English Speaking Practice Techniques to use when Practising Alone - My favourite 9 ways

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hi everyone today we're going to talk about nine nine such techniques that you could follow if you are alone and you want to practice English speaking now all of these are pretty brilliant in themselves you're gonna enjoy doing these and the biggest part is that I'm gonna actually practice and show you how to do it okay so each one of these we're gonna take time understand properly and move on and trust me all nine are unique in themselves you could make a mix and match of this one that one Whatever wave works for you the best because the aim is to gain fluency it does not matter how you reach there let's start with Point number one first technique to follow is the mirror technique I have spoken about this one in my previous videos but let me show you how to do this now the good part about this technique is that there is actually a person in front of you so there is this problem that you do not have anyone with whom to talk with with whom to practice your fluency your English with but then in Mirror Technique you really have somebody standing right in front of you I mean that person is you of course but then it is a person right so you can maintain your eye contact in the mirror with yourself okay and talk what to talk is never a problem just ask questions to yourself and then start answering to yourself discuss how your day was what you ate in your lunch your dinner whom all you met during the day it could be anything this is also going to help you boost your confidence because again you're talking with somebody who's standing in front of you so it is going to help you of course it is going to take a little while no change can happen in just a day in just a night no it obviously needs practice and to tell you very frankly about myself I have practiced this a lot people might not believe me when I say this but I have done this I was desperate to be fluent in English I have never shied away from accepting this I've always been desperate to be fluent and confident with my English speaking it has helped me a lot in my life by the way so yes this was one thing I would do a lot but yes it was not a technique that I was following to improve my English I was using this as a way of talking with myself I was just being friends with myself I was just being expressive about how I was feeling how I was feeling and this is what I was doing while I was talking in front of the mirror with myself I was just being friends with myself I was just expressing my emotions and how I was feeling unknowingly I was subconsciously I was also improving my English while I was doing that so this is first technique that you could follow let's move on to the second one now this one is a craze these days I'm talking about chat GPT conversations this is a brilliant technique and it's new so it's fun because this is something that you've not done in the past let me tell you how to do this simply ask Chad GPT to create a conversation in English between two friends okay or between mother and daughter or it could be anyone okay just give it two characters let me tell you the prompt HR GPT give me a conversation of five minutes length between two friends and then chat GPT is gonna instantaneously develop a conversation for you and then you start practicing those conversations aloud you first become friend one say the sentence and then become friend to speak the sentence make sure you do it with all the intonation articulation be very specific be clear with your sounds okay say those words in a way that you would say when while actually speaking with a friend okay so use that tone don't just repeat the words don't just call them out you have to actually get into the character and speak those words okay that's how you practice your spoken English so yes get into the character of friend one speak those lines then get into the character of friend two speak the lines and that's how you practice the entire conversation of five minutes let's move on to Method number three now now method number three involves you describing a picture this can be done in two ways first way is go to alinaries.com picture we made this tool and surprisingly too many people are actually still using it in the last two years it's been so many people are visiting the page and using this page to describe pictures so it's just very simple a picture would open up and you start talking about the picture you could probably talk about the emotion that you see in the picture the colors that you see in the picture about the person or maybe a ship or a car or a landscape whatever's there in front of you just start talking about it okay it's just a small practice of maybe three or four minutes two or three minutes whatever you're comfortable with so this is one way you could practice describing a picture okay another way to start describing a picture is not going to the website but actually just do this like a director of a movie okay what all do I see so I see a massive light in front of me I see a camera setup I see a mic in front of me I see some curtains I see a window I see some trees outside my window so I could talk about innumerable things that are right there in this Frame just sit in your room all by yourself and start talking who's watching and why do you care even if somebody is you've got to learn right you've got to put an effort let's move on to point number four next way to practice your spoken English and your fluency in English is to play role play with yourself yes so assume two characters let's say there is one character interviewer and there is another character interviewee okay and then you could assume one character or maybe both the characters whatever way you're comfortable if I were you this is how I would do I would first become the interviewer ask a question to myself and then become the interviewee and answer to myself okay something like hey what's your name hi my name is Alina rice so what interests you in this job I love this company whatever I've heard about this company is so amazing so I would love to be a part of this organization what makes you different from others I'm a YouTuber with 4.5 million subscribers it makes me a hell lot different from others okay I'm just being bad here okay let's move on to find number five you get the idea now right okay so this is how you can practice assuming two characters and sit alone do it by yourself you don't need people to practice your spoken English it's seriously just an excuse you're giving yourself for so many years now start doing something different stop complaining that is one short way of success Point number five for you next way is reading out subtitles and mimicking them let me show you how to do this so as you saw you open TV and you play any English show with subtitles now take the remote in your hand play a sentence pause the sentence remember we are not here to watch the TV show and enjoy we are here to practice our speaking okay so you pause the show every time there is a dialogue a subtitle on the screen pause it say those words out after saying those words then you play then the screen goes on and there's another subtitle on the screen you pause the screen and you say those words out it's simple it's entertaining because you will be catching on the story a little bit too okay try and do it alone because that way you'll be able to focus more and try it with all the emotion in your voice do not just do not be robotic don't sound like a robot sound like a human when you're doing that okay let's move to point number six now the good part about this technique is that it helps you with your vocabulary because these are English shows and these are talking in their language so you get to learn new words another thing is that you would get to practice your pronunciations because most of the times we make a lot of mistakes with pronunciations and when I say pronunciations I don't just mean a b or a verb no I'm not talking about v's and W's I'm not talking about v's and W's how words with letter v are pronounced differently from words with letter blue though they sound very similar no I'm not talking about those specifications I'm talking about the actual pronunciation something like you know how Humane is different from Human like many people would not understand the difference between the two words but when you see it on a show you understand it better okay so you improve your vocab you improve your pronunciation and at the same time there is a certain repetition that will happen in a lot of words that helps you build your vocabulary a lot because these spaced repetitions is actually a very good technique to remember good words it's a technique of pedagogy which is taught to teach us when you are to become a teacher this is a technique that is taught to you no I never learned it but I've heard about this let's move on to point number six finally reading aloud now this is something that I've done for years what do I mean by doing it for years did I actually do it in my room no but this was something that was made done to us in our schools a lot a lot like literally every single day when we were at the school we would practice um reading aloud one child would stand at a time take the book in the hand and read aloud and then after two or three paragraphs the child sitting next to her would stand and read aloud so yes I was from a girl I went to a girls school so yes it was always a her for us so yes that's how we would read aloud and that helped so much I was a very good reader by the way whenever I would read I would always make sure that I sound the best in the class I would always make sure that that was something personally I was taking up as a project I love doing that I just wanted to be perfect and I would always do it with a lot of emotion if I'm reading something I would make sure that the emotion of the text is delivered to everybody who's listening to me or reading at the same time with me in the class so that's something that you would also need to do consider this to be an English gym so you visit gym to make your body um you make your muscles there you pull weights yeah this is something that you would do as an English gym just pick up a book heavy weight lifting huh pick up that book and start reading aloud it's as simple as that there's nothing for me to teach in here honestly it's going to help you so much it's gonna help you with everything that is involved in English your gallery your grammar your reading you're listening I mean because when you're reading out loud you're also listening to yourself so reading listening speaking everything getting practiced at the same time try it and then there's so much fun in a book I don't know if you like reading books or not but if you're not reading them I'm telling you read it's important it's fun it's much better than watching Instagram all day so start reading a little more okay so just a few minutes in a day when you're reading read aloud and if it doesn't help you tell me you tell me and I'll change my name no that's not gonna happen let's move on to point number seven you can talk to an app like talk English there is this application you just search English conversation app on your app store your Play Store and you'll find the app and there are recorded conversations on this app it's very good it's very good I've practiced it people in my family practiced it it's very good just use the simple app it has a tremendous rating on the App Store and has millions of reviews yeah it's very good so just open a conversation okay and press record and then one character the operator is going to speak the other character the operator is going to wait for you to speak you play the part of the other character and then same time simultaneously you're recording yourself okay and once the conversation is over you can listen to yourself and you can give yourself a feedback so that's how the app works it's very good if there are millions of reviews you can imagine how many people are using these apps such apps every day and it's definitely helping them otherwise why would they use it okay so let's move on to point number eight next one is translation just take up any song just translate this just translate this in English okay and you can do this 10 times in a day you don't need to devote an hour to this just sit and play a song in your head and start translating it I've done these things I don't know what all I've done in the past I've done so much to improve my English so yes it did not come naturally to me I don't come from a family that speaks in English I'm a very I come from a very average middle class background very average middle class family and um we spoke in Hindi and we are very proud of Hindi we love Hindi but English is important so we had to learn so me my sisters everybody practiced and we practiced hard and it is benefiting all of us so yes two of my sisters could clear aisles and they're settled in Canada with their PRS both of them have their PR now so all of this was possible and thanks to their IELTS score and I'll score is important and English is important for your IELTS score so is that the idea right let's move on to point number nine last point on the list is talking to yourself yes you talk to yourself narrate whatever happened during the day talk to yourself about how you're feeling in that moment or something that you aspire to be or something that you aspire to do in life what you want to do for your parents for your family what kind of a partner you want to have whom do you want to marry anybody you like anybody you're in love with just talk about anything that's there's so much to talk about in a day so yes if you find it difficult to find a topic ask chat GPT to create a list of topics for you she's very good with all the stuff okay no I know it's not supposed to be a she I just like addressing her as a she it's a personal choice so that's all about it in the video today I hope you enjoyed this video I loved shooting this one for you and I know you would say man this is something that you say literally in every video's end I know but what can I do I actually do enjoy shooting for you thank you very much I'll see you again soon bye by the way that I will watch this video most probably I'm gonna be in munnar Kerala see you bye [Music]
Channel: Aleena Rais Live
Views: 936,545
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Id: WohEYmqsquI
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Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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