English Grammar - Learn Adjectives

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now we will talk about adjectives do you know what an adjective is an adjective is a describing word it helps describe people places and things in other words they describe nouns in most sentences it goes before the word it describes the noun or after a verb some examples are sunny bright red brown or shiny we can use them in such a manner is wearing a shiny red tracksuit shiny and red describes the way the tracksuit looks hence shiny and red are adjectives that modify the noun tracksuit let's look at another example it's a bright sunny day can you name the adjectives in this sentence you're right bright and sunny are the adjectives do you see how adjectives help add interesting details to your description adjectives also help in answering questions like what kind which one how many or how much let's take an example today is a warm day with hundreds of birds chirping in the clear blue sky warm describes the kind of day and so does clear blue sky hundreds describes how many birds one should not use too many adjectives here is a bad example the fierce ugly old black shepherd dog there are just too many adjectives describing the shepherd dog to make a perfect sentence one should follow the following order size texture color type see what happens if you use the wrong order the yellow big beat shiny ball it's just not correct the correct sentence will be the big shiny yellow beach ball there is a kind of adjective called possessive adjective as well let me give you an example the edge of my sari is torn here the describing word for sorry is my which indicates or describes it to be mine hence the word possessive my is the possessive adjective this brings us to the end of adjectives you
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Keywords: children, school, cartoon, animation, kids, kindergarten, preschool, teacher, learn, india, media, fusion, appu, series, education, animated, videos, stories, kiddie, corner, fairy, tales, fables, fantasy, anime, child, story, magical, favorite, favourite, bedtime, entertainment, online, family, knowledge, English, grammar, Mrs., Iyer, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, tenses, pronouns, Prepositions, Interjections, Sentences, Punctuation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2010
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