English Paper Piecing Hexagons with Jody

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hi this is Jodi again from Jodi's Jones quilty today I'm going to do a tutorial on how I do English paper piecing how I learned it and hopefully it will help you to it's too hard to write the directions into my pattern in great detail so that's why I'm producing a video hopefully it will help all of my customers this is my English paper piecing here's my website Jodi's Gems quilting calm my new pattern all for me which features 10 to 12 different sizes of crosses 3 different layouts and lots of different options for finishing I started English paper piecing years ago from a quilt show I went to a man was sitting there doing it with these papers and he was filling the paper pieces I think he was the one who started it or his wife so this is what is available this is what I bought years ago and I'm gonna take you through different sizes this is the quarter inch size hexagons and they are tiny I always tell people they're about the size of a pencil a little bit bigger but they are small then there's the half inch size which is a little bit more doable I've done a lot of projects with the half inch size 3/4 inch is probably what I use the most the three quarter inch hex iggins and back then they came in a variety of size pecs so from 125 to 55 750 today I'm not sure this is the one inch hexagons this is one and a half inch hexagons and these are put out by sue daily the quilt shop I went to didn't have paper pieces they had these this is the two inch size and I have drents and I have this through daily ones but I wanted you to be very aware that whatever brand you choose that you definitely stick with the same brand stick with the same whatever you're doing because as you can see these are both two inch hexagons and they are not the same size so please keep that in mind and all of these are measured on the side so it's two inches from here two inches here two inches here some companies measure across so keep that in mind that again that you know what you're buying and you know what the sizes are to make sure they're the same as what you already have this is two and a half inch sizes and three inch sizes and those are big but they would do quilt big quilts quickly and these are by paper pieces this is their new packaging so this is what they look like in the big size show you those later I also discovered the Accu quilt which I absolutely love and if you get the Accu quilt they measure it as two three and five I think and they're measuring across so again keep that in mind but you will find I bought this for the fabric to cut the fabric for the pieces not necessarily the paper and recently I discovered that you can cut the paper with it so if you were cutting the papers this would be a 1 inch size this is a one and a half inch size and this is a two and a half inch size if you're cutting the fabric for the pieces then I would use this size right here for this is the 3/4 inch size and this is the half inch size so it's kind of too big for this one does that make sense but it's pretty tight for this one so this would work but you're gonna have to be really careful and make sure that that piece doesn't shift on the fabric this one's perfect for the 1 inch hexagons this is the fabric if you're doing 1 inch x guns and this would be perfect for cutting the fabric for two-inch hexagons so keep that in mind they do measure a little differently there are on paper punches that you can get from Fiskars and you can just take mail you know any kind of cardstock anything you get in the mail pay pins we'll go through it I checked this is cardstock I have on hand and it's a hexagon cutter paper punch but they do range from 13 to almost $15 and that's for the tip three different sizes available so keep that in mind you would have to be making a whole lot of them to make that pay for itself this is also the hexagon template which there we go the hexagon template from Darlene Zimmerman and you can see that it says finished size and they're going I think across also from here to here not from point to point so there's lots of different measurements you just have to be aware but I like this for cutting pieces for the bigger ones which I did recently part of my pattern is doing a great big one and so I needed a lot of pieces so I took the fabric and I pre-cut it all into the size I needed for the two inch hexagons and how I did it was I just took strips of fabric I kind of lined this up measured it to see what size I needed and I went with the lead the 4 or probably that was it the four and a half yep the four and a half inch size that gave me a good 3/4 inch around all the sides so what you do is you cut your strip four and a half inches wide then you cut one end cut the edge off the two corners then you turn it around cut it again by lining it up over here on the four and a half am I gonna find it I'm not gonna find it oh here we go had it the wrong direction then you cut those pull it out cut it again and you can do multiples in your stack you don't have to cut one at a time but you line it up keep it straight cut loops cut those two turn it around cut those two and then these are just scraps so that's how you use and cut quickly all of them for the bigger size now I would probably do it on the Accu quilt because it'd be a whole lot quicker so anyway that's what you're going to do that's the different pieces the different sizes and keeping the same brand what I want to do next is just show you how to baste the papers on to your pieces when I learned it I learned it by going through the paper you can see all my little holes in there maybe put my glasses on so I can see I also have my light that I showed in the other video and what you're going to do is take your needle and thread you're gonna do a quilters not do you know how to do that if not let me show you you're gonna take your thread in it has to form a circle all the way around and I put it on one finger and transfer to the other but you're going to wrap it three times continuing the circle and then push it through so it has to form a circle push it through hold it in place where you hold it will be where the knot is do you see it so you can get it to the end it really it's I'm so fast at doing it now that as soon as I cut the thread I put the knot in it I had to actually cut the knot off so I could show you look did not work too well I'm gonna do this with white thread so that you can actually physically see it but what I recommend doing is you pin the center and if you're gonna do the bigger ones then I pin twice put two pins in so they don't shift then you're going to I wish I had my thimble on but I don't I could oh there we go I have my little thimbles in my other video I show you how to do that or show you there's different tools I have so what I do is I take a bite come back up just on this first one so all your knots are on the top side the right side then you fold it over take a stitch just one and see how it crosses over that fold then I put my needle in right at the edge pull it out and I get a nice crisp corner just like that put it in a nice crisp corner do one more stitch there nice crisp corner and then the last one and the last one you want this is where you have to be careful make sure you have enough fabric here if it doesn't work cut it out and do it again that's why I oversize my fabric then once you get one more stitch in then you have to go back to the front side you can either go through that corner right there and hold it all down or you can come over here it doesn't really matter the goal is to hold it in place okay then I knot it and go on to the next one so wrap it three times shimmy that not down there hold it in place and cut it off okay now you will see that I have wrapped it that's the back side and the front side there's two knots on there at this point you can take your pins out oops I think I lost it nope to my lap good deal and then I just go on to the next one I love doing this this actually saved a woman's sanity on the way to Mexico on a mission trip almost 20 years ago I just took these scrap ones that you'll see you know on all my extra pieces took scraps took the papers and throw them in a baggie and we went to Mexico and she has never quilted it's probably never touched him since and all she did was sit and wrap and wrap and wrap and wrap and baste now this time I had a couple of pattern testers and they I tell you in the pattern you can do any way you want to this is just the way I learned to do it was through the paper my friends they actually baste it this way where they just stitched through the corners and they have all these threads this I don't think I would do very well with I would catch that all the time so the advantage is you don't have to cut the basting later you just pop the papers out so there is some advantages however um I did notice that they don't have crisp corners or at least this friend of mine did not have crisp corners this right here needs to be down here and there's nothing to hold that in place so it's kind of probably not for me not ideal here's another one it's like I don't know how I would fix that except as I go to sew it together I would have to go back and fix all those now my girlfriend also said years ago she actually traced all of them on the back so now these are rectangles and when she stitched him on here they must have shifted I'm not sure she ever put a pin in it I don't see a pin in there at all because these are all like kiddie Wampus instead of folding over like mine do so whether you cut these pieces you know this was a rectangle on and they just as long as they go around I guess you're okay but anyway so that just to be aware of that once you get all of your pieces basted together then you lay them out on your design wall on you know whatever you're working on you lay it out and then you sorry start sewing the pieces together and literally you're going to take them my giant pin cushion I love this thing go back and watch my other video and I'll show it to you tell you what it is and what I found was um I don't have a problem with this but some people do I can hold this on this end and start sewing over here and then I whip stitch all the way across but I did notice that my girlfriend when she was visiting with me and she was sewing them together they shifted on her and these did not stay lined up on this corner so to prevent that I thought why not just put a little clip in there and they've got those fancy new paper or binding or the little clips quilting clips that I think would work with that but what you're gonna do is you're just going to I mostly use this one yeah yeah maybe so I've got my quilters not in here in the pattern I tell you how much thread to use and you're going to if I can see around my camera you're going to stitch in the corner right there now I go back in and do it another stitch right next to it okay and about I think it's every sixteenth of an inch just pretend it's a stitch on the sewing machine and if you're doing a stitch on the sewing machine it won't be far apart it's going to be close and then I try to make sure my tail gets in there also so it's it's buried within the stitching it just follows usually it follows right along here so it goes within that I got it buried in there so I'm not going to take it back out but I just take a few stitches in the top take the stitches in the top right along the edge go all the way to the end take your clip out when you get there but you want this corner to match and you want this corner to match once you have this stitch to all the way across double stitch the other end if you want to double stitch every half inch to an inch that's fine too then what you're gonna do is once you lay out your pieces and you've got them all the way you want them you're gonna get sometimes to a corner you're gonna get to an inside my thread is a mess come on baby there we go okay so I've stitched completely across here see how this right here lines up beautifully that's the way it should be now I have to stitch this one and make sure this match is over here so that it doesn't shift and when you go to do that you're gonna fold it over and you're gonna fold this other piece that's hole just like that and then you're going to oh I love that light around my neck I don't even notice that light I forgot to tell you on the other video that you don't even realize you're wearing it it's really lightweight and it's super bright but you just take the stitches all the way across and again this is where I would put in that pin or put in the clip to make sure that they stay perfectly even on the end so you're gonna sew this completely across not it cut it take it off and then it will look like these so your corners right here should look like that then um you're gonna follow the pattern and you're just going to put all the different pieces together the all permi pattern features three different styles and you can pick your favorite it features different finishes from embroidery to scriptures to words words of encouragement any of that once you have all of your pieces together the next thing you're gonna do is you're going to pin them in place on your background so whatever your you know I you can pin them even before you know if you don't have this with you when you're traveling my little crosses because I was flying I didn't take this with me on with my little crosses I just pinned him to the background and that way they were easy to pick off of there and put together once you get that done you're going to pin these really well in place like every single one if you don't what will happen is your pieces will shift and they will go off center so please be careful measure it I measure all the sides measure to this you know from the edges of your quilt make sure that it's lined up the way you want it and then pin it every single petal in place and if it's a big petal then go ahead and do it in between also if you feel like you need more pins then as you go to sew around it you have to make sure too that you're really careful that you do not get caught on these because I did that quite a few times I would get caught on them and not be able to I'd have a loop so what you're gonna do is where you come up right there is where you're gonna go down so I'm going to go down take a small bite and come up from next to it and my threads my needle my knots gonna be on the underside right along the edge and I take small stitches again the smaller the needle the smaller the stitch so you're just going to take small stitches around there I can't see around my camera between that in my light trying to get my light up there I hope this makes sense but you're basically hiding your stitches the goal is not to see any stitches along there now I like doing this for handwork I think I've made eight crosses this fall and put them on the backgrounds I just have to take the papers out on some I need to just finish them but I hope that that makes sense to you as you just sew along so the goal is to not see your stitches at all there to be hidden down in there and aurifil thread helps with that tremendously or refills a great thread kind of berries and becomes one with the fabric once you get that done and all of your pieces are on the background then you flip it over take a small sharp seam ripper or something to go in here just slip the back and then you cut out with a small scissors you cut around all of your pieces okay once you get that cut out this thrit gets removed the basting stitches get taken out see Ruth did it with the basting in she left them in which is fine works for her I don't care how you do it and then you just pop the papers out so the papers come out you press it really good and you're good to go in my case I baste through the paper so on all of these I need to go back in take the stitching out pull it out or you'll use tweezers for that and in the pattern I tell you the easiest way to put this together in sections so hopefully the pattern will help you tremendously and I hope you enjoy doing this I enjoyed English paper piecing it works really really good and keeps my hands busy and keeps me from telling my husband how to drive saves our marriage hopefully that will help you and choose to finish your cross there's lots of options in the pattern again it's all for me by Jody's gems quilting calm have a great day God's blessings to you bye
Channel: JodysJemsQuilting
Views: 3,900
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: 9eiYueWmdTI
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Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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