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what's up dudes welcome to one of the most op crew member roles we've ever added the engineer role the engineers can put down cameras look at the cameras from across the map they can use a drone to zoom out and look at the entire map they can also zap people with a taser this is intense dude stick around my turn to be the engineer we catch him red-handed and you know what else we can catch red-handed if you look below the video right if you hit the like button it will not turn ring hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy dab on your dad with a baseball bat dab on your dad with a facebook welcome back to among us as you guys can tell i am the first imposter there's a new role an engineer role they can literally spy on us across the map i gotta be very careful as the imposter and also this hit the like button if you are enjoying these among us mods i'm about to kill niko check this out check this out check this out okay hello hello hello hello who's the engineer look there's the drone hello it was henry wait what wait no is it henwy was it a glitch or was it henry oh yeah we can also hear dead people was henry the engineer you saw the drone right hello henwy henry are you the engineer no you're just like glitched out for me wait what do you mean like whenever this little this camera here was placed you like glitches i have information but i don't want to say it because it puts somebody at risk i was walking into weapons and rage is walking out he sees me walks back and says oh there's a body and then i was lying i was lagging i promised you i was lagging it's 20 21. not only that but he's henry's normal color i mean we got an imposter out we're good we got an imposter out boys we out here again i have information i have very vital information but it might put somebody at risk i don't want to put him at risk no put him in flint no so it's a guy we're all guys i don't want i just i just muted i don't want to implicate henry because i don't want to give it away that i'm the the imposter because if i give away the engineer they're gonna look at me like why are you giving away the engineer are you the imposter type of thing yeah so the engineer can put down cameras and access the cameras anywhere there's a camera here hello oh no lights are down the lights are done i literally cannot see i'm literally deaf oh no oh no oh no oh so it was i was there biffle was there i was there i swear wolf was there i have no idea where you guys were i swear it's like i am color blind it could be wrong who else was there who else was there i didn't know karan was there who else was there henry where were you oh i mean i'm going to say this which makes decisions because i was i was in specimen guys what do you have my information from last meeting that i am afraid to say but i kind of have to now because i want to clear somebody there was a drone let me let me let me paint the picture there was a drone flying around the world the drone put down a camera for all to see okay and then the drone became heavy oh so henry is the engineer which makes him clear and he just put sigils in a very bad light can we i wasn't no listen you can't say you're a specimen we got one of them out actually an engineer yeah henry is 100 i think he is uh henry are you an engineer yes or no how do we use engineer can we can we can we prove that you're an engineer without the drone wait go let's go let's go turn on the lights go turn on the lights go turn on the lights then you'll prove it haven't we use the drone had we and when you're the engineer i knew it i knew it hadn't we henry can you hear me yes i can you're the drone what oh you just chased me oh he just shocked me he can shock people bible bible henry guys guys guys guys henry is the engineer so we got out an imposter okay yeah we got an imposter sigils i can literally hear you i we got out the imposter yes we can hear you wait good job let's go only imposters can hear dead people so i tear dog water in the back everybody's no you shut up no you i will literally cut you in the foot so dudes i am the engineer look at this i have a drone and i can access cameras when i'm the drone check this out check this out check this out check this out check this out look look and then whenever i zoom out look at this zoom out and then whenever i'm zoomed in i can place cameras down look at this and i can also shock people look camera right there camera there's put cameras everywhere and i have a few seconds before this will go off put another camera down there we go and whenever i'm the drone right i can insta complete tasks the engineer is broke okay let me look at the cameras now one there one there one there okay okay i need to get more cameras down i need to get more cameras down get another camera rate there and then do this task look i just insta did the task we are going to camera up everything i got lights i got lights i got it i got it i got it i got it all right fine just keep working i got it there's there's a dead body there's a dead body wait should we report it or should we leave it i could i could sit on it oh i don't know i'm reporting i'm reporting i'm reporting i'm recording oh why why what's wrong with you someone i i was like i was on my last click of simon says [Music] here's what happened the lights went down me ambrew biffle who else went up there when the lights went off it was just us three so it was either me biffle or amber that killed koran unless someone went in there killed someone who ran away what we were on top of each could it be you you were sitting outside it could be yeah don't you suck me dude i said no i said it could be one of us through on the lights and we walked okay together there's no way we could have killed anybody it was right outside of electrical like right outside the door in the cold it was in the freezing cold the rain was going on i am putting automatic suss on sigils in range for not going to react no you know what i'm gonna hold my suss i'm gonna hold my suss for later i'm skipping for now i'm just holding myself down but i said it was a rage i don't know who i'm watching it's 100 biffle or amber henry because he's blue instead of green let's put down more cameras let's put down more cameras okay put down oh hi drone hello i'm not going to say anything don't say anything don't say anything don't they don't oh there's a drone look they see me look said you'll see me ah who's that who is he say something say something i'm giving up on you i just shocked him why it just shocked me oh no i'm stuck in the wall now oh no i'm stuck outside the map okay that's fine it's fine you know what it's fine keep putting cameras okay i'm gonna do this insta task look instantly did the task that is that is and i'm stuck out here this is perfect so since i glitched outside of the map i can't be seen or killed i will find somebody i have i didn't see that though holding that oh right right raging or dead yeah [Music] [Applause] okay wait who saw henry vince who played me okay wait nikko we for sure didn't plan to get henry voted out by saying he bent it into that yeah yeah definitely not definitely you guys are bad people that's really that's really such plus lights are off okay but now i'm such a henwy oh no all right you know what we got no information we don't vote on eight because foot you know what i mean okay the engineer is has a yellow name and biffle is yellow so it's pivotal i'm the engineer follow me okay but hear me out headway's probably been let's look at the cameras what sunday can you hear me yes yes i can hello oh no another difference i have information what's your information i saw somebody vince i was using the camera engineer placed you know um above the lava where there's a little vent hole right right right right right all right i was looking at that camera and i saw biffle jump out of the vents are you sure amber just now not five seconds ago okay okay go go go go go go go go i don't know okay ambrew could be doing 500 iq we don't vote on seven because if we're wrong we lose so we cannot vote but we gotta watch biffle now okay no no no no nico go ahead okay what vent did you see him he already said the one that's the one that's above the lava me and henry just saw a dead body which was kings and the vent that was right beside there was nobody around the event that was right beside it next to that one so it makes sense that someone vented and that seems too specific not to be right oh my god okay okay guys we don't want to vote because we're wrong right right right we have to be careful i don't no no guys you're trying to you're trying to vote on seven you sign you don't vote on seven after one person's one yeah us there's going to be a double kill bryce don't want to believe me but engineer watch pitfall that's all i'm saying okay okay yeah engineer watch bible how many tests do i have left i have a lot okay okay let's do this let's just watch i have cameras everywhere just watch just watch just watch just watch just watch uh okay last round who was fraunchered at bifil it was ambro right now yeah is now dead yeah so i think i already know it's beautiful yeah where you just came from was the dead body it was from i'm pretty sure i saw henry's body and bible definitely came from there voting think back i have 75 seconds think back the reactor or the the reactors went off they were going beep beep people were freaking out they were losing their minds they didn't know where to go three people went to the left side it was amber biffle and henry i was the drone [Music] i could confirm as i was zoomed out looking i saw somebody die and then i saw somebody jump and event after he died it was henry he is caught red-handed he was caught red-handed get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out get him out i caught him red-handed i literally caught him red-handed i literally said i'm going to camera room wait why did what loaf waiter wait no i didn't no i did that before i did that i didn't wait i was so bitter but now i'm such a loaf i will find this it's either loaf or biffle i will catch them red-handed wolf died wait that means it's biffle okay where's biffle it's 100 percent faithful boys boys can you hear me i can hear you the dead body the dead body is by the rock the dead body is by the rock i just saw biffle vent i'll cover you i'll come here let's go oh yes i felt that body where yeah where where where you going now let me paint a picture i may be droning around you know just checking out the scenery you guys remember where henry killed amber and then vented down into that vent yeah that is just where i saw biffle come out of i was on the left side of the map where are you i hear that i will show you my replay file super quick to vote i will show you my replay bio 70 second subscribers just talk okay all right let's hear it i'm gonna use up all 65 seconds of this okay me too uh hit that like button yeah you don't get to do it because you're an impossible literally gg people literally i saw both you and henry get caught red-handed get out of the drone for once i put so many cameras down i have so many characters so i put cameras everywhere dude gg boys we did it boys guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you dudes sometime tomorrow maybe i don't know
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,663,020
Rating: 4.9514523 out of 5
Id: MTsk1Eaod2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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