Engineers Test the Best Oil Filters! FRAM | Mobil 1 | K&N | Walmart Brand

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we tested four high mileage oil filters to see which one was the best from the capacity to filter out aluminum powder to their floor restrictions and filtering performance we're leaving Millstone on turn if you want to learn how an oil filter works and find out which one takes the crown then stick around [Applause] 3 000 miles for 15 000 miles regardless and oil changes do you know what oil you're gonna get but what oil filter are you getting oil filters some claim they can filter 10 000 miles some 15 000 miles and suddenly the ones we're testing today are claiming 20 000 miles that's enough to go from LA to New York seven times given they all have the same rating are they all the same well to guess which one's the best we built our very own oil filter testing rig foreign [Music] foreign filters have one job and that is to remove contaminants and impurities from the oil keeping the engine running smoothly and efficiently so why not just add tons of filtering media to filter everything out well there lies a problem you still need to allow oil to pass through and the more filtering media you have the more restricted the oil filter is a more restrictive filter will put more resistance on the oil flow potentially reducing engine performance and efficiency so to test what oil filter is more restrictive we'll be taking a look at this pressure gauge right here the higher the pressure the more restricted the filter for a first Contender we have the mole 1 extended performance with a price of 11.44 claiming to remove 99 of particles above 30 microns and protect your engine for 20 000 miles or one year with fresh fully synthetic oil and constant pump power the mobile one comes in at 21 PSI our next Contender is the popular Fram Ultra synthetic with a price of eight dollars and seven cents it claims to remove 99 of particles above 20 microns and protect your engine for 20 000 miles it comes in with a whopping 24 PSI quite a bit higher than the mobile one up next we have the k n select with a price of 10.97 claiming 99 efficiency on particles larger than 30 microns even this is normally catered for performance we expect this one to do well on this test and it does 21.1 PSI but it gets edged out ever so slightly by the mobile one finally we have Walmart's premium super tech out of very affordable price of 5.97 offering a 99 filtering efficiency on particles above 30 microns the super tech comes in at 22 PSI very surprisingly the mobile one appears to have outperformed the official performance filter for NASCAR Fram Ultra synthetic double layer fibers appear to restrict the oil flow substantially more than the competition does this mean the front filter looks better than the rest well we'll find out for our next test we'll be evaluating the filtering efficiency of our filters to accurately assess their capabilities we have meticulously mixed and portioned out for identical used oil samples into separate containers with approximately 18 000 miles of usage in addition we have taken a small sample to serve us our control the testing process will Begin by installing the filter and filling the reservoir with the corresponding used oil sample the pulp will then be run at a constant power for 10 hours simulating a real world scenario this task will be repeated for the remaining three filters providing a comprehensive valuation of their performance after the testing was complete we collected approximately three ounces of used oil sample package them up and send them to an oil testing laboratory for analysis while we read on those results let's move on to our next test which will be a filter capacity test before we can explain how we're going to perform this test we first need to explain the inner workings of an oil filter and oil filter is generally made up of five components the outer casing the O-ring the filtering media the anti-drain back valve and the bypass valve under normal operating conditions the contaminated dirty oil enters the filter through the Outer Perimeter then it passes through the pleated filtering medium where contaminants are collected and flows back to the engine through the center the anti-trainback valve works just like a check valve allowing oil to flow in only one direction to prevent it from draining back to the oil pan while the engine is off this in turn protects against a temporary shortage of oil during engine startup solar oil filters have a bypass valve located at the bottom of the oil filter the bypass valve is closed during normal operating conditions it features a calibrated spring that compresses and opens at a specified pressure you see if the oil has two viscous during low temperatures or the filter medium just becomes clogged the bypass valve will open and allow unfiltered oil to go to the engine you might think this is awful and it is but is much less disruptive than an engine running without oil thus you want to ensure that your oil filter has a bypass valve so to test each filter's capacity we bought 30 Micron aluminum powder the same size most of these oil filters claim to filter 99 after installing the oil filters and putting in fresh clean oil we started introducing the aluminum powder as terrifying as this sounds aluminum shavings of this size are very common in an aluminum engine block to perform this test we measure how much aluminum powder each oil filter was able to hold until the oil for dropped from 9 liters per minute to 8 liters per minute and subsequently to 7.5 liters per minute the mobile one took an impressive 33 grams for its flow rate to be reduced to 8 liters per minute and 15 additional grams to reach 7.5 liters per minute for a total of 48 grams the Fram Ultra synthetic held 33 grams until the flow rate dropped to 8. an additional 17 to reach 7.5 for an impressive total of 50 grams just barely taking the lead from mobile one the KN was able to hold on to 17 grams until it dropped to 8 liters per minute and an additional 8 grams to drop to 7.5 for a total of 25 gram this is half the total grams from Fran's Ultra synthetic and lastly the cheap super tech premium 19 grams of aluminum powder to drop to 8 liters per minute and an additional six to lower the flow rate to 7.5 liters per minute for a total of 25 grams of aluminum powder tying the k n select filter overall as expected the Fram Ultra synthetic had the highest filtering capacity given its double layer and finer mesh size but the mobile one was very impressive coming in within a statistical error of the frown Ultra synthetic the k n and the Walmart's premium super tech appear to have the same filtering capacity but way below the other we took apart all the oil filters we tested to see how they fared with the aluminum powder tests as well as their build quality the Kane and Soleil appears to be pretty well built with a rubber old ring and a silicone drain back valve the filter does not appear to be very contaminated with aluminum as expected the super tech premium has a thick rubber o-ring and a silicone dream back belt the filter does not appear to be very contaminated with aluminum just like the k n filter the frame Ultra synthetic collected a huge amount of aluminum powder and did not allow it to pass through although a lot of this aluminum was found in the underside of the cap where the drain back valve seals with the housing thus it could potentially prevent a tight seal and lead to the oil filter draining while not in use the mobile ones the side appears to be the superior one not only collecting a huge amount of aluminum powder but doing so in its filter pleats as opposed to interfering with the drain back valve like the Fram Ultra synthetic in comparison the filter caps appear to all do the job and are built with very thick aluminum and good quality rubber gaskets for Ram's Ultra synthetic k n and super text bypass valves appear to be very similar and have an almost identical feel to them as per the mobile one you might think it just doesn't have one but it's actually my favorite design of all they integrated the valve to the filter itself as for filter media holder the kmm has unevenly distributed filter please but it also has a great inner barrel made out of metal the super tech premium on the other hand appears to have uneven filter pleats as well and an inner housing made of plastic instead of metal the Fram Ultra synthetic has thicker pleats than the previous two as well as a metal inner barrel the model one has by far the most evenly spaced filter pleats it also features a metal inner barrel and the integrated bypass valve one of the things I like the most of this filter as well as a frame Ultra synthetic is the metal fitting they place over the filter joint as opposed to the other filters without this metal joint you can have filtering media that can allow contaminants to flow through unfiltered like this right here we finally have a result back from the lab and they're really interesting for our control we had a total of 44 parts per million of aluminum chromium iron and copper very common wear Metals inside of an engine the Fram Ultra synthetics brought those numbers down to 37 parts per million the mole 1 was able to reduce the wear metal particles to 40 parts per million impressively the super tech high mileage premium timed the mole 1 at 40 parts per million and most surprising of all the Cayman and styled all the filters reducing parts per million to 34. after tallying up all the rankings the mobile one counts on top although it came in third on the Laboratory test keep in mind these results are parts per million it's build quality the exceptional capacity and the ability to deliver this performance with the lowest fluid pressure made it our number one choice the Fram Ultra synthetic and the k n tied at second place remember sometimes there is a trade-off between all restriction and capacity on one hand a filter with a high filtering capacity is dearly more desirable because it can remove more contaminants and impurities from the oil however a filter with a high filtering capacity may also be more restrictive meaning it puts more resistance on the oil fill this can lead to reduced engine efficiency and performance so how do you choose the right oil filter for your vehicle it really comes down to finding the right balance between filtering capacity and restrictiveness if you prioritize engine performance and efficiency you may want to choose a filter with a low restrictiveness such as the k n or mobile one on the other hand if you want to ensure that your engine is as clean as possible and extend its life you may want to choose a filter with a higher filtering capacity even if it's more restrictive like the Fram Ultra synthetic luckily the mole 1 appears to cover both scenarios ultimately the best oil filter for your vehicle will depend on your specific needs and priorities now if you're doing some wiring repair to your car you should definitely stay clear of some electrical tapes out there click on this video to find out which as always links are down below in the description thanks for watching and catch you on the next one
Channel: Brand Ranks
Views: 2,671,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tested, Testing, automotive, auto, engineers, BrandRanks, Brand Ranks, Brand Rank, car, Oil Filter, High millage oil filter, Synthetic oil filter, Oil, Car oil, Engine oil, Best Oil Filter, Best High Milage Oil Filter, FRAM, FRAM Ultra Synthetic, Mobil 1, K&N, K&N Select, Oil Filter Testing, Laboratory Test, Lab tested oil filters, How does an oil filter work, how to install an oil filter
Id: rqDjCzyYUOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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