English Listening Practice: I'm a Dad Now!

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hello my god hello everybody it's me elliot from etj english and it has been two months two long months they've probably been a lot longer for me than they have for you and i'll explain why in a second but hello it's good to be back where do i start well i guess i could start by just saying today this isn't really a lesson where i'm teaching you like i usually do today maybe you could see this as a listening practice and also an update on my life so i am i'm i'm a dad i don't know why that was so hard to say i'm not really used to it um i'm a dad of a six week old around the time of filming this video um baby baby boy and you know since he's been born i have experienced a new world of good bad ugly i have experienced opening a nappy and let's just pause a nappy nappy a nappy is the british equivalent of a diaper so diaper nappy diaper they would say in the u.s and nappy is what we put on a baby's bum to protect the you know the poo and the wee from from coming out so i have experienced opening a nappy and watching pooh fly across the room i've experienced opening a nappy and having urine sprayed in my face i've experienced holding my baby my son on my shoulder and vomit rolling down my neck rolling down my back and you know what i wouldn't change it for the world it's been the most amazing experience even all of these disgusting things they're amazing because there's nothing quite like becoming a parent some of you watching this can relate to what i'm talking about some of you know what it's like to be a parent some of you are very young i have many young subscribers some of you have no idea what i'm talking about you probably don't care and you probably think i'm just a boring old man now me i i haven't changed these bags under my eyes yes they have changed and i look more tired but i'm still i'm still me but you know we've been averaging on probably about four to five hours maximum of sleep per night bear in mind he will wake us up every two hours and this could be because of a number of reasons it could be because he's hungry it could be because he woke up and he can't get back to sleep it could be because he he has wind and he needs to fart and unfortunately these small humans need the help of another human to burp to fart but yeah you know you have to burp babies these are all things that i had to learn along the way um it's been hard to make youtube videos you know those of you who might think oh elliot's been gone for a while from youtube does that mean he's still doing the course yes that's my job that's my career i teach through this course british pronunciation accent reduction so you can still join the course i returned to work a few weeks ago so here's another phrase that you can learn or something you can learn about which is paternity leave paternity leave is what fathers get so mothers get maternity leave maternity leave fathers paternity leave and this is two weeks i believe in the uk now because i have my own business i just said okay i'll just take two weeks off work the only missing puzzle pieces is of course youtube and i think i found a way to fit it back into my life so that i can give you those free useful lessons so we're getting close to 800 000 subscribers that's not shy of a million now so although this isn't my job i still take it very seriously and i try and make youtube videos whenever i can i know loads of you are going to send me congratulation messages so i just have to say in advance thank you because i can't reply to all of you you're all so lovely and you all send me such nice messages i'm just i don't have the time to reply to all of you especially now we're going to return with some pronunciation lessons here and of course some of those really useful expressions and phrasal verb lessons that i know all of you really love if you have any ideas or anything that you want me to create for you maybe a lesson on intonation or a particular sound please let me know in the comments as we make our journey to one million subscribers i want these next few videos to be brilliant you know i was looking back at this channel and kind of when i first started making videos since since making this youtube channel i have rented two flats one house and now purchased my own house um so you've seen me grow in so many ways you've also found out about me getting married recently i've now had a baby it's like i'm watching myself grow up and you're all watching me grow up as well um through these these educational videos i make you're seeing me get older you're seeing my hair grow long you're seeing me dye my hair stupid colors that's me but i thought i'd just say thank you for for being here along the journey those of you who've been there you know since the house number one or flat number two or whenever it was those of you who are watching when i was traveling in southeast asia sweating with just a tiny fan on the wall in a dirty hostel making youtube videos we've come a long way and who would have thought back then when i was making those very low budget videos that i would end up nearly 800 000 subscribers and with a baby you've also seen me acquire a dog and a cat bruce and kiki by the way they're doing absolutely fine let's keep going and if you want to you know get access to me immediately and start working with me on your pronunciation as i said my job is my course you can join my course and work with me directly on your pronunciation if not then i'll just see you in the next youtube video okay cheers guys take care bye
Channel: ETJ English
Views: 71,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British English, English listening, Listening practice, etj english, pronunciation, British pronunciation
Id: 9U2iXfl57bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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