The Greatest Construction Machinery of The 20th Century [4K] | The Greatest Ever | Spark

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[Music] more get ready for a show with machines blown right out of proportion tonight the greatest ever gets up close and quite personal with the biggest and most powerful pieces of equipment the world has ever seen it's like power personified it's not just the size of a house it's the size of an office blog but we won't just look at them we'll test them we'll use them as crushers and we'll even shoot at them all for us to identify the greatest ever diggers they're absolutely fascinating they're engineering marvels they're they're absolutely superb we traveled the world and brought together a panel of experts to help us with the task their job isn't going to be easy but it's certainly going to be fun even though the task seems larger than the machines themselves let's get to it right now wasting no time we begin our countdown with the world's biggest land machine the bagger 293 the bagger 293 is a bucket wheel excavator it's the size of an ocean liner on land it's kind of an abstract type of machine it actually kind of looks like a small mobile city with a giant buzz saw attached to the front end bagger 293 is in the guinness book of of world records uh because it's the biggest land-bound machine ever [Music] this german giant weighs in at a whopping 13 million kilos it's over 210 meters long and 90 meters tall and works in the coal mines of northern germany what sets the 293 apart from the other machines is the sheer size of it i mean this machine can produce up to 12 tons of material it's spitting out 10 mid size car in a second the bagger has 18 massive buckets all working 24 7 on a 22 meter diameter wheel each bucket can pick up 7 000 kilograms of coal in one scoop this machine is designed around pure power and has one purpose to dig unlike most excavators the bagger doesn't just dig and load trucks it has its own unique conveyor belt system it is far cheaper to convey material than to truck it a truck weighs about as much as it carries whereas a conveyor weighs a lot less in comparison to what it can produce and can carry the bagger 293 feeds almost 50 kilometers of conveyor belts at the hambach mine the coal is then put onto trains and sent to power stations across germany the coal is used for power stations we produce yearly about 40 million tons of coal and about 30 million go for energy into power stations baga 293 is powered by 20 000 kilowatts enough electricity to run a small city it draws its juice directly from the power plants it supplies although this giant extracts enough coal to power 300 000 homes daily it's run by a very small team on this excavator only five people are working and with these five people in three shifts that means 15 people around the clock we produce this high capacity this may be a small crew but they have to be fit the bagger has five levels 2 500 steps and walkways totaling over three kilometers it's not unusual for the team to walk up to 10 kilometers a shift i think uh there are not that many postmen in normal towns which have to walk that that long uh per day bucket wheel excavators like the 293 are built to work specifically in only one location but these machines are so good that it's not unusual for them to clear an entire coal field forcing them to move on and graze elsewhere however they move at only 50 meters per hour so this is easier said than done hundreds of people have to be mobilized and the operation can sometimes take months if not years bucket wheel excavator is under certain conditions the most productive way to extract huge masses of material this machine the bagger 293 bucket wheel excavator is the biggest earth mover in the world but with earth movers bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better they definitely have the size they've got the weight they've got the productivity but they're somewhat isolated other machines are more flexible more versatile you can move them around you can do slightly different jobs with them but with a bucket wheel it does one job and that's what it does it will not do anything else the size and the productivity of the 293 make it the king of the diggers in terms of mass but because of its sheer cost and lack of mobility the bagger only gets to number 10 on our list we've got nine more diggers still to come including the machine that helped launch man into space the countdown of the greatest ever diggers began on a massive note with the bagger and we're staying in germany for number nine diving deep underground is the gabby one tunnel boring machine now all the other machines work on the surface of the earth now to actually go under the earth uh it's a total different ball game at number 10 was the world's largest next up is the longest machine on earth gabby one is state of the art and is working on a very special project the gabi one is working in the godhead project in switzerland it's not the biggest machine ever built but it's maybe the most sophisticated because it's a system about 440 meters in length and 9.58 diameters in width this machine has a massive task to cut through 90 kilometers of solid granite probably the hardest rock on the planet it will take six years for gabby one to inch its way through and borrow a tunnel that's almost double the length of the channel tunnel the completed project will allow trains to travel at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour deep under switzerland's picturesque gothard pass the whole system weighs about three thousand two hundred tons it is proposed by ten single motors and has a performance of uh five thousand horses so what you have under the earth there is not just a drilling machine but it's a really powerful construction system gabby one is the most technologically advanced boring machine in the world it's cutting head located right at the front is made up of 67 steel disc cutters constructed from a top secret combination of tungsten carbide and ultra hard steel these cutters slice through the rock and the rotating movement of the head pushes the waste through the machine and onto a conveyor belt this machine is capable to move 10 meters per day in average and in good condition it moves 40 meters they're spectacular machines and you know gabby is no exception to that it has one of the most demanding jobs of any of the tunnel boring machines to date and yes it is special gabby one is digging a tunnel that would have been impossible only a few years ago this is the hedenk neck factory in schwanno southern germany the birthplace of gabi1 where ultra hard steel components and state-of-the-art technology made this project possible it's a mixture of different things integrating nearly everything which is nowadays technical on the market from the hydraulics to computerized controls steering technology all these things come together on in this machines because basically uh up-to-date tbm is more or less meanwhile an underground factory for building a tunnel the other way of tunnelling is essentially to have people with blasting and drills rather than a machine which rotates and cuts a tube out which this does it's better than that because you don't need explosives and you also don't put human beings at risk so it's it's a better type of machine and this particular one is obviously the latest state of the art of that type compared to other methods of tunneling the benefits of a tunnel boring machine like the gabby one are numerous but there are also disadvantages the tunnel boring machine is a system and systems are of course not that flexible as single machines like excavators for example you can't just make a standard machine that will go through any type of rocker any type of starter you've got to design and build one for that particular job so that's a disadvantage so each one is a limited machine for a limited purpose so in that sense you know you could compare it to other ones which are much more versatile machines in this movie this machine may be presently rewriting the history books but as mass production is too expensive and inefficient gabby one only stands at number nine on our top ten list number eight on our list of the greatest ever diggers a machine with one massive appetite the silver spade the shovel kind of reminds me of this like a large dinosaur you know grazing uh an overburden in a coal mine this mechanical dinosaur is over 60 meters tall and weighs an incredible 6.4 million kilos it's great because it's lasted so long showing a car that'll last 30 40 years and be used 24 hours a day and seven days a week in its 40 years of hard labor at the mahoning valley mine in ohio the silver spade has moved over nine billion kilos of rock the equivalent of a mountain one and a half kilometers high and a whopping 300 meters wide it was probably one of the first super machines ever built if there was a hall of fame for stripping shovels it's a candidate to be in the hall of fame this super machine has fans across the world and its influence has even reached to the moon the eight crawlers mounted on four corners was the basic inspiration of the crawler transporters currently in use at the kennedy space center literally stripping shovel technology was used to build these transporters for man's uh quest of space the huge six meter wide six meter deep bucket hits the digging face with a force of half a million kilos and can eat up over 150 000 kilos of earth in a single sitting it's very spectacular to watch the bucket going up the bank with the dust coming from the rock caused by the teeth to me that's the most spectacular of all earth moving machines the stripping shovel strips it doesn't load as it would crush any truck it try to fill it simply strips the earth to one side to expose the coal seams below its awesome power is down to an ingenious system based on of all things the human leg it was first of two only built by bucyrus that had a thing called the knee action crowd which is the the mechanism which which which actually holds the bucket that it digs by on the silver spade the part of the machine that actually holds the bucket the dipper handle acts like a human knee and swings backward and forward the mechanical knee only hits the digging face at eight kilometers per hour but exerts a massive force the spade has an incredible one and a half million kilos of ballast just to stop it from falling over but despite its colossal size and weight it's a very simple machine to operate you have swing pedals for on your feet a left swing and a right swing we have a controller in each hand a crowd and retract controller in our left hand and a hoist controller in our right hand and uh they they're all electrically controlled it moves very very easy you feel like you have a lot of power in your hands at times a lot of power tom may have all the power but he doesn't work on his own the silver spade has an oiler continuously lubricating its parts without the oiler the machine would seize up as it has seven hundred thousand separate parts the crawler tracks alone require 23 000 liters of oil to move smoothly and because of its age this veteran of the coalface needs regular checkups as well as constant care we checked the bucket prior to each shift make sure that we don't have any missing dipper teeth or any tooth bases cracked and the condition of the door and so forth the most dangerous part of this daily inspection is climbing the 60 meter high boom when you ascend on our boom uh you make absolutely sure of your footing and your hand holds to make sure that you don't slip and uh it can be overwhelming at times to look down straight down at how far you are it's um it's quite an experience to be up there it is a good exercise in fact i used to take a lot of pride in how fast i could get up there that that probably wasn't the right approach to take but uh as you get a little older you need to rest the time or two before you get to stop the magnificent silver spade is the last of a breed stripping shovels are being phased out and replaced by machines that can cope better with deeper deposits the disadvantage of this type of machine is that it is quite restricted when it comes to its working area these machines are nice but they're almost dinosaurs and the the silver spade is the last of its of its kind i not have it in the top ten compared with the other machines it's old the silver spade will continue to strip coal until it's too expensive to fix if the machine would cease operations i would probably take retirement i don't see myself going to any other machines or anything like that i feel like i've reached the pinnacle with this machine the silver spade has proved its worth over the decades but because it is a machine that belongs in the past it's stuck at number eight [Music] at number seven the world's most powerful and biggest scraper the caterpillar 657e the line has been around almost as long as all trucks and bulldozers they're like the elder statesman in our top 10 list 657 is the biggest scraper around at the moment and compared with previous scrapers it's just that much more reliable because it's got new engines it's got new control technologies this is a rather nice clever very useful machine it's like power personified because it's right there you can reach out and touch it the secret behind the power of this particular scraper two engines one in the front one in the back simultaneously pulling and pushing the machine a combined total of almost 1 000 horsepower it's a bit like a piece of toast and butter you know put a bit too much butter on so you scrape it off in other words it's the scraping motion it's it's taking a scraping of the earth off transporting it and putting it down as a layer somewhere else this machine doesn't just scrape it's much more versatile it also digs loads carries and dumps huge amounts of earth without the assistance of any other machines scraper is very very efficient machine for moving dirt over a short distance if you're building a road building a dam or something like that you want to move dirt from here to there scraper's going to do it and it's going to do it very efficiently the world's most powerful scraper may be about pure brute force but the secret of its digging power resides in its reinforced steel blade or cutting edge this cutting edge can last anywhere from 400 to 500 working hours before it has to be replaced the cutting edge is the bottom part of the bowl it's the part that actually goes into the ground when the bowl is lowered into the ground the cutting edge is the leading edge of the scraper that goes into the material and forces the material up into the bowl the blade is about two and a half inches thick this doesn't have to be sharp the sheer force of the machine will load the machine with no problem at all when digging conditions are too difficult for a single scraper the 657e buddies up with another machine in what is known as a push pull operation the scrapers simply hook bales and believe it or not one pushes while the other pulls you come to the job in the morning you come back in the afternoon and the landscape has totally changed it's absolutely phenomenal what these machines will do scrapers have worked non-stop since 1922 and have even seen action in numerous wars with their speed and maneuverability they're perfect for the construction of roads ramps and landing strips in vietnam the scraper found a rather more unusual role i was 18 years old wet behind the ears and one night we were done moving dirt for the day and you could hear some shooting going on somewhere nearby not too far away and i got my curiosity up the year 1968 filipori and a colleague got in their machines and headed for the source of the gunfight there they found a platoon under fire they loaded the men into the bowl portion of the scraper protected by the thick metal sides and got the men out safely whilst under enemy fire i ended up being in the right place at the right time with a landscaper of all things and was able to get these guys out of danger and that's just something that i'll carry with me for the rest of my life inside uh plate is like armored plate the thick steel construction of the scraper saved the soldiers lives and made phillipori a hero but was it luck poor marksmanship or the scrapers tank-like hull that got everyone out safely the greatest ever set out to find the answer down the initiative okay it's armor-piercing shell ready kevin a marksman using an ak-47 rifle with armor-piercing bullets will put a section of the scraper's side to the test these bullets are designed to go through armored personnel carriers and tanks i'd hate to have bet on the receiving end of that one well he either hit it or scared it real bad because it fell down i don't know the one you were shooting at over in vietnam that was painted green that may have had a difference ooh nice clean hole yeah let's flip it over and see if it went right through not even a mark not even a dent wow okay look at that yeah wow [Applause] built bigger and better than the scraper already used in vietnam the 657e is without doubt the all-time scraper champion but its uses are extremely limited i wouldn't put the scraper in general high up on the list simply because it's a it is a relatively simple machine it's not as sophisticated or as complex as some of the other machines in the list fast and powerful the 657e removes great amounts of soil however as scrapers were designed for digging a few metres deep and moving only soft material like sand and gravel it's the number seven on our list of the greatest ever diggers our next digger is all about mobility and flexibility number six the lieterno l 2350 wheel loader [Music] the great thing about the l235 l2350 is it's the ultimate four wheel drive forget homers they're toys you want a four wheel drive the l2350 is the one a wheel loader is essentially a machine on four wheels with an engine and driver's cab and at the front of it a bucket this particular wheel loader is designed to work in very large mines the lateral wheel loaders are one of mining industries kind of jack of all trades with a kind of a top speed right around 11 miles per hour slow by automotive standards but pretty fast for earth moving machines it can get there faster get the job done and go off and do something else this four wheel drive mammoth is all about raw power it can lift loads of 73 000 kilos the equivalent in weight of 30 cars to heights of 8 meters and fill a 240 ton truck in less than one minute this is all made possible by a unique design feature the l2350 is articulated that is the wheels don't actually steer it's the frame that steers it pivots being articulated means the loader can turn on a short radius allowing it to do its job much quicker each tire measures close to four meters weighs 7000 kilos and has a load capacity of 150 tonnes with a 16 centimeter thickness there's enough steel and rubber in each of these wheels to make 700 car tires and to avoid overheating the tires are all filled with nitrogen a gas unlike air that remains cool under tremendous pressures and extreme friction the tires on the l-2350 were a big challenge they weren't available at the time firestone actually built these and designed them for specifically for the l2350 i think everyone was surprised that the tires have done as well as they have cell 2350 has been in operation for about three years now they've been through at least three sets of tires and it at a cost about sixty thousand dollars a tire but that cost is offset by the increased production due to the size of the loader so it's a pretty good trade-off the versatile and mobile l2350 is without a doubt the best digger on the market today if you're a multi-millionaire uh with a large plot of land and you want to build an olympic-style swimming pool the l-2350 is a machine to go for but if you're not after a big pool there are drawbacks the disadvantage is though that it can only take material that is a certain looseness it can't go into solid rock unless it's blasted and so on the other disadvantage would be of course that it's on rubber wheels and that you you know you can only unlike caterpillar tracks you can only run the machines in certain conditions of ground because of the cost of the tyres and lack of adaptability this giant of the digging fraternity is stuck at number six we're halfway through our greatest ever countdown so far we've had the world's biggest and the world's longest but still to come a machine that is afraid of nothing we've seen five machines that are all world champions in their respective categories and there are still five more to go before we find out the greatest ever we continue our countdown with the newest and most modern machine on our list number five the bucyrus 8200 walking drag line aka liberty it's a relatively simple thing that does a fantastically large significant job if the conditions are fine very cheap it's the cheap one of the cheapest farms of earth moving liberty is big it's got a 355 foot boom and uh it hangs a 77 cubic yard bucket on the end of that it's big you wouldn't want to run it over your foot i see tremendous grace when i see that bucket going out and coming back i mean i almost see a fisherman casting a line i see an extraordinary grace for a machine that's that's six and seven stories tall going out and pulling dirt back and dumping it 200 yards from the point of dig to the point of dump i think it's extraordinary it's like a mascot for north dakota liberty can move 115 000 kilos of earth over a distance of 180 meters in less than 60 seconds and the way it does it couldn't be more simple a drag line works by having a bucket on the end of a steel rope which goes to the top of a boom or jib then it uses a drag rope to pull the bucket up the slope and fill it the engineering that goes on to them is absolutely amazing and then although the actual concept is rather simple it's very clever simple and efficient this walking drag line is perfect for coal mining and has been a boon at the center mine in north dakota here most of the electricity is generated by lignite coal the drag line actually uncovers the overburden or the dirt that's above the coal and in our operation that can vary anywhere from 30 feet up to 100 feet of dirt over the coal seams so the drag line the 8200 the liberty drag line is part of the whole process in fact it's the beginning of the process drag lines come in all sizes and what makes liberty one of the most unique of this breed is that it actually walks liberty is a is a is what's called a walking drag line it it has a tub in it and it literally drags itself as it moves as opposed to a track machine the reason that liberty is a walking machine rather than one on tracks is because of the shear weight to the machine liberty weighs 9 million pounds and to get that kind of weight spread out over tracks is physically impossible to do and so the drag line designers decided to set the machine on a large round disc called a tub and then to move it they designed this walking system a walking drag line doesn't really work it pops like a kangaroo it hops it goes backwards you the cams come round the feet drop down and then it lifts itself up at an angle on the edge of this tub that slides back and drops down and the feet come round on the cams and so on they should be called hopping drag lines but it wouldn't sound a bit odd i think the principles behind liberty are simple but this animal is loaded with state-of-the-art technology the potential for technology on this machine is just starting to be explored the dragline world has entered the information age and through the remote diagnostic system we can get technical support from any place in the world and it is incredible with the other drag lines um it's a quantum leap in design and technology liberty is certainly technologically advanced and exceptionally powerful but its appeal is not universal the weak points of walking drag line is that they are limited in their application you don't see walking drag lines putting sewers in the street for example you want to have a street light liberty does the job in north dakota but has little use elsewhere and due to its size and weight this walking drag line can only operate in certain ideal conditions for that reason it sits at number five our fourth greatest ever digger has taken mining technology to a new level a monster of disproportionate dimensions here is the terex rh-400 hydraulic excavator it's the biggest machine of its type nobody else has built anything as big or as powerful as that the terex rh-400 is a pioneer it's pushed the boundaries of technology the the rh400 is certainly the most modern machine using modern hydraulics and our controls terex one of the world leaders in ultra-large mining hydraulic excavators designed and built this machine so it could lift a staggering 85 000 kilos of earth in a single scoop that's like lifting 20 elephants it takes you know giant bites out of the face of the earth it's fantastic the rh-400 works in one of the most inhospitable regions on the planet the alberta oil sands in northwest canada and was designed specifically for that area it's a very difficult material to to dig it changes its consistency between the seasons in the winter time it tends to break out into big pieces that's difficult for the machine to handle and the summertime the oil sand is like a putty and it's a very heavy push all the way through for the bucket to penetrate into the material the key to this oil sand busting machine is its huge bucket and strong arms powered by the digging world's largest hydraulic system the rh-400 is a hydraulic excavator meaning it uses the power of hydraulic fluid uh fluid power if you will as opposed to a cable shovel which uses cable or wire rope hydraulic systems allow machines like the rh-400 to lift heavy loads by applying pressure to a small piston and transmitting fluid to the larger piston therefore increasing the force in the most economic way the science of hydraulics is a very complicated thing but i'm going to try and demonstrate it quite simply today here we're going to show very simply how it produces a linear form of movement by simply creating pressure at one end and transmitting that via the fluid the liquid uh to a cylinder there which at the end of the cylinder creates the movement so if i press here i'm putting pressure on there and that's being transmitted right down the tube and there's the movement at the end which could work a machine or whatever generally the more hydraulic pressure a machine has the more power it has and the hydraulic pumps of the rh-400 set a new record for excavators it can load one of the world's biggest trucks with only four scoops you could compare the rh-400 machine to a living entity when you look at the life fluid as being the hydraulic oil the heart of the hydraulic system would be the hydraulic pumps there's eight main pumps on the rh-400 producing about 920 liters a minute so it gives you a total flow or circulation of oil of about 7500 liters a minute to move the bucket and boom attachment hydraulics is one thing but the rh-400 has a lot more to brag about it's also very mobile compared to a lot of other machines if it has to move to another part of the mine there are hydraulic motors that work the tracks and they're relatively efficient and fast this beast of a machine runs on massive tracks each one of its 96 links weighs over 1 000 kilos bringing the total weight of the machine to a whopping 1 million kilos however the rules of physics suggest this kind of weight and unpredictable surfaces shouldn't actually work and the rh-400 should sink the oil sands are like quicksand in the summer but the rh-400 doesn't sink as its tracks self-regulate their tension according to ground conditions we're using the largest components on the rh-400 for pumps and valves and hoses and engines we're on the cutting edge of the technologies and it's difficult to go any further with it its disadvantage is that the hydraulics work under very high pressure so therefore extreme safety precautions have to be taken whenever working on on the maintenance of the machine the rh-400 can sometimes do the impossible but it isn't the most practical machine due to its immense size its hydraulic system is the world's most powerful but it's also the world's most complicated and dangerous to service for these reasons this digger is bogged down at number four the countdown continues from the world's most powerful to the world's largest standing at number three the kamatsu d-575a3 superdozer this is no ordinary bulldozer with a blade the size of a three-car garage this is the sumo champion of all earth movers you know what a bulldozer something with tracks with a big blade that pushes dirt but uh you know there's boulders and then there are super dozers it's not one of the small doors as you see in construction sites it's 10 times the size of those with a 1150 horsepower turbocharged after cooled engine this bulldozer can push 220c 000 kilos of earth with every shove watching a super dozer in action with that massive wall of steel is really a treat this thing is fantastic it's it's john wayne you know bring on the marines kind of thing it's a big deal usually a bulldozer just pushes dirt this kamatsu dozer with a unique blade design that tilts can also scoop up dirt and almost floated over the ground and the reason that's a good idea is you're not now pushing against the ground and you don't have a lot of resistance you're not trying to roll the dirt it's an incredibly efficient machine and it does its job very well there are only 45 of these beasts operating in the world they're normally found in the larger mines of america canada and australia where long straight pushes are the name of the game it definitely improved the production on our minds you can do so much more work with with basically one operator and that's what makes it uh feasible to have the machine this machine isn't just about productivity it's also about comfort what we're trying to do is keep the track on the ground uh whenever the track is off the ground and slams back into the ground you get shock up to the operator the undercarriage of the superdozer follows the contour of the ground with independent seesaw-like movements and to further decrease vibration rubber shock absorbers were added giving this machine the best traction of any dozer on the market a smooth ride over rough terrain may be guaranteed by komatsu but what about big objects in its path the greatest ever pitted the d575a3 against a pickup truck yeah i think that's a pretty silly idea that would definitely fall into the unapproved application format of a d575 bulldozers take advantage of their weight when dozing as the heavier the machine the more traction it has to push heavy loads this superdozer weighs 150 000 kilos and although it exerts only 26 kilos of ground pressure per square centimeter its massive overall weight quickly and effortlessly turns the truck into roadkill that's one way to measure the weight of this machine but how about its power we've seen how a superdozer can go over almost anything but ever wondered how a mobile home would stand up to a pressing from a dozer no neither did we until we were given not one but two superdozers this is about sheer brute force [Music] that's 14 meters of trailer crushed by the combined 23 000 horsepower of two super dozers in a little less than 13 seconds i think the trailer uh crushed a little bit quicker than i thought it would uh it was only a matter of seconds before it was gone i think if you compare a d575 8-3 door hurricane the winner has to be the dozer these are the big guns this is for the big leagues the d575s weight size and power make it the perfect piece of equipment for large mining operations but they also limit its use i think this is probably the largest bulldozer that we'll see in quite some time to go to a larger machine would require a lot more cost and it just doesn't work out in dollars and cents there are not so many uh operations of the size to use to come out to d575 this kamatsu superdozer is the ultimate machine if you want to push large loads of dirt in a short time but for longer distances it's a waste of power and while it's able to crush and destroy almost everything in its path it can only move at 16 kilometers per hour for these reasons the superdozer is buried at number three on our list before finally revealing the greatest digger here's a giant that is the cornerstone of almost all mining operations standing at number two the liebherr t282b hall truck the t82 with its edges which is enormous tires with this big radiator it doesn't hide its power it is just pure macho mining kept saying they wanted bigger they wanted better they wanted faster the t282b does it it's the biggest dump truck there is it's not just the size of a house it's the size of an office block and it's an office block that will do 40 miles an hour when it drives past you the earth shakes it's fantastic the t282b has an engine weighing a whopping 9 000 kilos burns five and a half thousand liters of diesel a day and does 13 liters to the kilometer that's 13 liters to the kilometer it's unique because it's diesel electric drive unlike some other trucks which are mechanical drive an electric drive truck is simple in that it uses very few rotating parts as opposed to rotating drive lines and transmissions and various components like that moving this giant forward is one thing stopping it is another especially as this truck doesn't have conventional brakes this monster relies on its electric motors to slow it down the motors work like in a normal car where changing gear from third to second slows it down keeping this 800 ton beast under control needs more than brakes it requires a very special touch i'm not really sure why there's so many female drivers out here it's been said that women drive them better we don't make any comparisons between the men and women here we're all we all drive the trucks first time i ever sat in the driver's seat of one of those it was pretty intimidating but after about two weeks or so you get into the flow of driving them and you get used to the size of them and then you don't really notice how big they are compared to the rest of them when you're operating something this large you get used to the fact that there's a lot of smaller pieces of equipment smaller vehicles around you i never thought i would be able to do it or never even consider trying it but it's fun it makes me more confident in myself honestly after being taught how to drive these i feel like i can do anything no matter how many times you see it there's still a feeling that how can something as big as this be able to move around at 40 miles an hour it's the same kind of feeling you get when you see a 747 that weighs 250 tons actually taking off the feeling is the same they are designed to move material quickly so the fastest they can get between that shovel and that crusher the better and obviously the more they can carry so that's the whole point of doing a large fast haul truck it's more than just a dump truck it's almost like a a armored car in a way when you see that big pile in the back of a hall truck drive off with it it's kind of like money in the bank although the t282b is the biggest and best at what it does it still needs a loader to fill it up for that reason it stands at number two on our list coming up our number one the greatest ever digger and in this world of big bigger and biggest you may be surprised by the size of our champion we've all seen machines that either dig scrape load drag push or carry so far it's been all about raw power but our number one is about to radically change things as it does it all after nine earth-moving goliaths here's david the incredibly small yet efficient jcb backhoe loader in many ways the jcb reminds me of a common ant not the biggest not the most powerful but still one of nature's most versatile little excavators what's great about a backhoe order is it's a it's a jack of all trades it's like a swiss army knife it's a popular machine and it has transformed the way we actually work in a whole range of earth moving things although it's not the largest machine by any means it is the most adaptable it can do more different jobs than any of the other machines we have on our list one out of every four backhoes is the jcb and if you look at the oxford english dictionary of course the definition of you know hydraulic digger is jcb [Music] jcb have sold over 325 000 machines on five continents since first hitting the world's building sites in 1952 the backhoe loader was born of the need for multiple functions from just one machine really a backhoe loader is versatility to the nth degree you've got three pieces of construction equipment tied into one first you have a tractor next you have a loader your the ability to lose move large amounts of material from point a to point b and then really the main operating tool of the machine is going to be the back end it's a small machine but it's a very powerful machine but the key to the backhoe loader is its versatility but jcb is not just about digging drilling or pushing this machine is much more adaptable which i set acp apart from the competitors there's a host of unique applications you can put in upwards of 500 attachments onto the backhoe loader again making the operator more productive because it's going to give him a more versatile machine i think certainly in engineering you've got to have the products right we fortunately had the right sort of product to do that with and i guess sir anthony bamford is the oldest son of joseph cyril bamford the man whose initials jcb became the standard of quality for digging machines it's no good just having a well-engineered product you've got to go out and sell it and he actually did go out and sell it i mean he sold his very first product himself in the marketplace [Music] joe's selling skills were evident when he began a great tradition of jcb stunts in the 1960s he involved royalty at lavish presentations and even organized elaborate demonstrations performed to showcase the versatility of the machine it's all part of selling the sizzle really not selling the steak you've got to make it interesting reliability is very very key for these items of equipment and the 3cx backhoe loader stands up to all the abuse that the kids can throw at it hugh edulanu owns diggerland the world's first adventure park entirely dedicated to construction equipment i just love diggers myself we do a lot of unusual things and fun things with basically equipment we have a the world's fastest uh jcb that's road legal it's top speed is a closely guarded secret suffice to say that he can overtake trucks on the highway without too much of a problem hugh took 22 hours to cross the entire british isles and the record he holds is probably here to stay for him it's just another way to spend as much time as he can around the digger it's just awesome to demonstrate the jcb's adaptability and efficiency the greatest ever has pitted our number one machine against a rugby team a world first we think the objective is simple dig a one meter wide one meter deep and seven meter long ditch as fast as possible fifteen strapping muscle-bound beer-filled rugby players against the out of the construction industry the jcb backhoe loader surely it's no competition [Music] keep both teams start quickly but with some deft flicks and a few cleverly placed scoops the machine soon has the edge a one meter deep trench proves to be a mere hindrance to a machine designed to dig as deep as six meters although in top physical shape the men are no match for the machine the hydraulic power of the backhoe does the job in 14 minutes and 56 seconds leaving the rugby team trailing way behind well gentlemen i'm afraid modern technology has beaten the rugby team but nevertheless we jcp are honored to be considered number one on the top 10 greatest earth movers of all time i think the versatility of the machine has really allowed us to gain that stature when you look at other pieces of construction equipment that are out there i'd be willing to bet our machines have probably moved more earth than the other other machines on your list the back holder is never the most efficient machine at doing any particular job its real success is that it will do just about anything and no other machine comes close in that in that respect every site needs a jcb because there's always a small job to do it can do 101 jobs it's not necessarily the biggest the baddest and the most powerful that come out on top sometimes it's the smallest and more versatile tool that comes in number one that's why in our top ten list of the world's greatest earth movers jcb comes in number one [Music] so there you have it the jcb is the greatest ever agree or disagree the fact is that without these machines life wouldn't be what it is today
Channel: Spark
Views: 456,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, fastest skill, excavator working, largest trenchers, machines, big machines, dump truck, heavy equipment, dump truck operator, biggest heavy equipment machines working, extreme machines you need to see, extreme machines, industrial, machines work, epic machines, transportation, mega machines, largest machine ever built, bagger, crawler, mining (industry), monster machines, biggest vehicle, agriculture, innovation, building, construction, worlds biggest, mechanical, engineering
Id: 3_1jFNs3FqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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