English lesson B2 - Character adjectives from nouns - gramática inglesa

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hello and welcome to today's English lesson my name is Stuart in today's lesson we're looking at character adjectives and how we can turn nouns into this type of adjectives to describe someone's character let's go to the intro now as I said today's lesson is looking at character adjectives and more specifically how we turn a noun into an adjective to form this type of character adjectives and we use this type of adjectives when we want to describe someone's character so if you're doing an exam for first certificate or advanced or another English exam and you need to talk about a friend a family member yourself and you need to describe your character or their character then some of these words will come in handy and how we can turn as I said that noun into the adjective okay normally by putting a suffix on to the end of the sentence and sometimes a prefix so let's have a look now the example that we have here is adventure and adventurous so adventure being the noun and adventurous being the adjective now the pronunciation is also important so adventure adventurous okay adventurous he's an adventurous person so the example Pete is the most adventurous person I know okay he likes adventure he's an adventurous person for that reason okay now we've got some more examples and we have a space so we're going to turn the noun into the adjective in this space here now I have my blue pen here and that is what we are going to do so I'll just get my pen ready to write the words into the spaces so the first one is the noun greed don't be so something plenty of food what is the adjective that we need to form here with the noun greed do you know if you are thinking greedy you are correct so greedy don't be so greedy there's plenty of food this person obviously likes to eat a lot and when he sees food on the table he goes for it he is a greedy person okay so the noun greed and the adjective greedy okay don't be so greedy don't be so greedy the second one is energy the noun okay energy now we need to turn this noun into an adjective Sally is very something does she ever rest does she have a rest Sally because she is very energetic that is right so energetic she has a lot of energy she's a very energetic person okay energetic okay the pronunciation energetic now the next one here is emotion and we can see here the noun emotion Paul is a cold something person he has few friends so he is what we're looking for perhaps a negative adjective here Paul is emotion emotion in mo emotionless so he is a cold emotionless person he has few friends if you can see that there we could also say unemotional if we wanted to change that and have another option emotionless or unemotional okay so Paul is a cold emotionless person or Paul is a cold an emotional person we could say okay fall fall now this is an interesting one James is one of the most full people I have met one of the most what one of the most foolish that's it one of the most foolish people I have met he's a foolish person he's always making a fool of himself he is foolish okay James is one of the most foolish people that I have met so the noun fool the adjective foolish the next one help help the noun my son is a very what young man okay we need to turn this noun into the adjective he's a very help full person okay he's a very helpful person he's always helping he's a helpful person okay so my son is a very helpful poet person he's always helping me around the house he's a helpful person okay so help helpful the next one is caution the noun caution you need to be more something when you drive this person is a reckless driver so they need to be more caution caution cautious good cautious they need to be more cautious when they drive okay so caution cautious they need to be more cautious when they are driving they are very reckless they need to take more caution therefore they need to be more cautious caution cautious the next one demand is the is the noun demand how do we change this one demand children can be very what if they demand a lot of things children are very demanding that is right demanding they are very demanding children they want a lot of things they want a lot from their parents okay they can be demanding they are demanding so times children okay and the last one here is knowledge the noun how do we turn that into an adjective how do we turn knowledge into an adjective SAP is the most what person I know what is he he's the most what he's the most knowledgeable he knows the most he's the most knowledgeable person so let's put this into the space so he's the most knowledgeable person that I know is Sam okay so greed greedy energy energetic emotion emotionless or unemotional full foolish help helpful caution cautious demand demanding knowledge knowledgeable that is how we make character adjectives when we taken down and turn it into an adjective now thank you very much for watching the lesson questions or comments please leave them in the section below give the video a thumbs up if you liked it share the video please with your friends I'll see you in the next English lesson see you later
Channel: Your English Web: Weekly English video lessons
Views: 4,127
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Keywords: english lesson, english grammar, english b2, first b2, character adjectives, gramática inglesa, inglese, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, angielski, engleză, anglicky, αγγλικά, İngilizce, إنجليزي, Inggris, Angol, inglês
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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