English4ICAO "MOCK TEST" - ICAO TEST PART 2 - Interacting as a Pilot

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you this is a sound check please inform the examiner if you can listen to this recording loud and clear the volume is okay okay so thank you interact since the pilot in this part you have to interact with the air traffic control in five different situations you may also control it taken once after listening to the controller you should interact as a pilot and all information is important you may take notes if you wish you have the pilot of the twin-engine aircraft your callsign is an active one two three I mean stretchers care yes they are okay so let's start situation number one your appointment at Miami Airport you're going to listen to many control and read back all information an AK one two three clear to land on runway two nine eleven two eight zero degrees one four knots qnh one zero one four an AK one two three clear to land on runway two nine left when two eight zero degrees one four knots qnh one zero one four keeps land on runway should I swing to a third degrees one for naught qnh one zero one four and nine twenty three now imagine that there is a truck crossing the runway do follow control of this and your intention to start over and then interact appropriately my there was a truck crossing the runway to my left where I start to go around and Ike one two three and Ike wants a three I understood that you have started a missed approach due to an establised approach say and Ike wants a three I understood that you have started a missed approach due to an establised approach negative we started a missed approach due to a truck crossing the renovation I'm Wes and I want two three what did the controller say the controller understood then I started missed approach due to an establised approached thank you no situation of a chair you're flying from New York to Miami you're going to listen to the control and read back all information connect one two three maintain flight level three nine zero and we're ready to descend call Miami approach on 1 to a 9 or decimal 5 0 see an AK 1 2 3 maintain flight level 3 9 0 and we're ready to descend call Miami approach on 1/2 a Niner decimal five zero maintain flight level three nine zero we're ready to descent we approach on one to nine decimal five zero and I now imagine that you have a decompression in full control of this problem and then you are descending to flight level 1 0 0 then interact appropriately Mayday Mayday Mayday and I went to a 3-way and a sudden decompression descending to flight level 1 0 0 and that 1 2 3 I understood that you had a compressor stall and you are descending to flight level 1 0 0 negative we had a 70 compression and are descending to flight level 1 0 0 and a 1 2 3 what did the controller say the control understood that I had an impressive stop and if I was aware that I started to send to flight level 1 0 okay thank you now situation number 3 your flight from Dubai to New York you're going to listen to New York Center and read back all information a neck 1 2 3 maintain flight level 4 1 zero contact New York Center on one three three zero five zero three and Ike 1 2 3 maintain flight level four one zero contact New York Center on one three three three zero five zero maintaining flight level 4 1 zero and will contain New York Center on one two three decimal five zero now that deliver the flights 10 informed you that she found a suspicious package in the rear toilet you fold the controller got this problem and your intention to divert it to the nearest airport then interact appropriately New York center like 1 2 3 we have fun a suspicious occasion the rear toilet repressive efforts in the nearest airport mi cuenta three I understood that you have an earned really passenger on board you are clear to divert to Chicago O'Hare International Airport and Ike went to three I understood that you have an unruly passenger on board you are clear to divert to Chicago O'Hare International Airport New York Center negative a suspicious package and board clear to Edwards who Chicago very International Airport not one two three the boat understood that I had a really passenger worked and cleared me to backwards to Chicago O'Hare International Airport okay situation for your flight from Russia to France listen Fran Center and read back control frequency what to six decimal one 523 but they sell for three seven zero and commerce el otro frequency what to see it's decimal one five Roger maintain flight level present zero and we've commercial drone frequency one to six decimal one five now Jerry priests like you see the following situation on your engine panel you decide to land a Charles to fire but I requested ascent to flight level two zero zero call my self control and state your intentions then listen to the controller and interact Reza will draw an act 1 2 3 we have an engine failure request of the senses Azul Azul inland and Charles de Gaulle Airport I got you three kids of descent to flight level two zero zero ancient site negative we have an agent failure designs flight level two zero zero and that one two three what did the controller the controller cleared it to the center flight level two zero zero and asked me if I had an engine fire thank you this is the end of situation that are in a situation under fire three kids are now been taken from zero my left with one zero zero one two dots out to meet set one zero two zero [Music] put two three clear to line up and take off that way zero my left wind one zero zero one two dots out to be tier 1 0 to 0 when this now have an aperture 3 kids line up and take off from a 0 9 left wing one zero zero one two not sporty meter 1 0 2 0 now during takeoff you have the following situation and you decide to climb to 7,000 feet to check the pressurization system contact radius tower and say your intentions then listen to the controller and interact what are the stoner knuckle to three we have a taken strike request climb and maintain 7,000 feet to check the pressurization system to three climb to maintain 7,000 feet off the pad birdstrike whereas our negative and tango strength when we climb and maintain 7,000 feet what did the controller said the controller cleared me to climb and maintain 7,000 feet and then he asked me if I had a birthday thank you this is the end of part 2 let's move on to the third part of the test okay [Music] [Music]
Views: 641,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english4icao, icao test, sdea, sophie johnstone, prova icao, teste icao, icao anac, anac, aviação, aviacao, piloto
Id: -ut9AaKynrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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