Engine Out Landing! What happens if you forget the wing tank GAS CAP.

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Good afternoon folks, this is your captain speaking Thank you for choosing Marcinko air for your air travels today Give you a little weather update appears. We have blue skies calm winds and And we got a ninja now Please sit back relax. Don't freak out and buckle up News magic Kondos in decipher O'hare tower is flight 209. We have an emergency appears. We've lost engine two ETI of two minutes we're coming in hot Please advise come on finish Thank You Lee miles. Of course. It's impossible. They're on instruments Passengers, this is your captain speaking as you're aware. We're an emergency situation We've lost engine two which is our only engine and We're going down Thought I'd ease your mind let you know I've been in this situation before this isn't my first rodeo I'm gonna keep you updated on what's going on up here in the cockpit Right. Now the airstrip is off our right wing. We're a little high So I'm gonna add a couple notches of flaps, see if we lose some altitude It appears that did absolutely nothing. We'll put back down one notch plans We're losing about 600 feet per minute and an air speed of 60 miles per hour And we're about 500 feet above ground level. So that gives you well a little less than a minute to say her prayers, I appreciate it if you would include me in those I Did over fly the field because I didn't quite time it right. I'm now turning back towards the field It'll be coming in at our 12 o'clock and transferring to our 9 o'clock. We are now on a left base Went from a right base to a left base as what you'd call a non-standard track bat Now turn final flat dents. Please prepare the cabin for a crash landing The Bears I overshot the field once again folks, it's okay. We're just getting cranked up anchor in There we go. Level her out now so far. It's looking better than my last engine out. Yeah. We got touchdown Congratulations folks we survived. Thank you for choosing Marcinko Airlines for a year your travels today pleasure having you onboard Please feel free to come back any time. Thanks. I just want to tell you both. Good luck. We're all counting on you Those scenes from airplane just crack me up The whole reason I did this engine out was because last fall I wanted to do an experiment with my kit Fox every pilot when they're getting their pilot's license is told that if you forget to put your fuel cap on your wing after filling up with fuel you're gonna lose all your fuel in a matter of minutes and end up in an engine out scenario So I was like I'm gonna go test this out. So that's what I did I took the kit Fox out to my buddy's place. I actually filled the wing up with water So I was irrigating I wasn't polluting. Nothing really happened. It not much fuel at all came out of that wing I was like, wow, that was kind of lame. I was really hoping for like this big flow of gas not gas But water coming out of that wing every airplane is completely different where the cap is on the wing Would probably change a lot too. I did notice when I was flying with flaps that it did actually pull out more So it just changed the angle of the wing I think and that's why it was pulling out more. Imagine on a low wing aircraft Going 200 plus miles an hour it would actually just suck a lot of fuel out a good way to show how a Airplane wing flies and why your fuel would get sucked out is take a piece of paper and blow over the top of it Pretty cool. I was blown away when Donnie showed me this doesn't it buddy? We really came up with this right airplane wing Flies through the air the top part is curved and the air has to go faster over the top than the bottom and that creates lift So you can imagine if there's a bunch of fuel in this wing and there's a hole it would suck all that fuel out top That was such a cool way to show how airplane wing flies show the kiddos that one I'm curious if you guys one of you have experienced this with your airplane That's not a Kitfox how much fuel you lost in that? Time that you had the fuel cap off how quick you had to get back to the airport at the end of this video I'll show some of that footage of the fuel getting sucked out of my wing I wanted to say thank you for all the support on the last video. Holy cow when it hit 5,000 views I was like, yeah people like it, you know, and then I'll send 220,000 thank you for all the great comments a couple really funny ones. So that one was left So you got in there quite easy, but couldn't get out sounds like marriage That was a good one and then beautiful gift Fox for sale. Beautiful location comes with tires not skis another good one, so Appreciate all the great comments guys really excited about the YouTube thing I love making videos and I'd like to bring you guys along for the adventure gonna leave you guys with that So see you guys on the next one. Thank you for watching
Channel: Jonas Marcinko
Views: 156,713
Rating: 4.7481661 out of 5
Keywords: engine out landing, Kitfox aircraft, taildragger, bush plane, forgot the gas cap, Airplane movie, how a wing flies, how a airplane fly, how to fly, humor, funny video, aviation, how does an airplane fly, kitfox glide ratio, flaps up landing, kitfox engine out, landing at chicago airport, standard traffic pattern, deadstick landing, crash landing, Bernoulli's Principle
Id: w07XxRly3uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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