a poker face. - "Who can't put on a poker face." - That's it. - I agree. - Can you give us an example? It's natural to feel sleepy when you're on an interview... - out of your busy schedule. - Right. There were times when Chang Sub was so sleepy... - and looked like this. - As if he was mad. I thought I kept myself awake, but I ended up falling asleep. They tried to wake me up... under the desk and I did this. - I was staring at something. - Exactly. That's what he used to do... to stay awake. - These days, he does this. - Do what? (Smiling) That looks weirder. - Wait. What was that? - Right? When I can't keep myself up, I know I should wake up, and I also find myself so funny. That face. I fall asleep like this and they wake me up... and I fall asleep again. You look weird in either way. Why don't we open the panel... - Chang Sub was given? - Okay. I got it right. Ta-da. - I was right. Numerous egos. - Right. Have you felt that way? Have you switched from crying to laughing so fast? He would laugh... - and then get irritated sometimes. - My personality is... All of a sudden, he laughs... and gets irritated? Then he says no to himself... and calms himself down. - He fixes it himself. - So... when I find something off, I'd get irritated. Then they would come to me... and explain things to me. - I agree right away. "Is that so?" - Right. "I see." - Then my anger melts away. - You're simple. - He's so charming. - I know. We only have the last door left. - Yes. - Min Hyuk will go. What would it be about? (A member weak at showing affection but is full of love) If you want to be strategic, you should think of a story to give it to Eun Kwang. - Everyone was once picked. - I'm the only one left. But it was all about him in the end. I know. It felt like Eun Kwang was picked... for all the panels so far. Unfortunately, it's not Eun Kwang. As we talk, it could turn out to be Eun Kwang too. That could happen. He's between Peniel and Chang Sub. - Both of them fit. - Is it hard to pick one? Really? - Yes. I'm sure. - Okay. I have a lot of love for my members. The member who has the most love for the members? How did you love other members? I call them from time to time and ask how they're doing. I ask when we're going to have a meal together. I tell them I'll call them again. These calls... can really bring comfort sometimes. That's right, even if you don't talk much. Eun Kwang, why do you think he was chosen? Love? Oh, dear. Love? I don't think it's related to love. - If it's not love? - What if it's love for materials? A love for material things? Could it be this one? Someone who focuses on one thing when he gets hooked. Something like being obsessed? - Is it like that? - Not really an obsession. For example, a long time ago, this was when we were living in our dormitories. He said he wanted to put a TV in his room. - We had a TV in the living room. - He could've watched that. He was hooked on it, so he got a huge TV. - How big was it? - I think it was 70 inches. - He put a 70-inch TV in his room. - In his room? He asked his mother, but didn't your mom try to stop you? She asked him why he wanted to buy it. He still ended up buying it and got scolded for it. (Payment first, scolding later) - He got scolded? - No one can stop him. - He has to do it his own way. - Yes. Now that we've heard about him, - shall we open it? - Okay. (A member weak at showing affection but is full of love) - Do you agree? - I agree. It's something I haven't forgotten, which I have to return the favor. It was when I got my first vacation in the army. I actually sold my house back then. I had to stay in a hotel, and after I ate with Chang Sub, he said: "Have a good rest." Then he made reservations for three days... in a five-star hotel for me. - Really? - Impressive. I've been thinking to return the favor. You didn't get scolded by your mom after spending that, did you? - My mom doesn't know. - The hotel? She'll know after watching this. - Take your mom to a nice place too. - Okay. I'll make sure to do that. You really showed your love for sure. - That's right. - Yes. Let's see what kind of chemistry they'll show us in the next segment. Let's move on together. A segment to capture precious GIFs of your idol. It's time for "Look Here, Cheese." - All right. - Bravo. - When we talk about BTOB, - Yes. they usually remind us... of their red carpet GIFs. You're right. Who started it? Someone found a funny group photo. We suggested doing it sometime later. The first thing we did was the star. - The star was the beginning. - So that was it. Wasn't it the tower first? We actually don't know for sure. - They've done it so many times. - Yes. - They could be confused too. - But wait. Now that we're talking about poses, everyone's starting to get excited. - Why don't we... - Why don't you show us again? - Think of this as the red carpet. - Yes. Can you form a pose here? It's almost the end of the year. - It'll be the BTOB4U version. - Yes. This is the red carpet, and the reporters are everywhere. (Many reporters have shown up.) They've made their comeback. Who are they? Here is BTOB4U. Please come out. - Welcome. - Let's take a photo first. They look handsome today as usual. Let's see... what kind of legendary photo they'll show us. Relax. Are they done? - Look. - We'll take a picture now. - In 1, 2, 3. - Look ahead. In 1, 2, 3. Face the front, in 1, 2, 3. (They are the ever-unpredictable BTOB.) (Title: "Merry Christmas to MELODY") We got a new GIF from them. - Yes. - Let's now start... - a GIF party from now on. - You're right. We'll give you a keyword. Each of you will then show us an expression that suits the word. Before you show us your facial expression, you can explain your background in detail... and we'll add special effects to it. Are you ready? Yes. Let's look at the first keyword. Please. - Please. - This is Eun Kwang's specialty. - Who's going to do it? - Eun Kwang. Eun Kwang is great at this. - How should I do it? - Tell us the situation. It was the first time... - I told my mom I wanted to sing. - To become a singer? I'll do it adorably. Let's watch Eun Kwang's "Please." In 1, 2, 3. (Please, Mom.) That's cute. - Adorable. - That was cute. Peniel is good at saying please. Shall we take a look at the youngest, Peniel? - Me? - Peniel can do "Please" adorably. It's Peniel's "Please." What situation is it, Peniel? In my case, since it's almost Christmas, I'll portray a kid asking for a toy. To Santa Claus? - To his parents. - To his parents. Let's start. In 1, 2, 3. (Buy me a toy.) (That's real.) He's right. (Min Hyuk agrees with it.) - He's right. - Peniel. He came out so calmly. - He made us laugh so hard. - He did it well. - We can't help but buy a toy. - Shall we take a vote? Chang Sub and Min Hyuk will pick their choice. Who's the leading emoticon of "Please"? (Please pick me.) Who is it? Peniel? They've chosen Peniel. - Peniel. - Give us an encore. This is the representative emoticon of "Please." It's Peniel. Shall we see the next keyword? "The bitter taste of life." For this one, why don't we... let Min Hyuk and Chang Sub do it, who just got discharged from the army? - The bitter taste of life. - Shall we start with Chang Sub? - Yes. - All right. - Chang Sub. - What kind of situation is it? The bitter taste of life. (It's already funny thinking of GIF time.) I'll do this one. - I woke up in the morning. - Okay. I need to go to work, so I came out. - But I forgot my mask. - Oh, no. I went back in to get my mask, but I left my phone inside while getting my mask. I went inside grudgingly. I carried my phone... and was on my way to the bus stop. But while I was carrying my phone, I missed the bus in front of me... - because of my mask and phone. - That's very detailed. - I missed it. - Okay. I had no choice but to take a taxi. - Wait a minute. - Afterward... - Wait a minute. - Why is it so long? Why is it so long? - You need to imagine it. - Okay. I got in the taxi, but the traffic was so heavy in the morning. I went as fast as I could, but I was a minute late. I ran and I apologized when I got there, but they were all looking at me this way. That was when I found out... the department head is not in a good mood today. Wait. When is this story going to end? I'll answer. The bitter taste of life! That's correct, Peniel. That's right, Peniel. I was stressed the whole day, and I went to get coffee, but someone pushed me and it spilled on my shirt. How long are you going to explain just to take a second of the GIF? All these piled up, - and it's the face after the spill. - Okay. - That's the facial expression. - I'll do it from here. It's the facial expression that contains all this story. In 1, 2, 3. In 1, 2, 3. (In between laughter and losing one's mind) We spent all this time with this story... just to see this. - Thank you. - Yes. - That was fun. - It's a fun story. - I agree. - I found another talent. Let's continue with that. I give up. You can't beat this. In that case, the bitter taste of life will... be represented by Chang Sub's expression. I didn't know "Look Here, Cheese" could be this fun. I'm sure you all have saved... BTOB's funny GIFs. You need to use them for real. - Yes. - We'll see you in the next segment. - Eunhyuk. - Yes. There was a segment that became a hot issue... when Eun Kwang and Peniel visited Weekly Idol before. Do you remember? - Of course, I remember. - What was it? He showed us the Eun Kwang Disorder. It was "Random Play Vocals." That's right. (It's forgetting the original lyrics and making his own words.) (In other words, it's a mess.) (Memorizing the lyrics is the hardest for me.) - It was amazing. - You're right. He showed shameless lyric-writing skills... and turned Weekly Idol upside down. We have other members today, so it'll feel different from last time. This segment is titled... "Show Your Voice." (We guarantee a fun time due to Eun Kwang Disorder.) Let me explain the rules. We'll play the music very shortly, which we prepared for BTOB. Listen to the music and guess the title of the song. Come to the front... and you have to sing live with the choreography too. The choreography too? (That won't be easy.) We won't be too strict about it. If it had a natural flow, - Okay. - then we'll consider it a success. The important thing is that all four members need... - to sing at least one line. - Got it. If you just get five right... out of ten questions, Weekly Idol will give you delicious food. - Yes. - Are you ready, guys? - Yes. - All right. Let's start. They're full of famous songs. I wonder if they have my favorites. Give us the first song. (Concentrating) I'll answer. "Beautiful Pain"? That's correct. ("Beautiful Pain" is a ballad by the sentimental BTOB.) (It's beautiful and painful) (I'm like a poet without romance like a corpse) He's rapping. (Avoiding pain to meet another pain) (Did I meet you to feel another kind of pain?) (Something's strange.) (The Eun Kwang Disorder returns.) (Of course.) - He's starting. - He is? Eun Kwang's starting. (Giving up) (Time has passed) Peniel is singing. (Now we're here) (Even this will become a memory) (We're screwed!) (Urgent news: Eun Kwang Disorder is contagious to BTOB4U.) (Starting again It's scary) (Gibberish) (He doesn't seem to know anything.) (Is he alive?) Min Hyuk. (To meet someone I love and to go through a breakup) (I've laughed and cried for so many days) (Amazement) (Star Min is a rapper but good at singing too.) (It's beautiful and painful) (He sang well, but what can we do?) The first song was "Beautiful Pain." - I'll consider this a success. - Certainly. (Success) Since it was the first song, - I'll give you some criteria. - Min Hyuk sings well. - I agree. - Thank you. - This is the second song. - Yes. Please play music. (What?) (What is that?) (We have a song like this?) The title is similar to the situation right now. (Nobody knows what's going on.) - What was that? - What is this? What is this? I thought it was the sound of a computer shutting down. (Laughing) No, it wasn't. (The sound was similar to a computer shutdown.) It was similar. Can we listen to it one more time? We had a song like this? Let's listen to it one more time. (Even if they hear it one more time, it still sounds like the computer.) Eun Kwang, you shouldn't do that. (Giving a hint) It's driving me crazy. Okay. Five. - What was that? - Four. - Three. - It's probably not a BTOB song. - Two. - I'll answer. "Remember That." - Pardon? - "Remember That." Is that right? That's wrong. - The second is a failure. - What is the title? "No One Knows." (Eun Kwang's solo track, "No One Knows") - It's your song. - It's not a BTOB song. This is Eun Kwang's song, not a BTOB song. I said this wasn't a BTOB song, but a solo track. - That's right. - You don't know this? Just like the title of the song, no one really knew. (They failed because no one knew, like the title.) Isn't the song Eun Kwang released right after leaving the army? - That's right. - Eun Kwang. Even I remember it. I chose the wrong title! The members didn't know it, so no one really knew. Let's listen to Eun Kwang's version. Let's hear him sing live. Please play music. It's starting. (The song has started, but he doesn't know it yet.) Do you not know it, by any chance? I get it now. (He knew this song five months ago.) (Calling on the lyrics) (I lived my life however I wanted to) (It's his song anyway.) (I'm used to being in pain) It's wrong. (I knew it.) It's wrong. (Kwang Hee couldn't help himself.) It's been so long since I've sung this. He can't even get to the chorus. - You're right. - He couldn't reach the chorus. Eun Kwang. If you were a lyricist, you would've defeated Kim Eana. (The Kim Eana of idol singers, Director Seo the lyricist) - I should work with her. - The impromptu lyricist. Let's go to the third music. Please play music. (A very familiar melody) - I'll answer. - "MOVIE." - "MOVIE." - The answer is "MOVIE." - That's right. - Get ready. Let's listen to their song. You're really good. (A movie-like dance track by BTOB) ("MOVIE," the title track of their tenth mini-album) (Just do whatever you want here) (I’m just another passerby) (A chaos) (What are you doing in the streets?) (They surprisingly do not get anything right.) (I want to go to you who keeps playing hard-to-get) (I'm the genius lyricist, Seo Eun Kwang.) Failure. How can you make lyrics like that? How can you make new lyrics so deceitfully? What's important is... when Min Hyuk was rapping. (It was full of ad-libs.) He was almost just breathing. (This is the 2020 trend of mumbling rap.) There's a reason I gave the first as a success. - Why? - Because they'll get it all wrong. I felt like they were going to get everything wrong. This is the fourth question. - Let's get this right. - Please play music. (The title of this melody) This is nothing. - I'll answer. - In 1, 2, 3. "Insane." Show us. (Their debut track that made who they are today) (I'll leave so you can hate me) (Now that they get the lyrics right, their choreography is the issue.) They're good. (The choreography got caught by Eunhyuk.) (The both-sided wing dance is defective.) (I want you more than anything) (A complete mess) (Do something.) (They get zero points except for live singing skills.) (I don't know anymore.) (Chaos) How come you can't sing one song right? You know what's funny? Chang Sub and Peniel can't remember the choreography. But why are they looking at each other? Chang Sub and... - Two wrongs make a right. - It makes a right. It's a success. (A success) (Why is it a success?) I liked the atmosphere. Your atmosphere. (Getting one point with their atmosphere) We still have a lot of songs left, so let's sit down. - You got two songs right. - Yes. - We're almost there. - Let's just keep doing this. - You shouldn't keep doing that. - We shouldn't? You need to do better. This is the fifth song. We need to get it right. (What is the title of the upbeat melody?) (The ones who knows it and the ones who don't) In 1, 2, 3. - "You're So Fly." - "You're So Fly." - Great. - Let's watch them. (A dance track that triggers an internal dancing) (A starry night Oh, no) (I'll just do the choreography.) (I'll run until the end) (Anything for you) What song is this? (Where are the lyrics going?) (Come on, give it to me now) (Oh, my goodness.) - Stop. - You failed. Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry, but you didn't get one word right. Min Hyuk had it all wrong until now? Min Hyuk made up his own lyrics... and said: "You're amazing." That was an amazing failure. We need to get 3 right out of 4. You need to get three songs right... to eat the food. Let's move on to the next question. Play music. I know what this is. - Everyone knows this. - What's your answer? - One, two, three. - "Missing You." "Missing You." - Look at Peniel. - You didn't know, right? I almost said: "It's Okay." Come on out. ("Missing You" is a famous song by BTOB.) (The time keeps going by) (They're finally doing well.) (I've never achieved anything in the meantime) (This is the first time you're doing great today.) Peniel! (The day was gone while we were waiting for this.) (Peniel hits the high note.) (This is the concert stadium.) That's nice. (He's into the song.) You pass! - That was so nice. - That's it. We can't get that wrong. That song fits so well with winter. You got three questions right. Give us the next question. This was a solo song by Min Hyuk. What's the title? It's "YA." That's right. Now all four of you should sing this together. - This song... - What? I sang a solo song alone just now. Because you already failed at that point. I see. (This song has to be sung with a lot of charisma.) (Don't worry I'll give you water) (See the stars through a slightly open window) (Baby, I can't put it into words) (He tells it right to his ear.) (They're starting again.) (You can't feel this anywhere else) (Lyrics in my ear) (I'm giving you the lyrics, why can't you sing them?) (Laughing) (The next generation lyric output system) (The lyrics coach is very enthusiastic.) (You're next.) (YA, YA, YA, YA, YA, YA) (Dancing) (Yes, in the DA!) (This part is the only part he gets right.) You pass! (They pass thanks to Min Hyuk.) (Cheers to your perseverance.) We made it through with our guts. I thought Eun Kwang... talked through a translating machine. I made all the right input. We're forcing our way to our success. They made it so fun. I'm glad to see that. Let's move onto our eighth question. Play music. (They got it right away.) - One, two, three. - "Beep Beep." It's been so long since we sang this. I'm so touched. Has it been five years? You need to sing this song. (They sang this song on their way to the top.) (I loved you so much) (I cherished you with my life) Why does the dance look so easy? (He sings hard without looking back.) (Singing Peniel comes out.) (Wiggle) (BTOB is coming.) (Oh, I hate you) (I eat, I sleep, and I toss and turn) (I cry thinking about you) (He copies Chang Sub again.) (He's the dancing black hole.) Everybody! (Everybody gets ready for the climax.) (Beep beep) (Everyone, honk your horns.) (Beep beep) (Your live singing is better today.) BTOB... passes! (They pass.) Your dancing became a lot easier. (Their choreography changed a bit.) It changed like this. It was that dance from the start. I thought it'd be difficult but they did it. Okay. This last question is the one that MELODY was waiting for. Of course. I think... Peniel might have waited for this too. - That's right. - He kept mentioning this. "It's Okay." - "It's Okay." - "It's Okay." Play music. (This song will soothe your soul.) (MELODY should listen to this song with us.) Everybody! (Their live singing is so good.) (All I can say are these lyrics) (Their voice makes everything okay.) (You can always count on BTOB's singing.) They did it perfectly. They sang the song perfectly. BTOB4U. They passed "Show Your Voice"! Congratulations. We'll be giving you delicious food. Please bring in the food. (It's their favorite menu, bingsoo.) (Everyone gets one each.) Thank you. - Thank you for the food. - Thank you for the food. I think this has mango and cheese. (Let's move onto the next segment.) The four members... came on this show so many times. They probably played all the games. I think they have. - But we still had some left. - What do we have? They're known for their harmony. But they haven't shown it to us yet. - Their harmony? - We haven't? Harmony. (Really?) - Weekly. - Idol. - We love. - You. Thank you. - Sorry. - Thank you for your harmony. But that was regular harmony. But our game is a different harmony. - Harmony. - Yes. BTOB is so good at harmony. But they haven't played this game. They need to play this. - They're really good... - Harmony. at these games. - So we made a few upgrades. - That's right. This is how this game was born. It's "Harmony Speed Quiz." ("Harmony Speed Quiz") Before we get to the main game, we should warm up a bit. You need to read these sentences as fast as possible. Can we hear the harmony version? - I can't show any teeth. - That's right. - Who should start? - Eun Kwang should start. Here I go. Mr. Park Bum Bok... Bob. Bab bom. Bab. Are you hungry? You fail. - This is a hard sentence. - You should read it fast. Begin. Mr. Park Bum Bok went to see night cherry blossom. Ms. Bang Bup Bok went to see day cherry blossom. - He's so good. - That's amazing. Why? Let us explain the rules. You need to hide your teeth while playing this... speed quiz. The team to get the most questions right in three minutes wins. (It's the younger members against the older members.) We'll start the game with BTOB4U's... younger members. Ready. (Start.) (Anchovy) (Turning) His nickname. - Eunhyuk's nickname. - Hairtail. Silver Hairtail. Hairtail. That's good. A smaller fish. Meat? We eat this a lot as a side dish. Atka mackerel, Spanish mackerel. Mackerel! It's sometimes cooked with beans. It's tiny. It's tiny? Anchovy. - That's it. - Correct. You do this on ice... with brooms. - Round... - Curling. A wooden stick used to take things out of your teeth. Toothpick. - That's correct. - He's good. You use this machine... to fry things without oil. - Air fryer. - That's correct. He's good at explaining things. Tail. (He only has to list the related words.) Fox. Nine-tailed fox. He got that right. Boss. (Boss.) Nice shot! Nice shot. (No one understands what's going on.) - Did he get it? - What is that? The thing that stops mosquitoes. Mosquito curtain. - Windows. - Mosquito net! Correct. (Soy sauce fried chicken) - Sauce. - Fried chicken. That's almost right. Spicy sauce, fried, and... (What's next?) (He's so good.) Black sauce. You eat it with dumplings. - Soy sauce. - He's good. Eun Kwang's army. Ikija. There's more after that. Ikija Division. The ice cream Min Hyuk and I like, but Eun Kwang hates. (Painful) It tastes like toothpaste. Mint chocolate. That's correct. You put this on your bed to be warm when it's cold. Electric mats. That's correct. The member that went to the military last. - Jung Il Hoon. - That's right. That's the time. Why are you so good? Peniel and Chang Sub... got 13 questions right. You're so good. The older members. (He's nervous.) (We can do this.) Ready. (Na Hoon Ah) (It's difficult to explain.) He's a trot music master. What? (He repeats himself.) (Blank) Sing. He had an untact concert recently. On the LED screen... (This can't be interpreted.) - What are you saying? - What? Come again? In his untact concert, he fought the coronavirus on the screen. Na Hoon Ah. That's correct. You tie this together. You take the fish. What do you call this? - Redlip croaker. - It's something like that. We placed first. Then what do we say? - Honored. - That's it. - Yeonggwang croakers. - That's it. You're good at this. We lost all our teeth. - Come on. - What do you need? Dentures. That's right. We eat this every day on our way to work. - Hamburger. - No. - Gimbap. - We need to fight the fatigue. Vitamin. Red ginseng. You need to explain more. - Nutrition pills. - You wake up. - What? - Caffeine. Coffee. Be specific. Iced Americano. Correct. (He warms up again.) You go to an amusement park, then ride this exciting thing. - Roller coaster. - Correct. Our youngest member. (Pause) (What's going on?) (Are you a spy?) (There are no spies in this game.) - Did you forget him? - Yuk Seong Jae. Correct. (He starts jumping.) (You should try to guess too.) You said you wanted a commercial for this. I know. Bidet. You said we couldn't move. But I was quick-witted. Okay, we'll let this go. You put this on your feet when it's cold at night. (Dazed) Socks. But... - you put it on when you sleep. - Cotton socks. Correct. It's rough here. (Get ready to choke.) (He's already choking.) (Air purifier) - It's coarse? - There's something in my throat. - Mouthwash. - No. - G**glin! - No. - Disinfectant. - Keep going. - Cough medicine. - No. It's a machine. There's a machine for this? (Realizing) Does it do this? - No. - Wait. I really don't know. You wash your mouth? - Humans... - Automatic toothbrush. That's the time. (They put up a good fight.) (He did too.) The younger members got 13 questions right. Min Hyuk and Eun Kwang... got eight questions right. The younger members win! We weren't even close. Boss, nice shot. Congratulations! We brought you your prize. (It's always fun to get prizes.) This is for your rough mouths. Thank you. They're mouthwash sets and lip balms. This is so nice. - I love lip balms. - Of course. - Thank you. - Congratulations. Chang Sub. Explain! What? You wrote in your strong point... that you are funny when you're with your members. Your weak point was you're not funny when on TV shows. But you're so funny here. In my entire history... I've never been funny on this show. But the two of you... carried me today. So I could spread my wings about halfway. Don't mention it. They're the original beagle idol singers. That doesn't go away. Please say a few words... for your fans, MELODY. We've prepared so much for you... as BTOB4U. So please show us lots of love. I love you. Eun Kwang, tell us... about your future plans. We'll be performing for about a month... with our new song, "Show Your Love." We should show one another some love, and spread this song... and some love to those around us. MELODY, I love you more and more. (We love you, MELODY.) I wonder what combination of members... will visit us next time. Will you be a complete team the next time you come to our show? I think the complete team... will take a bit more time. - It will be made in 2022. - That's right. We need to do a lot of things before that. - Then another combination? - Yes. They have so many combinations. - That's right. - I wonder what will be next. - That's right. - You can have high hopes. - We'll do that. - They'll give us laughter, positivity, and other great energy... to charge us with them to the full. It's time to say goodbye to BTOB4U. This was... BTOB4U! Thank you, goodbye! Bye! - Good luck! - We love you, Weekly Idol. (Sketching Weekly Idol for the next week) (K-pop's masterpiece, GOT7 is here.) Draw whatever you want. (Super sexy cuteness?) (They cut the spoilers.) Start. (What are you going to draw?) (There's no editing point.) (Jackson is very good at acting.) (Amazed) (They react first before they watch.) (It's "Last Piece.") (This is everything.) (It's BamBam's turn.) (He has a unique art world.) (They don't get it.) (He adds details.) (Full acceleration) (Why are they suddenly laughing?) (Come watch the show for the answer.) Sketching Weekly Idol... for the next week! Are you curious about this sketch? At 5 p.m. on December 2, Wednesday, we will see you in Weekly Idol! (Weekly Idol) ("Show Your Love" by BTOB4U)
Channel: ENOZI
Views: 462,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 17FjaCTIR9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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