(ENG/SPA/IND) This is a Real Fight! | Kang's Kitchen | Mix Clip

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(Peaceful Kang's Kitchen compilation.zip) (arguing on 'sauce on top VS separate') Soo Geun, listen! All the good katsu places I know serve food with sauce on top But that way the crispy texture gets all soggy! Of course! (After 30 minutes...) You want your katsu to be crispy (If you pour the sauce)It gets soggy! (The forever controversy) But the cutlets would be served sliced (...trying to solve it here) Refilling a bunch of the sauce? (Break) What really matters-- matters more than the profit is... Customer satisfaction? Right, our sincerity is what matters! Our slogan... huh? (Our owner eats more than you) When our skills and sincerity are not ready yet you open for both lunch and dinner time? This would rather cause a lot of side effects We should prepare more and show them that much more We'll greet them at lunch and then at dinner Then take care of dinner on your own If you want to show off that much - Jae Hyun! - Yes! In the end, we have to come to a decision We have to figure out how much to do to make a profit - 100 portions! - [Soo Geun] At least... We have to at least make enough to pay for ingredients-- 100 portions That's how much we have to prepare at least (Owner Kang steps in) If there are four tables, that's 15 people! How? Let's say four people sit on each table We gotta seat them more to have more customers! We need to seat 20 people per table! Maybe we should make it like a buffet! - [Ji Won] and get paid per person - buffet sounds good 20,000 won per person Then let's just do a pork cutlet buffet (thinking out loud like nonsense) (Ho Dong wants to live a quiet life) (Now they're fighting on pricing) We gotta adjust the amount of portion - That's what I'm saying! - Soo Geun... [Soo Geun] they even get four soup bowls! We're doing this for our own happiness so don't get so mad Tell me, then! We have to think about it objectively! Wait, listen to me What! Why is it 20,000 won for 450g of meat, why? 400g (※ Yes, he's really mad lol) 20,000 won for 400g is just absurd... At regular places, it'd be just 10,000 won! We're doing this for our own happiness so don't get so mad We're doing this all to be happy So we take this big... The place I know... (Let's calm down a little bit) (Restored peace) (... for a second) We could become a standard! 400g for 20,000 won? For something this big! What are the existing restaurants supposed to do? They would say, "Kang's Kitchen ruins every standard we had!" What if that fight leads to a lawsuit, what will you do? Then let's apologize now and just scrap it! Let's do it! We'll all apologize to the viewers Change the title so it's 'Come and Go' 'Come and Go to the Jeju Island' (I don't think so...) If you're too busy, tell us I'm busy! I feel like I'm going to die! (To-do list) [Ho Dong] The pork cutlet is ready! (Waiters are on fire tonight) (Min Ho is in charge of all miscellaneous things) (Not only does he prepare drinks) - Where do the drinks go? - Table 4! Where does that go? Table 5! (The part-time worker also prepare the bread) - The pork cutlet is ready~ - Yes, sir Wow, It's so different from yesterday! (Things that still need to be done) Why are there two Table 2's? (Confused) (Table 2) (Table 2) (Two orders for Table 2) Why are there two orders from Table 2? Bro! I checked the orders and there are two orders for Table 2? What? - There are two orders for Table 2! - I wrote it wrong! - What table is this for? - Table 3 - This is Table 3? - This is Table 3! [Soo Geun] Then take one out [Ji Won] Why would you take it out? (Looks like he wants to say something) [Soo Geun] There are two Table 3's? [Ji Won] No, Table 3 this is Table 2 and 3! (Let's calm down a bit agian) Okay~ Everybody, don't panic! Let's be happy, let's be happy! (But...) Excuse me! Yes~ Can we get some more sauce? - Pork cutlet sauce? - Yes (Customers keep ordering more...) Can we get more sauce! Here's your sauce Here's your sauce There's an omelet rice too, right? The omelet rice is ready (Table 3 has all of their orders) Enjoy your meal~ Table 5 doesn't have any main dishes out yet! Who did you say that was? - The singer? - Eun Ji Won! Yes, Eun Ji Won! He's incredible (Incredible singer Eun Ji Won) He was really something (Busy constantly washing his hands) I think washing hands is the hardest part It just doesn't end! (Chefs are busy frying and stirring) Can we get more sauce please~ Would you like more sauce? More pork cutlet sauce, please [Soo Geun] Wow~ the sauce Pour more sauce to begin with - [Ho Dong] More? - About half~ You need more to begin with, we got another order for more [Soo Geun] Let us know about things like that! Thank you! Has the food taste gone different? Everyone wants more sauce today (Pours two scoops in the same spot) The sauce's not enough! I poured on it twice! The sauce is pouring underneath! Bro! (Customers keep wanting more sauce...) Bro, two more pork cutlet sauce orders! [Soo Geun] Give them a lot of sauce in the first place! I'm doing that already! (Another calming time) (Peace of mind) We should be grateful they're asking for more sauce - They must just like more sauce - We should be grateful for it - Right, it means they like it! - That's the spirit! (Serving gets faster) You've waited a long time~ Pork cutlet~ This is the Kang Ho Dong pork cutlet, enjoy! Wow, it's so big! This is insane! (30 minutes after opening) This is completely different from yesterday We ran out of the soup [Min Ho] This table's been waiting for too long - [Min Ho] How long will it take? - [Soo Geun] What is? [Min Ho] The main dish! Hurry up with the pork cutlet (Main dishes gotta go faster) Please hurry up~ I think we're going to need a break time in between? How can we take a break right now? What right do we have to take a break? (Unqualified to take a break) Hey! We aren't too late-- it's fine! (Finally, the last table, Table 5) (The first main dish has arrived) We're sorry it took so long Hand me the omelet rice! (Omelet rice arrives safely) Your omelet rice is here (Meanwhile, Table 1 is done) We're sorry, things are a bit hectic Here it is~ (Preparing for new customers) We have no soup (Keeps worrying about soup) What we need most is the roux! - We better start making 'roux' now - Okay, let's roux now Start preparing it for me (Flour + butter = roux) The heat doesn't need to be so strong, right? [Jae Hyun] You have to start with a low heat Excuse me! - Yes~ - By chance... can we take the leftover out? Yes, of course! Okay then, Two Lee Soo Geun cutlets and one omelet rice to go Okay! (Kang's Kitchen's risk list) (3. Packaging) (And all of these ricks have come together) We got a to-go order! [Soo Geun] A to-go order for new food? How do we pack this? Have you done it before? (Baffled) We have two Soo Geun pork cutlets to go What's 'Oh'? Of course it's omelet rice - the omelet rice for to-go as well? - Yes! - We've never done this before - [Jae Hyun] that needs to be packed? [Ho Dong] Just give us the containers and we'll try it! (So worried) Just give us the containers! We have't done it before but we'll try Two Soo Geun pork cutlets, Soo Geun! Don't be greedy Just put one cutlet per container No two per container! What!? We should do that? The containers are quite big, though Still, pack them separately Soo Geun! We are making happiness so don't be lazy about it I don't think of it as a hassle! Putting this one thing in this big container... I just don't think that's very efficient It's a spirit of service! (※Yes, they're fighting smiling) Don't complain like that, apologize - I won't apologize - Apologize! The packing'd cost more than the food We buy 400,000 won's worth of stuff and only make 220,000 won a day! At Kang's Kitchen, we sell both food and happiness (In the end, he packs them individually) (The containers alone cost 2,000 won...) Two pork cutlets Doing all sort of crazy things today and now we are packing - No! - You have to fold it inwards! (Now packing method is the problem) No, it'll get dirty. It's better this way - The correct way is to leave it out - Right? You're supposed to leave it out what's wrong with you (While they're bickering...) It has to stay outside - [Ji Won] Just give me I'll do the folding - Hey! Hey! Hey! (Completely forgot about the roux) [Soo Geun] You're burning something again! Something smells like it's burning? - Not this, not this! - What is it? - What's wrong? - The roux is done for, I'm sorry (Chef Kang burnt the roux) This is totally my fault Yes, it's my fault, my fault I was trying not to make a mistake but it's so hectic Let's all concentrate! You made a mistake but you were going to be mad again, right? - I'll do it, just leave it here - I need it cleaned up right now! You want me to clean it up now? I have to make the roux again! (We need roux to make soup...) Seriously? What is this! I apologized~ This isn't something you can solve with an apology! A new pot please, a new pot! (If his mom saw it, he'd get hit) Wow, this isn't coming off! We need to care about safety even more when it's busy... Be careful~ [Min Ho] We have no more soup, what do we do? Be careful of safety! The boss is talking, everyone! We have to get the roux back on first! (It's not the time to be frazzled) Yes, start with the roux first [Soo Geun] You don't have any other pots? No pots? I'll make the roux, I'll do the roux... You don't have to worry... Don't worry about it~ Yes, we need an omelet rice (At least the Lee Soo Geun pork cutlets are packed well) (...AND dropped it) Hey, I...spilled it all! Excuse me! Packaging... (Hall manager has lost it) I dropped it by mistake Please repackage this for me Packing... Packing... [Soo Geun] What? [Ji Won] Packing... I dropped it while packing it away Soo geun! What are you trying to tell me to do! We should put the omelet rice in first - [Soo Geun] Everyone, get a hold of yourselves - Where's the egg? The egg is missing! (Forgot the egg on top) Where's the egg on top of the omelet rice! I was going to give it separately! (Jae Hyun a moment ago) (Sprinkled parsley right on top of the fried rice) - Is this an omelet rice? - It's omelet rice... But I didn't make the egg (Even reliable Jae Hyun is a mess) You didn't make the egg? Everyone! Everyone, relax a little-- This needs to be packed! (Relaxed) Bro, this needs to be packed! - This needs to be packed - Another one? Another Lee Soo Geun pork cutlet to go! [Jae Hyun] The to-go meals are making things crazy! Table 2! Table 2 wants a Lee Soo Geun pork cutlet to go! We know But we aren't ready to package things. Wait a minute Packaging, geez... (What?) Give me a container! (Personality split) Container... Give me a container Don't get mad~ This is a happy kitchen You'll be in trouble if you get mad! [Ji Won] Give it to me! I'll give it to you with the lid on! The flour...where is it? Next to the scales! [Ho Dong] Oh, it's here? I don't... I don't think things will work if the business does well for us! Everyone... don't panic! (I'm panicking the most) (Peaceful Kang's Kitchen compilation. zip) (Following the chef's advice) Make some space for me to put the pot (For the busy hall team) (Soo Geun fills up the bottle) [Ho Dong] Not a pot, a plate~ An order for Kang Ho Dong pork cutlet is coming in! What about the Kang Ho Dong pork cutlet? [Ho Dong] We're doing this for our happiness so let's smile~ Everyone, let's do some stretching [Soo Geun] This is really... [Ho Dong] Lee Soo Geun, I love you [Soo Geun] Oh~ You're welcome [Ho Dong] Now~ Let's all wash our hands (Pouring out) [Ho Dong] Cleanliness! (It's become a flood) Soo Geun, Jae Hyun, thank you~ What are you saying, we are more... - Jae Hyun, thank you - No problem, chef (What about me?) Where is this water coming from? Oh geez, those guys! (Pouring even more) You have to close it, you opened it more! Don't get angry We shouldn't get mad~ It was to help the people in the hall, so be understanding~ - Who did it? - I don't know! (Finding the culprit) Water... There's a flood over here!! [Ji Won] Where? Oh, I turned it on... [Ji Won] Who? I did it Wait? That's not it? If it was you, you would have been in big trouble No, I turned it on and then-- It's okay, don't worry about just focus on orders (Caught on) Did you do it? (Turns himself in...) I remember doing it to try and help I'm being honest right now... It was out of the kindness of my heart~ You turned the water on? (Time for a break for a beautiful world without violence) (Crash) Do you want more, what would you like? (Soo Geun is caring about customers who over-ordered) You don't really need to push yourselves We don't need the ramen, they want just one You don't have to make it - So cancel one ramen? - We've given one out already The order hasn't been put in yet, that's alright, yes? - What are you saying? - You didn't get it? Come over here, Lee Soo Geun I can't work with stupid people anymore Simply put, one ramen is canceled - Which table? - Then just say it like that! They're eating one already, but they can't finish that one So I gave the second ramen to Table 5 - So now Table 1-- - It's confusing when you put it that way! The wait staff has to be flexible - [Ho Dong] Then you should tell PD Na - That's why I'm in here [PD] You did well, you did well The main office said I did well! (And suddenly) [PD] You did well~ You did well~ We're a happy kitchen~ This is Kang's Kitchen This is Kang~ Ho Dong) (+Bonus) (Mysterious shout) [??] Ho Dong!! Ho Dong? - [??] Ho Dong! - Oh~ Ho Dong? (Sound from far away) Let's go! [Min Ho] It's like a roaring lion... One more and Ho Dong will go out there! One more! I'm coming to catch you I'll catch you! I'll catch you! - [Jae Hyun] They stopped at two! - [Min Ho] They know their limits From the tone of their voice, they're younger than me, right?? It sounded like an elementary school kid... Elementary school? [Min Ho] That's what it felt like! (Scariest of all is when school is 'out on break' for kids) (Kids, promise me you won't do any dangerous stuff (ex. Ho Dong)) (I'm the tvN editor. All of my friends need to subscribe & like (serious)) (Everyone, like & subscribe, okay? :))
Channel: tvN D ENT
Views: 4,990,214
Rating: 4.8575435 out of 5
Keywords: 서유기, 신서유기레전드, 강호동, 이수근, 은지원, 안재현, 송민호, 피오, 이승기, 규현, 슈주, 블락비, 위너, 신서유기다시보기, 신서유기엑기스, 나영석, 나영석예능, 나영석레전드, 구혜선, 탁구, 벌크업, 레전드, 키스신, 신혼일기, 모델, 복근, 강식당, 본사, 지점, 제주도, jeju, jejuisland, tvn, 티비엔
Id: stWO6rfmfXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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