England, London Summer Streets Heatwave Walk | Central London, Mayfair to Covent Garden

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hello [Music] he was taking my guess [Music] [Music] uh the whole show is like these people in here so missions uh oh so oh i hear something [Music] third ever okay me what you're talking about okay thank you he was taking my heart so they have the corkier so uh um [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign um is [Music] okay [Music] do so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] can you tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this is [Music] yes oh [Music] images [Music] so [Music] foreign um [Music] [Music] oh okay okay okay um someone told me about charlie oh baby [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] do you like and [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] happening [Music] check this out we're going to do this we're going to do this that's an awesome heartfelt oh my god what now it's just a little optical illusion of a ring going for a ring because you can't put a solid metal ring for it thank you you can't put a solid metal ring through a solid rings i'm going to do this up close so you can see this not happen even the guy backstage is clapping that's amazing here we go check this out guys metal free metal solid through solid i'm gonna look impressed lady i'll get this in front of the queen of england we're laughing i'm upset [Music] a lot better and fallopian tubes is going to come out tomorrow morning the natural way as a poodle thank you for laughing at that i only say poodle because of the kids if they weren't here i would say shitsu it's a lot funnier gonna do it people one meet up rather than the end of the show we're doing hey guys i love this guy every day a different woman this is the best one yet sir closer to it this one's a keeper here [Laughter] do it on youtube i do this can i do one more trick but then i need to get my cups examined first cup goes to an incredibly tall guy oh lucky you are here sir check that super metal cup no trap doors mirrors levers leprechauns i don't think they're wrong second cup goes too well very beautiful sexy i'm attracted young man at the back so goes to the man with the invisible clothes very risky check that's a solid metal cup here we go one meter of rubber then a miracle with three cups this is going to happen i might move some people any kids wanting a price say yeah no energy would you giving them ritalin or something how many kids want to win a price say yeah okay kids quick up to the front here runs [Music] but i want you all to sit down on the count of three here we go what are you doing get up one two three sticks exit get properly don't worry about that you won't be there later gonna do this gonna do this can i do this we're to do this we know you're undercover it's not sunny this lady comes every day to take a picture of my bottom he just puts up with it that is a loving relationship you guys are amazing here we go that's crazy absolutely this then the big finish with the cubs it's going to happen you can sit with the cool kids rainbow child you can do it if you want to go that's it don't don't rush we'll wait your camera's broke that's gonna freak him out later look he loves that thing one more practice there you go one meter rubber at the end of the show it's happening he's trying to escape you know that right here [Music] do not try this until you get home [Applause] 35 years here we go this is the big finish in my show guys it's the reason i'm here it's gonna be a mate why are you sitting with the cool kids get up there with the cool kids don't even tell your family that's how i ended up here i didn't know what's happening now go sit with this kid this is your new brother he's gonna look after you he's gonna do this your parents try and take you just scream no they're not my parents that'll stop i gotta give you sure now it's traditional to wear one of these if you do what i do and i do so i do so i am it's gonna be amazing i'm not gonna pick it up again for this lady okay this is it number one the large man would you throw me in the first cup please sir you're happy it's just a sodding metal cup throw me the underarm you're nutter that was a good for give a round of applause he wasn't sure when he got there if you're happy that's a solid little cup no trapdoors mirrors you're good you're happy don't tell him what it looks like from that side cup number two the invisible man cut two goes through one cup one goes through two cup number three the sexy guy toss it thank you clap for the sexy toss-up three cups i've also got three balls my mum thinks i'm gifted three cups three balls this lady's actually the next stack she's a pole dancer she's just warming up right now oh my god this is the educational part this is the challenge you get to win the loudest kid will win a prize i'm gonna do something educational the loud escape i'm gonna say some numbers you repeat the numbers when i point at you and i say english one two three i point at you you scream one two three that's the practice goal here we go english one two it's going to get three it's going to get harder so there's only one of you could win the players you're ready french um germany i'm trying to spanish all of those trees portuguese pretty much the same [Applause] [Laughter] even though they consistently vote against me irish one two drink yeah this guy is going to get there when he soldered them [Applause] did i miss a language [Music] a bit can you say one two three in arabic correct what's happening [Music] not everybody understands how to use a backpacker he's always wondered what it's like to be pregnant three cups oh my god a tiny terminator sorry have you checked your shorts because they're checked three cups three balls three minutes left now the idea the cups and balls is very simple keep one on my hands one on my cups what are my balls i'll do a couple of tricks i'll show you how it works then i do the big finish this lady's found a handbag she's hoping something good in there he's texting a friend i found a handbag he's really good i'll be back [Music] ball number three always calls the children are waving a blow so i got one two and three usually at that point there's a small just a little little clap crazy it's about to get there two underneath one on top just you know just like in prison gone from there all three there but i'm coming to the end of the show right now thank you i'm coming to the end of the show i'm going to show you how this works then i'm going to amaze you even you sir the man who hasn't reacted in any way is can you see through those there'll be nothing you look like you're playing poker here we go check this out he's going to do this we're going to do it kid we're going to do it angry kids is your wife business trip [Laughter] the reason is very simple people i cheat feel bad for the kid i'm sorry kid i'm sorry i'm sorry you okay i'm upset a child loser i'm a loser i'm your real father i tried to be nice check this out it's been slow motion for the unbelievers i'm taking the ball no yeah i'll explain here why you're explaining it you realize he looks dumb here um so when i pick up the cup it looks like the ball is under the cup if i really take the ball and put it in the bag obviously it can't be underneath the cup everybody getting this this guy here who doesn't react what's your name sir what mandela very quiet gentle voice and a large man sir okay hold up your fingers because i'm not going to hear what you say not all of them wait wait for the instructions how many balls under the middle cup one now two how many now two are you sure three it's two i just showed him i take one away how many now one no it's actually always two how many two no three you gotta kind [Applause] stand up and sit down excellent check this out guys this is happening gonna make the three balls disappear in front of your very eyes from beneath this hat those people over there could you please stand further away [Music] then at the end of the show i'm going to hold out the hat don't look surprised the end of the show this is what i do for a living i rely on your honesty at the end of the show he can give give if you can't give come up say thank you and then get out of the way of the people with money if you've really got no cash on your people do not panic this is common garden i'm a professional i do have a card reader this guy's suddenly run out of excuses please don't give me pennies or silver i'm not a beggar if you send me kids every silver i'll touch your kid guys it's not fair you've got to overdo it yourself i can see your chief um five pounds to be happy 10 pounds is perfect 20 pounds i love you 50 pounds i'll go home with you that's you he's left anyway so you're on okay here we go he's going to get money you can wait to the end he's going to get a lot of money good boy morning here we go one hack three balls one stick everybody everybody ah okay i'll nasty kids i can't hear that guy they don't care death i don't know if you see what me there's three balls under the hat how many balls [Music] [Applause] it doesn't matter you shouldn't look there anyway you should look over here because over here i have a tennis ball and over here i have a tennis ball and over here i have a tennis ball and a tennis ball and a tennis ball but there is a football thank you very much ladies and gentlemen stand up now remember children if your parents don't give you at least attempt i know to put in here your parents don't love you go find them guys you've been absolutely great this is my hat my heart come forward support the art that is what i do i do rely on you thank you very much now thanks man you're amazing thank you very much i don't love you go get more thank you thank you very much thanks guys thank you very much thank you oh thank you very much thanks guys thank you rich people push the poor thank you thank you so much bless you thank you very much guys thank you thank you very much thank you you're the first so far thank you very much [Applause] thank you so much appreciate it thank you very much man thank you very much thank you there's still time don't panic people eight people came forward how many were here i've done lost oh number nine nine ten and eleven that's good i was counting this one oh that was always the prettiest thing [Music] is that's right okay me oh [Music] and then like he was being just so steve oh [Music] foreign
Views: 27,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: london, london walk, walking in london, london walk tour, london walking tour, england summer, london summer street walk, summer in london, london heatwave walk, london temperature, london street walk, mayfair, mayfair london, covent garden, london city, london summer street, london city walk, heatwave walk in london street, central london, covent garden summer 2022
Id: GEPbuxmAm8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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