English Conversation 04

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unit one greeting customers good afternoon has anyone helped you yet no not yet what could I do for you I'm looking for some socks what kind of socks well I'd like to buy some warm winter socks I'm sorry all we have is thin dress socks do you know where I can buy winter socks yes there is an outdoor clothing store located on the third level oh okay I'll try there thanks for your help you're welcome hello hi can I help you find something sure I'm looking for a tie oh all of our ties are in the middle aisle thank you you're welcome well by the way are any of your ties on sale yes all of our silk ties are on sale today oh do you have any thin ties I prefer the thin style yes we do although we don't have many left you will find some located on the back rack one more question do you have any solid color ties without any designs no I'm so sorry we don't all of our solid colors have been sold good morning may I help you not quite yet I'm still looking ok let me know if you have any questions sure thanks excuse me do you have any items on sale today yes our men's clothing department has a sale on belts and where's the men's clothing department go straight ahead and turn left ok thanks and have a nice day thanks you too unit 2 asking for more information hi do you need any help yes could you tell me how much this shirt cost this shirt is nine ninety five that's a very reasonable price do you have this one in black I'm sorry we only have this shirt in four colors gray pink blue and green I like the one in green but do you think the color Spade oh the colors will definitely not fade these are pre washed shirts I would like the one in green please but can you tell me do you have a size XXL I'm buying this shirt from my husband and my husband is very big I'm sorry we only have four sizes of this shirt small medium large and extra-large could I see the extra-large please sure here you are I think this will fit my husband it's 100% cotton I wonder if it will shrink after a few washes ma'am these shirts are preshrunk so you don't need to worry about shrinking it that's good I will take this one please okay that will be 995 here you go thank you so much for your help you're welcome just one moment please for your change and your receipt hello has anyone taken care of you yet no not yet could you help me find a pair of jeans please sure what style do you like I like the loose-fitting style and what is your size my waist size is 29 inches what length are you looking for approximately 30 inches and what color do you like we have black light blue and navy blue I like the navy blue you might be interested in these yes I like this style very much they're very popular we sell a lot of them can I try them on yes of course the fitting rooms are over there to your left hello can I help you with something yes please I'm looking for some ties well you are in luck because we have some ties that are on sale today really which ones well the ties on this rack are thirty to fifty percent off and the ties on this rack are sixty percent off do you have any silk ties yes we do we have some ties that were made in Thailand really can I see a few sure they're on sale for thirty to fifty percent off to which do you like solid colors stripes or designs well I prefer solid colors okay how about these oh these are nice but do you have a wide tie and I'm sorry we only have the thin style that's okay I'll take these unit 3 asking for advice is there anything I could help you with yes I'm going to a friend's house warming party and I would appreciate some suggestions on what gift to buy sure how about some detergents and utensils to help clean the house oh I'm sure other people will also buy detergents what about a nice fruit basket it's simple no I was thinking about getting them something more useful around the house is your friend a man yes perhaps he likes fixing things around the house maybe you could get him a set of tools that's a great idea I'll get him a toolbox you can find it in the hardware section located on the third floor ok thank you so much you're welcome hello what can I do for you well I'm looking for a new outfit for this weekend okay um may I ask what the occasion would be yes it's a casual party would this be for yourself yes okay what price range are you thinking about I'm looking to spend between 150 and 200 dollars hmm well we could start by looking at some pants hmm I like these navy blue slacks how much are they these are $60 would you like to try them on oh yes please I really like these slacks what color shirt would go well with them well if you're really brave I would recommend this red shirt do you have anything else hmm we have these silk shirts hmm how much are they the silk shirts are $60 would you like to try them on yes please I like the texture of silk but I think these shirts are too tight for me do you have anything with a loose fit yes do you like this loose fit shirt yes I do I'll take the black-and-white one please okay huh but don't you think this one is nice too please I think I'm done here okay very well please pay at the cashier counter over there thank you very much for your help sure may I help you yes Father's Day is approaching and I'd like to get a gift for my dad do you have any ideas for a gift not really I thought I'd shop around for some ideas first how about some clothing no not clothing I get them clothing every year this year I want you to do something just a little bit different would you like to look at our men's accessories sure what do you suggest oh that depends does your father wear suits oh yes he's a businessman he wears suits every day then would you like to look at our tie clips or cufflinks that sounds great let's see your cufflinks sure step over the counter with me and I'll show you what we have unit for asking for discounts good afternoon is someone taking care of you no not yet could I ask you about the prices for these shoes yes which shoes are you interested in I'm interested in these two pairs of shoes the first pair is $65 and the second pair which just arrived yesterday is $85 they're quite expensive could you give me a discount I'm sorry sir the prices are fixed throughout this store could you give me a discount if I bought both pairs of shoes I'm really sorry sir but there is no bargaining in this store okay a discount really would have helped me to buy both pairs of shoes sir if you need shoes with lower prices I could show you some no that's okay I'll take this pair all right then that will be $85 good morning how are you I'm very well thank you I would like to direct your attention to the televisions they are very nice the overall design is very modern and sleek how much are they well the 14 inch the 20 inch and the 21 inch are 110 180 and 210 respectively hmm I really like the 21 inch do you give discount the you TVs are already on sale these prices are sales prices 20% off the regular price oh but I was expecting bigger discounts I'm sorry and I should mention to you that this is a special promotion sale for a limited time only hmm maybe I should wait for a clearance sale you could do that but the model you want we no longer be in stock okay it's a little bit expensive but I'll go for the 21 inch hello how may I help you I have come to buy the new Sony stereo which was advertised in the newspaper last week ah that's just right over here the price for the new model was advertised at a hundred and seventy nine dollars but the price on the price tag shows one hundred and ninety-nine dollars yes the $179 was for the weekend sale the weekend's over now but I came in expecting it to be a hundred and seventy nine dollars I'm sorry ma'am but as you've missed the weekend sales period I'm afraid I cannot offer you the weekend sales price let me talk to the manager okay one moment please hello Simon yes can you help me with some customer service please over at Sony thank you one moment please good afternoon how can I be of service to you I came in expecting to buy the new Sony model for the advertised price of a hundred and seventy nine dollars but your salesperson tells me I have missed the sale period see it is correct that the sale price was only for the weekend however if you purchase the stereo for the regular price of $199 what I could do is give you discount coupons for your next purchase at our store okay thank you then I will take the stereo and the discount coupons great unit five bargaining okay how can I help you oh yes I'd like to buy a new GSM phone with internet capabilities hmm I think this Panasonic would be the best phone for you how much is it it's only three hundred and seventy five dollars well huh that's too expensive the last Panasonic model that I bought was only two hundred and fifty dollars yes well the internet capability has pushed up the cost of phone really three hundred and seventy five dollars is not that expensive well could you lower the price to three hundred no the best I can do for you is three hundred and forty okay I'll take this new Panasonic model good morning how are you I'm fine how is business business is going good how is your business doing our business is not so good everybody in the market is reducing the prices hmm have you lowered your retail prices not yet but when we do we would like to ask for you to reduce your prices to us mmm how much of a reduction in price do you need well everybody else is reducing their prices between ten and fifteen percent mm-hmm well as you know costs are increasing it will be very difficult for us to reduce our prices well as you know if we cannot remain competitive we will lose our business yes well we understand and we want to work with you however we simply cannot cut our prices by 10 to 15 percent what is the best deal that you could offer us well we could reduce your prices by five percent and if you buy more than 50 units we can give you an additional five percent discount fair enough deal hello how can I help you I'm looking to buy a car for my wife hmm did you have a specific model in mind yes I'm most interested in the saloon ax with automatic transmission and full option package that's a very popular model at the moment the price is thirteen thousand five hundred dollars that seems quite expensive is it possible you could give me a discount the best we could do is thirteen thousand two hundred dollars additionally we will also include $300 worth of shopping coupons at central department store maybe you could throw in a spoiler and other accessories or perhaps you could absorb the cost of insurance I'll have to check with my manager please hold on for a moment in addition to the $300 discount and the $300 shopping coupons we will also include the spoiler and a CD player as for the insurance you'll have to pay for that yourself okay thank you very much I'll take the salute oh great come this way someone will show you to sign the necessary forms unit six mistakes about a price [Music] excuse me could you help me for a moment certainly what can I do for you well I think there might be some mistakes about foam prices in your store really can you tell me some more details about this mistake yes well the price quoted on a special advertisement for this phone was twenty-five dollars but the tag on the phone says thirty dollars what is the correct price I don't know but I'm going to check one moment please you are right this feeling should only be $25 I'm so sorry about the confusion I'm gonna find out who is responsible for this mistake and have it corrected right away thank you thank you for helping us good afternoon good afternoon will this be all yes just one pair of pants that will be $39.99 wait a second I thought the sign back there said $29.99 for these pants really let me try to rescan the barcode and see the computer still shows the price of $39.99 let me check with a floor salesperson please wait a moment thank you sir the price is $39.99 you may have misread the prices okay well is it possible to cancel this purchase I would like to look for another pair of pants sure thank you you're welcome we're a help in yes I'm looking for the Ralph Lauren cosmetic set oh great you're in luck we still have three steps left oh great I will take one please it comes with a complimentary bag how nice is there more than one color for the bag actually we have two colors silver and black which one would you like I'll take the black one please great that will be $85 excuse me according to the advertisement in Elle magazine this month one set cost $65 yes the ad quotes $65 for the set but you must bring the ad in order to receive the discount let me check with my manager whether we can still give it to you with a discount the manager has agreed to give it to you for $65 thank you so much you're welcome unit seven how will you be paying can I help you find anything else now that should do it how would you like to pay today do you accept MasterCard no I'm sorry we only accept Visa or American Express all right then I'll pay with my Visa card okay wait a moment please I'm sorry this card has been denied I wonder what the problem is well the computer indicates to contact your bank all right I'll do that immediately it looks like I'll be paying with cash today I'm so sorry for the trouble it's quite all right have you found what you were looking for sir yes I have thank you I'm ready to pay will you be paying by cash or credit Oh credit please [Applause] I'm very sorry there seems to be a problem with your credit card the transaction is not going through really what's the matter I'm not sure the computer notes to contact your bank can you try the card again sir I already tried the transaction three times I still received the same message all right well can you try this card sure wait a moment okay this one works just fine your total is 28 18 please sign the receipt right here Thanks sorry for the confusion not a problem may I help you sir is this tie on sale what how much is it it's $14.99 can I pay with my Visa card sure here you go thank you could you please sign here okay here's your receipt thank you please come again [Applause] unit eight exchanging merchandise could I help you yes I'd like to return these shoes please what seems to be the problem well the sole is coming off of the right shoe really do you have a receipt yes I do you may exchange the shoes for any item with the same price actually I like these shoes very much could I exchange them for another pair of course you may although do you have the same style of shoes in a darker color let me check our stock yes we carry a black pair and a navy blue pair great I'll exchange these for the navy blue pair please may I help you I'd like to return this shirt I'm sorry we only have an exchange policy what is your exchange policy you can exchange this item for any item equivalent to the shirts price I in that case I may browse around a bit sure feel free take your time thank you I don't see anything else I like is it possible to get the same shirt but only one size larger sure I'll look for one size larger I'm sorry we don't have this color but we do have this size in other colors all right then I'll look at some other colors okay let me know if you're interested in anything you see thank you hello man may I help you yes I bought this purse last week and now this liquid doesn't work properly can I get my money back oh I'm so sorry ma'am but our store does not have every fun policy he may exchange it for another purse do I have to get another purse no not actually you can exchange it for any item of equal price well that sounds good may I take a look around yes of course take your time could I see some of your woman's wallet yes actually yes really we just received a shipment of some really nice leather wallets for men and women may I see the wallets that snap closed sure what color would you like brown or black brown sounds nice follow me please unit 9 making sales on the phone hello P&J flowers this is Stephanie speaking hello I would like to order a dozen roses would you like it in a box or a bouquet I would like a dozen red roses in a box with a card that says I love you from Lee how sweet would you like anything else with it perhaps the box of chocolates or a teddy bear no thank you when are you going to pick it up no I would like those delivered by 7:00 p.m. to miss Melanie Larson at 1:33 Sequoia Lane in Glendale could you pass the Koya for me certainly s eq uoy a thank you the delivery will be arranged excuse me how much is that that will be $70 okay since I'm not in town can I pay by my Visa card sure may I have your credit card information yes my name is Lee King I'll use my Visa card the number is seven five four three two eight one one three zero four nine seven two two seven that expires December 25th 2002 thank you very much thank you hello ma books this is Claire speaking how can I help you yes I'm looking for J are our tokens Lord of the Rings trilogy do you have it in stock just a moment while I check our inventory sir yes we have the trilogy in stock you'd like it one set I assume actually I would like two sets please okay two sets at $17 each plus four dollars for shipping comes to $38 may I have your credit card information yes my name is Andrew Arnold and I'll be using MasterCard the credit card number is seven one six zero four two one eight nine three nine seven one four three two with the expiration date July 15th 2004 I also need your home address phone number and email please okay my address is 10/4 Parkwood Baltimore and my phone number is 4 1 0 4 8 8 3 2 9 7 ok may I have your zip code please Oh my zip code is 2 1 2 0 6 and your email my email address is M F L I am s at hotmail.com great ok I'll get those books out today and you should receive them within the next 3 days thank you you're welcome and thank you for shopping at MA books goodbye hello pianist is and speaking how may I help you I would like to order set menus for five please yes we currently have a regular five course menus price of five dollars your choice between beef chicken a vegetarian or a fish menu and what is included in the five course meals while there is rice soup a stir-fried dish a main course and a dessert hmm how long would it take to deliver the delivery time ranges between 10 to 30 minutes depending on the location where would you like them to be delivered to the address is the National Bank on the second floor of the mm building on Thompson Street and may I have your phone number please yes it's five eight five nine two three four eight the total bail will be $25 please have it ready thank you thank you for eating pns bye bye bye unit 10 dealing with an unsatisfied customer oh good morning man help you yes I would like an explanation on how the extra large shirt that I bought two days ago now looks like an extra small shirt after just one wash sir may I see the shirt yes you may see the extra small shirt oh it's amazing how much it's shrunk yes it is it is now the right size for my young son sir did you read the washing directions before you did your laundry no I just washed it in hot water with all the rest of my clothes sir the washing directions clearly indicate that you do not wash it in hot water really yes I'm sorry I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you well then I guess my son has got a new shirt has anyone waited on you yet man not yet what can I help you with I purchased this shirt for my husband last week and I'd like to return it what is the problem with the shirt well I washed it once and the colour has faded oh did you follow the washing instructions on the shirt tag of course I did exactly what the instructions indicate to do oh do you have a receipt yes here it is I'm not too happy about this because when the colour faded it ruined some of the other clothing I'm very sorry to hear that the only thing I can do is refund the price with a shirt at least you can do that thank you all right could you please fill out the return form like I have i you we they and Bloor now we use half okay I have we have but four she hate it and singular now we use hosta side she has my dad has remembered I have one house I have a house she has one Apple she has an apple we have six cars my dad has three watches my phone number is eight four nine eight seven oh eight three nine six eight our apartment is on the fifth floor the fifth floor the fifth floor it was the first time I met him how old are you I'm 20 years old I'm 20 years old how many students are there in your class how many students are there in your class there are 15 students in my class can we meet this Sunday there nineteenth sure is fine for me or sorry I'm busy on that day one more time how old are you I'm 20 years old how many students remembers the students are there in your class remember claw clasp there are 15 students in my class can we meet this Sunday the 19th sure it's fine for me sorry I'm busy on that day honey I'll go out now honey I'll go out now you can say go out now or you can say quickly go out now go out here usually the tea a word that ends with tea and then the next word begins with a consonant usually you don't have to say tea here you can say quickly okay go out now you can pause a little bit go out now I'll go out now honey I'll go out now where will you go I'll go to the shop be more I'll I'll go to the shop be more or I'll go to the shop be more do you need to buy something do you do you need to buy something do you need to buy something yes I'll buy choices and I use yes all bad choices in high heels I'll go with you I'll go with you I'll go with you I think I need some nude sucks I think I need some new socks which one oh I'll go with you I think I need some new socks I'll buy and take them home for you I'll I'll buy and take them home for you so will you go there alone so will you go there alone no I'll go with Jean one of my best friends no I'll go with Jean who one of my best friend ok when will you come back ok where will you come back well after shopping aisle I will meet another friend well after shopping I'll meet another friend and I'll have dinner with her and gin and I'll have dinner with her in Jean so I think I'll come back by 10:30 so I think I'll come back by 10:30 or so I think I'll come back by half-past ten
Channel: English Conversation
Views: 1,188,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english for sale, learn english, speak english, practice english, everyday english, daily english, english communication, best conversation, comedy english, funny english, easy english, improve english, listen english, talk english, study english, english for beginner, english subtitle, aprende inglés, aprender inglês, Imparare l'inglese, apprendre l'anglais, Изучать английский язык, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी सीखना, 學英語, tieng anh ban hang, tieng anh giao tiep
Id: oBA6mrpJFBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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